Hey guys! That didn't take long, did it? ;)
This is the requested story, I hope you like it!
"What's happening?" Robbie asked as they felt the floor moving.
"Earthquake!" Jade shouted scared and sat down on the sofa covering her head with a pillow.
"Everybody down, cover up your head" Beck shouted as he pulled Cat away from the middle of the living room and protected her.
"I'm scared" Cat cried as they felt the movement, which became increasingly intense.
"It's not stopping" Robbie screamed from under the table and they felt parts of the ceiling falling down. Jade was on the sofa but then it abruptly moved forward and hit the table so she was projected over it, she fell on all the broken glass and hit her face on the edge of the table but she didn't even care, she crawled off to run away from the center but the quaking didn't let her stand up so she fell on her back and saw a huge chunk of the ceiling falling on her, which scared her but she could only protect her face with her arms so she did it.
"Ah" Jade said when she felt the impact on her belly and started coughing to recover her breath, the ceiling piece was heavy but she managed to push it off and crawled to the side trying to stand up because she wanted to run to the corner. The movement was too abrupt so she kept tripping but she continued and then she saw her jacket on the floor, she simply grabbed it and kept going.
Everything was falling down so they were all covering their heads and closing their eyes while it passed; Jade finally reached the corner of the room but when she turned around to protect her head she realized she had something stuck on her side, right between her ribs so she looked down and saw a huge piece of glass sticking out of her body.
"Fuck" Jade whispered and a few seconds later the quaking finally stopped so she exhaled relieved.
"Is everyone okay?" Beck asked, the room was full of dust from all the ceiling parts that had fallen out and the lights had gone off so they couldn't see clearly.
"Yes" Robbie shouted.
"Yeah" Jade said.
"I can't see you guys" Robbie said.
"Cat and I are over here" Beck shouted. "Jade, where are you?" He asked but she didn't want them to see her injury, she didn't think it was a big deal and she wasn't going to whine or let them whine about it.
Jade grabbed the glass, put her fist in her mouth to stop herself from screaming and pulled the glass out. "Mmmhm!" She said in pain.
"Hey, are you okay? Where are you?" Beck asked worriedly.
"Yeah, I'm okay…" Jade simply said and took a small breath to deal with the pain, she put the bloody glass on the floor and put on her jacket to cover the injury.
"Jade?" Cat said and Jade started walking towards them.
"I'm here" She said when she finally reached them and Cat hugged her.
"Mmm…" Jade muttered to herself because Cat was hurting her but she didn't say anything. "We need to get out of here"
"The door is blocked, part of the house crashed down" Beck informed as he came back.
"Are there candles?" Robbie asked.
"Yeah" Cat said and started walking across the room carefully so they followed her. "Can you get that for me?" She asked Jade because she couldn't reach the shelf with the candles.
"Sure" Jade said and grabbed all the candles. "Help me Robbie" she said and started giving them some candles.
"I'll do it" Beck said.
"I said Robbie" Jade responded coldly and Beck rolled his eyes.
"I got the matches" Cat informed and lightened up the first candle. Jade started doing the others while Robbie and Cat put them around the room and Beck put the sofa back in its place.
"Done, last one" Jade said as she turned to them with the candle in her hands, it was close to her face so Beck immediately saw the huge red mark below her eye and across her cheek.
"My god, what happened to your face?" He asked worriedly.
"What?" Jade asked back.
"Jade, you have a huge hit..." Robbie informed and Beck got close to her.
"Let me see" He said and tried to check her face. "Does it hurt?"
"It's no big deal, I hit my face on the table when the sofa threw me off" Jade said and moved his hand away.
"You should put some ice on that" Cat suggested.
"Yes" Beck added but Jade simply stared at him coldly.
"Yeah, like you care" She responded and walked past him so he sighed. "We should call someone, they need to get us out"
"I don't have any signal" Robbie informed.
"This was big, it must have thrown down cell towers" Beck commented as he sat down on the sofa next to Cat and Robbie.
"Yeah, well…then we need another solution, don't we? We can't stay here, what if another earthquake comes?" Jade said and folded her arms, having pressure on her injury made the pain a little better.
"What do you propose?" Beck asked.
"I don't know, what if we use the window?" Jade suggested.
"We are three stories up, we'd die but good plan" He responded sarcastically and she rolled her eyes.
"What do we do then?" Robbie asked.
"We wait until someone comes, the owner of the house must be outside" Beck commented and Jade chuckled.
"Yeah, dead after the house collapsed on him" She said and Cat started crying so Beck shook his head at Jade.
"Don't listen to her, Cat I'm sure he got out in time" Beck said as he comforted her.
"Yeah Cat, I'm sorry" Jade said sincerely.
"But what if he really is dead?" She asked sadly.
"He is not, don't think about that" Beck responded. "Now we just need to focus on ourselves"
"We are all fine, we only need to get out" Robbie said.
"I'm going to the bathroom" Jade simply said as she grabbed a candle and walked into the bathroom. As soon as she locked the door she took her jacket off and saw a big stain of blood on her side so she sighed worriedly, she removed the top part of her dress to see the injury and finally got a look at it in what was left of the mirror.
The injury wasn't so big but it had a lot of blood over it and it really hurt, she also noticed her abdomen was hurting and she assumed it had been from getting hit by the ceiling so that didn't worry her. "This isn't that serious Jade, relax it was just a stupid piece of glass" She muttered to herself and cleaned the injury but the blood kept coming and she didn't have anything to cover it with, so she decided to rip part of her dress off.
Jade used a piece of the broken mirror to cut a line of the bottom of her dress and tied it tightly around the injury to have pressure on it, which made the bleeding slower. "This will do for now" She said and got dressed again, she put on her jacket and took a breath. "It's gonna be okay" she said to the mirror and walked out.
"What were you doing in there? You took forever" Beck commented.
"None of your business" She responded. "You shouldn't even be here"
"I am here because Cat called Robbie because you broke the window, remember?" He commented as he stood up.
"Whatever, you weren't supposed to come" Jade affirmed.
"You can't tell me what to do" Beck said.
"I know that, you made it clear" She responded coldly. "I just thought you would rather be with someone other than this loser" She said referring to Robbie.
"Hey!" He exclaimed offended.
"Why? I'm not the one who said she was on a date" Beck commented and she rolled her eyes. "I was hanging out with my friend and we wouldn't have had to come if you hadn't either, what about your date?"
"That's not your problem" Jade said upset and he smiled.
"Just admit you don't have anyone, you said it just to make me jealous" Beck affirmed and she laughed.
"Oh no, that's your style not mine" Jade responded. "I mean you did it even when we were dating, you loved to make me jealous but it's over"
"Yes it is, I decided to end it" Beck affirmed.
"I ended it!" Jade said.
"No, you gave me a choice and I took it" He responded and she stared at him angrily trying to hide the sadness she felt, she loved him and it broke her heart to realize he didn't anymore.
"Go to hell" Jade simply said and turned around so he sighed. He loved her too but she drove him crazy and he didn't want to let her win, he'd been jealous when he read she was on a date and to find her with Cat had been a relief, he was glad they'd been in the earthquake together because that allowed him to know she had survived and he was happy to spend time with her but he didn't know how to fix things because she was always in defensive mode and he didn't like to lose their arguments.
"I'm hungry" Cat said.
"The way to the kitchen is blocked" Robbie informed. "No food or water"
"I got water in my backpack" Beck said.
"There's water here too" Cat informed and pointed to the corner so they saw a small box of bottles.
"But no food" Robbie said.
"It's okay Cat, I got a protein bar in my purse" Jade informed and walked towards it but her injury hurt so she stopped to take a small breath.
"Are you okay?" Cat asked confused and Jade nodded, she leaned down to grab her purse and took the protein bar.
"Take it" Jade said as she handed Cat the bar.
"You sure you don't want it?" She asked.
"Yes I'm sure" Jade responded and sat down next to her with her arms folded, that way she could pressure her injury without anyone noticing.
"I hope Tori and Andre are okay" Cat commented as she ate the bar.
"I'm sure they are" Beck said and smiled at her, then he looked at Jade and she looked back at him for a few seconds before relaxing her head back on the sofa.
"Jade, your bruise is getting so ugly" Cat said to her. "Are you sure it doesn't hurt?"
"Let me check that" Beck said and tried to touch her face but she pushed his hand away.
"Don't touch me" Jade ordered coldly and he exhaled annoyed.
"I just want to make sure you're okay" Beck affirmed.
"I am, it's just a stupid bruise" She responded and took a breath as she held her injury. "I'm going to be fine"
I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter!