Heart pounding crashing loudly through the thicket of trees she had to get as far away from Harry as she could she would not let the Snatchers find him she had to protect him now that Ron had walked out on them. Her legs hurt from running so far she kept flinging curses over her shoulder , Her persuers far behind her she stumbbled and slid down a hill she was suddenly turned and tumbled into a strong embrace. Hand over her mouth a deep voice whispered in her ear .

"Quiet this place is safe the snatchers are being led away out of these woods by a false trail . No Wizard would understand traking the muggle way they seem to be under the delusion no one without magic could ever function in the woods." The hand fell away when the small girl didn't scream she turned to face a crouching Man no Wizard . Her eyes widened a bit at his mass the man was massive and seemed even larger filling up the tunnel she found herself in. "Come I'll take you somewhere safe we can talk I swear you will be safe." He added motioning to the tunnle ahead she nodded .

He led her down, down, down, the winding path for what felt like hours the man going at a steady rate for her tierd legs he even stopped at one point and pulled out a flask of water he took a drink then passed it to her she drank a small amount untill he mentioned it being self filling . He let her rest for a while then took off again helping her through the hardest part of the tunnel by lifting her up and through it. He bairly registerd her weight as if she weight nothing more then a coat or bag. They finaly reached what looked like a huge cavern the man infront of her grunted and streached to his full size startleing her She had been under the dilusion that she was used to large men being aquainted with the Weasley boys . She was wrong He stood heads above the tallest Bill and wider in the shoulder then Charlie she felt like a child comparitively bairly comeing to the man's chest she looked up into dark eyes a strong jawline had her knees weak again for an entierly different reason.

She had always loved large men they had always reminded her of her father .

"Welcome to 'Sanctuary' We are a underground resistance faction helping Half bloods and Muggleborns remain off the radar of The dark lord and the Ministry. We remain connected with the order but actively are more for helping family's with younger children find places outside of Hogwarts for their schooling. The more children we help learn their craft the more to rebel against the dark lord's rule. Now from what I could tell you were escapeing a group of Snatchers. That tells me your either a muggleborn or a order member , Your erattic behaivior also leads me to belive you were leading them away from someone or something. " The man smiled at her his voice rumbleing deep thunder in his large chest.

"Preceptive of you I was led them away from my Best friend I couldn't let them have Him. Thank you for helping me get away from them and leading them further away. But who the devil are you?" She asked a deep laugh was her reward.

"Sorry Forgot Name's Marcus come with me you'll stay at my place." He had lovely almost perfect teeth his canines had a slight turn off setting them from the rest of his straight pearly whites they were a charming imperfection on his chisled face. Her mother would love to have gotten her hands on them. He led her past stone houses they reminded her of Native dwellings like the American Pueblo Indian Tribe.

"This is beautifuly done transfiguration Marcus Stone is the hardest medium to utilise . Who is responsable for it I'd love to know more!" She gushed a large smile on her face a stunned look crept on his face .

"Granger?" He asked stunned

" Yes Marcus Flint. I Take it you didn't recognise me? " She giggled

"No but to be fair My head was so far up my ass back then I didn't pay much attention you were younger and Gryffindore . And I was just trying to survive in Slytherin never thought you'd even remember me." He blushed another endearing site to Her he pushed the door open to a larger stone house and let her sit down finally.

"Well I have always had a thing towards people I always remember everysingle person I meet. I don't know if its part of my Magic or just me suppose I'll never know . Even with it it took hearing your name to put tow and two together ." She smiled sadly

"Well some of the older familys have gifts of sorts sometimes not always helpful. Take my Family now not every single person gets it but my Family tend to get feelings on people I'm the first person to have it in almost 100 years Father hated me for it. Perhaps you are descended from an old wizard line Squib Grandparent I'd say. " He said blandly.

"I had always wondered about that I was always afraid to get tested at Gringotts . The wizarding world tend to not think genetics play a key in Muggleborns but thats just What Grindenwald helped Adolf Hittler ignore when he Killed 6 million innocent people . Its descusting to think the Wizards encouraged Hitlers delusions. When tested muggle blood and wizarding blood come out looking the exact same there is no difference. Sorry Matters on blood get me heated up I tend to go on ." She blushed

" Its ok I understand I was raised to think differently it took me years to understand the basics of muggle genetics. It took the patients of some friends and a lot of culture shock I've become quite fond of cinema. But you look fit to keel tail over top come I'll show you to your room you can have a kip and when you wake I'll have Potter brought back here I'll see to it myself I'll take my best Tracker." He stood and let her find her feet. He led her through the spartan house to a room that to her looked like a suite in the top hotel compaired to the tent she and Harry have been shareing.

"To be frank its so amazing that you'd willingly house us we could use the safety. If you have tracking dogs I have a sweatshirt of Harry's that you could use." She swayed as she sat on the large bed pulling her beadded bag out of her cargo pocket.

" That's what this place is for Safety and numbers we are safest together. As for dogs more of Tracking wolves they have far better smell then your avarage dog. " He winked accepting the shirt in her hand.

"Well once I have rested I'll brew up the best potions for your people any that you might have use of . When you find Him Tell Harry the Otter leads the way the stag shall be free. He'll understand what it means." She nodded

"Code Phrase smart I'll bring him here even if i have to stun him and carry him over my shoulder. You are both safe here and free to stay as long as you need. Now rest I'll see you soon ."Marcus Nodded easing himself out of the room leaving a wash of strong magic in his wake as strong as it was she knew it was only a small burst of what he could do. She felt it wash over her wrapping her like a cloak would. She felt safe for the first time in a very long time Her feelings had never led her wrong about anyone, she knew that one day Ron would turn on Harry and her but she had fallen for his amiable quality's he could be fearless and thoughtful when the need arose. He was more intelligent then he ever let on and could be incredibly caring. But he was a coward and ran when he should fight he let his logical analytical side get shoved to the side when jealous . She lay on the bed felt Marcus' magic settle around the rest of the house he must have left to go after Harry leaving her safe and snug in his protection. It filled her with a feeling she rarely had around men affection, He saw to her comfort and safety before leaving her alone in a strange house . Hermione rarely allowed herself to feel for anyone until then proved themselves in her eyes. Marcus Had thrown a curve ball at her She couldn't get a feel on him not like she had when they first met, He had screamed enemy in Hogwarts but now he was exuding such a different energy she couldn't quite put a finger on it . Not with his magic cradling her and luling her into the arms of Morpheus she let the warmth lull her into the dark.