
The Worst Meeting Ever


"Welcome to Beacon…"



In the cold of the lightly snowing night, the little girl heard the low snarling of Beowolves beyond the tree line.

Her father was gone. Where he disappeared to, she did not know.

Her mother's blue cape fluttered violently in the wind. A small woman's frame was all that stood between her and the Grimm eyeing her like such easy prey.

As the girl and her mother came to a stop in the middle of an open field, a giant shadow cast across from the army of dark creatures. Its burning eyes focused on the two, fierce and hungry. Steaming saliva dripped from its canines and melted canyons in the snow.

"Summer," her mother said to her. "Run!"

"But, mommy—"

"Run and don't look back!"

Among the ranks of Grimm, the lone giant figure loomed forward. It belonged to the highest order of its species, those dubbed Nightmare-Class. The dominant alpha of its "pack".

"Summer!" her mother called again. "Run!"

"I don't want to leave you!" she cried.

"You have to!"

Beneath her mother's cowl, two axes brandished in each hand. The silver in the woman's eyes gleamed intensely towards the enormous beast, who howled high into the low, hanging moon.

"This is goodbye, Summer."


Her mother's figure whipped forth like a ghost's. A look of sorrow gleaned beneath her hood. A single tear shed for her daughter, whom she parted ways.

Remember, Summer.

We live such very short lives.

Love intensely, love frequently.

And never fail to see the beauty in everything…

Even in death.


Summer's hand reached out to catch the tail-end of her mother's cape, but found nothing there. Nothing, but the awkward stares of her soon-to-be peers at Beacon Academy.

The girl looked both ways down the hull of the airship. New students entering Beacon idled along its corridors, seemingly immersed in their own conversations until Summer's sudden outburst. Perhaps out of consideration, they all awkwardly returned to their own business with furtive glances.

Summer immediately pulled her hood down over her face. She wished she could say that was the most embarrassing moment in her life, but it was only one of a vastly expanding collection. Her legs kicked out under her seat as she couldn't control the internal anguish she felt.

If that wasn't enough, she touched something moist on her cheek, as she pulled her hood closer in to suffocate herself.

I was drooling too?!


While Summer was having her fit, the airship docked at Beacon Academy's port. The new students filed off by the numbers. Outside, more airships could be seen offloading their own passengers.

Summer stayed behind for a while. There was a moment she considered staying onboard and riding the airship back to Signal.

The girl had graduated a year early. Beacon's Headmaster had personally scouted her for his school after a certain incident involving a notorious criminal and one of the Academy's most esteemed Professors. Though, the outcome of the event was less than ideal, it didn't fail to leave a lasting impression on the powers that be.

As Summer continued to contemplate, the last words of Signal's Headmasters resounded in the back of her mind.

"It's a good chance, isn't it?" Headmaster Pan said with his usual aloofness. "It's not like we have much to teach you anymore."

Summer frowned at that, wishing they were more inspiring.

"This provides a good opportunity, Summer Rose," Vice Headmaster Hook glowered over her. "You would have attended Beacon eventually. It is the next step in becoming a true Huntress. See the world with your own eyes. Do not be afraid to take the path before you. You're perfectly capable of walking it."

Professor Hook! Summer thought so fondly that she almost cried.

Alright! I'll do it!

Summer slapped the sides of her face to psyche herself up.

As the airship was leaving, the pilot forgot to check if there were any passengers still left. In a moment of panic, he viewed the cameras to show a single student still registering on the monitors. But after blinking once, the figure vanished.

The pilot rechecked the systems and monitors to find the girl he thought he saw inside, was in fact standing at the edge of Beacon's air dock.

"She couldn't have… Nahhhh…"

As Summer watched the transport disappear into the clouds, she lamented how she could only perform well in the oddest situations.

With a sigh and a forced smile, the girl turned to the Academy she would now be attending. Beacon's vast courtyard stretched forth to greet her. Many of the students already hustling their way to the auditorium.

Alright, Summer.

You got this.

You got this!

You're ready!


And so, Summer Rose strode forth.

Her white cloak fluttered in the gentle breeze of Beacon's cliff. Her pair of ringed chakram blades clinked at the side of her hips. Silver eyes focused on what lay ahead—

And the future waiting just beyond.




"I can't believe we have to attend this stupid school!"

"Still kicking the dirt on that, sis?"

"Look at them, Qrow! They're so soft it makes me sad," Raven rolled her eyes. "These kids wouldn't survive a day in Vacuo. And this is supposed to be where the best Hunters are trained? Give me a break."

"Hey, we're here now. We might as well make the best of it," Qrow tried to console.

"Not by choice. Shepherd and Temujin practically did everything they could to ship us off."

"They wanted a better life for us. You can't be mad at them forever."

"Who said anything about forever? Till I die isn't nearly as long."




If Qrow was being honest, he felt the same way. Maybe not as intensely, but he always believed he would spend the rest of his life in Vacuo, fighting with Temujin's Red Fang. But Shepherd, their surrogate father, wanted a different life for the twins. One far removed from the fate of child soldier.

Qrow understood the sentiment on some level but telling his sister that was completely out of the question.

Raven loved life in Vacuo. Its harsh environment nurtured the warring fire within her. She also loved Temujin, the leader of the Red Fang and the twin's surrogate mother. But being forced to look for an alternative way of life, against her will, left the young girl with embittered feelings.

As a result, no one came so much as ten feet of the Branwens throughout the long flight there, especially of Raven. When their airship landed, the young swordswoman only glared about her fellow peers and scoffed.

With one hand constantly resting on her sword, matched with her dark-maroon samurai armor, Raven exuded a constant hostile presence. A crimson light flickered in her irises with the manifestation of her Semblance. Everything about her screamed for those in proximity to keep a healthy distance.

In comparison, the lanky-bodied Qrow walked alongside her with a similar danger sense. Though, not as blood-letting as his sibling counterpart. The young man still brandished a collapsible scythe across his back that curved like a devil's wicked smile.

"This is a waste of time," Raven complained once more.

"You heard Temujin and Shepherd. If we graduate and still wanna live in Vacuo by the end of it, they'll welcome us back with open arms."

"And in that time, the government continues to enslave our people. All while we live this dumb version of a happy-go-lucky school life. Like we're just some stupid kids!"

"We are kids."

"Are we, though?" Raven stared at Qrow seriously. "I don't know what you call yourself, but I know what I am. I'm a warrior and a weapon. And I haven't been anything else for a long time now…"

The younger twin fell silent at that. He knew the things Raven had done on their behalf—the measures she took to ensure they survived. And she was correct. Children didn't do the same things she had done. They didn't bear the same scars already pockmarked across her soul.

"Maybe this is an opportunity for you, little brother, but this isn't the life for me," Raven continued.

"Well, whining about it isn't going to change anything."

"No, but getting myself expelled might."

"I'm willing to bet Temujin thought you might try to pull a stunt like that, and put some measures in place."

"Wouldn't put it past her. Crafty old bat…" Raven squinted, and pulled out a long, black bamboo pipe.

After biting the lip, she began stuffing tobacco leaves into the bowl. Stress had been building the long ways over and she had held back on the habit, since smoking inside the airship could have caused a malfunction. But now, in the open air, she wanted to take the edge off some of her nerves.

"—What do you think you are doing?"

"…What's it look like I'm doing?" Raven answered the voice of challenge with her own.

In the middle of the courtyard leading to Beacon, where other students gave the Branwens a wide birth, three older students stood in their way. Their leader, a blonde girl with glasses and a stern demeanor, addressed Raven.

"It looks like you're about to openly smoke contraband on school premises, while underage."

"Oh. Then, you're right. That's exactly what I'm doing. So, why are you asking again?"

"This is not a joke. I'll be confiscating that, so hand it over. You're a new student, so you can come explain yourself at the student council office after orientation."

"Yeah, not happening, little miss uptight and stiffy." Raven widened her stance and grasped the hilt of her sword. "I don't answer to anyone, and definitely not holier-than-thou skirts like you."

"Do you understand who you are raising your weapon against?" the girl tilted her glasses.

"No, should I? You don't exactly have your name tattooed across your forehead."

"We are GIAS Team. The officially elected student council of Beacon Academy and enforcers of the school's rules, as well as keepers of the student body's well-being. As such, we are given supreme authority to act on behalf of the Headmaster."

"Blah blah blah, I thought you were going to name yourself, not belt out some dumb titles. But hey, if that's what you want carved on your tombstone, that's fine by me."

"…My name is Glynda Goodwitch, leader of GIAS Team and student council president. I am also the top student here and would strongly advise a new student not to challenge me in battle."

"Great. Warning received. You aren't confiscating shit. So, back off—" Raven dug the soles of her feet into the ground. "Or I make you back off."

Glynda drew her riding crop and took a defensive stance. Likewise, the glimmer of Raven's blade peaked slightly out its sheathe.

At this time, the rising tensions between the two attracted a large crowd of bystanders.

"Are you really doing this, Raven? We haven't been here for a full minute yet."

"Shut up, Qrow. Are you with me or not?"

"What do you think?"

Qrow folded out the scythe from his back. Even if he didn't agree with his sister, living in Vacuo taught him to stand by his own. You didn't survive if you weren't ready to fight and shed blood by those around you.

"Glynda… this is proving a bit much for a simple infraction," one of the GIAS Teammates cautioned their leader. "A simple warning should suffice. We are interrupting the students' orientation and these individuals are likely a bit stir-crazy from their trip."

"We do not compromise, Straw. If we lax the authority of the student council now, how do we expect them to adhere to it in the future? We've been challenged, and now we must set a precedent."

"Or…" The stringy blonde-haired boy with long sleeves motioned. "Or we can wait until one of the professors gets here. I think one has surely been notified already. Perhaps, even our Mentor."

"No, Glynda is correct," the third, stiff-jawed teammate stepped forward and brandished a revolver. "We must set an example for the other students."

"Not you, too, Ironwood. Am I the only one left with any sense?"

"Make ready to fight," Glynda announced. "That's an order."

Straw sighed, as a number of thin, gold spears sprouted from underneath his long sleeves.

As each of them honed their Aura and drew on the strength of their Semblance—


An echoing chime, barely discernible to the ear, but so piercing and clear to those who recognized it—resounded in the hearts and mind of those readied to fight. Something in its nature felt fleeting. Like a swift wind on a moonlit night. A transparency that was gentle, but at the same time haunting.

Raven's eyes widened in surprise, as she noticed her smoke pipe was no longer hanging in her mouth.


"—What may I ask would be the cause of such an exciting display?"

The crowd parted ways for a man wearing a black coat, a green scarf, and deep-shaded sunglasses. He looked to the Branwens momentarily, and then to GIAS Team.

"I know you're all very eager to test your skills against one another, prove your worth as young Huntsmen and Huntresses in training—" He took a moment to press up his sunglasses with a sly grin. "—And I assure you, such a time will present itself. But this will not be it."

"But, Mentor Ozpin!"

"Yes, Glynda?"

"These two acted in open defiance of the school's code of conduct and challenged the authority of the student council!"

"Yes. It appears they are a rather tumultuous pair. In fact, they remind me of another freshman student a couple years back. She was also quite rebellious as I recall."

"Professor! That was—"

"I trust that you of all the trainees in this Academy know the temptations of hot bloodedness better than anyone. You must take care to remember, the student council does not exist merely to enforce rules onto others—but to guide them."

"…I understand, Mentor. But still, it doesn't change the fact that this girl is openly partaking in contraband!"

"And what contraband would that be?"


It was then, Glynda realized the tobacco pipe was no longer in Raven's mouth. She was prepared to accuse her of hiding it, when she saw the unbridled anger on the other girl's face.

"I see…" Glynda calmed.

"I believe it would be best to chalk this up to a simple misunderstanding," Ozpin moved to finish the issue. "Now, the Headmaster's orientation speech will be beginning shortly, so I suggest you all hurry along to the auditorium."

A few tense seconds pervaded the atmosphere, as the professor silently drank coffee from his mug. One by one, the crowd of students dispersed. GIAS Team returned to their duties of ushering the new students to their destination.

Ozpin moved to follow, before sparing a glance to a certain girl at the corner of his eye. The edge of a white cowl could be seen wafting just behind one of the courtyard's stone pillars.

Very impressive, Miss Rose.




Summer breathed a deep sigh of relief as she clutched the bamboo pipe in her hands.

Ah… I didn't know if that was actually going to work.

I'm glad it did!

But the rest only worked out because Professor Ozpin stepped in.



Now, I just have to find the right moment to give this back to that girl—


Summer instinctively ducked as a thin blade brushed the space just above her head.

"You! Hand it over!" a raging Raven glowered.

"Okay! Okay! I was planning to anyway. Here!"

Summer extended the pipe, which Raven hastily snatched.

"I was just trying to help…"

"Yeah? Well, the next time you think about 'helping' me, think about how I won't give you a second chance to duck next time!"

"Hey, I just got you out of trouble. Why do you have to be all—Hgg!"

Raven poised her sword again. Summer was about to defend herself, when a skinny boy stepped between them.

"Cool it, sis! She actually did help us out just now," Qrow argued.

"It would've been better to settle things on our own terms."

"Says you."

"We could've taken 'em."

"They looked like a bunch of stiffs, but even you should've noticed they weren't amateurs."


"Whatever," Qrow turned from Raven to Summer. "Qrow Branwen. The surly one's my sister Raven. Here."

The boy offered a hand to help the girl up, and she took it.

"Summer. Summer Rose," she introduced herself.

"I didn't even see you move. How did you do that?"

"It's a… part of my Semblance."

"Huh. Well, that's pretty cool. Like, real ninja stuff."

"—Oh, for the love of," Raven rolled her eyes, while groaning. "It wasn't that impressive. You just didn't see it because you haven't trained enough."

"She still took it right from under your nose."

"Th-that was a surprise move from a blind spot, while I was distracted! I still saw her do it. If I wasn't so focused on stupid miss tight hairbun, I would've cut this thief's little fingers off!"

"You know what Temujin always says, 'death is still death'."

"Shut up. I don't need you parroting the old lady. And don't think I don't see what you're doing just cause this girl's…a little cute."

"Hey! I'm not, that's not what this is."

"Uh huh. Try to keep your puberty in your pants, little brother. I wouldn't get attached to anyone here if I were you."

Raven spared Summer one more intense glare, before walking off dismissively.

"Ah… Don't mind her," Qrow massaged his neck awkwardly. "The pipe you took—it was a gift she got from her, uh, mother figure, I guess you would call them. It's probably the only thing she'll have to remember her for a while.

"Oh, sorry about that."

"Don't be! You really helped dig us out of it."

"I guess."

"If you don't mind me asking, why did you help us?"

"Uh, well. I think if I have the ability to help people, I have the responsibility to use it. You know, make the world a better place and all. Kinda looks like it backfired though."

"In a burning car crash kinda way—but I respect that."

"Also, I thought…eeeuughhh," Summer wanted to stop talking there, but her mouth was moving before she could stop it.

Don't say it was because she was cool!

Don't say it was because she was cool!

"I thought your sister was really cool !" Summer mentally smacked her palm against her forehead. "Even if I did make her angry in the end…"

"Oh. Yeah, my sister does have that effect on people. Well, I better catch up to her before she gets into more trouble. See you around, I guess? Soon, maybe?"

"Sure! Absotutely!"

Stop, Summer.


"Yeah," Qrow chuckled. "Okay."

When the boy left for the auditorium, Summer collapsed on the floor as soon as she was out of sight. An all-consuming sigh expelled from the depths of her soul and left it an empty husk.

"Worst. Meeting. Ever."