So, I was going to wait until I'd finished a couple of other stories but I'm really invested in this one at the moment.
My original characters are actually ones that I've had for years but I never had the right story to put them in until now.

Aidan & Orla belong to me. Everybody else belongs to themselves.

The morning traffic moved through Chicago far too slowly for Orla's liking. She hadn't even wanted to tag along with her brother on his latest photography assignment, but his usual assistant had been unexpectedly delayed by a cancelled flight due to bad weather, and Aidan had helped her out so often that Orla felt she owed him. When he had asked for her help in setting up today she had agreed, even though it pained her to get out of bed before six on a weekend.

Aidan Sweeney wore his usual contented expression as he manouevered through the traffic in the direction of the nearby Starbucks. If anything could perk his sister up it would be a caramel latte and perhaps something to eat. He was a little hungry himself given their early start, with only a mug of black coffee lining his stomach for their car journey.

"Fancy a break?" he asked his sister, even though he had been the one driving.

"You payin'?" the younger sibling raised a brow.

"Of course. We might be adults, but Ma would still scold me if I didn't take care of my baby sister."

"Well I wouldn't say no to a caramel latte and a muffin."

"Didn't think you would." Aidan chuckled as he pulled one of the parking bays next to Starbucks.

Despite their five year age difference, the siblings had always been close. They were born and raised in County Wicklow, Ireland. Orla was the baby of the family, followed by Tommy, Aidan, and eldest brother Shane. They were a tight-knit family, and their parents had been nothing but supportive of them, encouraging them all to follow their dreams.

Aidan's dream was to be a photographer. He had gone off to study his craft in England for three years, followed by two years of working for various photography studios, before finally setting himself up as a freelancer, enjoying the freedom that it offered him. Orla had always been less certain of what she wanted from life, but she managed to graduate from University with a degree in teaching, followed by two years working at a primary school in Dublin.

After their coffee break the siblings set off on the road again. The remainder of the journey was much the same as before, so Orla decided to distract herself from the slow traffic by popping in her earbuds and listening to some music, zoning out a little before she heard her brother say her name.

"Orla, we have arrived!" Aidan announced cheerfully.

"What exactly are you photographing?" Orla asked as she scanned the arena that they were now parked in front of.

"Athletes, I guess."

"Wrestlers?!" his sister exclaimed as she spotted the signs dotted around the arena.

"Yep," Aidan grinned, "Can you believe that your big brother has an assignment for WWE?"

"Could you not have clued me in before now?"

"Ah, but I wanted it to be a surprise." Aidan shrugged as he removed the keys from the ignition and unclipped his seatbelt.

"You could have warned me to make myself a little more presentable."

"Ya look fine to me, Sis," he replied as Orla pulled down the passenger sun visor in order to inspect her appearance in the mirror, "And besides, there's only Fergal and Becky that's gonna recognise ya."

The female Sweeney felt her breath hitch in her throat as she heard her brother's words. With just the mention of a certain Irishman she had morphed from a confident thirty-two year old woman into an awkward teenage girl. She turned her attention back to the mirror, hoping not to see a telltale blush colouring her cheeks, but it was too late. Aidan didn't seem to have noticed though, as he exited the car and headed towards the trunk to grab his equipment.

"Aidan! How are ya?" a familiar Irish accent echoed down the hallway.

"Fergal, great to see ya." Aidan extended his hand towards the man known to WWE fans as Finn Balor.

"Same to you."

"You remember me sister, Orla, don't ya?"

Fergal had been so interested in catching up with his friend that he hadn't paid any attention to the figure standing quietly behind the blonde Irishman. Orla was even more beautiful than he remembered, with an enviable figure and smooth peachy skin, and long honey-blonde hair that was currently tied into a messy French braid. Her eyes were a bright shade of teal, all greens and blues like the ocean.

"Orla! Didn't see ya there!" the leader of the Balor Club extended his hand towards her but retracted it in favour of a half hug instead; wrapping an arm around her shoulder and offering a gentle squeeze.

"Good to see ya, Fergal." she smiled, loving the way his name played on her lips.

"So you're here on business then are ya?" the dark haired man gestured towards Aidan's photography equipment.

"Yep. I'm here all week." the blonde man confirmed.

"And you, Orla, are you here all week too?"

"No, I'm just standing in for Aidan's usual assistant today."

"That's a damn shame," Fergal frowned, "I was looking forward to catchin' up with the both of ya."

"Well, if you were to stay on as my assistant for the week, I could give James a break," Aidan suggested, "His fiancée's been on at him for months to take a trip to California and visit her family."

"Are you offerin' me a job?" Orla asked her brother.

"I am."

"Do I get paid?"

"You get your own hotel room and maybe even a caramel latte or two."


"Then that's settled!" Fergal grinned, "And I'm buyin' you both dinner tonight, my treat."

"Ah, Fergal, there's no need to go out of yer way for us." Aidan assured his friend.

"Nonsense. I've always time for me Irish friends!" the man's blue eyes shone as he cast them over to meet Orla's gaze.

For a moment Orla wondered if he remembered the kiss he had stolen from her all those years ago. She could still recall every detail of that evening. She was seventeen and it was her parents' New Year's Eve party and the Sweeney family home was bursting with friends and family, including Fergal. All night the blonde had been sneaking longing glances at her teenage crush, all the while attempting to work up the courage to speak to him.

The volume indoors at the Sweeney house had become deafening as the gathered family and friends celebrated the New Year with singing, party poppers, and excited chatter. Orla had escaped to the garden for some fresh air. Dressed in only jeans and a plum coloured sequinned vest, the blonde was aware of the cold winter air, but unwilling to return to the loud indoors to retrieve a jacket. She rubbed the tops of her arms in an attempt to increase her body temperature, but to no avail.

Just as she was about to return indoors in search of warmth, Orla heard the door open and close behind her, followed by footsteps approaching the spot where she stood. Turning around to greet the person, the blonde was surprised yet delighted to see that it was Fergal who stood in front of her, wearing his signature grin and using one hand to undo the top two buttons of his shirt.

"That's better," he grinned, "Get some fresh air in me lungs."

"Enjoying the party?" Orla enquired.

"It's fun. Your folks know how to throw a party."

"That they do."

"What's botherin' ya?" he asked her, noticing that while her lips were curved upward her smile didn't meet her eyes.

"It's nothin'." Orla shrugged off his concern.

"Looks like somethin' to me." Fergal persisted.

"Fine," she relented, "I like this guy but I don't think he likes me the same way."

"Then that man is a fool."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because you're lovely. And one day you'll meet a man who recognises that."

"You reckon?" the blonde raised a brow.

"I know it," Fergal smiled, leaning forwards and pressing a gentle kiss to her lips, "Happy New Year, Orla."

"Happy New Year, Fergal." she replied as he turned and walked back towards the house.

Standing in front of him now, Orla had to admit that she still held a candle for Fergal Devitt.

Do you want to see more? Review!