A/N: It's been YEARS since I watched Legends of Tomorrow. I only watched Season 1 and found myself Bored in S2 - I didn't watch all of it.
I desperately wanted Leonard and Sara together, The Crook and The Assassin.
This is mostly Fluff with a slight AU twist.
Wanted a slight break from "Angel Fish" too.
Please Read and Review
Possible slight OOC
They're Cold, But Never Ice Cold
Leonard didn't get attached. Neither did Sara. Yet the pair found themselves bound together in their times of need.
During a mission Snart and Sara found themselves trapped inside a tiny room.
Both bodies snapped to where the door had sealed, Snart always knew where the little nooks and cranny's were to shift undetected from one hiding spot to the next but this room was like solid concrete.
Out the corner of his eye he spotted Sara taking deep breaths, planting herself against the wall as her bow staff slipped from her grasp clattering against the walls.
Sara was struggling to catch her breath, despite having lifetimes of training drilled into her Mind, Body and whatever remained of her Soul Sara could only focus on the trapped atmosphere surrounding her. She didn't hear Leonard asking for her.
Snart was astounded, his partner, his Assassin, his fearless Canary was having a panic attack. He made sure his composure was set before he stepped over to her,
"Sara? Sara, focus on me. We're on a mission; extract viable information to locate Savage, do you remember?"
He could feel the Sara trembling beneath his hands, gently pulling away he removed his parka and dumped it to the floor giving them something to sit on and didn't allow Sara to feel more surrounded than she originally was as he guided her to the floor. Leonard tucked his legs close giving Sara the extra room to stretch her legs - not that he minded in the least.
He hesitated to keep a hand against her chest knowing the wrong move could potentially end in his neck snapping without a second thought from the Assassin, even through his gloved fingers he could feel every rapid thud of Sara's heart beating against her ribcage
"Sara, it's alright" He whispered, cursing internally 'Smooth, Snart. Real smooth'
"We're on a mission from Rip Hunter, our leader" Snart had to avoid gagging at the word, no-one led him - Snart lived by the rule he made himself "The future-idiot who's leading us on a revenge mission against Vandal Savage"
Sara wasn't responding so he had to swallow his pride - and a little bile to do this - he wasn't a touchy-feely kind of guy but he'd comforted Lisa when they were younger so this was no different.
"Sara listen to me, you're safe. I'm right here next to you. The team will find us" The pair hadn't attempted their comms yet, Snart test his own but all that fed through was static - great. He didn't tell Sara, making her stressed would only raise her anxiety.
"Come on, Assassin. Where'd you go? Can't be resting in your cage forever" He joked, still whispering
That seemed to spark a reaction, a noise - what could have been a spluttering cough or laugh escaped Sara instead of eerie silence
"There you are. Listen to me Sara, you're fine. I'm right here" Sighing wondering what to say next as Sara's eyes darted around the room "Stretch your legs out, it should help a little"
The idea terrified Sara, she turned to face him, watery-eyed "It's OK, Sara. You're safe"
It seemed to take Sara all of her physical strength to lower her shaking legs in what space they had
"You're brave, Sara. One of the best I know"
Sara's breathing worsened, Snart guessed she was going to throw up, carefully sliding his left arm behind her to tilt her forward slowly, he rubbed her back in all directions "Canary doesn't like being in one place too long, huh?"
Sara choked out some more.
"Take it easy, Sara" Leonard quietly spoke "Deep breaths, in and out, nice and slow"
"C-Cold" Sara shivered
Leonard lightly tugged Sara into his chest, Sara clung to his shirt for aggressive dear life
"Don't go anywhere" Sara demanded through chattering teeth
"Wouldn't if I could, Sara"
Leonard lowered his head to rest it against Sara's hair, wrapping his arms around Sara's body to keep her comfortable and warm
He continued to whisper sentimental words in her ears, despite his unbreakable exterior he created a soft spot for his favourite blonde-teammate, she'd grown on him from the first minute
Once again Sara's breathing was slightly racing, Leonard asked what caused the sudden trauma, he figured being an Assassin would negate having these sort of events. The Canary began to explain her fall. She then explained that for over a solid year she lay dead and decaying inside a isolated stone-chilled coffin within her original burial grounds from her first 'death' upon the Queen's Gambit.
"A year ago... I died. I was shot with three arrows in the abdomen, one right after the other. Each shot I was pushed back further to the rooftop's edge, I fell. I could feel my bones shatter and my head smacking against the soaked concrete but that was it.
Like I said before, I felt like everyone I knew and loved was so far away"
Snart analysed Sara's face, she was in the midst of panicking and nearly bursting into tears, he never expected any sort of emotional switch from the Assassin
"Afterwards I was put to rest, buried in a coffin in my Black Canary suit in my original tombstone's location. It was so cold, so isolated... I was an empty shell trapped underground with no-one there to hear me"
Leonard finally saw Sara in a different light, she wasn't just a badass fighter that could hold her own in more than one way; she survived Death twice.
"What do you mean 'original tombstone'?"
"I was a kid, a teen who thought the world was at her feet and for the taking. I stowed away with my Sister's boyfriend - at the time - we were sailing on his private yacht together, a thunderstorm hit and we sunk. My family found out and buried an empty coffin for closure"
Snart understood how such experiences could unveil such an aftermath.
"You're a survivor" Snart had spoken without notice, it caused Sara to smile.
"T-Thanks. You too"
"Being stabbed in Juvi with Mick saving my ass is different, plus the run down medical ward did their part"
Sara rolled her eyes "T-t-take the com-compliment"
Snart shrugged, pulling Sara closer to him, "Fine. Only if you rest, Sara. I'll keep watch"
It took hours to be released, Sara had another attack but it barely lasted after Snart rewrapped an arm around her, once again gently shushing her and drilled the idea of 'Being OK' and 'We'll be out of here in no time' into her head. Needless to say it worked.
Banging against the door made Snart jolt, tightening his hold on Sara so she wouldn't panic for the third time during their cramped stay
"Boss, you in there?"
"Mick! Get the door open. Don't light it either!" Snart made sure as he swore he could see and feel Mick getting into position "there's no room for Sara and I to avoid it"
"No fun but fine. Haircut get me a crowbar"
Snart rolled his eyes "Sara" He whispered into her ear "Sara, we're safe now"
The door gave way to Mick's overload of power. Snart's emotional status turned from soft and caring to his 'Captain Cold' persona "Took you long enough"
"Well technically-"
"Save it, Raymond" Snart dismissed, picking Sara up bridal style
"Not a word" He hissed to Mick as they left the building. Ray had taken Sara's bow staff while the Canary lay semi-unconscious in Leonard's arms.
Extra Note: Was originally going to make this a One-Shot but I thought I'd give this Chapters instead. I loosely wrote the drafted finished product while I was suppose to be asleep for work. I've dipped into Detail whenever I had time
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