n/a: Inspired by the events happened in the drama from episode 27 to 31.


'He would never understand my pain.' Sancai sadly told herself. Her eyes locked on the picture she stole from AhSi's room. Her thumbs slowly touched his face, imagining how warm if would have felt…if he was really here.

They said love makes time move slow...the pain she is feeling right now is because of the love she feels for him…it is maybe the reason why she feels like she has been in this fisherman's village for years.

She sniffed and quickly wiped the tears that dared to slip from her eyes. "Wake up, Dong Sancai!" She strongly told herself. "He was a dream. Those were all beautiful dreams. It's time for you to go back to reality and be yourself again."

She stood up and walked back towards the village.

'Everything will be okay. You're a weed. Weeds never die.' She whispers.



How long has it been?

Days? Months? Years?

He never thought that his world would stop the moment she escaped from it.

'If it has been so long why my chest still hurts as much as before?'

He looked up the ceiling and stared at the lines covering it. 'It's slow…so slow.'

He remembered once that Ximen said, 'Love makes time move slow.' How about pain? Will it be slower?

He lifted his hands and covered his eyes. If only covering them could make his tears stop.

'Damn. Why is it so painful?'

"Sancai…" He muttered between muted sobs. "Why…"

- FIN.

N/A: I'm sorry about this. I just want to write how these two were actually feeling. There were so many words unsaid but the pain was real. The recent episodes keeps breaking my heart, please reconcile soon huhu (Y-Y)