Hello, hello! Hope you enjoy! :')

The days went on and on. Night went to night and to night again. What? This was Hueco Mundo. There is no sunrise silly. Shirosaki spend most of his days lazing around, wandering to the world of the living to throw all sorts of candy and treats at his little Ichi and sleeping in Aizen's meetings.

As another night passed, he was ready to sleep. He grabbed his little friend by the tiny legs, scooping him up in his arms. "Time ta sleep~", he cooed. If there was one thing to brighten up his night it was watching little Ichi sleep, or be awake, nibbling on his finger, hunting strawberries, OK, OK… he enjoyed everything the little guy did. He was only a bit obsessed.

Sighing happily he went to sleep, having his little bundle of joy right at his center of his chest, sleeping in his Hollow hole. Like he did every night. He was happy. So imagine his surprise when he woke up the next morning. There was no little lizard snoozing on his …. Well IN his chest but a big husk of a Hollow sitting between his legs. Like some sort of dog it had its hands between his own knees, on the mattress. Kneeing down and moving its head slightly to the side as the gigantic tail of this beats swished happily left and right.

Zero looked quite puzzled. Not that he was afraid, he didn't know fear, at least not like this. How did this thing manage to sneak into his bedroom? Not only that, but actually sit on his mattress like it belonged there. How didn't he wake up? And… hold up. Where was Ichigo?

OK, now was time to panic! Throwing the blankets off and in the beast's face – who cared about that thing right now anyways - he started looking around like a mother who lost her child. He looked everywhere: Under the bed, in his Hollow Hole, his hair, his collar, shoes, socks, yes even his pants. No Ichi was to be seen.

When he heard a deep rumbling sound coming from under the blanket he zoomed in on his "guest", who had managed to get the blanket off of its face. Suddenly realization set in. "YOU!" he screamed. "What did ya do ta mah little Ichi?! I SWEAR TO GOD IF YA HARMED OR EATEN HIM!" But the beast just looked confused and snuggled into the blankets, seemingly enjoying the warmth and smell, as its mask opened a little for a tongue to taste the air.

Shiro stepped closer, ready to tear this Hollow a new one, when it decided to butt his head in his direction and bite his finger. Now with those big teeth you would expect him to bite off Shiro's finger, but no. He started nibbling on it, as if he did it every damn day. And then it actually purred! Purred! "What the...?"

Then it clicked. The long orange mane, the biting of his finger, the fearless behavior towards him - the Hollow that stood at the top of the food chain – everything. This Hollow, it was his little Ichi.

"Ichi, is tha' ya? Is it really ya?" His only answer was a rather unintelligent sound and a masked face, trying to burry itself in his chest. Little… well, medium sized Ichigo seemed to lack the brain to understand, that he couldn't fit in that Hollow Hole anymore. After making a frustrated sound he gave up.

You surely wonder how Shirosaki now knew 100 % that Ichigo was indeed male. Well… That Hollow – man – didn't seem to care for pants. At least now he really knew the gender of his little friend. Well to Ichigos defense he never had to care of pants in his short life before! Nor did he even know the feeling of embarrassment. And his transformation didn't come with them either, so it wasn't his fault, not one bit!

Wrapping the blankets a little tighter around his friend – covering him up - and taking his face in-between his bone white hands Shiro looked deeply into the eyes beneath the mask. They stared back, quite intelligently. Considering the behavior the little man had shown so far. With that, a rare and unseen content smile lay upon the white head's lips. What a beautiful boy he had.

Ichigo stared back, a feeling sitting in the bit of his stomach he couldn't quite comprehend. Everything was different. Last night he had woken up from his deep slumber, feeling restless. Everything had pulled into itself and he had felt warm. And then he had transformed. Suddenly everything seemed tinier, he felt heavy, oh so heavy and bulky. His vision sharpened as well as all other senses. Only his tongue didn't seem to work quite as well as it used too. But now he could smell, really weird if you asked him. Not that you could, as he wouldn't answer. Speaking was beyond him.

With lots of uncertainly he had sat at his owners legs, waiting for him to wake up. He hoped everything to become clear once his friend was awake. Shirosaki seemed to always know what to do. But when the white haired Hollow had screamed at him he was confused. Why was he screaming at him? Threaten him? Had he done something wrong? No, he didn't recognize him!

When he did Ichigo felt something, maybe relieve? But he did feel happy and content when the Espada wrapped him up in his blanket and smiled at him. He wasn't angry at him! With heavy and uncertain hands he mimicked Shiro's movements and grabbed his face too. Was he smiling under that mask too? Only Ichigo would know.

Despite the heaviness of his tail he could feel it swishing under the covers. Everything was so odd and off. But it would be alright, he had Shiro right here. The person he… well. He didn't know exactly, but it was a positive feeling.

Shiro nearly broke out in tears when rough and clawed hands grabbed his face. He was so happy and relieved. Carefully he touched Ichigo's forehead with his own, connecting their eyes. Closing them in bliss he hugged the husk of a lizard Hollow close. The feeling of being warm and happiness was so alien to him, but the same time it felt so familiar. As if he had felt it before. Who knows who or what he was before his death. But it didn't matter anymore, not now or ever.

Pressing a careful kiss with chalky white lips to the top of the slightly cracked but smooth mask he smiled. "Love ya, welcome home Ichi." And the Lizard Hollow with the red tipped tail, spikes jutting out of his shoulders, purred. Yes, yes he did love him too. He wasn't sure what Shiro exactly meant with the word "love", but whatever it was. It was spoken so fondly to him, Ichigo was sure he "loved" Shiro too. He would find out one day. But for now the two laid back down to snuggle. What a weird but lovely night, wasn't it?