"Uncle! I need to speak with you! I know you're here." Sasuke pushes his way through the front door, not bothering to take off his shoes. "Dammit, Madara!" his voice echoes through the house, bouncing off the marble floors and cathedral ceiling. Sasuke storms into the kitchen, immediately making friends with the nearest bottle of liquor he can find. He takes a long swallow, only to have his body reject the alcohol. Forcing it down his throat, he coughs trying to to hold it down. "What the fuck is this?! Battery acid?!"

"Moonshine. What do you need, Sasuke? Why couldn't this wait until morning?" Madara towels off his hair, standing in just his deep purple robe.

"I want you to leave Sakura alone. You're being a perverted, spiteful old man. I want her back. Stop using her for you weird little games."

"Ah, what a strange turn of events Sasuke. Here I thought you much preferred whatever woman you had in her bed. Isn't that why you bedded the woman in the first place, you liked her better. Or am I confused?" Madara is not at all amused with his little nephew demanding anything from him.

"I made a mistake. I was bored and frustrated. I'm taking Sakura back." Sasuke puffs his chest to his uncle. Forcing himself to maintain eye contact. Madara runs his fingers through his wet hair, refusing to give into Sasuke.

"I can't just hand her over, Sasuke. She isn't property. She is free to do as she wishes. I think you may have severely hurt your chances when she saw you bare ass naked on top of another female. I could see where she maaaaay hold some resentment. Besides, I quite like her. She has an attitude, yet I see her shrivel away every once in a while. It's like as soon as she thinks of you a lightswitch is hit, she turns into a shell. It's incredibly sad."

"You aren't funny. Besides, she is in love with me. She has been since we were children. I only need to make her remember."

"Sasuke, that is bordering emotional manipulation. I don't suggest running back to Sakura because you feel like it now. I can assure you that any feelings you left with her are less than positive. She finally moved on, to…. Bigger better things. From what I gather, much bigger and better things." If looks could kill Madara is sure he would be dead ten times over by now. Slapping his nephew on the back he scoffs, "relax kiddo, I'm only giving you a rough time."

"Don't call me that."

"Ah, I suppose you're right. That should be reserved for the new little addition you have coming."

"How the hell do you already know this?!"

"Please, your mother, the angel on earth she is, is an angel who can't keep her trap shut about anything... ever. I'm sure the entire clan knows by now."

"This is it. I'm killing myself tonight."

"Oh cool it with the melodramatics. You should be happy that you are becoming a father. That child may even get to be the next clan head, that is, if Itachi or I have no children."

"Itachi is gay and you're an old man. I don't see either of those avenues opening up any time soon." Sasuke takes one last swig of the burning liquid before shoving the entire bottle Madara's way. "Is she here right now?"

"Call her and find out." Madara jokes, raising his eyebrow to Sasuke.

"Goodbye, uncle."

Pulling into her parking spot at her apartment complex, Sakura's phone begins to ring. Sasuke's name lighting up the screen. With a shaky breath she answers.


"Hey. Do you have a second?"

"I suppose."

"Listen, I'm sorry about the other day. I was being hateful. You didn't deserve that."

"I appreciate that. But, I don't want or need your apology, Sasuke. You always say exactly what you mean when you're angry. Have a good rest of your night." Sakura quickly hangs up the phone, letting out a huff. "Dammit!" she hits the dashboard of her car, leaving a crack. "...shit."

A loud ring breaks through her train of thought, Sasuke's name lighting up her screen once again.

"What! What is it that you need Sasuke?" Then venom in her voice stinging his ears.

"Will you please just talk to me for a minute? Just hear me out."

"It's late. I'm angry with you. Angry at myself for losing a patient today. So, if you could just set on your path of self redemption sometime in the late afternoon tomorrow that would be wonderful. I'm tired. Goodbye."

One week. It has been one week since Madara has heard from his pink haired beauty. Of course he wants to give her space if that is what she wants, but he misses the feeling of her next to him in bed. He needs to relieve some stress. Fourteen phone calls, seven text messages. No response. Going to her apartment might come off as creepy, however he is actually concerned for her wellbeing. Her work may suffice. Being good friends with one Doctor Genma Shiranui and said Doctor owing him a favor Madara is now planning on cashing in for a bit of information on Sakura's schedule at the hospital. Pulling his phone from the back pocket of his jeans, Madara holds the phone between his ear and shoulder while pulling on his black Timberlands.


"Hello Doctor."

"What the hell do you want Madara. I know that tone."

"I thought you would be happy to hear from me, good friend."

"I would be, if I didn't know that you want something from me."

"Actually, I am only in need of a small favor and you owe me one."

"Cut to the chase. I'm due to surgery in a few minutes."

"I need a little information on Sakura Haruno. Like her schedule for the week, is she working today, and if so, when is her break."

"What the hell do you want with Sakura?"

"I don't believe asking questions is part of a favor."

"Fine. She is assisting me with this and then she goes on break. So in about two hours. She works for the next four days. Noon til 2am. Is that all?"

"Yes. Thank you. Best of luck on your procedure."

"Excellent job today, Haruno. I will be sure to let the director know how you did. Are you going anywhere for your lunch?" Genma praises her as he throws his dirty scrubs into the biohazard container.

"Thank you Doctor Shiranui. I really appreciate that. I'm actually planning on doing some things for one of my classes over my break, but thank you. Hopefully that is all for trauma today. I mean i'm only four hours into my shift and we've had three already." Pulling off her scrub hat, she sits on the bench in the sanitation room, throwing her arms onto her knees, dropping her head.

"Hang in there kiddo. It will all be so much better when you are done with school. If anyone can get through it, it's you. You want it too much to fail." Genma rests his hand on her shoulder, giving her a light squeeze and then a pat. "Look for the light at the end of the tunnel. Catch ya later."

"See ya." Pulling a hand through her hair, she sighs. Checking for any signs of blood in the mirror she gives herself the all clear, washing her hands and arms. Sakura shuts off the lights to the room before slowly closing the door behind her.

"Well, hello beautiful. How did the surgery go?" The dark, smoothness of the voice immediately registered in her head, startling her enough to drop her text book.

"M-Madara? What on earth are you doing here?" Before she can even think to bend down to pick up the hefty book, Madara is holding it out to her. Apparently he caught it. "Show off." she scoffs.

"Well, I haven't spoken to you in a week, my dear. I was beginning to worry you may be working yourself to death, so, here I am. Checking on you and I bring gifts."

"You really don't need to do that. I can take care of myself."

"I have no doubts about that. But, I really do need to do this because you haven't answered my calls or texts." Sakura turns away from him, curling her finger, beckoning him to follow. A quiet grunt escapes his lips as he pushes off the wall, no objections to her demand. The walk to where ever she is leading him is silent, with nothing but the background noise of the hospital and the sound of her shuffling through a large grey backpack with a small pig keychain hanging off the side. Stopping at a door, Sakura swipes a keycard, a beep comes from the machine, opening the door. The room she has lead him to is obviously a supply closet. Pulling him in with a strength he didn't know she had, he stumbles nearly knocking over a shelf of clean linens, her mouth immediately on his. Madara places his hands on her face, pulling her back enough for him to speak.

"Miss me?" he purrs into her ear, tracing her jaw line with his thumb. Sakura takes the digit into her mouth, gently sucking on it before giving it a long, languid lick.

"You have no idea." Her hands trace down his firm body before finding what she is looking for. With lightning speed she has his pants and belt undone, fingers grasping at his already solid member.

"Woah baby, slow down. We can pick this up later." His thumb grazes her bottom lip, making her pout.

"I figured that is what you were here for." looking at her feet, Sakura pulls back, brushing a hand through her hair as Madara fixes his trousers.

"Listen, i'm not saying this wouldn't be amazing, love the enthusiasm. But, no this isn't what i'm here for. I'm here to check on you because I thought you might be dead on top of a pile of medical books and energy drinks. So, the bag that is on the floor right now has some ACTUAL food in it and I thought we could spend your break catching up." Madara kisses her forehead, picking the bag of warm food off the floor.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have assumed. Also, I will be taking you up on that offer to resume this later if you want to come to my place." Sakura creaks open the door, checking to see if the coast is clear. The sight of a familiar taller man with a toothpick resting between his lips startles her, quickly closing the door. Holding a finger to her lips she signals Madara to be quiet. A knock on the door send panic coursing through her.

"Hope you guys are done in there. It's all clear." The voice of Doctor Shiranui comes through the other side.

"Thank you, I owe you one." The look of horror on Sakura's face is priceless. Madara holds back a snicker.

"Oh, and Madara, you may want to make your visit quick. I overhead that there are a few Hyuuga here. Be careful." He knows he will forever be in debt to Genma. This man has saved his life both physically and figuratively.

While in the hospital cafeteria, Madara relaxes against the booth wall while Sakura stuffs the food he had brought her into her mouth. The sight of a bit of the sauce from her food on her nose makes a smile creep onto his face.

"You should get a bit more on your face, I can't tell if you like it or not." Madara hands his pinkette a wetnap to clean up.

"So good. Listen, I would moan for this is I could. I haven't had a real meal in a while." Ripping the piece of paper from his hands, she cleans her nose off.

"Ah, well, perhaps I need to make appearances with food more often if that means I get to hear you moan." Sakura scoffs at his remark, lightly smacking his chest with the back of her hand.

"Pervert." Madara keeps a close eye on every person who enters the wide cafeteria. While the Uchiha and the Hyuuga are on… civil terms to put it formally, they aren't exactly allies and the wrong move on either side could make or break their current arrangement, sending the Uchiha into war with the clan. As often as he fiends for a good brawl, going to war with the Byakugan clan while already warring with the Senjus will only be bad news for the Sharingan. They Hyuugas have been a crucial part of well oiled machine that is smuggling weapons from Kumo and into Konoha. Hyuuga's are slippery snakes, never to be trusted further than one could throw them, however, if you have the Hyuuga on your side, you open up the entire world of the black market. Now that the Heiress is to wed the Uzumaki heir, they will only be more powerful and more bulletproof. The Uzumaki's are the top dogs in the Judicial system, if you want to win, you call an Uzumaki. Now, the Hyuugas are basically untouchable, in turn makes the Uchiha, just a tad more out of reach from the law. A sharp stab to his shin jolts Madara from his thoughts. "Earth to Madaraa-, you okay?"

"Yes, Blossom. I was just thinking." He cracks his knuckles, then his neck.

"Yeah, I got that much. I could smell your hair burning. Also, go to a chiropractor, you're stiff." Closing up the container which once held her meal, Sakura pulls a book from her backpack.

"Are you implying I'm incapable of thinking?" Madara teases her.

"Not at all. I'm implying that if you keep thinking that hard your beautiful Uchiha mane will fall right out and then you'll be bald and then you'll look your age." Sakura flicks a piece of left over pepper at him.

"You're foul today. Save the 'tude for later as well. If you aren't a brat it isn't as fun."

"When am I not a brat?"