Hey! I decided to rewrite some of the early chapters, as I was just starting to write and they kinda suck.. This is a story i wrote, but I don't own Bnha, or any of the characters you may recognize. I own my OC's, that's all. There are lots of triggers in this story, so if you are sensitive to: Abuse, Blood, Suicide, Death, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, or anything of the sort, Please use caution! I usually put triggers before the chapter but not always! Know your limits! PLUS ULTRAAAA!

This story is about a young girl named Yukiyami Tori. She's the daughter of a notorious villain, who stopped appearing two years ago. She's lived in orphanages and foster homes since then, and had little contact with the outside world until she had begun to live there. Besides learning how to fight and how to obey, Tori was also taught things like mathematics and how to speak from her mother.

Ah, her mother. A wretched villain called Seer. She was a murderer and a thief. She was also very well known to the public, who saw her the same way some now see the hero killer, Stain. She had her trademark, pure white eyes. Her iris was like snow. It was rumored whoever was unfortunate enough to look in them died on the spot. These were the eyes Tori had looked in every day.

Once, a man claimed to have met her, and he was questioned by the police, but that had done nothing to help their search for her, and eventually people forgot all about him. Well, most did. A quote was released from his statements, saying how empty and emotionless her eyes were. When Tori's mother had told her of it, she had laughed, as if it were a joke.

Today was the entrance exams for the Prestigious U.A. High!

The sun had just begun to peek into the sky as Tori left for the school, anxious feelings rumbling her stomach. She hadn't eaten yet, afraid she would throw up during the test. Only negative thoughts dwelled in her mind as she put one foot in front of the other. What if she failed? What would happen if she couldn't become a hero? She didn't feel suited to living away from action and battles. Would she be forced into being a villain?

She was afraid of going back to the loneliness of being evil. Sure, she was lonely now, but she was around people all the time so it felt different. She couldn't go back into her mothers arms and be with her anymore. She had to endure no matter how incomplete she felt.

She distantly thought about her younger days as she arrived at the school. Large metal gates waited for her there, and she had to wait in line for a pass to the school. It was cold enough that she could see own breath, but she had to endure no matter how cold she felt.

After they let the students inside and let them sit in a large auditorium, Hero/Teacher Present Mic came out onto the stage and began to shout the rules and the score system for the test. It hurt Tori's ears, but she kept quiet. Some students had began to yell, but she didn't listen, since she was busy trying to memorize the rules of the exam.

Afterwards, They were all led back outside and shown a whole city. All the homeless people in the world and all they use these buildings for is training kids? Tori thought to herself. Present Mic's voice was heard once again, this time in the form of a countdown.

"The Exams Begin In 3...2...1... PLUS ULTRA!"

This was going to be a long ride...

Let me know what you think! right now I only have this chapter rewritten, but its 2 am and i wanna sleep now. Please leave a review if you want more! Have a wonderful day!