A/N- bless those who are still reading this

Chapter 3

Nick's POV

I felt only a second of guilt for the rabbit shifter, she seemed innocent enough but I needed any knowledge she had of the substitute meat they were making in prey kingdom. Along with that the recent news of cannibalism might be related in some way. Yes we are predators but we're not poor enough to stoop as low as eating our own fellows. Personally I've been trying to avoid that meat as much as I can, there's something iffy about it I just don't like. As for what I eat instead, I'd rather not think about whilst I'm in the presence of this rabbit.

I glanced over at her small frame laid out on my bed and saw her shifting awake. Now let's get those acting skills in place.

Judy's POV

I opened my eyes which seemed reluctant to open and stretched on the comfy bed. Ahh, my poor muscles have been over exerted. Wait…my beds not comfy, it's just a blanket stuffed with straw, and this bed feels like feathers… "Oh my god!" my head snapped around till a found that tussled auburn head, "you drugged me! You deceiving, dirty fox! I'm leaving right now!" as I hopped of the bed, which was high off the ground, my knees buckled and I folded in on myself. Damn, the drug must still be in my system.

"Ah, the drug is still in effect I see, well you better get used to it carrots because in your body is a drug that will kill you at the end of every day unless you come to me to get the antidote. Quite a lovely poison wouldn't you say?"

Dead? I'd be dead if I don't take the antidote from HIM every day? With all the strength I could muster I flung myself at him hoping my fists would connect with his face. But of course, things never went my way, instead I fell halfway, into his outstretched arms. I trembled at the contact. From fear, no doubt.

"Now carrots, as long as you prove yourself to be useful I will without a fail deliver your antidote every day, however don't think that I won't hold back if you misbehave… or I could just chuck you out into the palace hallways and tell everyone you're a rabbit shifter."

My hands flew to my head where the hat was non-existent anymore, and felt my long rabbit ears draping down my back…great.

"Oh I knew the second you bumped into me, dear, and as a note the palace guards won't eat you straight away upon finding out your identity, they'd rather…play with you first." He smirked as he released his hold on me. "Now for your antidote before your day is up, I want you to tell me about the queen of your prey land" he said as he sat down in leisure on the bed.

Surely it can't hurt to tell him, I only knew what everyone else knew, common knowledge, and I definitely want that antidote. "She's a ram shifter, uh, ruling since she was 20, now in her middle ages. Mm, she created the substitute meat though I heard you have to go through strict training to be able to work at the production factory. And she supposed to be the wisest ruler yet. That's about all I know about her…" I glanced up to see his reaction and was surprised to see him looking thoughtful. Then he started to walk towards the door and chucked a small vial at me and the glass jar of carrot juice he bought at the market.

"you've earned your juice, and your medicine. There'll be more questions tomorrow. You'll be staying in my room for the whole duration of your stay."

"how long is this duration?" I asked.

"I can't say, it depends."

Just before he left the room for good I asked one last question, "What's your name? I can't keep calling you a fox shifter for the duration of my stay…" he paused with his hand on the door and looked over his shoulder.

"You can call me Nick, and your real name? I'm pretty sure such a pretty little bunny as yourself wouldn't be called Jerrya.."

"Judy." And with that, he left the room.

I jumped on to the bed and laid on my back. What have I gotten myself into… after what felt like hours of staring up at the ceiling I sat up and studied the juice I held. Might as well drink it, I "earned it" after all. After drinking the vial of antidote first I then opened the jar of juice, the smell hit me and my ears went flat just from the pleasant smell. I swirled it in the bottle a few times and then took one big chug and set the bottle aside. Oh lord, the carrot was as fresh as tomorrow would be and the meadow flowers were so sweet, so sweet and a little bitter, a flavour I couldn't really understand. I started giggling before I could understand, my stomach was extremely warm, my face heated up and my tail started twitching. Somewhere at the back of my mind a small voice, small but definite claimed, you're drunk. I raked my mind for why I would be like this, no ideas came to mind. I stumbled around the room for what, I don't know, it just felt right to be up and moving.

And then Nick came in. As he shut the door behind him his eyes flew wide and his hand shot up to his nose. "what are you doing carrots!"


"I'm not sure if you're stupid or what carrots but going into heat here is a very unwise thing to do…" he said with a muffled voice.

"heat! Heat? Not possible, mine shouldn't come till I'm 18." I muttered.

"you're not 18? How old are you? Why are you in heat then?"

"I'm 17…I don't know, I drank that juice… stop asking questions for gods sake."

"oh carrots, don't you know the mixture of carrots and meadow water brewed over time is an aphrosadiac to rabbit shifters? And from the looks of it you took a big sip!" he said as he picked up the bottle and sniffed it. I fell back on to the bed again.

"this is no fun at all…it's so hooooooooot, it feels horrible." I muttered. As I fideled on the bed. Not a second later nicks was on his hands and knees leaning over me.

"oh I can change that carrots, though I was going to ask you to accompany me on a investigation trip, I guess that'll have to wait."


"you're in trouble now carrots."

A/N ufufufu steam train headed your way, plz comment your thoughts, more plot next chap.