Hello Anime FanFiction World, it's Kenzii Shy and I'm here with my THIRD Fairy Tail Story. No, I haven't stopped writing my other fanfiction, Keys of the Heart. It is still in the works, and I don't have much of a writer's block per say. But I do have a distraction, and you're staring right at it.

So, long story short, a MONTH ago I had woke up early in the morning (Like sunrise freaking early) and I had the best idea for a FT Fanfiction. A romance/humor/adventure fiction that was sure to surprise everyone.

I wrote a good 10 pages that morning on my cell phone. You know it's legit when you do that. Then... I just let it go for weeks. I focused on Keys of the Heart because I had already posted that from pure "first chapter made" adrenaline (I can't believe I did that again ): This time with FT). That story has the format and the bullets ready, but it isn't written out yet. It's just a guide.

I was feeling sad because I was too slow getting to "the good parts" and decided to ease my heart and uncertainty and shift over to the story I started long ago. Forty Eight pages later I have this story saved on three devices and continually working on it piece by piece. The first thing I ever wrote about this story was the ending. Then bits of the middle and finally a week ago I told myself...you know I should just come up with a beginning and see where it goes. So I did. Then I added a title. It is really coming along.

So why am I telling you all this? Well, this story is practically done. It's NOT finished, but it's almost all there. It is by far my most favorite story I've ever written, and I hope you agree as well.

Packed with Romance, Humor, Hurt/Agony, and a bit of Adventure. This story is a mixed bag of craziness. I try my best to keep everyone in character and for everything to make sense. Everything I write does have a reason, all the way up to the very end.

This story has a few parts that MAY or MAY NOT make you cry as romance goes. If you have ever experienced a true broken heart, this story may affect you. You have been warned. But don't let that deter you from reading, it's not what you may think.

So without further ado, I give you my latest and greatest and weirdest story:

I Put A Spell On You

Read-Enjoy-Follow-Review :3

"-fine, I'm leaving, and you can't stop me!"

Natsu, Mira, and Juvia took a side glance at the little blue cat who flew a few feet away, pointing an accusing sharp claw toward Natsu.

Natsu blinked then shoved down the last of his breakfast before shrugging, "I won't stop you if you want to go."

Happy hesitated, his eyes flashed as though he was on the verge of tears.

"Happy, come on, don't fall behind!"

The blue cat looked toward the entrance of the guild as he heard Charla call out, "Ok…" He shouted, swallowed then turned back to the fire slayer with a frown, "I...I really hope you're back to yourself when I get back!"

Natsu stared as the little cat raced toward the entrance and left the guild.

Lucy, who was just entering, had to quickly veer away to avoid getting hit by the emotional flying exceed. They exchanged words before Happy continued forward, catching up with Charla and her team.

Lucy watched him leave, tilting her head then glancing over at Natsu who sat at the bar.


Mira was waving to her, she held a look of interest as she called the celestial wizard over vigorously. Lucy complied, mirroring her greeting as she walked toward the end of the bar near the fire slayer.

"Just the girl I was looking for."

"Yeah? What's up Mira?"

Lucy leaned over the counter with interest, the tabletop a cool touch to her warm hands.

"Did anything happen yesterday that I'm not aware of?"

Lucy blinked, tilting her head, a piece of her blonde hair traveling across her eyes.

"What do you mean?" Lucy asked.

Mira hesitated, "...the festival yesterday, nothing weird happened?"

Right, there was that festival that came to town yesterday. The whole guild took the day to enjoy the festivities. There was so much food and so many fun games to play... I wish it was going on again tonight.

"Um, well, Gray got kicked out of a bar for voluntarily playing strip poker without being asked."

She paused holding up a finger to count, "Erza was teaching Wendy about a baking contest, then flipped the table when Natsu ate all the cake."

Lucy tapped her chin, "...I did get a few people who asked for my autograph so that was cool…."

Mira smiled, "oh well that sounds about like a normal day then."

"Yeah, why do you ask?"

Mira hesitated then gave an awkward smile and twisted her cleaning rag.

"Oh..nevermind. No reason."


She stared at the beautiful wizard, watching her turn to grab another plate of food. She seems to be hiding something...I wonder why.

Lucy turned to her left, looking at the mission board for Fairy Tail. Happy said he was going on a mission with Charla, Wendy, and Erza. Somewhere near Blue Pegasus. I wonder how long they were going to be gone?

It's weird that Happy left all by himself. He looked...upset. He had said that Natsu was being "weird".

It really wasn't that unusual of a statement for Natsu. But from Happy...

"Come on, just one more time."

Lucy heard Juvia's voice, shattering her thoughts, and suddenly she found herself losing her balance as a heavy weight crashed from behind.

Falling forward, she threw out her hands, tumbling to the floor. Whipping her head around, she saw Natsu stand above her, looking back in surprise. He had backed up into her.

"Oh, sorry Lucy I didn't see you there." He held out a hand and Lucy took it, pulling her back up to her feet. He smiled then turned back around to where Juvia sat at the bar just a seat away.

"Ok, ready..?"

He took in a breath, the heat flowing from him suddenly unbearable and Lucy had to step away to avoid being fried on spot from the explosion of fire releasing from his mouth.

Lucy watched as he spit one fireball at a time in quick succession until above them it read the name "Juvia".

Lucy heard clapping and watched as Juvia leaned forward, "that's so awesome Natsu!"

What? What was that? What is that? What is going on?

"...um did I miss something? " Lucy asked.

When was the last time Natsu was trying to impress Juvia? Did he lose a bet? Did SHE (Juvia) lose a bet? What was going on that she(Lucy) completely missed?

Natsu glanced back at her with his signature smile, "I don't know, did you..?"

He turned around and leaped into the bar seat next to the water wizard, the chair spinning until it slowed to face her, the fire wizard smirking toward the blonde.

"Yeah, you're acting...weird...er."

Happy was right. He is acting weird. He isn't really depicting the same Natsu I see every day. He seems more laid back and he has yet to bring up an excuse to start a quest when I got here, talk crap about Gray...or mention anything about food.

Lucy squinted her eyes in suspicion.

What was going on?

"Well, are you doing ok..?"

Natsu gave a curt nod, shutting his eyes with a smile, "Yeah, never better, my heart's totally on fire."

That's an odd choice of words for you.

Lucy gave him a puzzled look before turning toward the entrance of the guild hall, hearing the doors open. A familiar face strode in, shirtless, only clad with a pair of worn blue jeans.


Lucy waved him over, when the ice wizard saw her- he made his way toward them.

"Forgot your shirt this morning?" Lucy asked and he felt his chest and moaned.

Lucy shook her head, "you're going to need a tracker on your clothes so you'll always know where they are."

"Hm, maybe, though I do have help finding them lately."

He dipped his head toward Juvia with a knowing smile then gave a similar puzzled look beside the celestial wizard.

The two of them were now leaning into one another, talking and giggling. They reminded her of a young high school couple, sharing secrets between themselves in class.

"Yo, did I miss something?" Gray asked, seeming to be just as perplexed as Lucy.

Lucy shook her head, "I said the same thing just a moment ago."

"You're not the only ones." Mira replied, leaning over the counter, "they came in together this morning and haven't really left each other's side." She paused, "some of the guild members were wondering if something happened between the four of you."

Gray and Lucy exchanged glances, "no, nothing happened." Gray replied and Mira sighed, "darn, and here I was hoping for a bit of gossip!"

"Hey" they exclaimed together and Mira giggled, waving her hand across her face, "I'm just kidding."

"Hey morons, stop fogging up the damn room, you two are more annoying than when Lucy and Natsu are together!"

Lucy felt heat crawl up her cheeks hearing Gajeel shout nearby, his voice echoing the guild hall. She glanced over at the Iron Dragon Slayer who sat at the bar a few seats down, eating next to Lily. He was waving his hand across the table as steam suddenly crowded the bar.

"What the-" She heard Gray start, then they realized that Natsu and Juvia were releasing their powers simultaneously, steam rising from the duo.

Mira waved it away as she returned to the back to grab drinks and food as more wizards filtered in.

"You two have been close all morning, I swear if I wasn't starving for food, I would go eat outside. Y'all are making me sick."

Natsu crossed his arms hearing the judgment, "you're only jealous."

"Jealous, jealous of what?" Gajeel let out a hearty laugh.

"I don't know what's going on between you two," Gajeel's eyes flickered between the water and fire wizard, "and honestly I don't care. But listen well fire loser, I have the best girl in Fairy Tail right now, so you can't say shit."

Lucy felt a smile touch her lips thinking of one of her closest friends in Fairy Tail. Ever since the downfall of Zeref, Gajeel and Levy have been very open about their new relationship. The guild took no time in making fun of the couple, but eventually, it just became a normal thing. A few guild members even threw a party for them, to Jet and Droy's disappointment. The team ShadowGear has been officially dismissed from the rumors, the two boys disheartened from the new romance blooming.

Turning toward Gajeel, "where is Levy by the way?"

The iron wizard glanced her way, "oh, Shortstack wanted to go to the bookstore today, apparently there was a buy one get one free she couldn't miss out on."

Right, I forget I was going to do that..oh well maybe I'll just see what Levy got later and ask to borrow one.

Gajeel nodded his head toward the fire and water wizard; he stared at them with suspicion, voice lowered.

"I know Natsu can be a little...odd, but this seems a little out of character for Juvia."

His eyes flicked back over toward Gray and Lucy who stood next to one another, Gray with his arms crossed.

"Are they...alright?"

Lucy and Gray looked back toward the duo, Gray shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know, I just got here... but from what I've seen, they are pretty interested in one another."

He frowned, tilting his head slightly to the side in thought, "perhaps I was a bit too harsh yesterday…" He muttered.

Lucy glanced at Gray, "at the festival?"

Gray nodded and Lucy sighed, "well, I did yell at Natsu as well...that was the last time I did see him… You don't think that's the problem do you?"

Gray pulled back his lips, not quite believing that to be the real issue.

"Yeah, that was the last time I saw Juvia too after I asked her to leave." He took in a breath, "she didn't even show up at my place, which is a new record."

"Yeah, Natsu didn't come by my apartment either, he usually always stops by, saying my place is cleaner than his."

Gray smirked, "he probably isn't wrong."

The two wizards glanced at one another. Gajeel, quiet, huffed nearby, "I don't think those two would really hold a grudge unless you did something pretty bad." Lily nodded in agreement nearby.

Lucy nodded but didn't reply.

She almost jumped hearing a slam on the table as Mira placed a plate of food in front of the iron dragons slayers delight.

"What do you think Gray? Do you think they're upset?" Lucy asked quietly.

Gray frowned, "it's possible...but Gajeels right, this is really out of character for them, and it's not like it's the first time we've sent them away or yelled."

Lucy crossed her arms, "perhaps they are trying to make a point?"

Gray shook his head, "I don't know...something just doesn't add up. Maybe something happened last night after the festival? If neither of them showed up at our place then there's a good chance they may have been with one another. Who knows."

Lucy frowned, she felt butterflies tickle her stomach just thinking about this conversation. Usually, Natsu would be yelling and griping about being bored or talking about a mission. But this...this was new. Just thinking about how close he's sitting next to Juvia and how personable he was… it made her heart ache... just a little.

But, why? He seems happy talking to her, showing off to her… she seemed just as happy as him. Shouldn't that alone make her happy too?

"Hey, ice breath."

Gray looked up at Natsu with a smirk, "well, at least he still has that 'lovely humor' of his."

"What fire breath?" Gray countered.

"I can hear your whole conversation. Just saying."

Lucy and Gray froze, she blushed feeling embarrassment seep into her very core. She silently scolded herself for not realizing he can hear twice as well as they can.

"So what..? Are you going to answer any of our questions then?" Gray replied with a tsk.

Natsu leaned back in the bar seat and laughed, "which one?"

Gray frowned, "I swear I'm going to freeze you where you sit with that dumb smile on your face."

"Wow, so hostile!" Natsu put his hands up in mock defense, "what, do you want to fight me?"

Gray smirked, "That's it, hold my pants, I'm going to kick your ass."

"Wait- I don't want these, and don't strip!" Lucy cried out then sighed watching the ice wizard take a few steps toward Natsu, "...I guess it's just a normal day after all."

Suddenly, there was a bubbly cry from beside Natsu.

"Wait! Don't fight! You promised you wouldn't!"

Lucy watched as Gray and Natsu paused in their tracks, both looking toward the water wizard.

"I did..?" Gray asked out of instinct from her outcries. But instead Juvia was hanging onto Natsu, staring up at him with pleading eyes.

Natsu hesitated, "aw, come on, it's just a little fun, he's totally jealous right now."

Juvia frowned and tugged at Natsu's shirt. Lucy and Gray practically felt their mouths hit the floor watching their close interaction.

"Don't worry about him. You're the important one here." Juvia replied back to the fire wizard.

"Excuse me..?" Gray cried out, feeling a twinge of hurt cut from her words.

"Ok, fine, don't cry ok..?" He gave her a half hug then placed a light kiss her on her forehead.

The world suddenly dropped into her chest as the sounds around her rang until they all began to merge together. She couldn't get herself to strip her eyes away from the couple, her body no longer responding to her commands. She just froze. Gray stood quietly nearby, also frozen. Suddenly, she was wet as warm saliva and bits of food sprayed across her neck and back. Lucy was forced out of her daydream as she let out a scream of surprise, Gray jumping beside her as well.

Gajeel had spit out his food after taking a double take from the scene in front of them.

"Whoa, plot twist!" Gajeel cried out with a boisterous laugh, half his food scattered from his plate and across the floor.

Lucy and Gray turned to glare at the iron slayer with daggers and he blinked then gave a hesitant smile, "oh… uh, my bad." Lily looked over and shook his head toward the group, "kids."

Gray tsked next to her, shaking his hair out with his left hand and grabbed onto Lucy's wrist with his right then pulled her forward with a light jerk.

Lucy glanced at him in surprise, feeling herself falling back to earth, her mind numb with thoughts she couldn't even hope to process at this day of time.

Blinking, she found herself standing in front of the mission board. She watched Gray reach out and tear a sheet off, she didn't read it. He took a few seconds to read over once more, then walked back toward the bar with Lucy in tow.

"Mira," Gray called out. The girl looked up from serving a second drink to Lily and walked over.

"Yes, Gray?"

"We're taking this mission, we'll be back later." He stated.

"We?" Mira asked and he pointed to Lucy who finally shook herself free from the stuper.

"Huh, wait, we are?"

"Yup." Gray replied, "right now."

Lucy blinked, she gazed into his eyes and saw them flash. Was that a hint of...anger?

Lucy looked back at Mira and nodded in approval of the duo team. Mira's eyes darted to where Natsu and Juvia were sitting then flickered back to them with a sad smile.

"Ok, you two be careful. This is near the town Hargeon, and the guild Lamia Scale. I know they have been swamped with missions lately, so I'm not surprised to see one or two make their way over here. It's not too far, so perhaps I'll see you two tomorrow." She smiled, stamping the sheet and handing it to Gray.

Lucy glanced at the reward, it was 5,000 jewel. So 2,500 for each of them if they split it 50/50.

Gray handed her the mission, they caught eyes, and for a moment she wondered if he was asking if this was ok. A flash of concern raced across his dark blue orbs and she forced a smile, nodding. In exchange, she returned his back pants, and he quickly threw them back on with a light blush. Looking down at the paper she was glad for a bit of distraction, she was about to lose control of half her sanity just a moment ago.

Thank you, Gray.

Looking up she almost jumped as she caught eyes with Natsu who had been staring at her. His eyes flickered toward the mission in her hand and she thought for a moment he was going to get up, take the sheet and declare that he was going with them. Just like he always does. Instead, he just stared. Lucy felt a rush of heat travel to her face. What was wrong with her?

Her..? What was wrong with him? Lucy gripped the sheet of paper so hard she felt it rip and realized she was tense and let out a long breath.

Something wet touched her cheek and she raised her hand to touch her face. Tears? Wait she was crying? No, she couldn't, she shouldn't be. Why would she be...?

But it was only a single shed of a tear that raced down her cheek and onto her hand. She wasn't sure if Natsu saw or not. But he didn't move either way.

"Lucy, come on, we need to make the next train."

Lucy shook herself and blinked, breaking their eye contact and put her eyes forward on Gray. As they started to walk toward the exit she stole one last glance. Hoping her best friend would give up this facade...if it was a facade...

What's going on with you?

Instead, she saw him turn back to the water wizard as he was tackled to the ground, she heard them giggle as she presumed she was tickling him.

As they left the guild hall she cast a glance toward Gray, who, as she expected seemed to be hiding his emotions. She had to walk a bit of a faster pace to keep in time with his own steps. He almost seemed in his own world, staring deep in front of him, lost in thought or daydreaming, she assumed.

"Gray, slow down!" Lucy managed to get out once they were a good half mile away from the guild hall. Gray paused and looked over at Lucy as if he had forgotten she was there at all.

"Lucy, sorry, I was just thinking…"

"Yeah…" Lucy interjected with an exhale, finally able to walk next to the ice wizard at a good pace.

"It's ok...I understand."

He looked at her and she forced a smile, answering his wandering thoughts, "maybe they're playing some trick on us. Who knows."

"Who knows." Gray quietly repeated, stuffing his heads deep into his pockets.

For the rest of the time traveling to the train station they walked in silence; only listening to the people passing them by and the occasional splash from their shoes as they hit a puddle from the rain last night.

Soon, the duo found themselves standing at the station, ready to board the next departing train.

Standing against the crowd the celestial wizard realized she still tightly gripped the mission sheet. Lucy lowered her shoulder and slipped it into her bag then pulled the draw strings closed.

Glancing back at her quiet partner, Lucy couldn't remember the last time she went on a mission alone with Gray. Typically, the ice wizard paired up in large groups or went out on his own. Occasionally, he'll take someone with him, she's seen Juvia tag along- as well as Natsu once when Lucy was busy finishing her novel.

His figure was stiff and while not unwelcoming, it was as if it held an unintentional cold shoulder, not to play on puns. Lucy smirked and heard the wind as it snapped at the passengers who waited to board. She watched the train come to a halt and they found their way in the middle of the car, alone.

The train started off bumpy and she immediately scooted herself back, upright. Preparing to comfort her friend for the trip.

But her lowered hand grasped only air…. where Natsu's hair would usually be, splayed across her lap. Blinking she slowly let her hand fall to her side and a slow breath escape from her lips.

I'm losing it. When was the last time I DIDN'T ride the train with Natsu?

Lucy pondered on the thought, yet again, when was the last time I took a job without him with me?

Gazing outside and pulling up her elbow she leaned into the window with half shut eyes, chest tight.

She watched the trees blur as they began to pick up speed. Pulling her legs up she sat holding her knees, watching the world slowly pass by.

She would have never guessed she would miss that.

Miss comforting him when he was most vulnerable.

Miss him this much.

The glass cooled down her rising temperature, letting the sound of the rumbling train send her into a midst of daydreams.

"Wait, you want to know where they are going..?"

"I heard you say something about Lamia Scale, right? What was the job, where are they going exactly?"

Mira leaned back from the sudden questions Natsu was bombarding her. Gajeel glanced over at Natsu with raised eyes, "so this is what it means when people say they have a split personality."

Lily nodded and tapped his chin, "he's like a whole other person."

Mira shook her head, "I'm sorry Natsu, I only know as much as they do. "

She smiled and Natsu frowned, "what the heck, come on, I know you know."

Mira smirked, "I really don't. But if you want to know, then you should ask them yourself- if you can catch the train in time that is."

Natsu frowned and looked up at the clock on the guild wall. Juvia stood quietly nearby, she looked hazy in the eyes as if she woke up from a long nap and had started to come to.

"Maybe you should sit down, have some water…" Mira suggested and glanced at Juvia, "both of you... "

Natsu frowned and slammed his hands on the table, "I'm not drunk, Mira!"

She put up a hand in defense, "I was only suggesting…"

Natsu turned away, his eyes caught Juvia who stood idly nearby, staring off into space.

He hesitated then grabbed her wrist, "come on, we need to go."

"Huh?" Juvia exclaimed as if coming out of her stupor.

"We need to follow Gray and Lucy!"

"Gray…" Juvia mumbled.

"Yes, Gray." He stated and pulled her along by the cloth of her shirt.

"My beloved Gray…" she whispered and he cast a side glance at her as they exited the guild.

"I wonder what's going on." Mira mused. Gajeel shrugged, taking another bite of his food.

Natsu dragged the water wizard outside, picking up the pace as they headed toward the train station. Juvia quietly followed the fire wizard as he found his way through the crowd and she watched him hesitate and even glance at her once as if looking for comfort before ordering a pair of tickets and rushing forward.

"I hope this is the same train," Natsu muttered then began calling out for Lucy and Gray over the crowd around them. But his voice was lost in the midst of all the chaos from people trying to board and depart from their stations.

"Damn, I can't catch their scent with all these people in here, and I don't see them."

Juvia looked around desperately trying to find Gray, her mind still fuzzy. She shook her head seeing stars dance across her vision. Rubbing her eyes she felt as though the world was casting a shadow over her. Juvia pushed it aside and continued to follow the fire slayer until they eventually found themselves on the train.

The locomotive hitched into gear and the movement lurched the two fairy tail members straight onto the floor.

"Ugh, this sucks," Natsu mumbled feeling his stomach doing flips against the stained carpet.

"Not only did Happy leave me, but Lucy totally ditched me too!"

"Gray-sama…" Natsu glanced over seeing Juvia grip the passenger seat cushion, tears streamed down her face as she pulled herself up.

"Did you see Gray's face..? He was completely heart broken!"

Natsu frowned, "...that's not what I remem-hugh!" He bent over feeling as though his stomach was about to fly straight out of his throat.

"Thank you for joining us today on our destination to Clover Town, the train will arrive in about an hour."

Juvia rubbed her temples, feeling the same grogginess set in again and sat down, "wait...Clover town...isn't that north of Magnolia?"

Natsu hiccuped, "I...I don't know, is it?"

Juvia frowned, hearing a couple walk by exclaiming how excited they were to explore the ruins of Cait Shelter.

"Natsu! We're not even on the right train!" She exclaimed. There was another jerk and she felt herself fall forward onto the seats in front of her. She blew a piece of her blue hair out from her eyes and glanced out the window; no longer seeing the station but instead, vast colorful trees.

"Great." Juvia moaned and looked toward the fallen fire wizard.

Natsu gripped his midsection as he doubled over, leaning his head against the cool floor with a groan.

"Uh, are you...are you ok?"

Natsu mumbled something incoherent and Juvia scooted closer, reaching out to help him up on the seat on the train.

"I don't-hughbl-.."

"Natsu!" Juvia screamed, her voice carrying itself all the way to the front of the locomotive.

So it begins, the romance...the humor...the cringiness? Don't worry, it has a long way to go, so get prepared to be on one hell of a rollercoaster adventure between four iconic FT Characters (Sorry Erza-Next time :3).

So from the beginning of the story, I mentioned how I already wrote 25k (48 pages) worth of this story already. Now, about half of it is unedited and about a third of it isn't even written yet. With that being said for updates, I would expect an update every two weeks. Once a month at Max (unless there is some personal emergency), and perhaps a day or two at minimum if I'm feeling edity. Yes, I just made that up. "Edity" It's like Witty but with Editing. :3 Because it can be a pain. But I have to edit my stories, each and every one I have to be proud of. So please excuse the time and enjoy the quality I put into each chapter.

I really want this one to be one of the best.

I look forward to any feedback but do remember I am only human, and I'm not Natsu. So no flaming (I can't eat them), unless it's a good, intellectual, thought out critic along with it. No Bakugos please (My Hero Academia) and hold the Salt.

But if there are things you think that are missing, you enjoy the story or want to guess what is to happen next, I absolutely want to hear them! I love love, love reading reviews. You guys have no idea how much it can affect me to write more quickly and spend extra time and care in a story. You make up a HUGE part of the story as readers. As any author knows, whether it be fanfiction or fiction/non-fiction. The readers are the real heroes. So be my hero, yeah?

Thanks a million! 3

Kenzii Shy