Welcome to CNMN. This is a story that I have been wanting to write for quite a while and finally have the time. That being said, my time is still rather limited by work and other stuff so chapters will be uploaded when I have the chance. I will try my best to not let it be too long between chapters. Any feedback and comments is more than welcome so please review and let me know what you think.

RWBY is owned by Rooster Teeth

Chapter 1 – Arrival

Camea Thystel

Camea stepped off of the airship with her eyes closed and took in a deep breath, the smell of trees filling her senses, split only by the slight hint of freshwater that seemed to permeate the entirety of Mistrals main city due to the roaring waterfall that cascaded down the cities central mountain. Taking one last breath, Camea opened her eyes and took in the sight that she had dreamed of since she was six years old and had first seen the school sitting atop its mountain.

The sight was different to what she had expected but it was still breathtaking. Large buildings littered the ground in a seemingly random way, each with multiple levels, though they all shared the same pattern. Dark brown wood formed the first level giving it a traditional Mistralian feel and each level after was pristine white stone. Gently sloped, blue tiled roofs stuck out the the buildings to separate the levels from each other and it seemed that the top of each roof served as a balcony for the floor that proceeded it.

Despite the sheer amount of buildings strewn everywhere, there was a surprising amount of open space. Large courtyards stood before each building, some containing tables and chairs, others simply bare except for the light-posts that ran around their perimeter and the bushes and flowers that gave even the plain courtyards a tranquil feel.

Two building in the distance stood out from the rest as while they shared the same pattern, they were the only two building with spires. Camea knew that one of these held the fabled Cross Continental Transmit System that Atlas had developed after The Great War to allow instant communication between kingdoms but she could only guess what the other building was for.

Camea felt a smile glue itself to her face as she adjusted her dupatta and stepped forward towards her new school. Blown away by the scenery, she had barely noticed the students that had already begun to fill the campus. Many of the students seemed to be wearing their uniforms of faded black but that was to expected as school had technically started a week ago for second years and above. Looking around Camea was easily able to pick out the first year students due to all of them still being in what she had to guess was their combat clothes owing to initiation being later that day. A vast majority of the students were obviously from Mistral due to their attire that screamed flair, Mistral had always been well known for being the fashion capitol of the world, but she could see a few who were dressed more plainly which suggested maybe Vale or Vacuo. Oddly enough she saw no-one who seemed to fit the typical Atlas style.

However, of all the students, Camea's eyes were immediately drawn to one man. He sat on one of the many benches scattered around the area sharpening a greatsword with a red tip that was easily over forty inches long and looked like it weighted at least twice her body weight. He wore a grey leather jacket with a single dull silver pauldron on his right shoulder. His hands were cover with a pair of gauntlets of similar colour to the pauldron. Black jeans covered his legs and his feet were clad in heavy leather boots. His most striking feature however was his horns, or more specifically horn as one looked like it had been snapped off, which stood out from a head of shoulder length black hair that faded to such a silver that it made the hair seem like it had been dipped in a bowl of said liquid metal. Camea could not help but feel a shiver of fear run through her while looking at him and knew immediately that even though she considered herself an above average fighter, this was a man she did not ever want to fight. She was broken from her trance as he raised his head, pale red eyes locked onto hers for a brief second before he give her a smirk, after which he stood and, with one hand, easily swung the massive sword over his shoulder, where it seemed to clip to his back, before turning and walking off. As he walked away, Camea thought she could make out a gear track running up the side of the sword and some triggers on the hilt.

Shaking her head, Camea shook the fearsome man from her mind and continued forward towards the main building in the distance, initiation was only thirty minutes way and she did not want to be late.

Nick Eldrien

Nick felt a prickle in the back of his neck. Anyone growing up in the wilds of Anima knew immediately what that meant. He was being watched. The gaze was coming from straight in from on him, roughly ten meters away. Raising his head, he found dark green eyes of the raven-haired, tanned brown girl watching him immediately. He took in the rest of her appearance using his peripheral vision and saw that she was wearing what he had seen to be the traditional attire of the families that lived in the upper levels of Mistral, though only partially. She was wearing a long sleeved purple top was called a kameez if he recalled correctly, not that he really cared but you could never be sure what information could be useful in the long run. Each sleeve seemed to have a zip running from her back to her wrists where they connected to a simple pare of leather bracers. The sleeves didn't hang open so he guessed there was fabric holding them together under the zip but since there was no skin showing he didn't really feel the need to look any longer. Purple jeans, a couple of shades lighter than her top, covered her legs and her feet were covered in open toes shoes with a slight heel. The only thing he was really interested to see was he weapon but a shawl that he couldn't remember the name of was covering them and all he could make out was the round edge of a shield.

His interest quickly faded but she seemed to like looking at him so he flashed her a quick smirk then decided to make his way to the main hall. He stood up and sheathed Havoc Track, his extremely appropriately name greatsword, and took off.

Majorella Atmos

Majorella hopped off of the airship, careful to sidestep the raven-haired girl who had foolishly decided to stop right in front of the exit, and looked at her new school. She was certainly a long way from Vacuo. Gone were the sand dunes and flaky building. Now all the stood before was pristine buildings a peaceful garden. Maybe she had made a mistake in choosing Haven over Shade. The school seemed like it was going to be far more dull than Shade at least. However, as quickly as those thoughts entered her head they vanished, to be replace by thoughts of Mistral's reputation for arts and even the rumoured wild parties that took place frequently around the lower levels of Mistral. With those thoughts to keep her pleased she took off towards what she knew from extensive reading to be Haven Academies main building, where orientation wait take place very soon.

The walk didn't take very long, especially since she had practically jogged the entire way, and soon she was pushing open one of the many doors the the main building. The first sight to greet her was a marble statue of a woman in a long flowing dress holding up a balcony which over looked the floor below. Behind her was a metal sculpture of the sun, its rays reaching out behind her. Majorella didn't know who this woman was but the effect was spectacular. Taking her eyes away from the statue, she looked around at the large space that she was now stood in, it was easily big enough for a large scale fight. In two of the corners were two staircases that lead to a second floor, the edge of which overlooked the large area below. Doors lined the walls on the second floor leading to room that Majorella guess were either classrooms or offices. Rather unsettlingly, what had to be a hundred students in black uniforms leant on the edge looking down with what seemed to be excitement.

On the other side of the room opposite the entryway was an area that looked to be raised at least three meters off the ground. A pair of railless stairs, one on either side, lead up to the raised area. Stood on the edge of this platform was five teachers. Most looked normal but one seemed to be having a rather heated conversation with himself. The small platform that the statue was holding up extended slightly from the area and was protected by a railing. By the way the teachers were stood on either side of this area, she guessed that the platform was where the headmaster would be standing very shortly.

The walls surrounding the room confused Majorella, between the pillars that held up the second floor walkway hung multicoloured banners, ten banners in total. Maybe they are to do with initiation, she thought to herself. As she looked between the banners looking for some clue as to what initiation would be, she spotted a girl wearing a long pink duster.

Her coat was not the only thing about her that was pink, so was her top, though I was mostly covered by a dark brown leather chest piece as were her arms, actually the only thing she was wearing that wasn't pink or made of leather was her jeans which were a pleasant blue, blue being Majorellas favourite colour meant she automatically liked them. Pink, blue and leather? This girl obvious likes to party, Majorella thought to herself. Less than a second later, she decided she was obligated to say hello to a fellow party girl; after all, she may know where some good gigs are.

Started started walking towards the pink and notice a few point she had missed from across the room. First of which was the two guns at her side. Revolvers from what she could guess but the cylinders looked a little on the big side. Custom made maybe? Second was that the knuckles of her gauntlets were raised a bit, metal lined? Obviously done to increase her striking power. The last thing Majorella noticed as she came to stop in front of her was that the girls orange eyes that seemed to burn as she tossed her copper red hair out of her face with a flick of her head.

"Heya," Majorella said the girls eyes met hers. "I'm Majorella Atmos, from Vacuo, how about you?"

Nadea Heart

Nadia looked at the girl approaching her, her style was... odd for the Mistral climate. Must be from one of the other kingdoms, Nadea thought to herself. It was the only real reason she could think of for a Girl to be wearing a pair of white shorts and a dark blue top with one side extended to cover most of her right thigh. Her hair was blue with carefully placed white patches to give it the look of a slightly cloudy sky in spring. The effect was actually rather pleasant to looks at, spring being her favourite time of year. The blue haired girl quickly came to a stop in front of her and seemed to give her one last look-over before smiling and introducing herself.

"Heya," the girl said while looking like she had just found her new best friend. "I'm Majorella Atmos, from Vacuo, how about you?"

Nadea took one last look at the girl before replying. "Nadea Heart," she decided to reply. No-one needed to know where she was from.

"Cool," Majorella replied, seemingly not even noticing that Nadea hadn't given her previous location. "So have you seen the banners? D'ya think they have something to do with initiation?"

"Most likely,"Nadea replied, having already figured out what the banner represented. "All schools separate their students into teams of four, the student list has forty people so I'm guessing the ten banners have something to do with deciding our teams."

"Jeez," the girl replied. "You're pretty smart ain't ya."

Nadea noticed a flash of disappointment go through the girls eyes as she spoke. Deciding to ignore this, she nodded to the girls back where her she could see a Bo staff peaking over Majorellas shoulder. "Nice staff."

The girl perk up quickly and reached behind her to pull it out. Nadeas first impression was right, the staff was indeed very nice. The long piece of metal was painted black with a pattern that looked like blue ribbons spiralled is way up its length. What look like a small cylinder was attached around the middle and reminded Nadea of a worms clitellum.

"Thanks, Emission is my baby," she replied as she gave the staff a quick twirl. "I like your guns too, are those cylinders custom made?"

"More like personalized," Nadea said while pulling out the double barrelled revolver on her left name Seek and giving it a spin. "Ten shot cylinder, a little bulkier but I like the extra shots."

Majorella looked like she was about to reply but a cough cut her off. Both of them looked up at the raised platform to see a new figure standing between the other teachers. He wore a brown waistcoat with a white shirt underneath and grey dress pant. His hair and beard were mostly grey from age but though a few streaks of brown remained. Nadea swore she could see a tail swishing between his legs.

"Hello students, my name is Professor Leonardo Lionheart," He paused for a brief moment to look at all the students. "And welcome to your initiation."