Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail.

Hisui sighed while seated on her bed, back straight from the long hours of tutoring. Her emerald hair glistened from the shower she just took. Looking at the desk, Hisui noticed another letter that wasn't there before. It's not unusual for a servant to deliver letters to Hisui's chambers. Another one wouldn't have made the Princess bat an eye. However, the colour of the letter and the design of it just made Hisui sigh again. It was pink and ornamented with flowers—particularly roses. The wax seal told Hisui the sender's identity.

"Him again…" Hisui suppressed a groan, deciding to handle the letter in a more mature manner. "How many times did I reject him?" Hisui simply tossed the letter in the bin without reading the contents, knowing that the words of flattery aren't really written by him, but a servant. Hisui would know from the many yet, tedious visits to the Duke, Hisui learned that his ways with words and his vocabulary pool is crude and shallow—nothing like the romantic composition of the letters Hisui has read in the past. Thus, the Princess developed a distain for his forgery. It didn't matter now if the letter was written by Duke John, he already played his hand, nothing he can do now can't be interpreted without being weary of an ulterior motive.

"Arcadios!" Hisui called out, knowing full well the knight was standing behind the door. "Come in." The doors to Hisui's room opened and a sturdy knight stepped in with honed and focused movements.

"What is the matter?" If it was a stranger listening, they would hear nothing but a professional tone, cold and unyielding. However, to the Princess or the King, they can glean concern in Arcadio's voice.

"Can I ask of you to stop Duke John's advances?" Similarly, Arcadio detected impatience from the monotone voice of the princess.

"Regrettably, my status as a knight can't prevent the Duke's actions."

"Then, can you ask of you to look into the letters beforehand? See if the contents are worth my time and handle it accordingly."

"Is it fine for someone such as myself to look into those letters?"

"Yes, anything serious is to be handed to me. The rest, dispose of them."

"As you wish." The knight bowed. "Is there anything else you need my assistance with?"

"No, may leave." As the knight was about to leave the room, Hisui's voice became softer. "Goodnight."

"Sleep well Princess, the day ahead will need rest." After the knight left, Hisui sighed again.

"Unfortunately." The Princess added before the lights were turned off. The same can't be said of Hisui. Now lying on the bed, she thought of the duties as a Princess. She's a figurehead, responsibilities are close to a mountain. But, she's a human, her desires are bottomless, most of them locked away deep in her heart, buried under the mountain. Only the combination of solitude and the tranquillity of night can pick away at the mountain. Tonight, dealing with liars was unearthed. Growing up as a Princess, flowery words were shoved into her ears day in and day out; actors of the insidious variety challenged her patience; hollow pleasantries searched for her weaknesses. The biggest sin is making her play in their game, meeting greed with deceit. Of course, all of HIsui's interactions aren't filled with malice, they just tend to leave superficial impressions compared to the valleys by the ones that are. One turn on the bed dispelled the thoughts, letting weariness rein.

Waking up is when Hisui is the most venerable, letting out a yawn without a care in the world. She reluctantly dressed up and walked out the room to meet the world. The servants greet her like bees attracted to nectar. Hisui doesn't blame them, they're only trying to keep their job. Who Hisui is about to meet however, isn't in such a position. Hisui walked steadily to the throne room with slow and hard steps. When she arrived, the extravagant throne nor the priceless decorations gathered her attention. But a well-fed, man wearing luxurious clothing kneeling at the throne. The mud hair swept behind his head accelerated Hisui's footsteps, heels clicking on the marble floor. Hisui stopped at the throne as well, looking up, she could she a short man wizened with age, yet dignity was brimming from the figure.

"Good morning father, I hear you have business with me?"

"Hisui, good morning. You're not mistaken, I need you to visit Duke John's manor and attend to a party celebrating his younger brother's birthday. I have other matters to take care of."

"Good morning Princess, I trust you've read my letter? I will be acting as your escort for the journey." John humbly said, his eyes roamed from Hisui's bosom to her legs.

"I understand father, when do we leave?" Hisui ignored John's crooked nose, fat lips, lustful blue eyes and turned to face her father.

"Before that, I have some private matters to discuss. Can you leave us John?"

"As you wish." The duke bowed and left the throne room.

"Father! You know I have no desire to go with that…oaf!"

"I'll excuse your language this time, your anger is justified. But dear, I hope you understand," The king dropped the act and became a father without the presence of anyone else. "you will need to deal with people like him in the future."

"I understand but, I feel so disgusted!" Toma's helpless expression was overlooked by Hisui that was staring at the ground.

"I'm sorry but, the Duke is a powerful figure that we can't just brush off. I'll make it up to you, just follow through with my selfishness, for the sake of the kingdom."

"I understand…" Hisui gripped her arm in defeat and walked solemnly out of the throne room, not aware of the regretful look on her father's face.

Hisui didn't even walk ten steps away from the throne doors when Duke John walked over in an over-friendly manner.

"Princess, tell me, what did you think of my letter?"

"It was lovely." Hisui said in her a tone fitting of a Princess.

"Is that so!? As expected of that ma—my genius knows no bounds after all, you can expect more letter from me soon."

"I look forward to it." The Duke didn't let up, growing bolder with each step they took. It was a race, whether Hisui can find Arcadios before her patience snaps. Luckily, the knight was sparing with three palace guards. "Arcadios, we'll be leaving for Duke John's manor, get prepared to leave."

"Understood." The knight that wasn't sweating left his practice sword to the guards that heaving and sweating profusely. He became a barrier between John and Hisui, his bulky armour blocking the Duke's view of Hisui's shapely body. Even when they were on the carriage, Arcadios sat next to Hisui with the Duke sitting on the opposite side. Under Arcadios's protection, Hisui was allowed the time to calm her emotions and prepare herself what she refers to 'The Twin Pigs'

Hisui was forced to take John's sweaty hands when alighting the carriage, shuddering when he rubbed her palms, making her thankful for her choice in wearing gloves.

"My brother was looking forward to your visit Princess, you left quite an impression on him last you came."

"You flatter me, I only did my duties as the Princess."

"Regardless, I'm thankful for you taking your time to participate in my brother's party" John left out an arm for Hisui to grab on to. She took it, feeling her fingers sink in his arm. Arcadios walked behind the two, making sure that the Duke couldn't do anything beyond that. "Then, let's go in, I'm sure you can hear the music already." Hisui couldn't, she blocked out all the excess sound long ago while cursing the man to death ever since the journey started.

Mundane was Hisui's first impression. It was like watching a child trying to be like an adult and failing horribly. They certainly tried to replicate the luxury of banquets and parties held by the royal family, with food cooked by professional chefs and high-class decorations, statues made of ice, lighting was passable. The people attending was a bunch of dull dogs that wags their tails to any resemblance of superiority. Hisui recognised many of these mutts and made an effort to stay away from them, interacting with them never bore any fruit. Unless, the bitterness of grief can be considered as a fruit.

"Hisui-sama, what do you think of my brother's party?" Dull and desperate to capture a portion of the extravagancies of our own parties. Hisui thought with distain.

"Nicely done, I think that the servants should receive praise."

"Then, shall we greet my brother?"

"It'll be my pleasure." The two walked up to a crowd of people surrounding a tuff of brown hair that Arcadios himself could barely see. "Good day, Richard, I trust your party is going well?" John said after getting pass the kennel of dogs. Richard has a stubby nose and a smile that oozes with arrogance, pairing with the blue eyes that's glinting with malcontent, his plump body much like his brother added to the 'Pig' Hisui refers to in private.

"Perfect now that Hisui-sama is here. How have you been Princess? I believe it's been two weeks since we've talked?"

"It's as you say, Margrave Richard."

"Then how about we catch up over a cool drink?"

"Just wait Richard, I was Hisui-sama's escort."

"And I Thank You for that dear brother. And as you can see, Hisui-sama has left your side. There is no need to stay together no?"

"You ungrateful little…" John's anger leaked out but was quickly tempered. "Very well, Hisui-sama, I hope I can have the honour of being your escort once more."

"Thank You for escorting me." Hisui watched with relief as John blended with the crowd; annoyance struck back upon hearing Richard's next words.

"Now with my brother gone, shall we go share a moment together?"

"Let's." Hisui put on another deceitful smile and followed Richard.

"How did you find my letters Hisui-sama?"


"The ones I sent you."

"My apologies but, I only received your brother's letters." Richard gritted his teeth at the new information.

"No wonder I never received your replies." Richard huffed. "No matter, let me make it up to you now." Richard reached into his pockets and pulled out a white envelope.

"This is?" Hisui asked after receiving the letter.

"My letter I was planning to send. However, hearing word of your visit, I decided that it'll be better for me to hand it to you myself."

"Thank You very much." Hisui said as she handed to envelope to Arcadios. "I'll be sure to read it after I return home."

"Hisui-sama!" The appearance of John's voice announced the pigs being together again. "My parents would like to—"

"A fire broke out in the kitchen!" A chef busted open a door and delivered the troubling news. "Please evacuate the manor at once!" The next few seconds was total chaos, the doors acted as funnels with aristocrats rushing to leave, separating Hisui from her knight. A hand grabbed Hisui with enough force to jerk her person one way.

"This way Princess!" The voice said. Hisui couldn't get a good look at the person that was dragging her towards a door, only that the person had striking pink hair and the suit was put on hastily.

"Where are we going?" Having visited the manor before, Hisui knew that this wasn't the exit.

"To the fire."

"Are you insane!? Release me at once!"

"No way, you're safest with me. In a fire that is." The doors to the kitchen was kicked open by the strange man, revealing the wall of flames that threatened to burn Hisui's dress. She tried to get out of the man's grip but ended up slipping on the floor. She was caught before anything could happen to her. "Just trust me." With the sound of swallowing something, the fires were being sucked into the man's mouth. "That was some pretty good fire!" The area they were in already cooled down significantly now that the fires were eaten, leaving nothing to the imagination as to the identity of Hisui's 'savior' "Are you alright?"

"What are you doing here? Natsu-san?"

"We'll talk later. I need to get you away from here. It might be a bit rough so hang on." Natsu swept Hisui off her feet jumped out of the window in one, smooth motion. Under the rapid decent of the two, Hisui could do nothing but grab onto Natsu's neck and scream. "Was that too sudden? Sorry, I had to get you out of there." Natsu said, having his feet touch the ground.

"What's the meaning of this!?"

"We were hired by our client to sneak in that building and grab some records." Natsu waved around a thick stack of documents.

"What do you mean? 'We'? Who hired you?"

"Some bigshot noble. And my team of course!" Natsu replied with a sun-like grin.

"Then why did you need me to leave the building?"

"Well, we were told that you would be inside this building, and our client told us to protect you at all costs. Also," A huge explosion came from within the manor. "That was going to happen."

"Who is your client? Can you disclose that information?"

"Some strange guy call Atmo."

"I never heard of that noble." Hisui thought about the name for a bit and soon, relief got hold of her. "What was that sound earlier?"

"You sure ask a lot of question, are all Princesses like this?"

"Just answer the question!"

"Fine, fine sheesh! That was Erza breaking into the basement."

"Can I ask you one last question?"

"As long as you don't ask another one."

"What was the entire job description?"

"Get this record, seize the drugs down in the basement."


"I knew you were going to ask another one!" Hisui's face had a healthy tinge of red upon realising what she had done. The laughter from Natsu only made it worse, deepening the blush. "I was just joking! Anyway, Atmo said that these drugs enhance your strength, apparently, they were banned so he asked us to seize them."

"Natsu!" A blue cat flew to Natsu's shoulders. "You didn't do anything reckless did you? Like jumping out of a window with the Princess?"

"O—of course not right Hisui?" Seeing the sweating dragon slayer got the Princess to be a bit mischievous to her saviour.

"He did, I was scared half to death!"

"See, I knew you would do something stupid! Stupid Natsu!"

"Who you're calling stupid? Stupid!"

"Those who call a person stupid is stupid!"

"Then you're stupid as well you bastard!" The two pulled on each other relentlessly. Cheeks to whiskers, hair to fur, tolerance to friendship. Speechless at what to do Hisui could only watch as the two friends introduced light punching in their squabble.

"Umm…"Hisui spoke meekly, not really been in this situation before. "Can you two—"

"It's all because of you!" The cry was fierce, filled with rage, Natsu and Happy didn't recognise the voice, HIsui did. Looking in the distance, Hisui saw John and Richard tied together, with a shirtless man and a busty blonde in shorts and a T-shirt watching over the two nobles. "She would have been mine!"

"Like hell!? You just took the credit for my letters!"

"You hired someone else to so it anyway!" Hisui listened to the two people in an argument and turned back to the wizard and cat combo.


"Bwat wis iss?" Natsu replied, cheeks the shape of a canoe.

"First, can you two stop?" The two stopped and turned their heads away from each other like a child throwing a tantrum. "Natsu-san, can you accompany me to see those two?" Hisui pointed to the nobles.


"Thank You." They walked in silence, creating nothing to stop the abusive language from entering their ears.

""Hi—Hisui-sama!"" Both John and Richard stopped once they saw Hisui walking to them, eyes burning with anger yet, looking colder than ice. Accelerating heartbeat, unstable eyes, incoherent flapping of the tongue, the two nobles resemble nothing of their titles once they saw the scowl on HIsui's lip.

"Hisui-sama!" John spoke first. "Thank goodness you're here! These ruffians accused us of drug trafficking and tied us up. My fair lady, please punished these fools!"

"Yes, yes!" Richard spoke next, sounding just as desperate as his brother. "We've been framed! HIsui-sama, just say the words and these commoner wi—"

"What have you two been doing behind father's back?" The eyes that gazed into their souls, a voice so cold, it left no room for argument. Being scrutinised like this, John and Richard's squirming turned tame.

"It's…it's not like th—that…"

"Answer the question." Hisui held out a hand to Natsu, to which he stared blankly at the gesture. Happy however, took the document in Natsu's hands and handed it to HIsui. "Thank You." HIsui flipped and scanned the documents, leaving the nobles confused as to what the Princess is doing. That is, until they realise what she was reading. They became barbarians on death's door, casting caution away and going straight for the Princess's life, rushing toward, not minding the ropes that prevented arm movements. The Princess simply kept reading, a part of her wanted to run, the other part held hope and trust to someone helping her. The area around her spiked in temperature and sparks followed, creating groans from the two nobles.

"Gray! What kind lousy job did you do with these ropes!?" Natsu shouted at the shirtless man, hands still lit ablaze.

"I didn't tie them! Lucy did!"

"At least cage them with your ice! Though, being as weak as they are, I'm not surprised that you didn't!"

"You want a taste first-hand!?" Gray said, getting into position, magic circle already forming.

"Try it!"

"Not when the Princess is around!" The blonde exclaimed, calming the two.

"Natsu! Gray! You two didn't do anything while I was gone right?" A redhead in armour called out, tugging a giant cart like it was nothing.

"Erzaaaa!" Seeing a blue blur flying to the newcomer was enough to freeze Natsu and Gray in place. "Listeeen, Natsu and Gray was about to fight in front of the Princess!" And their squirming began, much like the unconscious nobles on the ground before.

Hisui's shoes clacked on the ground with amazing presence, all the servants moved out of the way without making eye contact to Hisui's eyes pointed to the throne door. Alone, Hisui entered the throne room.

"Ah, you're back." Toma said. His tone lacked any authority, it was their rare moment just between father and daughter.

"Father, or do you prefer Atmo?" Hisui's playful eyes made the king broke eye contact bashfully.

"So you found out."

"Natsu-san is pretty loose-lipped." Hisui said, shrugging her shoulders.

"I expected as much."

"Why didn't you tell me!? You don't trust your own daughter?" Toma quickly faced her daughter.

"Of course not! I couldn't risk being eavesdropped, I've been spying on those brothers for a while now, they rose to power far too quickly. Once I found out what they've been doing, I hired those wizards. Coincidentally, Richard was holding a birthday party, it was the perfect time to search through the manor."

"So I was the decoy…"

"Please understand, I did it for the sake of the kingdom and in a sense, I did it for you dear." Hisui stood without replying, looking at her feet. Hisui met her father's eyes again, sighing before speaking.

"I understand, at least I have two less people to deal with."

"Hisui, I have another task for you."

"And that is?"

"You've been studying for a long time, I think it's time to put what you learned to the test."

"Father! You're not retiring already are you? It's too early for me to succeed!" Toma chuckled as his daughter's immediate reaction.

"Don't worry, I know that the responsibility is too great for you now. If anything, I would prefer you ruling this land with someone you love." Toma smiled fondly, looking pass Hisui and through time. He ignored Hisui's shy face and continued. "I'm having you see over a town."

"Which one?"


"But that's where Fairy Tail is!"

"It wouldn't be a test without a challenge." Toma smirked. "I'm sure you know of their ahh, destructive tendencies, and they are a rowdy bunch. Besides, you're interested in them no? Think of it as a break from the forgery." To Hisui, this was a major turning point, to be able to look at town she's never been before. Buried emotions ruptured, it didn't take long for a response.

"I'd love to!" Seeing his daughter's bright smile, Toma knew this was the right choice.

Thanks for reading! What do you think of my new story?

I'm writing this story because I want to focus on the more serious side of being a royalty, the development of the a land, managing resources, etc. Always found it strange that not many people decided to write about Hisui's duties as a Princess.

However, I expect this story to be tricky to write, these things can get complicated really quickly. That's why I'm hoping that you guys will let me know if you think I did anything wrong or strange. For example, I might write too much fluff and not anything to do with the story, hopefully I can have a good balance. I'm way out of my comfort zone. But that's what improving is about right?

Until then, hope you enjoyed, have a good day!