Chapter 16

Disclaimer: I don't own Detective Conan or Magic Kaito!

Thought / Dream / Event from the past

[Voice from the past]


On Screen

Option Button

=Phone Call or Through Earphone=



Notification / Unread Mail / Report※

Dangerous tone / Magic Incantation / Sound Effect

Revisiting Osaka : Hattori Might Be A Seer

"Over there is Tenouji River, that one is Osaka Dome, and where we're at the moment is Tsuuten Tower." Hattori Heiji said as he pointed to the mentioned places, before looking at the group of Tokyoite in front of him - which consisted of Conan, Ran, Kaito, Aoko, and Akako - who were looking at the aforementioned places with the Zoom function of their Glasses.

Normally, it would be Kogoro, Ran, and Conan who went out visiting other places like Osaka due to a Case or other thing (Conan and Ran went as the Detective Duo, while Kogoro as their guardian), but this time was different. Ran was still annoyed that her Parents were too stubborn and prideful to live together again, so as a form of revenge - as well as another effort to get them back together - Ran told them that she and Conan would go to Osaka visiting Heiji and Kazuha, with Kaito, Aoko, and Akako tagging along. Thus forcing Kogoro to stay at Eri's place for the duration of this trip.

Not only that, but she also enrolled Eri and Kogoro to Cooking classes for the duration of this trip, so she hoped that they wouldn't get into another argument due to the food being bad - although, even she herself doubted it would go smoothly.

"Well?" Heiji asked for their opinion, "Osaka isn't too bad, is it?".

Aoko let out a noise of agreement. "The view is great from here." She said with a smile as she exited the Zoom function and removed her Glasses, slipping it into her pocket.

"But you know…" Akako hummed as she also removed her Glasses, "The only difference between between here and the view from Tokyo Tower are in the surroundings, I don't really see any difference otherwise".

Heiji looked annoyed at that.

"Maa, maa." Ran let out a placating noise as she raised her hands to calm Heiji down, before the boy could explode, "I know you have your pride regarding Osaka, Hattori-kun, but remember that we Tokyoite have our own pride regarding Tokyo".

"She's right, you know?" Kazuha chirped in with a grin, "I'm sure the view from Tokyo Tower is just as amazing as from here, just with different surroundings. So don't get annoyed unnecessarily, Heiji".

Heiji just huffed and looked away.

"Anyway Heiji…" Kazuha began again to return Heiji's attention to her, "Isn't it time for us to have lunch?".

"Ah, just wait a little longer, someone will come for us." Heiji replied as he looked at his watch.

"Well, I guess I will just use this time to get an air view of Osaka." Kaito said cheekily as he looked around, memorizing the area.

Conan sweat dropped. "Don't tell me, there's going to be a Heist in Osaka soon?" He asked somewhere between dreadful and curious.

"It's a secret~" Kaito answered playfully.

Conan shook his head before walking over to Heiji, since the girls used this time for girl-talk. "So, why did you want us to come to Osaka?" He asked the Meitantei of the West.

"What are you talking about?" Heiji tried to deflect.

"There's something you aren't telling me." Conan deadpanned.

"I just want you to have a tour of Osaka for real, since we got interrupted by a falling body years ago." Heiji said lightly as he looked out the window, "We will all die in the end, so I just don't want to waste any chance".

"There's something bothering you." Conan said with a sigh as he slipped his hands into his pant's pockets, "I can hear it in your voice when you called me earlier, so just speak up".

"I had a bad dream." Heiji admitted at last, "I was chasing a criminal and was about to catch him, but then I was stabbed." He grinned at Conan, "So were you, and then you died!".

"Don't kill people in your dreams…" Conan commented with a sweat drop.

"So, just stay here and have a good time in Osaka." Heiji retorted with a smile.

Conan narrowed his eyes at that, he could tell that Heiji was hiding something. After all, Heiji's Poker Face wasn't as strong as Ran - his own and Kaito's were leagues above Ran's, so couldn't be compared, really - and Conan could easily see through it. Unfortunately, a man came over and called out to Heiji before Conan could demand Heiji to tell him what the hell was disturbing him actually.

The man introduced himself as Officer Sakada, who informed Heiji that his Father couldn't come due to having a meeting about a case. Then, they found out that their ride for this tour was a freaking Patrol Car.

Kazuha smacked the back of Heiji's head. "Ahou!" She scolded her childhood friend, "Why are we taking them on Tour with a Patrol Car?!".

"That's hurt, Boke!" Heiji yelled back as he rubbed the back of his head, "Going around on Patrol Car is the best, you know?! Even in traffic jams, other cars will make way!".

"Even so, it's embarrassing, you know!" Kazuha snapped as she planted her hands on her hips.

"Let's not forget another issue here." Conan said with twitching eyes, "There are 7 of us here, excluding Sakada-keiji. How will we all traveling with just one car? And a Patrol Car at that".

Heiji blinked, seemingly only realized it just now.

"Oh, don't worry." Sakada-keiji answered Conan, "As soon as I heard that there are 3 additional people joining us, I called a friend of mine and she agreed to drive another car for us".

Just then, the other car arrived, and so everyone was ushered in by Heiji before the two Patrol Cars took off. Sakada-keiji, Heiji, Kaito, and Conan in one car, while the girls - including the female Officer who was driving them - were in another car.

They then have Noodles for Lunch at Osaka Ramen, in which Heiji proudly say that Osaka have the best Noodle. Following that, they went to enjoy Osakan Takoyaki, and then Okonomiyaki - which Heiji ate with Rice, surprising them. Unfortunately, their Tour of Osaka had to come to an end early, once again. Just like their Tour of Osaka years ago, a body had fallen down within their sight. This time, the body had fallen on top of the Patrol Car, above the engine's cover - and the car just happened to be the one that Heiji, Kaito, Conan, and Sakada-keiji were in.

"I'm cursed, seriously." Conan said exasperatedly as he climbed out of the car, his hands were already covered with black gloves - his Hunter gloves.

"Still, why is it that when Hattori is around, the body finding always involved falling from above?" Kaito couldn't help but wondered as he followed suit, his hands were also covered with his Hunter gloves.

"Are you implying that I'm cursed too?" Heiji looked at Kaito with a frown while in the middle of wearing his own Hunter gloves, "I have never stumbled into a crime in the making or one that had just happened before I met Kudou, you know. This only ever happened after I met Kudou".

"Maybe Shinichi's curse rubbed off on you." Ran suggested as she approached them - she, Kazuha, Aoko, and Akako already wore their Huntress gloves, just in case they needed to touch something in the crime scene.

"And then your presence compounds the curse, making the body finding involved falling from a height." Kazuha teased Heiji lightly as she called her Father - the one she always called when she thought of Police - with her gaze trailing upward when she said 'from a height', only to gasp in surprise, "Heiji! There's someone up there!".

"Nani (What)?!" Heiji gasped before he and Conan ran up the stairs.

"Well…" Kaito hummed as he took photos of the crime scene, just in case it could be use later.

The 'someone' that Kazuha sighted turned out to be the owner of a coffee shop on the second level of the building, who was called by an unknown person and was told to go to the roof. That, combined with the report of examination that Ran and Kaito did while they were rushing to the roof - with Kazuha, Aoko, and Akako making sure no one get close to the crime scene at the time - they concluded that the man was killed some time the previous day, and was the latest victim of the serial killer that had been plaguing Osaka lately, considering that the man was killed by a knife pierced through the wallet that was in his chest pocket - after being strangled though. That made the man as the third victim.

Thus, the usual investigation happened once they found the one thing that connected all three victims. Heiji and Conan were the only ones doing the investigation though, since they told the others to leave it to the two of them - since the others didn't really like dealing with dead bodies. (If it a bombing, hijacking, and so on, then they have no problem in helping the two Meitantei. Although, Ran and Kaito would work on murder case if needed, they were just reluctant otherwise).


"There's something strange about the message." Conan muttered, "The first message from the culprit was at 1:08 PM, and the second was at 1:10 PM. They were only 2 minutes apart." He then let out a sigh and shook his head, "I have a bad feeling about this".

Bad feeling? Heiji stared at Conan, before the image of Shinichi being stabbed at his heart played in his mind again, causing him to gasp out 'Kudou' in fear.

"What?" Conan asked him with a raised eyebrow.

"No, it's nothing." Heiji shook his head and looked away from Conan's piercing eyes. Why can't I forget about that dream? He asked himself uneasily.

In the end, because Heiji just couldn't shake what he had seen in his dream away, he handed his Omamori to the shrunken Detective. He also told Conan to leave the case to him - with the excuse being that it was within Heiji's territory, and promising that he would stop the murderer.

In the end, it was a good thing that Heiji gave the Omamori to Conan.

It happened after Conan found Numabuchi, the man who was thought to be the killer. Kaito was in the middle of making sure that Conan was alright, and Conan did the same to Kaito regarding Kaito's mental health - Kaito hated murders after all, so Conan just wanted to make sure that Kaito wouldn't have a nightmare later. As the two were busy making sure that the other was alright, Numabuchi pretended to fall onto the trash - only to pick up a knife and rushed over to Kaito and Conan, with the intention to get them move out of the way.

Conan sensed the danger and - without thinking - stepped in front of Kaito and protected Kaito with his own body. Fortunately for him, the chain in Heiji's Omamori caught the knife, and thus he didn't get stabbed - although, the force behind the attack did get him some bruised ribs. Kaito and Ran ended up fussing after him, making sure he got rest and didn't overexert himself - mother hen that they were.

At the closing of the case, Kazuha ended up fussing after Heiji too. The Meitantei of the West got shot accidentally when he prevented Sakada-keiji - who turned out to be the serial killer in the end - from committing suicide. He did such a reckless thing was because of Shinichi - who once said to him that a Detective who had cornered a criminal with his deduction, but did nothing to prevent the criminal from committing suicide was no different from a murderer. The words had been taken seriously by Heiji, who ever since then always did his best to prevent anyone from taking life - either other people's life or their own - in his presence.


"Nee, Hattori." Shinichi - for only the members of The Shadow Hunters were present in Heiji's hospital room at the time - began to say as he pulled off Heiji's Omamori from his neck, "That time when I said that I have a bad feeling, you look haunted".

"I- I did?" Heiji asked in surprise.

"Not only that, but after you mentioned your bad dream, I could tell that you were feeling disturbed." Shinichi continued as he looked at the Omamori in his hands, all the while ignoring everyone else who had stopped their chattering to listen to his words, "You may have quite a good Poker Face, but not good enough to deceive me, you know?".

"Ugh." That was the only answer Heiji gave him.

"After hearing about my bad feeling, you adopted a haunted look for a second, before covering it up again with a nonchalant act, only to give me your Omamori without explanation." Shinichi raised an eyebrow while waving the said Omamori, before offering it to his Rival in term of Deduction, "Just what was in your bad dream, actually?".

Heiji sighed as he took the Omamori and wore it around his neck again. "Well, it started with you as Shinichi walking towards me with your usual smirk, and the next second, you suddenly got stabbed and died." He told his shrunken Best Friend with a grimace, "The image stuck in my head even though I did my best to shake it off, assuring myself that it was only a bad dream, but I remembered it again when you said that you had a bad feeling. I got scared that it's gonna come true, so I gave my Omamori to you in hope that it would protect you".

"It did, in the end." Shinichi admitted with a weak smile, "Without it, my heart would have been stabbed, and I won't be here now".

"Interesting." Akako hummed as she stared at Heiji, making the poor boy uncomfortable, "Have you had another dream that ended up coming true?".

"Well, there was this time I saw Kazuha got stabbed by the Shinigami's Scythe." Heiji answered thoughtfully, "I was panicked and took my Father's Katana before rushing to Kazuha's room, only to find you there pointing your Scythe at her, Koizumi-han".

"Very interesting, indeed." Akako said with her eyebrows raised in surprise.

"What do you have in mind, Akako?" Shinichi asked her curiously.

"I think, Hattori-kun has the ability of a Seer." Akako informed everyone in the room, earning a surprised gasp from Shinichi and confused look from the rest, so she explained, "A Seer is someone with the ability to see into the future, though the way they See the future different for each person. I myself often See the future in my dream, but sometimes I See it when I meditate, as well as the vision came to me without warning. I can be working on my homework one second, only to See the future at the next".

"So, I'm a Seer?" Heiji asked in surprise.

"I believe so." Akako nodded her head to him, "The difference between you and I is … you only have enough ability to See a glimpse of the future, not the whole event like I often See. Although, the glimpse that you See is clearer than what I See most of the time." She explained to the best of her ability, adopting a thoughtful look on her face, "You saw Kudou-kun got stabbed clearly, albeit not knowing when such an incident would happen and why. In my case, I often See the whole event, but not clearly. Sometime I saw my friends in the form of animals, doing things that I couldn't fully understand, like watching a series of riddles instead of real event".

"Well, Heiji." Kazuha stood beside Heiji and planted her hands on her hips again, "Next time you have a strange dream again, tell me. You know I will help you to the best of my ability, and I'm sure I can be a great help. I'm Byakko, remember?".

"I know." Heiji looked away again.

"Tell me about any strange dream you have too, like the one you saw that time - about me getting stabbed and similar event like that." Shinichi told him, "That way, we can be sure to keep our guard up and prevent it from happening".

"Alright, I promise." Heiji nodded his head, "But I don't get such dream often, and I couldn't be sure whether what I'm gonna see is a vision of the future or just mere nightmare".

"That's alright, just tell us about them anyway." Kazuha told him, "Better safe than sorry, right?".

"Heh, I guess." Heiji smirked at that, relieved that they didn't call him crazy or something like that for believing in his strange dream. After all, it wasn't logical.

(He had forgotten that Akako was a Witch before, so he had been unsure and secretly fearing their reaction.)


I'm really sorry for the short chapter, and even then, this one is more a filler than a real chapter :(

Oh well… What do you think? Review Please ^ ^

Your Review will always makes me happy!

Fragments of Imagination