Naruto's Anti-Toxin

chapter 2

I don't own any of the characters or symbiote


The anbu that attacked during this time were cut down and after a moment to Hiruzen called the meeting to a close after ordering the banshee's incarceration before he asked Naruto to follow him to the hospital and after cautiously getting up from the wolf's embrace and followed as the wolf got up and followed reverting back to its original form as it tailed them.


The trio made their way through the village working their way to the hospital the civilians that watched from the side of the road gave a lot of room for three practically vacating the road in its entirety much to the disappointment of Hiruzen as he saw the looks of disgust cross the civilians' faces.

Naruto walked closely to the hokage and the wolf was practically on the boys heels Naruto looked to the old man beside him "Where are we going?"

Hiruzen turned slightly as he walked and replied to the boy "We are heading to the hospital to see why you can do…what you can do."

Naruto tilted his head to the left slightly unconsciously walking slightly in that direction but the new furry companion that Naruto had nudged the boy closer to Hokage.

Naruto looked at the wolf his early hesitation gone as he scratched the wolf behind the ears much to its joy…or so its tail showed with its wide arcing wags.

Naruto smiled at the wolf and turned back to face the Hokage only for time to seemingly slow before he came to stop one cm short of the door of a store as a store patron threw it open agitated about something.

The man exited the door and looked around a deep scowl on his face and a bloody nose along with the smell of alcohol clung heavily to him before his eyes settled on Naruto and a crooked smile made to step closer to Naruto but a deep growl alerted the no doubt drunk man to the presence of a wolf snarling lightly at the man whom scowled but turned away and walked away only for a hand to land on the man's shoulder Hiruzen was about to speak when the drunk smacked the Hokage's hand away while shouting with a slight slur clearly not recognizing the hokage even as he spoke "What do ya want ya old bastard?!"

Hiruzen almost sputtered at the man before he spoke "What were you going to do to that boy?" The man scowled and barked out his replied.

"I was gonna teach the little demon shit a lesson…you got a problem with that ya old bastard?!" the man shoved Hiruzen slightly.

Hiruzen scowled as he replied "Yes I do actually." the man scowled as he replied.

"You filthy demon lover!" the man threw a punch but Hiruzen caught the punch and squeezed slightly with chakra and well charka enhanced squeeze vs non chakra user…needless to say the man's hand bones snapped disfiguring the hand horribly.

The man crumbled to the ground while attempting to pry his hand from Hiruzen's grip while cursing at the Hiruzen whom snapped his finger summoning two ANBU before releasing the man and speaking "You are under arrest for assaulting the Hokage." the man paled drastically and attempted to say something before the ANBU grabbed the man and body flicked away.

After a moment Hiruzen turned to Naruto and was greeted by a confused stare "Why are you looking at me like that Naruto?"

Naruto tilted his head slightly and replied "Why did you stop him?"

Hiruzen gained a lost look before speaking "What do you mean Naruto he was trying to be violent?"

Naruto tilted his head slightly as he responded "But most of the time no one stops them."

Hiruzen paused slightly at that and looked at Naruto's eyes trying to confirm or deny what Naruto had said solely off the look in the boy's eyes.

The wolf suddenly nosed its way in-between the two before it stared at Hiruzen while nudging Naruto away slightly with its side.

Naruto rubbed its ears partly distracting and making its tail wag and it leaned into the scratches.

Hiruzen shook his head slightly and looked up at Naruto before speaking "L-let's just get to the hospital…"

Hiruzen deciding to forgo walking and placed his hand on Naruto's shoulder and then hesitantly placed his hand on the wolf and they vanished in a body flicker of leaves.

Hiruzen, Naruto, and the wolf appeared in front of the hospital and Hiruzen had just enough time to back away as both Naruto and the wolf began vomiting.

"I am sorry that is an unfortunate effect on those new to the jutsu." said Hiruzen as he came around and began patting Naruto on the back and after a moment the boy and wolf stopped vomiting and Hiruzen guided them in to the hospital.

Hiruzen made sure that Naruto's doctors were the ones he had handpicked years prior and he was happy when they arrived they had smiles on their faces as they greeted Naruto one of them picked up Naruto and guided him to a room while the wolf watched cautiously and followed while the two others remained and asked Hiruzen what the visit was about when the sound of glass breaking shocked the group and the loud barks and growls along with more crashes spurred them into movement.

When they approached the door they found the doctor that was with Naruto knocked out on the floor and once they entered the room they found that the wolf had transformed again and was mauling a no doubt dead ninja but there was something that Hiruzen wasn't expecting a large humanoid being its head was a deep crimson as was its chest down to its waist but its limbs were a familiar grey.

Speaking of limbs the creature had another ninja in its hands and judging from the angle of the limb in its hand the appendage was obviously broken.

Hiruzen looked at the creature and looked around the room for Naruto but a crunch drew his attention back to the being and he found that the creature had bitten the head off of the ninja that it had in its grasp.

The being turned and its eyes landed on Hiruzen and it spoke "Old man what is going on?" the voice of the being was multilayered but Hiruzen recognized a voice in the swarm.

"Naruto?" the Hokage cautiously took a step forwards the being tilted its head its big lens-like eyes stared as its head tilted slightly before it replied.

"Yes who else would it be…also did you shrink of something because you seem much shorter than before?"