Ainz POV

It was a few days after saving the Holy Kingdom that Ainz has finally returned to Nazarick, there he met Demiurge, Albedo, and Lupusregina. After a few discussions, Ainz decided that he would spread the news of his apparent death, which lead to Demiurge and Albedo to agree and disagree respectively, that lead to them arguing.

Ainz calms them down, and asks for them to act like he truly died in public, of course knowing the two guardians, they suddenly praised him.

"Amazing Milord, you are truly the embodiment of wisdom!" Demiurge said in a voice of amazement,

"That's Ainz-sama, he truly thinks two steps ahead!" Albedo said in a voice of longing and love.

Well Ainz just didn't bother anymore, he only thought it was a good excuse to take a break, apparently they thought of something entirely different.

He'll know eventually so he isn't nervous anymore about it, it still gives him a weird feeling. His guardians, rather his children having a really high regard to him. Oh well.

Going back to his room, Ainz jumped and landed on his bed, wishing to feel the feel the silky texture of the bed he was laying upon, but nonetheless felt comfort after the numerous events that happened, epescially because he was never prepared for Demiurge's script that practically has nothing to help him, only to be told to adapt to the current situation, it took a lot of his mental focus just so he can act the part of a lone king helping another kingdom.

In the end though, everything he wanted to do was accomplished except for one, but he only has to wait and plan out how to make his return.

Ainz moved himself out of his bed and stood, he walked towards to a mirror, thinking he should practice more on how a king acts to his subjects. Before he could start, Ainz felt a minor pull unto his being and chose to ignore it, but before he knew it, he was suddenly in the throne room, finding himself sitting upon the jet black throne adorned with mysterious markings on its sides and on its back. It was the World Item "Throne of Kings" he inwardly said. He held the Guild Staff and stood, surprised that he was in the throne room.

Although this room is similar to the one in Nazarick, he felt that it was disconnected, like if he was to upon the doors out of the room, he would only see an abyss. But then he heard someone spoke, it was familiar to him yet he doesn't know why, so he looked around hoping to find the source of the voice. But the voice stopped speaking, and the next thing Ainz knew he saw crimson flowing flame-like light surrounding his being, which followed by a black one that is accented with purple tips. It disappeared, slowly revealing his terrifying and awe-inducing form

He was in front of a woman, and somehow he knew what must be said. Ainz said to the woman "Servant Caster, I am Ainz Ooal Gown, the Sorcerer King from the Sorcerer Kingdom."

"I ask of you, are you my master?" he continued.

The woman stood still, frozen, not even twitching, she stayed that way until she spoked in a voice of trepidation and excitement "My name is Jean Rum, and I am your master."

"Then the contract is complete" Ainz then said, he noticed that his master was staring at him.

But before he could say anything, she suddenly threw her arms up and shouted at the top of her lungs "HELLLL YESSS!". The Overlord felt a sweat drop coming out of his forehead, even though skeletons shouldn't sweat, and Ainz realized that somehow, he screwed up... Oh how right he is on that assessment.

Jean's POV

Fuyuki, Japan, 2001

I was gonna go back and report in my completion of the mission to the Mage's Association, and get my reward from the client who commissioned it.

If I remember correctly, the mission was to kill the mage that was murdering people left and right for his experiments, it's important as that mage might get discovered and make the common people aware of the moonlit world. The mage's name was Ryuunosuke Eiyuu, a sick man who practices the dark arts, which was ironic given his first name means "Hero".

I need to be quick though, I have a war to participate in and a servant to summon, I was prepared to go out of the dead mage's dwelling when I felt a strange sensation.

I was curious and tried to follow where I sensed it came from, it became stronger the closer I went to the source, which was on a wooden desk in a bedroom. The source was a folded form of a big cloth, I proceeded to unfurl it

"It's a flag?" I said, it has an artistic and glorified design of a skull in it, it's beautiful in its own way, but when I gazed upon it, I felt a feeling of dread and terror.

I folded it up again and decided to take it with me, spoils of war and that stuff, it might even be a great catalyst than the feather pen that she obtained. Speaking of war, I must hurry and report this to Rocco Belfeban.

The Clocktower, Great Britain, 2001

I was in a very creepy and very messy office of the one and only, Rocco Belfeban, he said "Jean, what are you doing here?" clearly surprised I was here.

"I completed my mission and reported it early, but I'm here to tell you what I found" I said coldly, being used to talk to magus in this way, showing even one bit of emotion is weakness in this side of the world.

I reported to him about my findings of the flag and its unholy aura, and if I can use it as the catalyst for my summoning.

"Very well, I admit that flag does make a great catalyst because of its aura and mystery surrounding it, I'm sure you'll summon a strong servant Jean." Rocco said, grinning creepily, uggghhh.

Fortunately I didn't show my distaste and thanked him, then I went out of his office.

I went into my workshop and found a suitable place to draw my summoning circle. But before I start the ritual, a great pain surged in my right hand, it was momentary so I didn't focus on it too much, what I did focus on was the command seal.

Instead of the strange writing that she had as a command seal, it was replaced by the same logo that she saw in the flag. "This is it! Hehehe." feeling giddy that the trust she put on the flag's ability as a catalyst was now validly answered, she started the ritual, excited to what kind of servant she will pull out.

"Let silver and steel be the essence."

"Let stone and archduke of contracts be the foundation."

"Let red be the color I pay tribute to."

"Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall."

"Let the four cardinal gates close."

"Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate."

"Let it be declared now;"

"your flesh shall serve under me, and my fate shall be with your sword."

"Submit to the beckoning of the Holy Grail."

"Answer, if you would submit to this will and this truth."

"An oath shall be sworn here."

"I shall attain all virtues of all of Heaven;"

"I shall have dominion over all evils of all of Hell."

"From the Seventh Heaven, attended to by three great words of power,"

"come forth from the ring of restraint, protector of the holy balance!"

And out came an explosion of red light, what came after gave me a feeling of death and hopelessnsess, black light with purple tips was next until slowly it fades.

And what I saw was something I will never forget for my entire life, it was an 8ft skeleton, that was dressed in jet black robes, accented with purple and gold, a red orb was in its abdomen, a dark halo was floating on his back, it wore 10 rings in each of its fingers, and it held in its hand a twisted version of the Caduceus. It held an aura that was so powerful, the pressure was weighing me down heavily.

The skeleton then spoke in its deep voice, "Servant Caster, I am Ainz Ooal Gown, the Sorcerer King from the Sorcerer Kingdom."

My body stood frozen because of its deep voice, I can't move a muscle, but it continued to say "I ask of you, are you my master?"

I was trying my hardest to speak, the tall skeleton was to terrifying, but I finally found the courage to speak up and say "My name is Jean Rum, and I am your master."

Is that excitement I hear in my voice... Oh wait the skeleton err.. Ainz still wants to speak, "Then the contract is complete.", before I could do anything to... Him?, I checked his stats...

"HELLL YESSS!" I threw my arms in the air and shouted it out, doing a victory in my mind.

'With this, the war is in the bag." I swear I saw him(?) sweat from his(?) forehead, do skeletons even sweat? Oooohhhh I have so many questions to ask him(?)

And so begins the chaotic adventures of an Overlord and his master.

Servant Sheet

True Name: Ainz Ooal Gown

Class: Caster

Type: Divine Spirit

Source: ?

Region: ?

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Hidden Attribute: Heaven

Qualified Servant Classes: Saber, Assassin


Strength: C-

Endurance: A

Agility: C

Mana: EX

Luck: A


Class Skills

Territory Creation: A-

Item Construction: A-

Personal Skills

Independent Manifestation: EX

As someone who was still alive when summoned, Ainz will be independent of himself and doesn't needs his master to survive.

Magic Resistance: A+

Magic Spells below A+ rank will be nullified, any Magic Spells above A+ rank will damage him.

Physical Resistance: A

Physical Damage below A rank will be nullified, any physical damage above A rank will damage him.

Dark Wisdom: EX

Anything related to magic will be learned and understood quickly by Ainz. Though if the magic is unique to the person, he won't be able to use it, only understand its uses.

Discernment of a King (Fake): A

He will gain a servant's True Name, stats, and skills through observation, any stat concealment that exceeds A rank will make it obselete.

Golden Rule: B

His vault was full of gold and items that he collected over the years of his life, Ainz owned over 11 World Item which are powerful weapons/items which have the potential to change the world.

Sorcerer King: A

Learned hundreds of spells in his time, this will make him use his magic spells more proficiently.

Undead King: A+

Anything related to things undead, he will gain control over it and will be instantly proficient in it.

Divinity: B+

The citizens of both Nazarick and Sorcerer Kingdom revered him as a God of Death, Life, and Wisdom, even if he himself is still not a god.

Charisma: A

The citizens of both Nazarick and Sorcerer Kingdom liken him for a fair and benevolent ruler.

Noble Phantasms

Tomb of Nazarick: EX

Will be able to summon the whole tomb into the world, which is inefficient since it needs tremendous amount of mana to maintain, though summoning the guardians or citizens of Nazarick will be more safe and efficient.

Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown: A++

This staff increases the power of his magic spells, and summon powerful elemental creatures to assist him in battle. It can only be wielded by Ainz Ooal Gown.

The Goal of All Life is Death: EX

This skill is the trump card of Ainz, any instant-death magic spells will become so powerful, it bypasses resistances and immunities, also affects anything that lacks the concept of death. Although the instant-death spells will be delayed for 12 seconds, and has a cooldown of 100 hours.


To those who followed and favorited my oneshot, thank you, it was my first story. But as you can see it's rewritten so the readers will have a more enjoyable read.

Also changed a few of his skills, and thank you to the reviewer who said that TGOALID should be a NP, because it really fits being his most powerful skill in the anime.

I'm not sure if I can continue story for now, maybe in a few weeks or so. Because you know, it's a demerit for being a highschool grade fanfic writer hehehe.

But I will continue this story, :3

Should I add Peroronchino? In my mind it seems an interesting idea, thoughts?