Chapter 1: Lucy's POV*

I look up from my desk, hearing my father's heavy footsteps. I quickly get up and hide my diary, behind my desk. God only knows what my father would do to me if he were to ever find out that I had some other items other than what he has, in his words, "graciously given to me". This includes my desk and a bookshelf, which contains all of my mamma's favorite books.
He didn't even have a kind enough heart to give me something to sleep on, no bed, not even a carpet or blankets. All I have to sleep on his the cold, hard floor.

I hear my door click open, jolting me from my negative thoughts. I quickly stand up and as my father walks into the room, I bow my head. I can already smell the heavy and disgusting scent of alcohol. I quickly say, "How may I help you, Sir Heartfilia?"
After not hearing a reply, I start feeling anxious and lift my head, but before I could even look at my father, I felt a sharp pain on my right cheek. I slowly rise my hands to touch my cheek and when I pull it away, I can see red. I look at my father with a blank look, but inside I was screaming in pain. I can see in his left hand that he holds one of his many whips. I shiver at the thought of how many more times he is going to abuse me in his drunken state of mind tonight.
Looking at my father, I start to get nervous. He is giving me the glare. The glare is a glare that could send a whole army of the world's bravest and most strong-willed men running and crying for their mammas'. I knew I would feel the wrath of my father tonight.

"Get your skinny ass down to the kitchen right now!" he yells at me as I continue to hold my blank look. "Cook me something for lunch, you worthless b*tch, I have a lot of work to do so you better hurry!"
He turns back to the door, but not before slapping me across the face again with the whip and growling, "If you don't, I will make your life a living hell!"

With that, he storms out, slamming the door so hard that I am afraid that it might fall off its hinges.

I feel faint and as I listen to my father's residing footsteps, I feel my legs buckle, but not before I grab onto the wall to keep myself standing. Everyday! I think to myself as I regain my balance and footing. Every single day, I have to deal with this! I look over to my bookshelf and think about mamma. Why did you disappear 10 years ago, Mamma? Why?

Slowly, I make my way down to the kitchen, ready to cook my father his lunch.

Time Skip ~ 30 Minutes

After I had made my father's lunch, he had yelled at me to go back to my room until he comes back from work. Not wanting to go through any more pain, I oblige. I reach my room, which is located at the furthest corner of the Heartfilia Mansion. It takes 10 minutes just to reach the living areas.

Opening my door, I walk over to my bookshelf. I am running out of books to read, actually, I only have one more to read. I take out the book and go to the corner between my bookshelf and desk. I also hide another thing that father doesn't know I have, a backpack. It is big enough for me to fit all of the books that Mamma owned, and it also has my diary. It is hidden between the wall and my desk, just for safe keeping.
After I sit down, I open the book to the first page, only to have a small piece of neatly folded paper drop onto my lap. I put the book down and open the paper up. As I start to read it, I can feel a single tear running down my burning cheek.

'Dear my beloved Lucy,

I am truly sorry for having to leave you in the merciless hands of your father and I am sorry to say that as the years go by, he will only get worse. If there were some way of taking you with me, trust me darling, I would.

I wanted to let you know something. The book that this letter is in is special. After thoroughly reading it, there will be another note and a special gift at the end. This letter will also be your escape as I have written an area where you could go if your father ever gets too much for you to handle.

You must keep this book and letter secret because your father will sense it and abuse you more. I am sorry that I have put you in so much danger but you should leave the night that you read this.

The place to go is Fiorre. It shouldn't be too far as long as your father hasn't moved, but I doubt he will. Go to Magnolia and find someone named Makarov. He will answer everything in due time but there is one final wish that I want to leave you with.\

I wish for you to become the greatest person ever and help the dragons. I know it doesn't make sense now but it will in due time.

Goodbye my little Lucy! Good luck and hopefully, see you soon! Your Mamma! Xx'

I quickly put down the letter so my stream of tears doesn't ruin it. This is the last thing that my Mamma ever gave to me. I start to pack all the books in my backpack along with my diary and the letter. I wipe my tears as I hear my father's banging footsteps heading towards my door.

I jump over to the spot where he always expects me to be in when he enters and as he opens the door I bow my head and start, "How may I help yo- "I flinch as I feel a slicing across my upper back and I immediately crumple against my will. I whimper on the floor as I feel strike after strike. He kept on striking me, on my back, my arms, my legs.
After he is satisfied, he growls at me before dropping the whip on the ground before leaving and slamming the door.

For what seems like hours, I just laid down on the ground groaning in pain. After a while, I decided to try to stand up. At first it was super hard and I kept on falling to the ground, but eventually I got to my desk and used to help support me. I walk over to the door and quietly open it so I could see if anyone, meaning my father, was around. I sighed in relief as soon as I saw that the coast was clear. I finished packing my bag and ran.

I have decided…!

I am leaving tonight!

*For those of you that do not know what POV is, it means Point Of View. There will be a different POV every chapter, going between the 2 main characters, we know that Lucy is one of them, but who is the other?

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. This is the second fan fiction I have ever written, the first was when I was in Primary School and it was for Aphmau (My favourite youtuber), and I only recently heard of Fairy Tail, but I am already up to Episode 73!

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed this and I cannot wait until next chapter. Yours truly, PrincessGalactic!