Hi everyone. just to let you all know, this will probably be the last chapter I will post up for this story before moving on to my next stories...although I'm having some problems with one of them.

Chapter 39

"I had so many people talking to me yesterday!" Mina said with a smile on her face.

It's the next day and everyone is in the classroom.

"Same here, so many stares. It was kind of embarrassing for me." Toru said, waving her arms slightly.

"How about you, Sero. Did you gain attention?" Eijiro asked the Sellotape Quirk user who has a slightly depress look on his face.

"Kind of. I got a lot of grade-schools telling me that I made a good effort." Hanta said in a dejected tone of voice.

"Good effort." Tsuyu said bluntly, causing Hanta to look at her.

"Please don't put more salt on wound thank you very much." Hanta said, causing the frog Quirk user to shrug her shoulders.

It was then that Izuku and Ochako entered the classroom.

"Here comes the number one first year couple." Denki said, causing some people in the class to snigger slightly whilst Izuku and Ochako began to blush.

"Please stop. It's embarrassing." Izuku said, remembering the numerous people asking about his and Ochako's relationship.

"Yes. I got phones calls this morning from friends from mine and Deku's middle school, mostly saying good luck with the relationship." Ochako said, causing some people to gain a slight surprise looks on their faces.

"You two went to the same middle school?" Tsuyu asked, causing the pair to nod their heads.

"Yeah. But we haven't talked to each other until our last year there." Izuku explained, causing some people to nod their heads slightly.

Izuku and Ochako then walked to their desks.

"Morning, Ida. How was your day off yesterday?" Ochako asked as she sit down at her desk. However, the gravity Quirk user didn't receive a reply.

"...Ida?...Hello?" Ochako asked, placing a hand on the engine Quirk user's shoulder.

"Oh! Sorry, Ochako. I have a lot on mind." Tenya said, turning his head slightly.

"How's your brother...?" Ochako asked in a nervous tone of voice, causing Tenya to become tense.

"He's...alive but in a unstable condition. The doctors said that if the operation was delayed for two more minutes, then my brother would have..." Tenya began to explain but trailed off. Ochako gulped slightly before nodding her head.

It was then that Miss Kayama and Andra walked into the classroom.

"To your seats everyone! School is starting." Miss Kayama called, causing the rest of class 1-A students, who aren't in the seats, to quickly move.

"Now. I hope that everyone had a good day's off..." Miss Kayama began to say, her eyes flickering over to Ochako then to Izuku with a smirk on her face.

This cause both to start blushing.

"...But we need to get back to our studies, which will involves creating your hero names." Miss Kayama explained, causing class 1-A to gain surprise expressions on their faces whilst Andra gain a curious look on her face.

"Our hero names? What for, Miss Kayama?" Mashirao asked whilst raising an arm.

"Well, you need to create a hero name for the Internships that you all will be going on." Miss Kayama replied, causing the class to become excited.

"However, before we talked about hero names. We need to put our attention onto the nominations that the Pro-heroes have put in for you. it's base on who the Pros will think are ready to join the hero workforce after graduating from U.A." Miss Kayama explained, causing the class to become tense.

"Moving on. Here is the list of people who have been scouted by Pro-Heroes." Miss Kayama said before pressing a button, causing the screen behind the R-rated Heroine to show a list. The class became surprise at the results.

"Me and Deku have the most offers!?" Ochako exclaimed, staring at her and Izuku's names that have appeared on the board which shows that the gravity Quirk user has four thousand and ten offers whilst Izuku has three thousands and ninty-nine offers.

"Wow, dude. Good going." Eijiro said to a surprise Izuku.

"Why is mine is lower than theirs?" Katsuki growled, seeing that he only has five hundred offers.

"Maybe because they don't that arrogant attitude of yours. You did claim to get first place, but you got beaten in the first match." Denki pointed out, causing the explosive Quirk user to turn his head towards the electric Quirk user.

"What did you say, Sparky?" Katsuki asked in a low tone of voice, causing Denki to raise his arms slightly.

"Just telling you my opinion..." Denki said in a weak tone of voice.

"Normally there's a wide spread of offers. But as you can see, Uraraka and Zwen gain the most offers." Miss Kayama explained as the list only has ten people who got drafted by pros and the other eight offer and far more smaller than Ochako's and Zwen, except Shoto who is close to the two.

"It doesn't matter if you didn't get any offers, you'll still got the chance to go internships." Miss Kayama explained, causing some students to glance at each.

"Now, lets get on with creating our Hero names." Miss Kayama said, causing the class to become excited whilst Andra handed out boards.

"I'll give fifteen minutes to create your hero name. Please remember that the name you create now, will likely become the name that the world will end up calling you, so be careful when creating your hero name. The name should be related to your Quirk in one way or another and should help cement the desired image that your looking for." Miss Kayama explained, causing the class to nod their heads.

"A hero name related to your Quirk, like All Might with One For All and Aunt with her light/darkness Quirk." Izuku thought as he received a board from Andra.

After fifteen minutes, the names that class 1-A have created are widely spread: Yuga: The shining hero: "I cannot stop twinkling"= "Can't stop twinkling".

Mina: Ridely hero: Alien Queen=Pinky.

Tsuyu: Rainy Season hero: Froppy.

Eijiro: Sturdy hero: Red Riot.

Koyka: Hearing hero: Earphone Jack.

Mezo: Tenacle hero: Tentacole.

Hanta: Taping hero: Cellophane.

Mashiroa: Martial arts hero: Tailman.

Rikido: Sweets hero: Sugarman.

Deki: Stun gun hero: Chargebolt.

Toru: Invisible hero: Invisible girl.

Momo: Everthing hero: Creati.

Shoto: Shoto.

Fumikage: Jet black hero: Tsukuyomi.

Minoru: Fresh picked hero: Grape Juice.

Koji: Petting hero: Ainma.

"Katsuki: King explosion murder=?

Ochako: Uravity.

Tenya: Tenya.

"Now, apart from Bakugo's other attempt, we have Zwen has our last volunteer." Miss Kayama said, causing all heads to turn towards the dark green hair boy.

"Well, here goes." Izuku thought before taking a deep breath and walking towards the front of the class.

"Well, this is my hero name." Izuku said as he showed his board to the class. Confuse started to spread throughout the class.

"A-are you sure? I thought that your trying to forget that?" Miss Kayama asked confusedly.

"Well at first, yes. But this is what I am. However, I'm going to use this name on my own terms, not Zander's. I'm the Evolving hero: Evol." Izuku said with a confident smile on his face.

However, Andra started to frown slightly.

"No. I don't like it." Andra said, causing everyone to become confuse as they turn their attention towards the female Incursion.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Miss kayama asked, raising an eye-brow.

"I think that Zwen should change it." Andra replied, causing Izuku to gain a slight depress expression on his face.

"Should I go back to my seat and try again?" Izuku asked, preparing to walk back to his desk.

However, Andra shook her head.

"No, I got an ideal name for you." Andra replied, causing the dark green hair boy to become surprise.

"Can you give me your board please?" Andra asked, causing Izuku to nod his head before handing his board to the female Incursion who started to write on it.

"Let see. If I just change that letter...then swap those two letter around..." Andra muttered whilst the students of class 1-A glance at each other.

"And...done!" Andra said before turning the board around, showing it to everyone.

Class 1-A, plus Miss Kayama, stared at the new name before laughing hard whilst Izuku started to blush.

"Why...why...?" Izuku muttered staring at his "new" hero name: Love.

"At least it will make you popular." Andra said with a big smirk on her face.

"For those who have been drafted by Pro-heroes, I'll will be handing out your personal lists. For those who haven't been drafted, I'll be handing out lists containing agency who are willing to take on Interns. Each agency will specialized in different areas in the field. So choose carefully. Pick one that most suits your Quirk." Miss Kayama explained before handing out the lists to the class just as the bell signifying break is heard.

"Whow! There are so many offers!" Ochako exclaimed as she stared at her list.

"Well you did get the most offers after all." Tsuyu pointed out, causing the gravity Quirk to nod her head slightly.

"I know. But that just makes choosing an agency more harder." Ochako said as she flipped over a page and looked at the different agencies.

"Well, Izuku and Shoto will have similar problems." Tsuyu said, seeing how Ochako, Izuku and Shoto got the most votes.

Ochako stood up and walked over to Izuku.

"How are you doing, Deku. Which agency decided to pick you?" Ochako asked, causing the dark green hair boy to look up.

"From the ones I looked at so far, Gang Orca and Edgeshot seemed interested in me." Izuku replied, causing Ochako to gain a shock expression on her face.

"The number three villain-like hero and the number four hero?!" The gravity Quirk user exclaimed, causing Izuku to nod his head.

"Yep. But there's more to choose from. I need to do research and..." Izuku began to say before ending up mumbling to himself, causing Ochako to stare at him for a few seconds before shaking her head slightly.

"Hey, Deku." Katsuki said before hitting Izuku on the head, abruptly ending the dark green hair boy's mumbling.

"Y-yes Kacchan. Is there you want?" Izuku asked, rubbing the spot where Katsuki hit him.

"I found this piece of paper this morning. I think it's for you." Katsuki replied before taking out a piece of folded paper out of his bag and handling it to a confuse Izuku.

The dark green hair boy stared at the blank side of it before turning it around and seeing a name.

"My name...?" Izuku muttered as looked at the name before looking at Katsuki with a raised eye-brow.

"Don't look at me, I just found the piece of paper outside my house this morning." Katsuki explained, shrugging his shoulders slightly.

"Oh? What's that?" A voice asked, causing Izuku, Ochako and Katsuki to turn their heads to see Mina.

"Hi, Ashido. Just a piece of paper that Kacchan just gave me." Izuku explained, causing Mina to gain a curious expression on her face.

"Let's see." Mina said quickly taking the piece of paper out of Izuku's hand.

"H-Hey! Don't just take stuff out of people's hands!" Izuku exclaimed as he quickly stood up from his chair and tried to get the piece of paper back.

"Why should I? It seems interesting" Mina said with a smirk on her face as she backed away slightly before glancing at the name.

"Hm? So this is a letter from someone then." Mina said before unfolding the piece of paper.

"Ashido! Don't start reading through people's things!" Ochako exclaimed with a shock expression on her face.

However, Mina ignored her as she read the context of the paper.

"Hm? It has a phone number on it and the words "We need to talk" written underneath it." Mina said, causing Izuku to become tense slightly.

However, it was then that Mina gained a glint in her eyes.

"Well, well, well. it looks like you have admirer that seemed eager to take you away from Ochako." Mina said, causing Izuku to take a big sigh.

"Can I please have the piece of paper back, Ashido?" Izuku asked, causing the acid Quirk user to hand the piece of paper back to Izuku before walking away.

"Gzz. That girl certainly knows how to stick into other people's business." Izuku muttered before looking at the context of the letter.

"Are you going to phone them?" Ochako asked, starting to gain a worried expression on her face.

"I guess I should. They certainly want to speak to me after all." Izuku said as he stared at the letter and Ochako pursed her lips slightly.

"Feel free to say, "Thank you" anytime soon." Katsuki said in a sarcastic tone of voice.

"Oh yeah! Thank you, Kacchan." Izuku said with nervous smile on his face and Ochako started to laugh.

"Grrrrr." Katsuki growled in annoyance.

"Well, you two have certainly done well in the Sport Festival. Getting the most offers in the class." Toshinori said with a smile on his face.

"Th-thank you sir." Ochako said with a nervous smile on her face.

Currently, it's lunch and Ochako and Izuku are in the teacher's lounge with Gran Torino and Toshinori.

"It just shows how much my training can have an effect on a person's performance." Gran Torino said with an evil glint in his eyes, causing the other three to shiver.

"You certainly got that part right." Izuku, Ochako and Toshinori thought at the same time.

"Zwen. There's something we need to discuss concerning about One For All." Gran Torino said, causing the other three to become curious.

"What about One For All?" Izuku asked, tilting his head to the side.

"It's mainly about the traces of the previous wielders of One For All that appeared around you when you first transformed into Phase two back at the UJS. Toshinori told me what happened there." Gran Torino replied, causing Izuku to glance at the true form of the number one hero who gained a slight guilty expression on his face.

"What about them?" Ochako asked, starting to become interested.

"Well, the traces can't interfere with the current wielder of One For All. The only time they appear are in the person's conscious, showing the sign that the current wielder is more tuned with the Quirk." Gran Torino explained, causing Izuku and Ochako to gain confuse expressions on their faces.

"But how did they appear around Deku then? Mr Yagi didn't comment very much about that very much." Ochako asked, causing Gran Torino to start frowning.

"The only thing that I can think of is that your Incursion side, Zwen, somehow amplified One For All in that moment, causing the traces of One For All to appear and talk." Gran Torino explained, causing other three to become surprise slightly.

"Wait a minute. If One For All allows me to access more evolution forms, further increasing my power. Then does that mean that Darwin Theory can further increase One For All? Making it stronger." Izuku asked, causing Gran Torino to frown slightly.

"Possibly. you have to remember Zwen that Darwin Theory isn't a Quirk at all. So, there's a slim chance that One For All won't react to your Incursion side." Gran Torino explained, causing Izuku to slowly nod his head.

"That be kind of cool if that was the case. Then Deku would surpass All Might within a couple of years after graduating from U.A." Ochako said, causing a slight scared look to appear on the true form of the number one hero's face.

"Hang on a minute. Let me retire first before young Zwen can take my place." Toshinori said in a slightly panic tone of voice.

This caused Ochako and Izuku to laugh slightly whilst Gran Torino to shake his head slightly.

"We just have to let One For All get stronger through the normal way, getting it pass on from one person to the next." Gran Torino said, causing Toshinori to nod his head.

"So, have you two chosen an agency yet for internship?" Toshinori asked one the two U.A students have stopped laughing.

"Not yet. There's a lot of options to chose from." Izuku replied, causing Toshinori to nod his head slightly.

"I know what you mean. I had difficulties when chosen an agency for my internship during my time at U.A." Toshinori explained, causing Gran Torino to give the true form of the number one hero a slight deadpan look.

"If I remember correctly, I was the one who had to choose the agency in the end." Gran Torino said, causing Toshinori to become wide eyes whilst Izuku and Ochako started to laugh again.

"Really, Gran Torino. Did you really have to say that?" Toshinori asked, causing Grand Torino to nod his head with a slight hum.

It was then that the bell rang.

"Well, time for you two head back to your class." Toshinori said, causing both Izuku and Ochaco, once they stopped laughing, to nod their heads before leaving the teacher's lounge.

Silence descended around the room for a minute before Gran Torino spoke.

"When are going to tell them about All For One?" Grand Torino asked, causing Toshinori to scratch the back of his head, becoming nervous.

"I'm planning on telling them after their Internship. It will be distracting for them if they I tell them now." Toshinori replied, causing Gran Torino to nod his head slowly.

It's late evening and Izuku in his room, sitting at his desk with his laptop on, his list of chooses in front of him and a piece of A4 paper next to him, for taking notes.

"There's three thousand and ninty-nine offers to choose from but only two days before the deadline. It's like the ten months training all over again." Izuku before sighing and rubbing his neck.

The reason why the dark green hair boy is rubbing his neck is because Rin had been hugging him too tightly when he showed her his list.

"Well, at least I'm making some progress." Izuku muttered, looking down at the A4 paper where the names of different agencies are written on it with notes written beside them.

It was then that the dark green hair boy let out a yawn.

"Better get some sleep. I'll do more research in the morning." Izuku thought before he switches his laptop, which he been using for research, off.

However, before the dark green hair boy stand up, his eyes fell on the piece of paper that was given to him by Katsuki.

He showed Rin the piece of paper to her and the light/darkness Quirk user became tense, saying that it may be a trap.

However, Izuku assured her that kidnapper wouldn't put the words "We need to talk" in the "letter".

"But the question is. Who send me this phone number?...Wait, could it be..." Izuku thought, starting to gain a slight idea of who the sender could be.

The dark green hair boy typed the number into his phone and waited, starting to become nervous.

However, Izuku let out a sigh of relieve when the sender answered the call.

"Hello. Izumi Midioriya speaking." A voice spoke, confirming Izuku's suspicion.

"Hi, Izumi. it's me, Izuku Zwen..." Izuku said, starting to feel nervous again.

"Oh! Hi...Big brother...I see that Katsuki gave you my letter then..." Izumi spoke before becoming silent.

"I think she's more nervous than me!" Izuku exclaimed in his head.

"...So, the letter said that you want to talk to me…..." Izuku said, trying to start a conversation.

"...Yes. When we came back from the Sports Festival, I started to ask questions to our parents..." Izumi explained, causing Izuku to stiffen slightly at the mention of "our parents."

"They told you everything that happened to me when I was found to be "Quirkless"?" Izuku asked, causing Izumi to hum slightly in agreement.

"I'm guessing that your feeling angry towards them." Izuku said, remembering being told by Rin her reaction to the whole ordeal of him being place in the orphanage.

"Yes, and I'm not speaking to them." Izumi responded, causing Izuku to nod his head slightly.

"I'm angry at how, firstly, Dad just walked out on you and then Mum just got rid of you, all because of your "Quirkless" state. What sort of parents are they!?" Izumi ranted slightly.

"And...what about me? I'm I just a replacement...?" Izumi asked and Izuku could hear the hint of fear in her voice.

The dark green hair boy didn't want to reply to that question.

"But...I'm glad that you managed to get adopted by Miss Zwen. Mum and Dad told me that they use to be friends with her." Izumi said, smiling slightly on her side.

"...Not exactly." Izuku said, causing a slight confuse look to appear on Izumi's face.

"What do you mean...?" Izumi asked, starting to gain a nasty feeling in her stomach.

Izuku breathed in deeply before speaking.

"After a month of being place within the orphanage, I...was kidnapped and got experimented on for five years." Izuku replied and he started to become slightly nervous when it became quiet on the other side.

"...Iz/WHAT!" Izumi roared, causing Izuku to quickly covering up his phone, fearing that Rin might have heard Izumi shouting.

"Izumi, can you please don't shout. I think you want this conversation to be private." Izuku said once he couldn't hear any footsteps heading towards his room. ".Sorry." Izumi said, laughing sheepishly.

"But still. That must been torture for you. if Mum didn't place you in the orphanage, then you wouldn't have got kidnapped and been experimented for five years." Izumi said, her tone becoming angry.

"It's not Mum's fault. I was specially chosen to be experimented on before I was born." Izuku said before becoming surprise that he defended his mother.

"Huh. You were chosen before you were born?" Izumi repeated, making sure that she wasn't hearing things.

"Yes. Izumi. What about to tell will probably shock you." Izuku said, causing Izumi to become curious.

"When I was still in the womb, Mum came into contact with something that fused with me, causing some changes." Izuku explained, causing Izumi to gain a confuse expression on her face.

"Such as?" Izumi asked, starting to become curious.

"The thing that fused with me caused a dormant power to be laid within me. That's the reason why I was experimented on, to awaken that power." Izuku explained, causing Izumi to start frowning.

"So your saying that Darwin Theory and that enhancer Quirk that you have...aren't Quirks at all?" Izumi asked, connecting the dots slightly.

"No. Only my enhancer is an actual Quirk. Darwin Theory is something completely different. I called it Darwin Theory because I thought it was a Quirk myself until sometime before the UJS." Izuku explained, causing Izumi's eyes to widen slightly.

"So, what is Darwin Theory then if it isn't a Quirk then?" Izumi asked, causing Izuku to take another deep breath.

"It's a genetic ability from another planet. The "thing" also cause my DNA to be altered." Izuku replied, causing Izumi to become silent.

"...Your...an alien...?" Izumi asked after a few minutes of silence.

"Yep and I've meet people who are from the Incursion race already...that's the name of the alien race that I'm technically apart of..." Izuku explained before starting to become worried that he might have overloaded Izumi's brain.

"It's a quite a lot to take in, isn't it?" Izuku asked, laughing sheepishly.

"Yes. finding out you have a brother is one thing, finding out that your brother has DNA that is from a different race is another thing...Does that even make us brother and sister in the first place!?" Izumi exclaimed, starting to lose the thread of the conversation.

"So, what about the enhancer Quirk? How did you gain a Quirk in the first place when you have a single joint in your toe?" Izumi asked, remember that Izuku said that Darwin Theory is the only ability that isn't a Quirk.

"How should I reply to that? I can't tell about her how the Quirk has the unique ability of being to be pass from one person to the next." Izuku thought, trying to think of an answer.

"I don't know really myself. Maybe the manifestation of Quirks has reached a point where it doesn't matter if a person has a single joint or not." Izuku replied, hoping that Izumi will buy the lie.

"...Okay. If you say so." Izumi said, causing Izuku to mentally sigh in relief.

"So, your friends with Bakugo?" Izumi asked, changing the subject.

"Yes. Me and Kacchan use to be childhood friends before...all this started." Izuku replied and Izumi started to laugh.

"Kacchan!? That your nick-name for him?" Izumi asked, causing Izuku to become embarrassed whilst scratching the back of his head.

"Y-yeah..." Izuku replied weakly as Izumi started to stop laughing.

"I guess that's why there's tension between our family and the Bakugos. They were probably furious that Mum decided to place you within the orphanage." Izumi said, causing Izuku to nod his head slightly.

"So, what are you doing now?" Izumi asked, starting to become curious.

"Well, my class are doing internships next week. We need to pick an agency to do our internships with." Izuku explained whilst glancing down at his personal list of offers.

"Are there many hero agencies to choose from?" Izumi asked, starting to become interested.

"It depends really. The Sports Festival has an important role for the students. Those who managed to impress the pro-heroes will received an offer from them, allowing the student to do their internships with them." Izuku explained, causing Izumi to nod her head slightly.

"What about those who haven't received any offers? Do they still go on an internship?" Izumi asked, frowning slightly.

"Those who haven't received any offers are still able to go internships with agencies who are willing to take on internships." Izuku replied, causing Izumi to nod her head.

"That's good to hear. At least everybody gets a chance to gain experience. Did you gain any offers? You certainly a lot of people back at the Sports Festival." Izumi asked, causing Izuku to become nervous.

"I...got three thousand and ninty-nine offers." Izuku asked before getting ready for Izumi's reaction.

"...You got how much!?" Izumi exclaimed in a shock tone of voice.

"That's certainly impressive. I guess they were impressed with how you sacrifice your chance at getting first place during the final match." Izumi said, causing Izuku to nod his head slightly.

"So, what about your girlfriend. How much offers did my future sister-in-law gained?" Izumi asked, causing Izuku to start blushing before becoming shock at what Izumi said.

"O-Ochako got more offers than me. She gained four thousand and ten offers." Izuku replied, causing Izumi to whistle slightly.

"Wow. She managed to beaten you then?" Izumi said, causing Izuku to become depress.

"Thank you for being a supportive little sister." Izuku said in sarcastic, causing Izumi to giggle slightly.

"Your welcome." Izumi said, causing Izuku to shake his head slightly.

"So, have you chosen an agency yet?" Izumi asked, becoming curious.

"Not yet. There's a lot to choose from." Izuku replied, causing Izumi to nod her head slightly.

"That makes sense...Have you created your hero names since your going on your internships?" Izumi asked, becoming curious.

"Yes. My hero name is Evol, the evolving hero." Izuku replied, causing Izumi to nod her head slightly.

"That's cool. short for evolution, right?" Izumi asked, causing Izuku to nod his head.

"Yes. simple and straight to the point." Izuku replied, causing Izumi to giggle slightly.

"Well, I should be getting going to bed now, it's getting late." Izumi said before yawning slightly.

"R-right. Goodnight, Izumi." Izuku said, starting to feel sleepy himself.

"Goodnight, Big brother." Izumi said before ending the call.

The dark green hair girl started to smile as she felt like a giant weight has been lifted off her.

And there we have it, the students making their hero names and the chat between Izuku and Izumi. I hope that everyone likes Izuku's new hero name...and the other one that Miss Kindle created for him. I hope that everyone enjoy the small bonding between brother and sister. See you all in the new stories.

BoulderClaw: Not sure if that scene will actually happen.

DragonshadowRyukage: What does "ROFL" stands for?

fencer29: 1) I guess your right.

2) Have you forgotten that Midnight is their homeroom teacher in this story?

valkrus: Thank you for pointing out to me.

Hankflamion18: Thank you for your understanding.

chadcalebt: That's a nice saying.

Bucio: Thank you.