RWBY Heroes Chibi Chapter 1

Hello again everyone! While we await Volume 6 and the continuation of RWBY: Heroes, I present to you…RWBY Heroes: Chibi! This will feature 2-3 short skits each chapter of comedic moments involving our favorite character and the newcomers who interact with them. For new readers, the canon story of the Original Characters and their interactions in the RWBY Universe can be found in my other work, RWBY Heroes: Beacon Days. For now…let the wackiness ensue…

Canon…or Non-Canon…

It happened so fast, at first there was nothing but a white backdrop…then suddenly large letters spelling "Chibi" fell from the sky. Next, a great red rose landed beside it and finally the letters "RWBY" dropped lightly atop the first, spelling out the programming soon to grace the viewers.

In a flash, Chibi Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang popped out from behind it, waving towards the audience in preparation for the show. Without warning, another block larger than the first slammed down behind them, drawing the four girl's attention to read what it said.


Behind the new prop emerged four newcomers appearing in order of their name to the corresponding letter. Chibi Horatio, Esmerelda, Roland and Olivia, one by emerged out of hiding, waving as well.

"Wait wait wait wait wait!" Ruby called out, causing the music to abruptly stop. "Um…who are you guys?"

"Why…we're the main characters!" Olivia called out cheerily. She seemed to be the only one who was.

"But…aren't we the main characters?" Blake asked calmly, cupping her chin as if deep in thought.

"Not in this fanfiction," Horatio explained.

"Didn't the management warn you about us?" Esmerelda asked, clearly confused as she pulled out a script and started reading it over. "I think we're all the main characters…right?"

"This all does seem very unorthodox," Weiss contemplated.

"Yea!" Yang called out. "We were here first!"

"Well, if there is any confusion," Roland started, referring to Yang with big hearts in his eyes. "I would be more than happy to discuss the specifics of our updated contract…maybe over dinner?"

Yang rolled her eyes at his line.

"Really…that is your best pick-up line?"

"Well…I thought it would have been butter if I got to know you before trying to pick you up."

Yang stared him down; the remaining six just froze like a deer caught in headlights.

"Are you trying to call me fat?" She replied.

"Uh oh," Ruby looked on terrified.

"Nah," Roland retorted. "Though I'll admit I had a pretty thin excuse for saying such a thing."

Ruby and Horatio facepalmed simultaneously at Yang's mischievous smile.

"Could this get any worse?" The red-hooded huntress asked.

"Nonsense!" Horatio tried to placate the situation. "Everything is gonna be great, I even helped bring on some new stage hands to help out around here.

"Who'd you get?"

"Only the greatest girl I know."

"Look out!" Yang tackled Roland to the floor as a backdrop of Beacon nearly fell on his head. The young man did not seem to mind as she sent him flying, landing on top of him a safe distance away.

"Oops," Chibi Cinder squeaked up in the rafters as innocently as possible. "Butterfingers."

Sniper Similarities.

"Sooooo, you're a sniper too?" Chibi Ruby asked Olivia as they were both upgrading their weapons in Professor Port's class.

"Yeeeepers," she confirmed, putting the final wipe down of her rifle, smiling at her own reflection.

"Aaaand you have an incredibly bubbly, cheerful, almost…shall we say, easy to approach attitude?"

"You better believe it you adorable excuse for a huntress you!"

Ruby cupped her chin in her hands in thought; you could practically see the hamster running around the wheel in her head.

"So…other than your color scheme and hair, is there ANY major difference between you and me?"

Chibi Olivia imitated Ruby's gesture, equally trying to come up an answer.

"Well…I don't have a scythe attached to mine; can you think of anything Hildie?"

Beside Olivia, an ominous shape identical to her own except with Platinum silver hair and a dark cloud over her head had suddenly appeared. She too had her hands cupped deep in thought.

"Nope, nothing comes to mind."

Turning around, Olivia realized Ruby was nowhere to be found, having already taken off over the hill screaming at the top of her lungs…


It was a beautiful day at Beacon, all was happy, peaceful and nothing bad ever happened ever. On this particular day, Chibi Horatio of team HERO had decided to make a new portrait of his beloved Cinder. He had set up a rather ornate red sofa for her to pose on in the middle of the grassy courtyard.

She was already teleporting into one pose after another unable to make up her mind. One moment she would be leaning stretched out like a cat, the next she was sitting up in an elegant pose, before Horatio could even make a single mark she was posing with her back to him…showing off the tattoo that had entranced him so long ago.

"Well, go on," Cinder pushed, eager to begin. "Draw me like one of your Vacuo girls!"

"But I've…never been to Vacuo," Horatio replied confused as Chibi Ren just shook his head behind him. He was currently in the process of painting Chibi Nora posing dramatically with her hammer held aloft. The scene was greatly underplayed by the fact she had demanded to be painted beside a huge stack of pancakes…a dozen empty plates lay scattered around her as she could not resist them so close by. She had ballooned to impressive proportions from her recent meals.

"What should I do?" Horatio whispered to his fellow artist. "How can I draw her if she won't stand still?"

"You must picture the artwork you wish for in your mind," Ren replied as calm and wisely as ever. "Paint with your mind's eye and the truth of your subject will be revealed." He offered a white headband to him with his flower emblem painted onto it.

"My mind's eye," Horatio contemplated as Cinder continued bouncing between poses. He accepted the headband, tying it around his eyes and blinding him to everything around him.

Immediately, he set to work painting her, his subject never standing still throughout the whole ordeal. He worked faster and faster, eventually drawing a crowd of shadowy silhouettes as everyone stopped to view what he had made.

"Aaaaaand…done!" Horatio proclaimed, throwing off his blindfold. Cinder stepped around to view his work.

The scene portrayed Cinder standing amidst a great inferno, fire surrounding her from all angles. Atop her head he had drawn a pair of red demonic horns with bat wings on her back. Below, he had added an arrow-headed tail to her; her eyes were wreathed in flames as she looked truly terrifying. Ren and Nora could only look on, shocked at what he had drawn.

"Why does that keep happening?" Horatio shouted in frustration, chucking the painting off to the side in frustration. Behind him lay a stack of previous failures.

Among the pile lay her teammates who had posed before her. For whatever reason he had drawn Mercury with abstract, warped legs that looked nothing like his own. Their resident mute fighter Ray ended up with two faces…one of which had mismatched pink and brown hair…even his portrait of Emerald showed her holding out strings like a marionette over the towers of Beacon.

"I must be losing my touch," he mused, pulling up a new canvas and contemplating his next attempt, completely oblivious to Cinder setting his collected failures ablaze with a single snap of her fingers as she glanced about left and right suspiciously before slinking away.

That was my first foray into the realm of chibi adorableness and insanity. If you like it, I can continue during the hiatus of the main story. As always, Read and Review…but most of all Enjoy! :D