Dracula wasn't sure, from years of experiencing all of these new emotions, which situation made his heart race for miles. Maybe Mavis' first birthday - watching his little girl attempt her first steps left him bittersweet for days. Or when he first opened Hotel Transylvania - the praise he received for making other monsters happy for once. It could've been Mavis and Johnny's wedding - although the sheer realisation that his daughter entered the adult world felt like a stake to the heart. Or seeing Dennis for the first time - realising that he's a grandpa to the most adorable baby vampire.

He remembered Martha telling him that it was their Zing that melted his heart most of all. The strongest feeling you could experience in your life only once.

Except, if death steals your Zing.

Understanding her fate that one night, Martha assured that the future would provide him another Zing to keep him happy. That wasn't what he wanted during the time. How could you Zing twice? Wasn't that impossible?

Easy: with someone who loves you for who you really are.

It didn't matter if Ericka Van Helsing was a descendant of his arch-nemesis - that didn't mean she was like him.

Okay...maybe at first.

His Zing granted him the opportunity to learn about her past, bond with her, and even save her life. No woman had ever managed to make him laugh for over a hundred years - until Ericka sprung into his life.

Now, whilst holding her hand and keeping her close, Drac couldn't imagine how life could be better. He glanced at Mavis, also wrapped in her Zing's embrace, who smiled while-heartedly at her father.

Slinging an arm around Mavis' shoulder, Johnny gestured to the boat and yelled, "C'mon everyone, let's make this better with a real DJ party on the ship!"

Everybody cheered, following Johnny towards the bridge until they realised the damage that the Kraken executed. Not that it mattered, for the Kraken happily extended a tentacle that created a pathway from the destruction and back to the cruise ship. Once again, the crowd guffawed together, craving for something positive after their near-death experience.

Drac held back, finding the opportunity to have another quiet moment with Ericka. They hadn't stopped gazing at each other - anyone would've guessed they were already married.

Finally, he started the conversation. It wasn't the best starter, but he wouldn't let these new facts play on his mind. Or threaten the relationship. "So...you're a Van Helsing?"

Ericka cringed. Hearing him say that tore her heart, but there wasn't any negativity in that seductive accent of his. But, she couldn't jump to a conclusion either way.

Bowing her head, Ericka replied, "I know. It's not what you wanted to hear, and I understand if you're not okay with it."

Drac raised his brows. "What?"

She hunched her shoulders. Feeling slightly guilty for disconnecting their hands, Ericka lamented, "I mean, you Zinged with a Van Helsing," her concerned expression met his own, "doesn't that bother you?"

He frowned, aiming to avoid a similar situation as when she first rejected him.

"Of course not," Drac replied. He clasped her hands once again, holding them in a protective grip that refused to release. "Just because you're my arch-nemesis' great-granddaughter, doesn't mean that I should hate you. You're unique, and even though you tried to kill me, you stole my heart. That's why I Zinged."

Their eyes locked, despite a select few from the crowd who stared in awe. Why should they care? It's time for a human/monster relationship, which should be appreciated by both sides. After all, Love is Love no matter who you are. Monster or human.

After being left dumbfounded for what felt like an eternity, Ericka chuckled, "That's...the cheesiest, but cutest thing anyone has ever said to me."

Drac bowed his head. "Sorry."

"Don't be," Ericka smiled.

They were wiped into an infinite oblivion as their gazes connected. Ericka couldn't remember a moment when Drac wasn't present in her life during the cruise; mentally or physically. With him, she had a purpose other than to murder or harm monsters. Her love for him spread across his kind - they weren't as cruel as the real monster that was her great-grandfather.

Drac already familiarised himself with the feeling, but Ericka endured the stretchy feeling throughout her whole body. Never had she felt so overwhelmed by a man; especially Dracula. Involving herself in his company felt like diving into dangerous fire, yet his goofy smile and protective instincts assured her safety. For once, Ericka knew what peace felt like. Hatred stopped pumping adrenaline into her blood; her heart began dancing around chest instead. And that empty hole in her heart, reserved for the possibility of change or freedom, had been filled by his a hole, I was never aware was there, had finally been filled with that special Zing.

She almost laughed at how obscure the entire situation appeared. Going from Dracula's second-strongest hater, to then being completely infatuated by his truthfulness, left her wondering how the fuck her great-grandfather had the audacity to lie about this wonderful vampire.

Giggling at the sudden silence, "I better make sure that everyone's okay, it's a Captain's duty."

Drac smiled, although upset to end his time with Ericka so soon. Instead, he joked along as he curtsied. "I won't stop you, Captain."

Her laughter released toxins that travelled around her body like fireworks. Wow, love does crazy stuff to your heart, doesn't it?

After squeezing his hand a final time, Ericka added, "Come and speak to me later, maybe we could try a date without garlic."

After holding an admirable gaze, Ericka turned away and headed back for the cruise ship. Dracula had been left with a overwhelming smile; his legs almost collapsed. All the possibilities of what he could wear to that date she mentioned caused even his thoughts to become gibberish.

He closed his eyes, smiling as he touched his throbbing heart. However, before he could turn to the cruise ship and follow the gang, Dracula found himself bumping into the likes of Van Helsing.

"Don't think this will be an easy trip back for you, Dracula!" Van Helsing growled, steam piping from his machine.

He almost screamed. Not because Van Helsing was intimidating, but because that man had no sense of personal space.

Drac wasn't intimidated, no. Instead, he shook his head whilst rolling his eyes. "Ugh, do you ever stop hating me?"

His arch-nemesis crossed his gangly arms. "I would if you didn't interfere with my life."

"I'm interfering in your life?" Drac scoffed. It was difficult holding in his insults, but he couldn't risk another long-lasting battle with Van Helsing. "You've gotta be kidding me, as if you haven't spent years trying to kill me."

Van Helsing clenched his fists, gritting his teeth. "I mean this whole love situation that you have with my great-granddaughter!"

A lanky finger pointed at Ericka, who followed the crowd back to the cruise ship. In her arms lay Sunny, who wouldn't stop repeating her name until she received another hug. She cradled her with pure endearment. Drac could feel his eyes sparkle from the sight; his heart began slamming against his chest once again.

Without tearing his sight from her, Drac inquired, "And...your problem is?"

Almost urging to tear the remaining strands of hair from his head, Van Helsing stated, "My great-granddaughter may love you, but I'll make sure that you don't do anything with her."

Despite the words coming from Van Helsing, Drac couldn't help but grin a little. Ericka loved him. Well, she was his Zing! They were meant for each other, after all.

Whilst his montage distracted him, Drac found himself almost burying his head within his shoulders. Van Helsing brought his ugly face so close to his, that he couldn't help but feel terrified.

He threatened, "If I find you near her or touching her, I will find a way to destroy you. Once and for all!"

For whatever reason, Drac recalled what Ericka told him on their first date. He really wanted to push this guy's boundaries, watching him struggle against his fury whilst a crowd of monsters could attack him before he pulled any other tricks. It gave him enough courage to sneer, "Well, the only consent I need, if I want to marry her, is by her father, and seeing that you're not him, I'm afraid there's nothing you can do about it."

And with that, Drac flicked his cape before strutting away from Van Helsing.

All he heard was Van Helsing's final threat, "You watch yourself, Dracula!"

The next morning granted Dracula the inability to rest. How could he sleep whilst the opportunity to meet alone with Ericka shone upon him like a ray of sunshine?

So, without waking his family, he snuck away and trekked to Ericka's cabin. Dracula knew how ridiculous he appeared whilst pressing himself against each source of shade on the ship. That wouldn't make an appealing impression.

As he thought this, Drac yelped in agony as the sunlight slapped his shoulder. Stupid sun - what good did it ever bring? If the situation couldn't continue any worse, then Drac wouldn't have expected the three witches to swing open their cabin door, slapping him with their broomsticks in revenge for waking them up.

Couldn't he be solitary for a second without almost being killed?

But, at last, he finally reached his destination.

Silver letters spelt out on the door: Captain's Cabin. For whatever reason, Drac felt his heart slam against his chest. He hadn't felt this anxious since watching his daughter get married.

This time, it was only knocking on Ericka's cabin door.

After knocking on the wood, Drac almost fainted as the large avalanche of introductions crashed into him. He couldn't have another 'would you like to see my parts' moment.

Yet, once the door opened, Drac greeted Ericka with surprised silence. She'd changed from her uniform, sporting night clothes and an incredibly endearing bedhead. Once she noticed him, Ericka gasped and attempted fixing her curls that stuck out all over the place.

"Oh!" Drac's hands fell to his sides. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't realise you were sleeping. I'll come back later."

Before he turned away, Drac felt a hand grasp his clothing.

"No, wait!" Tugging his cape, Ericka beamed. Bless, he actually came to talk to her when he should be sleeping. A tiny flame lit inside her heart as Ericka realised how much she meant to him. "It's okay, I'm just changing my sleeping patterns for this trip because...wait."

Her smile vanished once glancing upon his shoulder. "Drac, you've been burnt."

"Ah, this?" Drac forced a grin, but her gentle touch could've easily rebuked that. "Nothing to worry about. If you put me and the Sun in a battle, I'd sure win every time."

That was a lie.

Ericka couldn't believe his strength. Dracula should be sleeping. Away from the sunlight. Especially after the major events from yesterday, surely he'd want to rest with his family?

"You're...awake?" Ericka tilted her head, dumbfounded at the lack of exhaustion in his expression. "In the daytime?"

Releasing an awkward chuckle, Drac tapped his fingers together. "I would've thought that maybe you were awake, too."

That's when Drac found himself gazing at her clothing. No Captain's uniform, nor a ravishing outfit for a night out. Instead, Ericka traded her casual wear for sky-blue pyjamas. They blended with the tremendous colours in her eyes. Drac wasn't used to seeing Ericka dressed so mundane, but it she looked endearing. Like an angel had dressed her for bed.

Without thinking before opening his mouth, Drac beamed, "I'll alone you leave...you look beautiful."

Ericka cocked her brow. I'll alone you leave? Gosh, he was adorable.

Once he realised what escaped from his mouth, Drac widened his eyes and stumbled, "I-ah...I mean-"

Ericka placed her fingers across his lips, stopping his rambling. Her hand slipped into his, tugging gently. "Come in."

Her other hand pushed the door aside, granting him access into her cabin. A small lamp lit the entire room, revealing her smartly-hung clothing and the ruffled bedsheets. The entire concept seemed silly, but Drac imagined what Ericka looked like whilst sleeping. Maybe like an angel - their colours complimented her hair. With a little smile? What would Ericka dream about? His thoughts would've been creepy aloud, but Drac couldn't help himself.

Whilst Ericka seated herself back on the bed, cross-legged, Dracula kept himself near the door. His hands rested before him, mirroring a timid schoolboy entering his first day around new people.

Stifling a laugh, Ericka patted the space on her bed. "You can sit next to me, you know."

Almost losing control of his goofy grin, Drac fiddled with his cape and nodded, "Right, right!"

He sat beside Ericka, his hands placed firmly on his lap. Somehow, Drac felt reluctant to even hold her hand. It'd been over a hundred years, so the intelligence in romance wasn't exactly up to scratch. Flirting had been quite easy to conquer - except asking her on a date - but once he found himself in a blossoming relationship, Drac had as much confidence as a chair.

Fortunately, his lover managed to sway his nerves.

"So, my Zing," Ericka winked. It seemed that every time she spoke to Drac, his cheeks flushed redder than roses. "What happens now?"

Gosh, he needed to control that exhilaration inside his heart.

"Uh...well, I was hoping that between you being a Captain and me spending time with my family, that we could meet up again?" Drac pursed his lips. "Tonight, maybe?"

Finding courage to embrace his arm, Ericka looked at him through half-lidded eyes. "I'm always free for whenever you want."

Then, she widened her eyes. Wow. Did she really just say that?

"Sorry, that was quite..." Ericka trailed off for a while, until she gave-in with a chuckle. A finger pulled on her pyjama collar, hoping it'd relieve the flush upon her cheeks. "I'm not used to this relationship thing, that's all. Living on this ship for the entirety of my life hasn't given me the opportunity to be sociable."

He smiled. At least he wasn't alone in the giddiness of their relationship.

"Maybe, we should take things slow, if that's how you'd like it." Drac inquired with an understanding smile. "But, if you want to wait a year or two, even five, I'll still wait for you until you're ready."

"Of course you could wait that long, because you're immortal, silly." Ericka nuzzled her nose against his, which almost made Drac fade from consciousness and into cloud nine.

"No, I'd love to start now." Ericka admitted, intwining her fingers with his. "This Zing is special, and so are you. I'm not gonna let my great-grandfather ruin that."

Ericka found herself closing his mouth before he lost his breath. Wow, his facial expressions were...unique. Maybe it was a Zing thing. She couldn't lie - his comment earlier almost made her heart melt like putty.

Oh, yeah. That problem.

Drac drummed his fingers on his lap, creating whatever rhythm that his love-stoned heart provided. He winced, "Yeah...about that."

Her face fell. When Drac hunched his shoulders, you'd understand that bad news was incoming. Mirroring his posture, Ericka murmured, "He threatened you, didn't he?"

They both sat there in silence, contemplating their tactics around the problem. Ericka only shrugged, letting a grin creep across her face. "We're just gonna have to be sneaky."

Her little wink aroused his heart.

"Wow, keeping secrets from your great-grandfather?" Drac chuckled, "That is sneaky."

"Well," Ericka rested her head against his unburnt shoulder, "it just makes the experience more exciting."

Drac couldn't fight that grin spreading across his face. He needed to stop doing that.