jewel was flying across the sky with his beloved blu, enjoying their flying skills, jewel shouted of happiness enjoying the wonderful morning in the amazon, blu also shouting and enjoying the morning too, jewel and blu looked at each other and smiled

when they stopped flying blu and jewel land on a branch of trees to rest, blu was panting looking smiling at his wife, jewel put a wing on her chest breathing heavily

"then now you believe that my skill in flight have improved my love" said blu coming closer to jewel

jewel came close to blu, and hugged him

"hey what's that for?" asked blu blushing

jewel suddenly made her look sad, looking like she had lost something, blu continued to hug her without knowing why she was like this

"jewel my love what's wrong" asked blu curious and worried

jewel pulled away from blu's embrace, and looked deep into his brown eyes

"I wanted you to be here with me" Jewel said in a tearful tone

blu just waved and disappeared like ashes being blown by the wind, suddenly jewel's dream had been in a icy climate, the bright and sunny morning became now a dark sky with an intense fog, jewel soon heard footsteps behind her

in that moment she turned back and she saw a blue bird with a brown cowboy hat on his head, the bird had metal claws on his feet, his feathers wings were stained with a black paint, the bird lifted its right foot and took flight, scraping the wall with his metal claws, making small fire sparks out of the claws, jewel was frightened looking at the bird and took a step back,at the same time when she did it ...

"don't be afraid my love, you wanted me back so I came back" said the bird with echo in his voice

jewel was too scared to say any word, she could barely move, the bird looked at his metal claws

"I am getting stronger, until there take care of our children" said the bird returning his gaze to jewel

jewel breathed deeply

"Who are you? What ...

the bird interrupted her by making a gesture with his wing

"shh love, is not the time for questions, now its time for you to wake up, you will not want to sleep that much will you?" said the bird with a passionate look

"who are y...

the bird gave a quick burst in jewel


jewel woke up panting after the mysterious bird's burst, she looked sideways and saw that she was alone in her nest, she calmed her breathing

"Just a stupid nightmare" Jewel said to herself

jewel stretched her body in the morning feeling fresh scent of leaves in her nest, she stood up and walked towards her door, as she looked through the entrance of her nest, jewel saw blue birds flying around there making a kind of patrol , jewel flew out feeling the sunny morning on her body

jewel flew around a waterfall, and washed her face in the running water there, soon an older blue bird landed near her

"Good morning, little girl" said eduardo

jewel stopped washing her face, and looked back seeing her father smiling

"Good morning, Dad, did you sleep well?"

"Better than past days, but how have you been sleeping?" asked Eduardo worried

Jewel thought a little before answering, she had dreamed of a good thing, but suddenly everything turned grim how she could explain it

"well ... I'm sleeping well, actually I had a wonderful dream today" finished jewel

Eduardo waved smiling, Eduardo dissatisfied with the thought to ask if she really was fine at her state

"dad, What day is today?" asked the blue female

Eduardo thought a little before answering, because he was hesitant before answering

"huh ... today is Friday day thirteen" said Eduardo"

suddenly jewel expressed a sad look next to the waterfall, because Friday day thirteen was the day she lost her beloved, jewel looked sad at Eduardo

"Excuse me dad, I have something important to do" Jewel said walking past her father

Eduardo held his daughter's wing and raised a worried expression.

"What are you going to do?" asked Eduardo worried

Jewel looked back realizing the strength that her Dad was putting on her wing

"dad ... today is friday day thirteen I have to visit blu every day thirteen of the month don't you remember" said jewel

Jewel tried to push on, but Eduardo pulled her lightly back

"this is not good for you darling ... I know he was a great mate ... but you must forget him" Eduardo said firmly

jewel took off his father's wing, and turned to him

"dad if it wasn't for blu, I wouldn't even be here, a visit every month is at least something that i can do for him ... if it weren't for those idiots, he would still alive" shouted jewel in her last sentence leaving flight

Eduardo looked down sadly as he watched his daughter leave like that