A YOUNG girl sat in the passenger's seat of the car, holding a grey and black spots fur and dark-eyed stuffed wolf in her hands. Her dark brown eyes were locking on the stuffed wolf as she played with it in her hands. "Cammy, are you ok?" The woman who was driving asked the young girl; her dark eyes never leaving the road in front of her.

Cammy shrugged her shoulders and looked up at the woman with sad eyes. "Did I do anything wrong, Sarah?" the young girl asked which caused the woman's eyes to widen at the question.

"Camilla, why would you ask that?" Sarah asked the young girl; blowing a piece of her black hair out of her eyes.

Sarah then heard sniffles coming from Camilla which caused her to reach over and place her hand on the young girl's shoulder. "Did I do something wrong for my Mummy to leave?" Camilla had large tears streaming down her face as she looked up at her mother-figure throughout her life.

Sarah didn't have an answer for Camilla because the only person who had an answer for her was her birth mother. "Cammy, you did nothing wrong. Your mother just wasn't ready so she left. But that doesn't mean..." Sarah stopped her sentence when she noticed bright lights in the middle of the street and a shadowy figure standing in front of them.

She stopped the car and stared at the figure in confusion before her eyes widened when she saw their arms rise up and being held out in front of them. In the figure's hands were guns pointing towards the car. "CAMMY, GET DOWN!" Sarah screamed towards the young girl before turning the wheel of the car to get out of the figure's range.

A scream came from Camilla as the sound of gunshots rang through the silent night. The young girl clutched her stuffed wolf tightly to her chest as she felt the car swerve off the road and into a tree. Smoke raised up from the hood of the smashed car which blurred Camilla's view of what was in front of her. The young girl looked over at Sarah to see blood dripping from her temple. "Sarah?" Camilla's soft voice rang out through the silent car as she unbuckled her seatbelt.

Sarah groaned as she turned her head to look at Camilla and smiled sadly. "Cammy, it's going to be okay," the woman tried to comfort the young girl but didn't work.

Camilla reached over to grab Sarah's hand and suddenly, black veins appeared up her arms. More tears streamed down the young girl's cheek while the woman sighed in relief from her extreme pain that was all over her body. Sarah placed a hand on Camilla's cheek and spoke to her; "Run. Run as fast as you can," the woman whispered to the young girl who shook her head.

Camilla didn't have a choice as she felt Sarah push her away with what strength she had left before leaning her head back against the headrest. "Go!" Sarah demanded to the young girl as her eyes watched the figure walking over to the destroyed car.

The young girl fumbled with the door handle before finally opening the door and throwing herself from the car. She pushed her legs as she ran through the woods; not caring about nicks she received from hanging branches when she bolted through the trees.

Sarah smiled sadly as she watched the young girl disappear before it dropped when she heard the car door open. "Where is she?" a voice growled when they saw that only Sarah was in the car.

Sarah looked over at the owner of the voice and smiled at them. "You'll never find her," was Sarah's last words before darkness.

Camilla tripped over a large stick on the ground and landed on her stomach by a body of water. As she crawled over to the water on her hands and knees, a loud scream rang through the silent woods. Camilla's cried turned into sobs as she looked down at her reflection and shrieked in shock. Her eyes were glowing bright gold before they turned into a bright blue which glowed brightly in the darkness. Suddenly, pain rang throughout her whole body as the sound of bones breaking rang through the silent night. Camilla's mouth opened as she felt her teeth sharpen into fangs and her face also transformed. Fur sported from her skin as her whole body shifted into something she didn't know...or thought was possible to shift into.

The only problem now...how to change back.