Big Brother Naruto

Chapter 6

Ok little heads up I forgot the ages of the characters so just to make it easy Naruto will be 23 and his siblings will be 15 itll be when the chunin exams are happening for team 7 originally in canon.

A man who resembled the once great shinobi Madara Uchiha could be seen walking down a dirt path towards the hidden leaf village. The man in question looked to be very easy on the eyes in terms of looks, he looked about 6'2 or maybe even a bit taller. But the one thing that set him out the most was his blackish blood red hair and wore a high collared Uchiha shirt. This man was known as Naruto Uchiha, he was returning to his home after so long.

Naruto had been in the hidden mist fighting the tyrannical rule of the 4th mizukage who had been purging his own shinobi and killing innocent people. Of course with the combined efforts of Konoha and the mist rebels they mizukage was overthrown and the land of water liberated.

Naruto himself was very anxious to get back to the hidden leaf to see his friends and family but to also mourn the loses of his deceased kin too. Back when Naruto was off fighting his father sent him a letter that the Uchiha tried to start a coup against the village. The clans leader Fugaku was very much aware of this coup and formed a loyalist branch of the clan to try and fight back. The loyalists and Konoha were able to eliminate the traitors but not without loss. Fugaku fell in battle along with a third of the loyalist faction greatly reducing the remaining Uchihas power. Of course the clan is now being lead by Narutos good friend Itachi.

He continued down the dirt path getting closer and closer to the village gates and his mind was focused now on what he heard back in the land of water. The rebels their told him that the fragile peace between konoha and the hidden stone might very well end. The hidden stone had been amounting an army of shinobi near the Konoha border and have also sent some shinobi inside konohas borders to scout terrain and map out the surrounding area. He knew if this kept up people like Danzo would want to attack the hidden stone and that could very well lead to an other shinobi war. Narutos conscience was put to ease because he knew that as long as his father remained in the hokages seat he wouldn't allow any fighting to occur between the two villages.

Finally Naruto arrived at the front gates and was greeted by 2 very familiar faces, infront of him were his old classmates Izumo and Kotetsu. Both the guards were a little cautious of him at first but as he got closer they immediately recognized him.

"Yo Naruto! How have you been we haven't seen you for a long time." Spoke Kotetsu

"Ya how was the fighting in the land of water?" Questioned Izumo

"It was very rough of the few Konoha shinobi dispatched I was the only one to survive." Naruto answered

Both Izumo and Kotetsu remained silent so it was now Narutos turn to break the ice.

"What have you two been up to all this time?"

"Well after you left we retook the chunin exams and passed and then got assigned here and we're now in charge of who gets to come in and leave the village." Answered Kotetsu

"Yeah we were even here for when your siblings went on their first mission a year or so back." Continued Izumo

"Thats good to hear I'm going to see them when I'm done here."

"I'm afraid you can't do that Naruto, you see their one a mission right now over in the sand village so you will have to wait until they get back." Izumo said


Naruto was about to continue inside the village when Izumo spoke up again,

"Oh and Naruto what happened to that girl you left with?"

"You mean Mei, she stayed in the mist to become the next Mizukage and govern the land." Naruto showed a frown when asked this sort of question

The gate guards nodded their heads not wanting to anger Naruto and let him continue on with his day.

Naruto was now headed to the hokage building to discuss with his father about what happened in the mist and what he has to report.

Hokages Office...

Minato had various photos and intelligence reports scattered all along his giant desk, all of which were about the hidden stones movements in the last year and where they are amounting their military forces.

'Onoki has got to be the most stubborn person in the elemental nations, amounting an army at Konohas doorstep and for what purpose, revenge, to show off!?' Thought Minato

Either way Minato looked at the problem things were getting out of hand and something needed to be done. At was at this time Minato got an idea,

'Ill call a council meeting and as a village decide what to do.'

Just as Minato finished his thinking he got a knock on the door in which he then took to his seat straightened out the papers on his desk and asked them to come in. But what came in through the door surprised him to no end.

"My god is that you Naruto!"

"Hello father its been a while."

"Indeed it has, I trust everything went smoothly in the mist."

"It did we succeeded in taking down the tyrant Yagura."

"That is good to hear, and what happened after you left the hidden mist?"

"Mei took over as the running kage. . . but that's not the only thing that came out of this mission."

"And what would that be?" Asked Minato

"The hidden mist had requested an alliance be made between our villages and if a conflict irrupt between the hidden stone and konoha they would assist us."

"This is very good to hear, come Naruto I want you to come with me to the council chambers I am about to hold a meeting and would like to hear what you have to say."

"Ok father."

In the council chamber 10 minutes later...

"I have summoned you all here for one reason and that is the advancement of the hidden stone village on our border, and what we as a village should do about this." Spoke Minato

"Lord Hokage I believe that we should respond to this by going to war with the hidden stone village, we have the backing of the hidden sand village, the hidden cloud will most likely not side with the enemy do to their villages weakened state because of the loss of their kage and the hidden mist is also dealing with internal affairs as well. This would give us the perfect opportunity to take out the land of rock from the equation and consume their territory for ourselves." Said Danzo

"No I will not have a repeat of the third shinobi war as long as I can prevent it, I believe that we can settle our differences with a peace talk and/or five kage summit to convince or scare the hidden stone into withdrawing their forces from our border." Responded Minato

"Very well." Danzo spoke with some hostility in his voice

"I too believe a peace talk can be very beneficial Lord Hokage, it'll show the hidden stone that we as a village are really seeking honest peace through our negotiations." Said Shikaku

"I second that Lord Hokage." Spoke out Inoichi

Many more in the room spoke up saying that they support Minatos idea for a five kage summit or a peace talk rather then attacking the village. Of course some people such as Danzo were very anti-peace and saw this as an opportunity to take down the hidden stone for good.

Everything seemed to be in order in the council chambers and some started to get up to leave when all of a sudden Hiashi Hyuga spoke up, "Lord Hokage, what if the mist were to get involved again."

"He's right the mist does present sort of an unknown variable, everyone knows they are locked in a civil war but it could let up anytime leading a new tyrant to lead the mists ninja." Continued Shikaku

"I assure you Hiashi and Shikaku, nothing will come of the mist in a long time." Said Minato

"And how can you be so sure." Spoke Danzo

"Because my son has just returned from there."

Sounds of murmurs went out through the whole council chamber of the hokages eldest childs return until Minato silenced the room by summoning him inside.

Most people in the room were shocked to see what kind of man Naruto had grown to become, some like Itachi the Uchiha clan head and Tsunade the Senju clan head even getting up to greet him.

"But what has this BOY learned in the hidden mist that not even our best spies know of." Questioned Danzo

Naruto looked at his father for approval of discussing his findings with the rest of the council and Minato just nodded his head.

"I was dispatched by the hokage to help the rebellion in the hidden mist take back the land against the tyrant Yagura. We were there for a few years enduring the worst when we got lucky and were able to overthrow Yagura. Later a good friend took over the mantel of Mizukage and now requests to form an alliance with the leaf." Explained Naruto

Various council members nodded their heads in response some smiling of the good news.

"Lord Hokage as a village elder I must say we should attack the hidden stone now, we now have the backing of 2 hidden villages and could easily take the-" Danzo was saying before he was interrupted

"No Danzo, war must be avoided at all costs!" Minato yelled

"Of course Lord Hokage." Spoke an angered Danzo

"Ok all this hidden stone stuff aside, do we as a council need to take anthing else up while we are all here?" Asked Choza

It was Itachis turn to speak, "Yes, we need to discuss what to do for the upcoming chunin exams and which villages would be attending."

"Good point Itachi, all we know so far is that the hidden sand and the hidden rain and waterfall along with the new village, the village hidden in the sound are the only ones sending shinobi over to compete." Spoke Tsunade

Naruto left the chamber after the council started to bicker about the chunin exams and what to do with them, and plus he wanted to see if he could pay his mother a visit and see if his siblings had returned from their mission.

Uzumaki-Uchiha Household...

Naruto walked in to see his mother preparing food when all of a sudden she spoke up, "Have a seat Naruto and I'll make you something to eat."She spoke as her hair began to form into 9 "tails"

Naruto not wanting to get killed decided to try and talk his way out of this mess, "Mom whats gotten into you I-I didn't even do anything w-wrong."

"Oh you know what you did! Going to a damn meeting before coming home to see your worried mother!"

"I-I'm sorry the meeting w-was very important a-a-and d-"Naruto spoke as he backed up

"Oh don't try and talk yourself out of this one Naruto, you're going to take this beating like a man!"

Kushina cocked back her fist and swung with all she had, this of course knocked Naruto straight through the roof of the house and flying through the village.

The mission roof...

"Team 7 coming back from another successful mission from the land of rice delivering a message for a local leader."Spoke Kakashi

"Well done team 7, that's your 8th completed C-rank this month."Said Iruka

"Yeah we're awesome!"Yelled Menma

"Quiet Menma!" Scolded his sister Naruko

"Shh you two I'm trying to see what mission we'll get next. I hope it's one that'll be to the land of honey it's always so nice there." Said Mito

"Nobody cares Mi-"Menma began before a body smashed through the roof

Naruto could be seen on the floor in a pile of rubble shaking a little here and there.

"B-big brother is that you!" Yelled Mito

"Yep that's him."Spoke Naruko facpalming

I really apologize for how long it took to get this chapter out I had a full schedule over the holidays and didn't have enough time to write. And on an extra note I've decided to start up a new fan fiction, it too is on Naruto and if you enjoy this one I recommend you check it out!