Thank you for your patience, it has been difficult updating this story for a multitude of reasons. But I'll spare you my personal details and excuses for another time. On another note, I have found a large interest in My Hero Academia. So I've been running around those fanfictions lately, and as I wait for the 100 Year quest manga and the new animations to come out I am a little less interested in poor Fairy Tail. But the new content I hope will rekindle everything. What's great about this story is that it's practically finished besides a few chunks of internal monologue, story, and editing. (Which takes a lot of self-drive to get done) But I want to get it done right.
Anywho, Thanks for the reviews guys, like always you help me out so much! I hope you like this REALLY freaking long chapter. I felt like I kind of owed you since the last one was so short.
GwenuitHolland: I love your review and your guesswork on Lyon. You may be right. Only time can tell. The storyline is right after the Zeref Arc and before the new manga of the 100 years quest. This story is interesting because I actually am writing based on different pairings in different situations, a bit different I suppose (ha). Don't worry you'll get your favorite pairing in here, stick with me. :)
Star197: Thank you! I do too.
Guests: Thanks so much, you guys.
Chapter 4
"I'm afraid you just missed him, is there something we could help you with?"
Lucy frowned, then turned to Gray who crossed his arms.
"Figures Lyon wouldn't be here when we need him. Unreliable bastard."
"It's ok, do you know when he'll be back?" Lucy questioned, glancing back ahead of her.
A young girl who was tending a front desk of Lamia Scale scratched her head in thought, "if I remember correctly, he took a job west of here the other day. So he should be back either tonight or tomorrow morning."
Lucy nodded, "thanks."
The girl smiled and waved goodbye as Lucy and Gray turned to leave the front of the guild hall.
"Do you want to ask anyone else besides just him?" Gray asked, referring to Lyon, and Lucy hesitated from his question, "to be honest I thought about contacting the Lamia Scales guild master but…"
"But I don't want word getting out any farther than it has about this mess, and I trust Lyon."
Gray smirked, "aw, you worried about fire breath's reputation?"
Lucy blew out hot air in laughter and pushed Gray's shoulder, "not in the slightest. But I'm just being careful. If this IS a spell cast by another individual, then I don't want just anyone knowing that we possibly caught onto their tricks."
"Ah." Gray replied, "you're just thinking ahead. I like it."
Lucy smiled, "yeah, I figured the fewer people who know, the better for everyone in the long run."
Gray nodded, agreeing as they stepped outside the guild hall. Natsu and Juvia sat on a nearby wall ledge waiting on them while playing an intense game of rock paper scissors.
Juvia won paper over rock and screamed out in excitement. In return, Natsu jumped off the ledge with a frown noticing their returning friends.
Lucy smirked at his sore expression, "how many times did she beat you Natsu?"
"Twenty Three." He mumbled and Juvia jumped off the wall next to him with a large smile.
"Go Juvia," Gray replied and offered a high five. She hesitated then slapped his hand with her own with a smile.
Natsu sighed and crossed his arms then turned to Gray, "ok, so what's up, we're here, is your friend home or not?"
Gray slid his eyes toward the fire wizard, "no, he isn't."
"What's the point of us being here then!" Natsu whined.
"He'll be here tonight or tomorrow morning," Lucy replied with the cross of her arms.
"So the walk here was all a waste," Juvia replied quietly.
Natsu glanced at her, "well, we got to see Lamia Scale again. It's a lot bigger than I remember."
Lucy blinked and looked behind her, gazing at the guild, "yeah, you're right. I bet they've been getting new members since it's such a hot spot lately for wizards."
Turning back around she saw the three of them had begun to walk away.
Gray who was in the lead, turned to glance at her, "come on, we should find a place to stay for the night since the two stooges here refuse to take the train and it doesn't run after 6 pm."
Lucy frowned, it was getting late already? The day was practically over and it felt like they hardly did a thing!
Lucy stopped, almost running straight into Gray who held out a pouch and dropped it in her hands.
"What's this?"
"It's the 2500, your fair share of the reward, remember?"
"Oh...right. Thanks." She replied as Gray turned away and she tucked the bag into her pack.
She felt a breeze and Natsu was suddenly beside her, "hey, you hungry?"
Lucy frowned, irritation pricking at her mood, "you're only asking me because you saw the jewel."
Natsu smiled and played with his hair, keeping up with the facade, "Come are you not hungry?"
"How are you not this desperate?" Lucy replied and Natsu pouted, crossing his arms.
"It was worth a shot."
Lucy smirked, then felt a rumble strike across her stomach. Natsu glanced over with sly eyes and Lucy looked away, "don't even say a word."
"I didn't say anything…" Natsu replied, throwing his hands up. Juvia fell back to walk beside the dragon slayer, brushing shoulders.
"I'm hungry too, are we eating altogether?"
Lucy frowned, watching Gray's back as she followed him to a nearby lodge.
"Don't know, Gray?" Lucy called out, the ice wizard cast a glance their way.
"Hungry?" She asked.
Gray saw the three pleading looks that trailed behind him and he sighed, "I guess it doesn't matter if I was or not…"
"Yeah!" Natsu shot a hand in the air.
"I'm starving! Where are we going to eat?"
Juvia tapped her chin in thought, "There's a ramen place not too far away...and a sushi joint...and sandwiches around the corner I think."
"Wow, you really know this city, huh?" Lucy asked and Juvia nodded, "back when I was apart of the elemental 4, we would come through this town a lot."
Lucy felt she would get lost if she wasn't following Gray in the lead. Since he's visited the town more than her due to Lyon residing here, she's not surprised to see him know where to go.
The four of them stopped in front of an towering lodge, Lucy glanced up, reading the sign, "Wizarding Lodge"
Stepping inside Lucy felt the cool air touch her cheeks and she stretched in comfort.
"Hello…?" Gray leaned over the counter until a gentleman made his way forward, spotting the four wizards. The man smiled, handing a key to a nearby couple, waving them goodbye as they passed the fairy tail team down the hall.
"You have any rooms for tonight?" Gray asked.
The man frowned at Gray, "tis a busy evening it is. Many wizards are staying the night for the festivities."
"Festivities?" Lucy asked.
The man smiled, "yes, the festival is here in Margret Town, many people from nearby small villages stay the night for the fun."
"Didn't we just have a festival back in Magnolia?" Lucy asked and Gray nodded, "yeah, I guess it's a traveling one."
"Sweet! Round two!" Natsu cried out. Lucy pushed him over with a loud "umph!"
"Oh no, the last time we went to a festival, you two got into something- and now you're all screwy. No festival tonight."
Natsu crossed his legs on the floor and pouted, "killjoy."
Juvia laughed and kneeled down to his height, "we can go, Lucy and Gray can stay behind."
"Yeah?" Natsu asked, eyes bright and the water wizard nodded with a smile.
Lucy sighed, only barely processing what the hotel attendant was saying to Gray beside her.
"Lucy, are you ok with that?"
"Huh?" She heard Gray and turned to him.
"There's only one room left, it has two beds though."
The man nodded, "it's big enough to fit you four comfortably I assume. Unless you two were both wanting some...ahem...privacy."
Lucy blushed and swiped the key that man was dangling in front of them, "no thank you!"
"Guess that settles it," Gray replied with a shrug and paid the man his dues.
Lucy frowned, her cheeks burning and shook her head. Natsu tilted his head, "what did he mean by that?"
The three of them glanced at the clueless dragon slayer, "nothing, he didn't mean anything by it!" She exclaimed, shooting daggers toward Gray who stuffed his hands in his pockets, rolling his eyes.
Juvia giggled and stood up, helping Natsu back on his feet. The fire wizard 'humphed' and crossed his arms.
"Whatever, I'm just hungry, can we eat already?"
Lucy smirked and found herself laughing alongside the other two wizards.
"Come on, I was serious." He replied.
"You only talk with your stomach, same ole Natsu," Gray stated and shook his head.
The group walked outside, the warm evening touching their skin.
"I wonder where the festival is going to be at?" Juvia pondered out loud, Natsu shrugged, "Dunno..hey look, it's a dragon!"
"That's a statue," Lucy replied.
Natsu ignored the comment and turned toward Juvia who nodded, "yeah that's the Raman Palace, their mascot is a dragon."
He cast his eyes slyly toward the water wizard, "I'll race you! The first one there has to give the other a kiss!"
The fire wizard sped off leaving the three of them in various disbelief. Lucy felt her stomach drop watching Juvia race away, a few seconds behind the dragon slayer with a cry of amusement. They were so quick, she had hardly any time to react, or say anything. Lucy slowly stole a glance at Gray who stood emotionless.
She forced a half smile, "come on, let's not let them leave us behind."
Gray gave a curt nod, she reached out and touched his arm, feeling him tense- then lax as they followed the two of them quietly behind.
Lucy watched the water wizard tackle Natsu to the ground and she forced herself to look away as they drew near, staring at the dragon statue outside the restaurant that towered above the wizards instead.
"Come on, I thought you were starving?" Lucy moaned, waiting at the door next to Gray, staring at the two other wizards who were giggling on the floor with one another.
"Oh, right!" Natsu exclaimed and dashed forward into the shop, Juvia quickly following behind.
Lucy frowned and followed them to the table and slid into the seat across from them against a window, Gray joining next to her. A young waitress came by and took their orders and it was only a few minutes of a wait until their food arrived for each of them, even though Lucy's appetite was far from normal, she figured she should eat to keep up her energy.
Natsu was finished in a matter of minutes. There was a crack in the sky and the pairs glanced outside at the setting sun, the waitress picked up Natsu's bowl commenting on each of their startled reactions, "it's the start of the night festival with fireworks. I hope I get to go after work."
Natsu glanced up at her with a smile, "we're the last ones eating here right? Hurry up you guys- so she can go!"
The young waitress giggled form his outburst, picking up Juvia's plate in turn. Lucy and Gray smiled while Juvia crossed her arms, then leaned against the window looking outside.
"Oh wow, look there are lanterns."
Natsu crowded behind her to look outside while Lucy and Gray glanced out the window on their side. Hundreds of paper lanterns filled the skies as the sun dipped behind the buildings, casting a shadowy orange glow against them.
"Beautiful." Lucy breathed.
"Yeah," Natsu replied, Lucy glanced over toward Natsu who flicked his eyes toward her, he smiled at her and for a moment- and she felt as though she was back at that night, watching the stars with him on the hillside, just the two of them.
His eyes flicked back over toward the window then jumped up with sudden enthusiasm, "well, what are we waiting for, come on Juvia!"
"Huh" The water wizard glanced up and was suddenly pulled from the seat and dragged outside.
"Hey! Wait, I said you can't go to the festival, hey are you listening to me? Natsu!" Lucy screamed. She sighed, slamming her hands on the table, watching them take off toward the lanterns that filled the evening sky. Gray sat beside her, feeling irritated and refusing to budge as Lucy was desperately trying to get out.
"Lucy calm down, they're gone," Gray muttered and put down his bowl with a sigh.
"You know they would do that anyway."
Lucy huffed and sat down, "yeah I know...but what if they get into trouble…"
Gray glanced at her, "this is Natsu and Juvia we're talking about."
"They'll most likely be the trouble rather than get into it."
Lucy frowned and looked outside, no longer seeing their silhouettes against the early night.
Gray slid out of his seat and Lucy followed suit, laying the jewel on the table then they found their way outside, waving goodbye to the waitress, Gray stating, "hopefully you'll get to go now." The girl gave a curt nod and bowed as they left.
Lucy sighed, "we should follow them."
Gray glanced at her, "you really are worried about them, huh?"
"...and you're not?" Lucy replied
Gray shrugged, "I guess I'm starting to become numb to it."
"What? Come on Gray, this is no time to give up!"
"What is there to give up? They're just having a bit of fun."
Lucy crossed her arms, "oh, so now you're going for the number one parent award here, I see how it is."
"What?" Gray asked stuffing his hand in his pockets.
"I just know that last night something fishy happened at our festival in Magnolia, what if this one has some sort of ties with the spell?"
"Wouldn't that be grotesquely convenient?"
Lucy shrugged, "maybe, but I like to keep all my options open."
Gray shook his head, "whatever, if you want to keep tabs on them because you're upset about the whole ordeal, be my guest."
"Hey! That's not what I said."
"No, but it's how you feel." He poked her shoulder, Lucy veered away and rubbed her shoulder in mock hurt.
"That's not fair." She mumbled and let out a tense breath.
"Ok, yes...I am… a little upset about it. I'm upset that my best friend isn't acting himself in the slightest. I'm upset that he may be under control by an outside source." She paused, "you can't say that it doesn't bother you in the slightest?"
Gray frowned, "I just learn to adapt."
"Come on, that's just an excuse to use so you don't have to think about it!"
Gray glanced at her, "when you've lost many people in your life, it just becomes an everyday thing."
"But this isn't an everyday thing Gray! They're not dead! They're alive, Juvia is alive and she's struggling and you're telling me that you would just sit there and let her be controlled?"
Gray slid his eyes to the side and didn't respond. Lucy felt angry tears dare to surface and she threw her arm forward and slapped him.
Gray stumbled back in alarm, holding a hand to his face in surprise, staring at the vividly angry Lucy her other hand closed into a fist.
"Did I get your fucking attention?" Lucy spat.
Gray's eyes widened from the change of attitude, "Lucy...what…"
"Juvia is counting on you, are you just going to ignore her? Do we ignore our friends when they're in need?"
Gray opened his mouth then proceeded to close it, Lucy's fists closed, angry tears spilling over, "something isn't right and we can't just sit and pretend nothing is going on. They can make some serious decisions that can- and will affect the rest of their life."
She sighed, taking in a deep breath, "I know it's not something we should have to do. But it's the right thing to do. We need to be there for them. Through the best and their worst. The task may be tedious and it may hurt…" she swallowed, "but who better then there best friends to keep them out of trouble?"
She forced a smile, the hot tears sliding across her cheeks.
"Lucy…" He shook his head then nodded, "no, you're right. I shouldn't be so concerned about how I feel. I should be there for them both." He hesitated, "I guess I'm still just not fully convinced it's a spell." He held up a hand when Lucy was about to speak and continued, "but I believe you, and I want to help them. I owe them. Both of them that much."
Lucy smiled, casting her eyes to the ground, her shoulders lax and she leaned forward, "thank goodness…"
Gray took a step forward, putting his hand on her shoulder to catch her from falling forward from the exhilaration of the outburst.
He grabbed the edge of his shirt and wiped the tears away, "thanks for that...I just guess I needed a reminder..." He mumbled.
"Don't mention it." Lucy hiced and leaned away, stretching her arms forward to wipe the remaining tears away on her own.
"I don't remember the last time I cried so much in a day."
"You cried already today?"
Lucy let out a quick laugh and shook her head, "yeah...I don't want to talk about it."
Gray nodded and pat her shoulder, "we're a team now. We'll have to rely on each other from here on out." Lucy nodded as he continued, "if something is bothering us, we can tell one another."
She smirked, "that goes for you too." Gray hesitated then nodded, "yes."
She sniffed, "even though we're not getting paid to do this, I think this might be the hardest job yet."
Gray nodded then agreed, "I think you're right."
There was another cannon shot and the two of them looked up to see the crackling of another firework up ahead. Lucy smiled and glanced slyly at Gray who gave her an uncertain look.
"I'll race ya…"
But the celestial wizard had already taken off without much any warning, speeding down the street toward where the lanterns had taken to the sky.
"Hey, wait!" Gray shouted and smirked, racing forward, catching up to the blonde who veered around corners and leaped over a box of supplies. She landed and laughed, speeding ahead.
Gray felt his competitive nature kick in as he leaped over the box and cast his ice behind him for a boost.
"Hey, no fair!" Lucy whined, watching him race ahead of her.
"All's fair in a wizards competition!"
Lucy slowed, feeling overtaken with awe as beautiful orange and yellow orbs of light suddenly filtered in around her. Gray stopped as well as he waited on Lucy.
"I won." He whispered as she stopped next to the ice wizard.
Lucy rolled her eyes ignoring the comment, "wow, this night festival is so beautiful."
Paper lanterns were attached and flew on every stand, while magic orbs that filtered warm lights floated nearby, a couple bobbed between Gray and Lucy.
Lucy reached out and touched the orb. It shimmered, the surface feeling slick and cool as it bounced away- back toward the middle of the section where people were gathered sitting, standing and chatting ideally. It was a large section, almost big enough to be considered an outdoor ballroom. All around it splayed shops, games and a few rides as the wizards heard people cry out in delight.
"Wow, this is way different than Magnolias festival!" Lucy exclaimed.
Gray nodded, looking around, "where do you think-"
"Oooh look at the little kitty plushies, Gray! Look this one looks just like Happy!"
Gray glanced toward the celestial wizard who was cooing at the toys in a shop nearby, a young girl smiled, "the blue kitty is adorable, is he not?"
"Yes!" Lucy cried out, "he's 600 jewel."
"Oh...well he's not that cute…" Lucy mumbled, hearing the price and pouted, she turned away with a sigh. Gray laughed, "what happened to 'we have to find them at all costs life or death lesson you just spent telling me?"
Lucy gave an embarrassing smile and lifted an arm to the back her head, "heh, yeah, some hypocrite I am. I guess I just go caught up in the festivities like always."
Gray smirked, "it's fine. I'm sure the two of them are somewhere around here with all the commotion."
Lucy nodded and looked around, "there are times where I wish I had the sense of smell Natsu had."
Gray laughed, "you and me both."
"Come on, let's check out a few places, we might as well enjoy it a little bit while we're here."
Lucy smiled then nodded as he continued, "if we ever get split up, we'll meet back up together at the motel, sound good?"
She nodded, agreeing to the plan.
The two of them started forward, checking out the local shops while keeping an eye out for the duo, calling their names in the process every once in a while.
It took around 10 minutes until they found the two of them in the corner of the festival where many of the games were located. A couple kids were shooting basketballs into hoops for prizes and Lucy watched a little girl win a basketball as a prize. The fire and water wizard sat on the bench, watching another couple throw a ball at some pins to knock them down, Natsu encouraging them to win. Juvia sat next to them, holding a brown stuffed puppy, squeezing it tightly, watching the other people play as well.
"There you guys are," Lucy replied with a huff. Natsu looked back at them and smiled at the blonde,
"Oh hey there Lucy!"
Juvia glanced over and smiled, "look what Natsu won for me, isn't it so adorable?"
Lucy glanced at the plush and forced a smile, "yeah it's cute, wait you won that for her? How come you didn't do that in Magnolia for their festival?"
Natsu shrugged, "Juvia really liked it, so I gave it a shot."
Lucy felt a twinge of something that may have resembled jealousy and she brushed it away.
He never won anything for me...But that's ok. I never asked for it either.
Lucy sighed, it seemed like the evening was upon them, the lights flickered between the pairs as Natsu and Juvia exchanged words about the game, watching another pair of wizards trying to win. Natsu booed when the boyfriend couldn't win it for his girl. Lucy shook her head and jumped when she heard a pair of drums sound close by. A sharp twinge of a string and a violin then a flute could be heard accompanying the bass. Twisting herself around to look at the center of the grounds she saw the large outdoor ballroom light up with those floating orange orbs. The floating lights all congregated in the center, circling the grounds as if it was straight out of a dream.
"Oh wow, how beautiful!" Lucy awed, clasping her hands together, watching the colors flicker from orange, yellow and white.
"Natsu, look, people are starting to dance!" Lucy glanced to her right. Her eyes traveled from Juvia's hand to where she pointed to the couples who began to dance in the center.
"Yeah, they are." He noted, Gray crossed his arms watching a few more appear to the beat of the beautiful and mystic evening music.
"Come on, come on! Let's join them!" Lucy felt Natsu brush by as Juvia grabbed his hand and pulled him forward to join the growing crowd. Lucy scuffed at the ground feeling a pit of sadness rise, thinking of when she danced with the fire slayer a few months ago during her celebration for her first published novel. In her peripheral vision she watched Gray uncross his arms and take a step, he turned to her and offered a hand.
Lucy blinked and watched as he quietly nodded toward the dance floor. She blushed, feeling embarrassment delve deep inside as she took his cool hand, the cold tingling the tips of her fingers as they followed the fire and water wizard. She cast her gaze away, her stomach turning from the interaction.
She felt his fingers slide between hers as they found their way near other couples and Lucy bit her lip facing him, her face warm, "don't you think people will get the wrong idea?"
Gray blinked at the question, his blue eyes partially squinted at the accusation, "does it matter?"
Lucy hesitated then stole a look around her, not seeing anyone she knew or recognized, "I guess it doesn't…" She smirked and felt herself sway alongside the ice wizard to the violin's melody.
"Just for the record, we're doing this to keep close to them."
"Right." Lucy replied, "I knew that…" she muttered, she cast her eyes to her right, unable to find the pair. Gray smirked and placed his hand around her waist and pulled her closer the nodded to his left, "they're over there."
Lucy felt heat rush across her cheeks for how close he was to her ear as he whispered. Glancing to her left she saw the familiar salmon and blue-haired wizards slowly dancing to one another in harmony.
"Alright, we didn't just come here to awe you, we came to amaze, who's ready to have some fun today?!"
The crowd suddenly erupted into shouts, causing Gray and Lucy to jump, leaping in closer into one another. Lucy immediately pulled away from habit, Gray letting go. They glanced at one another, a blush matching on both of their faces. Suddenly his face turned a dark red and she gave a puzzled look until she realized the orbs began to shift into different colors. The music changing slowly to match the pace of the flute.
"I know most of you came in groups of two and so our job today is to get you all to mingle a little out of your comfort zone!"
The music picked up as the dancers separated from the slow song and began to dance to the vibrant and fast-paced beat. Lucy felt herself jump with excitement next to Gray who seemed less than excited to be a part of this new movement. The two of them were bumped apart as the flute picked up speed. The crowd merged and everyone was dancing together and soon she completely lost track of Gray. Suddenly the music stopped and the violin started up again, the music almost creating a spellbound experience for everyone nearby, "find yourself a new partner, grab onto them and introduce yourself until the next chorus!" Lucy was out of breath and she smiled, looking around and spotted a familiar salmon colored haired boy looking around just as confused as her. People began to pick partners and sway to the music, talking amongst themselves about their day, who they were and where they were from.
"Wow, what a great way to meet new people!" Lucy breathed then took a few steps toward her friend.
"Natsu!" She called out, he turned and smiled, "hey Lucy. I guess I lost track of Juvia."
"Yeah, I lost Gray too." She skipped over to him and he gazed at her for a moment then held out a hand to her surprise.
She stared, then took it with mild hesitation, "I don't know if I want to dance with you. Last time you stepped on my feet."
Natsu laughed seeing her joking grin and took a step back, "I'll try not to this time."
Lucy returned the smile as they swayed together to the beautiful music, listening to the quiet conversations around her. She felt him lean into her as they swayed quietly, the heat of his body radiating off against her. She took in a breath and closed her eyes, taking in the moment with her closest friend in fairy tail. Everything felt like muscle memory as if her body already knew the song by heart- and the two of them danced perfectly in sync. She didn't have to see him, to know he was watching her with his dark eyes. She only wished she knew what he was thinking. There was a small exhale and then his voice was quiet on her ears.
"I'm sorry."
Lucy blinked her eyes open in surprise, "what? Why are you apologizing?" She forced herself to meet his eyes, Natsu stared at her for a moment before casting them away to the side against another couple close to them.
He frowned from the question, "I'm not too sure. I just felt like it was the right thing to say."
Lucy gazed at him and his eyes flickered back toward her then he smiled, "you're still my best friend after all."
Lucy's eyes widened, she felt as though a heavy weight was lifted from her chest. His goofy grin, contagious, as she smiled in return. "You're my best friend too Natsu."
His eyes crinkled from the genuine smile, hearing her reply, "heh, I'm glad to hear it!"
They continued to fall in time with the music, and for a short moment, everything fell back to how they used to be.
I missed you.
The music began to waver and in the corner of her eyes she watched the lights flicker to the sound of the flute picking up speed again. This time Lucy didn't want to let go. She grasped her fingers around his and leaned into the fire wizard to his surprise. He gazed down at her bright blonde hair, watching the lights cast a mysterious color against them. She felt his hand slip out from her left and place it on her head, his fingers tangled in her blonde locks.
"Love rival" Lucy jumped hearing a harsh, crisp voice so close she practically jumped out of her skin. Pulling back she whipped around to see Juvia standing near her, arms crossed. Lucy felt Natsu's grasp loosen and she let go, his hand disappearing from her head. A sense of longing suddenly gripped her stomach and she felt Juvia take a few steps toward her, stating something along the lines of her trying to steal her boyfriend away.
She felt a smile touch her lips from partial humor and partial sadness. For the first time, Juvia just may onto something with this whole love rival dispute.
Lucy put up her hand in a sign of defeat and lack of interest in fighting the water wizard. She took a couple steps away and watched as they returned to dancing with one another as if nothing had even occurred between them.
A feeling she couldn't quite understand slide down into the pit of her stomach as she watched them dance, the lights casting a hue of orange and yellow across their figures. She felt herself move against the crowd until she was standing, looking from the outside, in.
Then she remembered.
She cast her eyes to the sides, but he was nowhere to be found. I wonder where he went off to, I didn't even see him leave.
Ah, well, we did agree on a meeting place, I'll check there first after I convince these two to eventually tag along back to the motel.
Her eyes darted back to the crowd, the music returning to a slow tune, she quickly spotted the familiar salmon hair and sighed realizing she may be waiting awhile. Her hand fell to her hips as she played with her keys. Pulling them out she gazed at them one at a time; staring at the key 'the little dog', a small smile touched her lips. Brushing it forward- she silently opened his gate and the little white dog appeared, leaping up in excitement to see her again. The spirit faltered then gazed at the celestial wizard when she sat down on the bench behind her, a sad smile on her face. The little dog padded forward and leaned his two white paws on her knees, in an attempt to give her a hug. She gently brushed his fur, quietly listening to the music. After a couple of minutes, Lucy sat back up and nodded forward, "look Plue, everyone is dancing out there, do you want to dance?" The spirit turned around cried out, excited then hesitated and looked at her, as if concerned.
"I'm fine, Plue, I promise, go dance." She urged and he leaped forward, not going too far away from his wizard and began to leap and dance to the flutes and violin. He looked so happy dancing that she couldn't help but feel happy again, watching him. He was the best distraction of the night.
"Don't want to dance?" Lucy jumped, then looked up to see another familiar face standing beside her. His orange hair and cat ears flickering in the dark. The glow of the orbs gave him a mysterious hue to him.
"I'm surprised to see you, Loke."
"Yeah?" He sat down next to her, "your spirits know when something is wrong, I came to just check up on you." He nodded at the little spirit dancing, "you tend to call on him often too." He smirked, "and I can I see why he's adorable."
"That's my Plue." Lucy agreed, watching him try to dance with a couple of kids on the sidelines.
Loke gazed at the various dancers and spotted Natsu and Juvia, "my that's an odd match."
Lucy let her eyes gaze in their direction and she laughed, "you can say that again."
His eyes cast toward her as she stared at them, watching the fire and water wizard sway against another for the next couple of minutes in silence.
"You know." She jumped hearing his voice, almost forgetting he was there- and he continued, "you could really win over any guys heart. It doesn't have to be him."
Lucy snapped her head toward her fighting spirit, caught off guard from the accusation, "you should see your face right now!" Loke laughed, "Be careful or it may get stuck that way forever!"
Lucy huffed with a frown, "why would you say that Loke! I am just waiting on them, there's nothing behind what I'm doing."
He gave a sad smile in reply and they both watched the two of them dance in the distance, "I know what a heartache is. I might be a spirit but it doesn't mean I don't have any emotions."
Lucy bit her lip, her eyes flickered toward him, "I never once thought you guys didn't have emotions, I always wanted to treat you guys like equals. I see nothing different, I swear it."
She felt him ruffle her hair up and she frowned, glaring at him, "ah, there's the Lucy I remember," noting the reputable glare he received.
"Come on, you can tell me all your woes, I'm your handsome... loyal... passionate...endearing..."
"You're point Loke?" Lucy interrupted and the lion spirit coughed, "well, I'm your spirit. Isn't that enough?"
Lucy sighed and leaned back against the wall behind her, cool to the touch.
"It's not that. I don't talk to anyone about well…"
"About…?" Loke pushed and Lucy smirked, "well, about my emotions."
Loke frowned and leaned back to match her, "if you bottle it all up, then you may find yourself exploding one day. You may not like the end results."
Lucy closed her eyes and lifted her head against the brick, feeling the wind tussle at her hair.
"I know that." She let out a breath, "I'm not alone, I promise, this time."
Lucy nodded, she saw Gray appear in her mind, arms crossed. She was far from alone.
"Besides, it's not like I'm completely in love with Natsu or anything."
Loke tilted his head, his ears flopping to the side, "whoever said you were?"
Lucy looked back toward him, "you were totally referring to that just a moment ago!"
"Was I? I don't recall." He smirked, "But it is suspicious to just blurt that out." Lucy heard the teasing sarcasm that dripping from his voice as he hid the fact that he did indeed refer to the romance between them just a few minutes ago.
Lucy felt her face redden as he continued, "relax, it's no secret in the celestial world, or even your own guild to be honest."
He was teasing me, that jerk. What does he mean it's not a secret? What is he up to?
"What! What are you talking about?"
Loke laughed, "you are sometimes just as clueless as him, it's hilarious- and a bit of put off, if I was honest." He pouted, his cat ears folding, "just because I have little to no chance now. Oh my kind, bleeding heart hurts me so."
Lucy smirked at the change of behavior, "you're still going on with that?"
He crossed his arms, "duh, you're beautiful, funny, independent and one hell of a celestial mast...uh...partner, wizard, whatever." It was his turn to blush and Lucy laughed, "wow that was one heck of a string of compliments!"
"Well, they are true." Lucy gazed at her lap, hearing the reply and smiled, " spirits... really are the best."
Loke laughed, "I could send in Virgo, I'm sure she'll do everything in her power to make you smile as well."
Lucy laughed imagining her maid spirit asking to tie her up in front of a crowd, "please, don't!"
Loke put a hand on her shoulder after sharing a moment of laughter together then whispered, " hey, don't be so hard on yourself. You're doing really great, chin up."
Lucy caught eyes with her fighting spirit as he stared at her. She felt like she was going back in time when she first met him when she struggled to save him as a fellow celestial spirit. Before he had this explosion gain of confidence- then proceeded to chase and prod her with his sexual desires. This was genuine. Real. She felt her eyes ache as tears dared to spill over, and before she realized it, she had instinctively flung her arms around him. He seemed caught off guard as she wrapped her arms around his neck in a grateful hug from his sudden praise.
"Uh…" Loke began, then his voice fell as he quietly returned the hug, wrapping his arms around her back to return the gesture. They sat there for a little while before she felt his hand suddenly slide down to her waist then slip lower with a small squeeze.
She pulled away and let her hand fly, slapping her spirit across the face. She should have known better than that, once a pervert, always a pervert.
He pulled away with a frown, "what? I didn't know how long that was going to last, I was thinking you were starting to finally fall for me."
Lucy huffed, "you would ruin a good moment between us, return, the gate of the lion!"
Loke's eyes widened in shock, then he laughed quietly, "fine, have it your way." He leaned in and kissed her on the cheek right before he shattered into a million golden sparks and disappeared from her eyes.
"Loke!" She shouted, but it was too late, he was gone and she realized the music from the festival had finally stopped.
Looking back she saw the orbs flickering to the sides, lining the sidewalks with a white and yellow hue. Lucy spotted Juvia and Natsu nearby, talking amongst themselves.
"Good, they haven't left." She whispered to herself, feeling a sense of calm spread over her.
At least they stayed near me.
"Hey, come on, we need to get back to the motel, it's really late!" Lucy shouted out to the two of them, waving an arm as she stood from her bench.
Hopefully Gray will be there since that was our meeting spot.
The two wizards glanced her way, Natsu nodded and started forward with Juvia in tow. Plue ran up to her, almost forgetting entirely about her little spirit. He leaped up in excitement, "Oh there you are Plue, did you have fun?"
"Plue!" He cried out and twirled. She smiled and patted his head, "ok you can go back now."
She tapped the little dog on the head lightly with his key and smiled. He shattered into the same golden sparks, returning to his world once again.
Turning back toward the familiar route she watched as Juvia took the lead, Natsu following suit. To her surprise, she saw him look back at the celestial wizard as if checking on her. He smiled then turned back to Juvia, catching up, so he was next to her again. Lucy smiled and followed them on the path back to the motel.
Who the hell am I trying to fool?
That smile. It melts my heart. Every damn time.
She blinked, crossing her hand across her keys, seeing them shine across the lights that flickered on the side of the road.
"you could really win over any guys heart. It doesn't have to be him."
Lucy sighed, happy to finally see their lodging coming into view. She needed a shower and a good night's sleep after today.
Outside the lodge a familiar ice wizard stood, leaning against the wall, relief washed across her seeing her friend. Juvia and Natsu paused as he caught their attention then went inside without him. Lucy watched them disappear inside the lodge together, "they know which room?" Lucy asked and Gray nodded and flicked a key around his finger, "they gave us two, Juvia has the second one." Lucy nodded.
He stared at her as she forced a smile, "rough rest of the night? I saw you dancing with Natsu for a bit. The whole dancing really wasn't my cup of tea."
He paused, "I also saw Juvia nearby, you seemed to have everything under control."
Lucy forced an awkward laugh, "sort of. She was upset, accused me as a love rival and I left the two of them alone for the rest of the night."
They suddenly broke out into simultaneous laughter. "At least it's semi-accurate this time!" Gray commented and Lucy smirked at the inside joke, "I mean...not really, but I guess it is more accurate than usual."
Gray shook his head then lowered his shoulder and reached into his pack behind him with a bit of effort.
Lucy's eyes widened seeing the blue material, realizing it was the little kitty plush she saw earlier that evening.
"Gray, no way, you actually bought it? Why?"
She reached her hands out and Gray smirked holding the plush, "you? I got it for me, I love Happy too."
Lucy hesitated then lowered her hands and he smiled, "I'm kidding, what would I do with this anyway? I saw it in your eyes, you really liked it."
Lucy felt the material touch her hands as he handed it to her, and it was as soft as clouds. She brushed the ear of the plush and brought it to her chest.
"Wow, Gray I don't know what to say. That's really, nice of you."
Gray put his hand through his hair, "I figured you've been having a shitty day, with you crying all afternoon and dealing with this bullshit…" he sighed and looked away, "and I wanted to apologize for how I acted earlier and not believing you right off the bat."
Lucy stared at Gray, watching the emotions pour with each word. Using her free hand, she stepped forward and gave the ice wizard a half hug to his surprise.
"It's great, thank you…" She paused, "and apology accepted." She pulled away and lifted to inspect the plush, "you didn't have to buy him though, now I have to owe you one day."
Gray shook his head, "I don't need a thing, come on, we should really follow them inside."
Lucy nodded and follow him, down the hall and to the designated room to share between the four wizards.
As Gray slid the key in and began to open the door, a pit of uncertainty lay in her stomach. The two of them casted under a love spell were hosted in a room on their own. She bit her lip, what were they going to walk into?
As the door flung open with a 'creak' Lucy found herself pushing aside Gray, "I swear if either of you are undressed I'm going to-"
Natsu and Juvia whipped their heads in her direction, eyes wide. They were clad in night clothes, sitting on the bed closest to the door. Natsu tilted his head, Lucy realizing they were playing a game of cards across the sheets.
Gray walked in behind her and shut the door behind them with a sigh, "well I won't blame you for saying that, but they look pretty tame to me right now."
Lucy sighed feeling relief spread across her, Juvia and Natsu exchanged looks, "Don't trust us much do you?"
Lucy tensed at Juvia's accusation and she threw up her hands in defense, 'no, no, it's not that it's just…" Gray brushed her by, to head to the bathroom and closed the door.
"'s just it's been a weird day is all." She mumbled.
Natsu blinked and smiled, "well, maybe tomorrow will be better?"
"I hope so." Lucy sighed, bringing the blue plush closer to her chest in an attempt for emotional comfort.
Natsu noticed the blue cat and smiled, "hey that looks just like Happy! That's so awesome, where did you get him? Can I see?"
Lucy hesitated then held out the plush to Natsu who inspected it as Lucy replied, "Gray got it for me at the festival."
She saw him pause, glancing at her then tilted his head toward the plush with a frown, touching the material.
"On second thought, it doesn't look anything like him."
"What?! You just said it looked like Happy!"
"Nah, the eye color is all wrong, and the whiskers don't line up, the tail is way too short."
"It's a plush, it's not supposed to be exactly like him you dork!" Lucy snatched the plushie from his hands and Natsu only shrugged, "no resemblance."
"You're just jealous I have a Happy plush and you don't."
"Your turn." Juvia replied and Lucy looked over to where she was holding her own plush, a brown puppy. Natsu turned back to Juvia and placed a set of cards down on the bed.
Lucy heard the door close and felt the familiar ice wizard nearby, Natsu looked up, staring at him.
"Got a problem? Staring is rude." Gray stated and Natsu blew out a breath of air, "I always do with you icepack."
"What the hell?" Gray cried out. Natsu smirked, putting down a card and shrugged then shook his head, "I zoned out for a bit is all.
"Mm.." Lucy heard Gray reply as she walked by the bed and threw her bag on the second bed next to the window then looked outside. While they would be sleep in a room with beds and a roof over their heads, she didn't know how well she was really going to sleep tonight.
Looking back over toward the two on the bed she crossed her arms, "Ok, so girls on this bed and the two boys on that one. Does that sound fair?"
Juvia and Natsu glanced up then exchanged similar looks with one another.
"…" Lucy started, but Juvia interrupted her, "Juvia wants to stay over here with Natsu."
Lucy let out an exasperated breath, I should have seen this coming. Gray threw his bag near hers on the bed next to the window and sat down, leaning back to stretch.
"Hey! You're not helping any!" Lucy chided Gray, he glanced over.
"I'm not going to fight her to move, and I'm too tired to mess with Natsu right now. Do you think they're really going to do as you say?"
Lucy hesitated then looked up toward them, "come on guys, just this one night?"
Natsu and Juvia glanced at one another, "Well…" Natsu began but Juvia shook her head and leaned into Natsu with a stretched hug, their game scattered off the bed.
"No, it'll be fine, I promise," Juvia replied.
Natsu glanced at the water wizard and smiled, "yeah, it'll be alright Lucy."
Lucy frowned, "I'm poorly outnumbered here." she glared at Gray, "and you are absolutely no help."
Gray shrugged, "I already told you why."
Lucy sighed and placed her blue plushie beside her, pushing herself back and leaning against the wall, legs up.
"Fine, just tonight. No funny business, do you understand? If I hear you two I'm going to flip your damn bed in the middle of the night."
"Jealous much?" Juvia muttered then whispered love rival just enough so she could hear. Natsu let off a small laugh and muttered, "ok mom."
"Ugh." Lucy moaned and collapsed into a pillow, exasperated, blocking her vision.
She felt Gray pat her back in comfort and she heard his voice, "not only that, but you'll both be frozen in the sheets, so I'd be careful."
"You too! I thought you were on our side?" Natsu whined and she could practically hear Gray smirk.
"Obviously not. I'm on nobody's side."
"Rude," Natsu muttered. Juvia glanced up with a frown but didn't say a thing.
After a few minutes of listening to Natsu and Juvia pick up the cards scattered on the floor and resume their game, Lucy stood up, taking her bag with her to shower and change.
When she returned the lights were off, and only the hue of the moon shown across the room, locating the bed that sat against the window pane. Quietly she made her way forward, noticing that Gray had pulled up a pillow against the corner of the two walls next to the window. He leaned against it, eyes closed. Lucy debated if she should just take the floor, but she would rather sleep next to him comfortably than have a sleepless night on the hardwood. She saw him open an eye as she sat down, pulling a leg up while leaning against the wall beside him.
Lucy stole a glance at the bed beside them, hearing quiet whispers but realizing once her eyes adjusted that they were both laying on top of the sheets talking amongst themselves.
"You want me to sleep on the floor tonight?" Gray's voice cut through her inner monologue and she glanced at the ice wizard then shook her head, "no it's fine. I trust you, it's not like it won't be the first time we slept close."
Gray gave a curt nod, "true, most nights that we camped out on jobs, I was next to you, Natsu and Erza."
Lucy smiled, "both you and Natsu always stretch out like starfish, leaving little room for me."
Gray gave an apologetic smile, "sorry about that."
She laughed, "no it's fine, I found it more funny than anything. You guys are my best friends, don't worry about it."
Gray nodded, leaning his head back and closing his eyes. Lucy quietly dug out her notebook and brought her knees up, leaning against the wall next to the ice wizard, scribbling down a few fictional notes. Lucy loved the pen she got as one of her final presents from her passed father. When the pen comes in close contact with paper- it illuminates a small light, so she can write without disturbing people in the dark. After a few moments of quiet, she heard Gray's breathing even out as he succumbed to slumber. Glancing over, he had slid down on his back, his head against the corner of the wall away from her. Lucy shut her notebook and threw it in her pack next to the bed.
Flipping around to her back she gazed at the ceiling, the only light being the moon that shown overhead, casting a shadow across the room. She heard Juvia giggle and sighed. She giggled again, then heard Natsu's distinctive voice, it sounded as though he was telling a joke. Stealing another look toward the two of them she saw she had crawled under the sheets while he still lay on top. Gray was already on top of the bed, so she threw the cover on, trying to block out their continuous muffled giggling. She looked back over when they quieted down and saw them share a kiss. She felt her stomach turn and she turned away, facing Gray, feeling hot tears daring to spill over again.
Not again, I've cried too much today, come on Lucy get it together girl.
She felt movement and froze feeling an arm wrap around her shoulders. The touch cool against her warm skin as it drew her in, and she instinctively looked down into the sheets, grasping the blanket between her hands, the plush beside her.
Her eyes flicked up to see Gray's tired one's gaze at her to the side while he lay on his back.
"Do you want to flip their bed?" Gray whispered so low she barely heard him. Lucy smiled in amusement, feeling a couple tears slip out from the action and she rubbed her face roughly with the back of her hand and shook her head. Instead, she leaned her head forward into the crook of his arm, the few tears soaked into his shirt. At least he had the decency to keep his clothes on tonight.
Gray frowned, watching the celestial wizard cry for the second time he saw today. This was bothering her more than she let on. Gray's eyes flickered over toward the two on the other bed, feeling anger bubble then let out a tense breath. Squeezing her shoulder he whispered, "it's ok, it's only a spell, remember?"
Lucy nodded, quietly bringing her knees up so she burrowed close to him. He blushed, then laxed hearing her breath slow, the emotional outlet coaxing her to sleep.
I hate seeing any of my friends so upset. But Lucy is usually so optimistic, so open-minded. Seeing her so upset just isn't like her. This a big deal, whether she admits it out loud or not, I hope flame brain realizes this once we fix this mess.
Gray sighed and leaned his head against her, dark hair mixing into the blonde for the evening.
But until then, I'll just have to fill those shoes.
Gray grimaced, but that feels wrong to think like that…. Is it..?
I didn't even get to Lyon! Next time! I'm so evil. I hope no one was looking too forward to see him, don't worry he'll show up. The next chapter will be a focus on what is going on and whether Lucy was correct in her assumption or not. They're going to get a little help from their allied guild, stay tuned. Plus there will most likely be a different viewpoint other than Lucy's.
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