
What was intended to be a short visit, turned in fact in a series of arrangements concerning not only lands division, but also the safety. After the latest incident the sons of Feanor, as well as Fingolfin decided to increase patrols and at least make the enemy stay away from the nearest hills. Then Finrod insisted that they should all go together at the seaside, where Turgon was just beginning to set his city. When Turgon himself invited them, the sons of Feanor could hardly refuse. They really wanted to keep friendly relations not only with Fingolfin, but with their cousins as well, especially the most reluctant ones.

In the end almost three weeks passed before Maedhros and Maglor returned to their settlement. In the meantime the Spring blossomed. The trees around the lake turned green and first flowers appeared in the grass. At first the brothers didn't realise what else had changed. They only stopped at one of the bigger places, surprised to see it empty. So far the wagons were stored there so tightly that they had to move the wagons from the edges to the nearest roads to get to the ones in the middle.

Right now only a third of the place was occupied, so it was hard not to notice the change. The free space allowed to manoeuvre the wagons freely and several elves were working by them, checking their state and replacing the damaged parts.

"I see you finally granted us with your presence." Caranthir greeted his brothers. He was holding a long list he had been checking. "One could think you got weary of our company."

"Yours?" laughed Maglor. "Never, little brother. It's hard not to miss your hospitality."

"What's going on here?" asked Maedhros sharply, convinced that the change involved one of his brother's insubordination. "Why are the wagons gone?"

"That?" Caranthir shrugged, but failed to conceal his mocking completely. "Pityo left two days ago. He took the wagons and his elves, took those of Findarato's who wished to join them. And they went."

"What? Where to?"

"Oh, worry not." Caranthir was clearly having fun at their expense. At Maedhros's expense. "He went exactly where you told him to, south. He promised to follow your orders to the last line."

"But why so soon?" Maedhros stared at him, perplexed. Maglor seemed to be sharing his surprise, but Caranthir just smiled mockingly.

"I don't know," he snorted, but his tone suggested otherwise. "Have you considered the possibility that he's just cross with you?"

I am aware the ending is a bit abrupt, but then I wanted the readers to share Maedhros's surprise.

Thank you for reading :)