U-1146, much to his exasperation and bemusement, didn't understand what was going on with the rest of his neutrophil crew. After most patrols or missions, he would often rest in a neutrophil marginating pool where 2001 would often visit him and vice versa. It was a get together that 1146, despite all the odds, looked forward to whenever he needed the down time. However, resting with his stoic friend right after grueling missions became an exceedingly rare occasion.

It worried him.

So he decided to seek out his other friends.

Unfortunately...they all seemed to be rather preoccupied with something else. For reasons beyond him, his coworkers—his best friends—seemed to have something on their minds.

If he was worried before, he was now outright panicking.

There was just something off...not in a way that could disrupt the receptor that rested at the back of his head, but it was enough for him to pace the vessels near the upper strata in the epidermis of the arm. When he was overly excited or anxious, he often found that working his energy into something productive helped.

If he found some bacteria, it would get all the more rewarding.

As he passed from one alleyway to another, he heard the sound of a familiar voice echoing. It took a few seconds, but he knew that voice.

Ah, he thought with a fond smile, it was Miss Red Blood Cell. Eager to talk to her about her most recent adventures—she also seemed a bit busy these days with her own schedule—the white blood cell ventured out of one of the alleyways. When he was still a few paces away from her, he could say that she was tripping over her laces. It was a sigh that made 1146 smile with exasperated fondness. Looks like old habits die hard, he mused.

Just when he was about to announce his presence, U-1146 saw something that he didn't think he would ever see.

It was U-2001.

And… And he was smiling?

Carefully, so as to not arouse the interest or the suspicions of the two blood cells before him, he edged back into the alleyway. Normally, he would have sought out his teammate and friend with fanfare, but this...was a situation that didn't sit well with him.

For some odd reason, he felt this sensation in boiling within his cytosol. It was strange and uninviting.

He didn't like that feeling one bit. The longer he looked at the pair—they were laughing about something!—the stronger that feeling became.

All of a sudden, when he had half a mind to confront of the both of them, the erythrocyte dashed out of the area. For a moment, 1146 contemplated coming out into the open to confront his best friend about their relationship—why? it was strange what he wanted to do—and what? What did he plan to do after that?

Just as suddenly as she left, the red blood cell came back with a bright smile on her face and something in her hands.

It was...what was it?

It looked like…


Not even the straitlaced 2001 would have the courage or the stupidity to consume the cones of glucose that were only meant for erythrocytes!


1146 could feel his face freezing into the death throes of shock.

He did.

2001 nobly wore a mask of pure indifference, but on the inside, 1146 could see that the neutrophil looked like he was about to undergo PCD.

That can't be good.

No sooner did 1146 have that thought when 2001 started clutching his head and coughing.

Mildly bemused and concerned, 1146 was a micrometer away from reaching out to his friend when his red blood cell took off and returned with a cup filled with steaming tea.

It was such a strange occurrence that 1146 had no choice but to leave.

All the while, he couldn't help but see the look of concern and worry in AE-3803's eyes...and how he thought that look should have been directed at him.

1146 had taken care to avoid all marginating pools unless strictly necessary.

It wasn't that he was mad at his friend, per se, but 1146 found that he wanted to be left alone for a little bit. The feeling in his cytosol had retreated back into the corners of his mind and he hoped against all hope that it would stay that way.

As the dutiful neutrophil patrolled, he began to notice a slight disturbance ahead. Urged on by his sense of duty and apprehension, he approached the area and was rewarded with the sight of several squads of white blood cells cleaning up after what appeared to be a recent battle. It appeared that another batch of Staphylococcus Aureushad once again tried to infiltrate the body.

"Yo! Ya busy, U-1146?" It was one of the newer recruits, straight out of the bone marrow.

146 inclined his head slightly in affirmation before grabbing some of his enzymatic spray help with the clean up.

It was a fairly monotonous affair.

Most cells thought that immune cells led pretty distressing, adventurous lives. While that was true, their jobs also included what happened after the battles happened and all the blood was shed. Which meant, cleaning operations were the norm and all immune cells were supposed to clean after themselves. True, at times the clean up was tedious and time-consuming, but 1146 found it sort of relaxing.

And a job was a job, no point in complaining about it.

Once he finished an entire batch of bacteria, 1146 helped load the leftovers into the pots and pans that the macrophages used to cook food. 1146 didn't see the appeal of cooking the bacterial waste; they tasted the same no matter how much seasoning and simmering was done. (4989 insisted that the macrophage's expertise with food actually made the microorganism's cell wall actually taste palatable; 1146 didn't believe him).

Regardless of what the neutrophil thought, 1146 soon finished and began to survey the area when a welcome sight graced his eyes.

A young red blood cell with hair the color of bright red was walking in his general direction with a cheery smile on her face. She was so caught up in the recesses of her mind that she didn't notice that the neutrophil began walking slowly up to her, intent on saying hello and possibly going out for barley tea. However, before he managed a few strides in her direction, someone beat him to it.

"Miss Red Blood Cell! It's great to see you again!"

That voice.

U-1146's mind stuttered to a halt as he saw that one of his oldest friends, 4989, practically pounced on the young cell before energetically describing the events of the recent battle. Due to her good nature, the red blood cell began to "ooh" and "ah" at the right parts while offering some generous tidbits of her own stories to add to the general conversation.

Bemused, 1146 made as to jump in as well, when again, the red blood cell ran off in a random direction.

And then came running back with the same thing that she had given 2001 only hours prior to this incident.

For the love of—

"This...this is incredible! Can I have more!" 4989 wolfed down his treat with voracity that would have sent cells and bacteria alike running for the hills. Despite the horrifying image that even sent 1146's mind reeling, AE-3803 chuckled softly and handed 4989 a tissue so that he could wipe his face.

"I don't think so, 4989! You might get addicted to them!"

Since when they were so close?

1146 stalked off.

The feeling of something brewing deep in his cytosol was haunting him every step of the way.

"1146, you okay? You look like you want to commit apoptosis."

2626, one of the most mischievous neutrophils 1146 ever had the pleasure of meeting, idly ate the rest of his cone of glucose that his red blood cell friend had given him moments prior. It was a surprising little treat—not because neutrophils weren't meant to process such sweet fare—but because he didn't think that he would meet the cute erythrocyte so soon. After a brief conversation about how the glucose could excite his taste buds and his offer to treat her to some bacteria some time ("I appreciate the thought, but I'd rather pass!"), they parted ways.

And then 2626 managed to bump into 1146 who looked rather flushed—a colorful abnormality that didn't cause him much concern.

No, what really concerned the young neutrophil was that his older friend looked like he was punched in the gut and chewed alive by a Vibriobacterium.

1146 turned away, allowing his cap's shadows to cover up his eyes.

"I'm fine, 2626. I'm just thinking about some things."

2626 looked worriedly at his comrade, a question burning in the eyes that hid behind his snowy bangs. Although 1146 was quite blunt and truthful at times, right now, he didn't feel like discussing his reservations concerning two incidents, which heavily featured his red blood cell friend. Although he knew that 2001 and 4989 were at no fault, that still didn't stop him acting just the tiniest bit surly.

He could still act professionally even under duress!

"Seriously, I'm getting antsy and murderous just looking at you!" 2626 huffed out a small breath when he saw that his friend wasn't responding to his approach. So, he tried another angle that might help. "Look, I know that you usually talk to 2001, but you're free to talk to me if you want," 2626 offered.

Although he would never admit it, 2626 kind of felt unnerved when he saw that his friend was clearly ailing from something. Maybe 4989 was right. Perhaps their eldest comrade was going through some trauma after their last few missions—Cancer Cell being one of their more lethal adventures.

1146 smiled wanly. "Don't worry too much about me, 2626. I think I'm just going through some issues right now. Nothing too big."

2626, if his bangs had allowed vision, would have let 1146 seeing him roll his eyes skyward and back.

"Fine. Lie all you want. Just know that we're all here for you, pissy or not."

"Very mature of you, 2626."

"I aim to please."

For a moment, the both of them stood in silence before 1146 turned to his friend with a blank look in his eyes.

"Not a word of this to anyone."

"You have my word."

"You can't tell 4989, 2626."

"Consider my lips sealed."

"And if Dendritic Cell corners you in a dark alleyway, you're still going to take this secret to the grave."

"...I'll have to pass on that," 2626 muttered. "Dendritic Cell is too powerful to be crossed."

"True." 1146 faced forward and spoke in a voice so low, 2626 wondered whether or not he was actually talking. "I don't know, 2626. For some odd reason, there are these...random occurrences where I get this feeling inside of me that makes me feel so...angry? I suppose? I'm not sure how to explain it, but it happened twice when 2001 and 4989 were around."

2626's eyes widened.

"So you are mad at them!"

1146 emphatically shook his head.

"No. It's not anger. It's something more than that."

2626's eyes furrowed. What could 1146 possibly be talking about?

"Could you maybe elaborate a little more? Was it specifically what 2001 or 4989 did? Or maybe something else?"

1146 thought for a moment before hitting upon an idea.

For some odd reason, the incidences only happened when one of his friends were there...with his favorite red blood cell. Perhaps it was mere coincidence? Maybe he should go visit his friends separately and see what actually happened...seriously, what sort of ailment only occurred when he saw that his best friends hanging out with his favorite red blood cell? Maybe he just wasn't feeling well…

The silence was suddenly broken by 2626's transceiver informing them that he was needed elsewhere.

"Ah, I hate to cut this short," 2626 grumbled in apology. "But, as you know…"

"Duty calls." 1146 nodded in understanding.

Maybe he would solve his emotional crisis later.

2048 isn't the most touchy-feely sort of guy—no, that's more 4989's territory—but he does have a sixth sense sort of intuition. He had been sitting at a random spot on a secluded bench when he had been adorably accosted by Miss Red Blood Cell—the same one that liked to tag along with 1146 and the one who looked really cute when flustered or drunk.

Or both.

Regardless, his immediate fascination with her innate sense of cute became sidetracked when he saw that she was looking quite worse for wear. Concerned, he asked her what happened and she replied with a tearful, "I've been searching for 1146 everywhere, but I can't find him!" She sniffled and 2048 felt his nucleus ache at the sound. "I was planning on showing him something neat."

"That's all right, Miss 3803! You two always manage to find each other, right? You'll find him eventually."

"I hope so…" Her lips wobbled before she turned to him with a resigned, but hopeful look on her face. "Hey, have you ever wondered what glucose tastes like?"

2048 was stunned.

That was definitely not what he thought she was going to ask.

Glucose? Neutrophils like himself only ate pure bacteria—unless, of course, the kindly macrophages cooked them or some other cells processed them to make them more palatable. (Their attempts were admirable. It's just that invaders always tasted bad no matter how you dressed them up). The very idea of eating glucose was a concept that never crossed his mind.

Sure, back when he was still going through training, he had a passing thought or two when he saw some red blood cells stare at him while he was happily phagocytizing bacteria. He wondered why they were so distraught and found himself mildly bemused when he observed that they eat small cones of glucose. Was it really that filling? It seemed so small...and much too sweet.

Then again, he couldn't tell.

He never thought about taking a bite of the supposed sweet treat that the red blood cells often consumed.

"Well...since it is a sugar, I would assume that it tastes very sweet."

She giggled. "That's because it is! Here, since you're not busy, I'll get you some!"

Before he could utter a word of protest—not that he would have, mind you—the red blood cell rushed off in search of the glucose.

And that's when he felt a certain niggling sensation at the back of his neck. Although the sensation was uncomfortable, it wasn't too unpleasant. In fact, it was quite familiar and easy to pinpoint to say the least.

"You can come out, you know." 2048 turned around to pierce 1146 with a piercing look that would have scared any bacteria witless. "It's not nice to hide in the shadows and eavesdrop."

"Isn't that part of our job description, though?"

"Heh, didn't think you would be a jokester like 2626 or 4989."

"You would be surprised."

"I also didn't peg you for a jealous type."

1146 stopped and stared at his friend with a look bordering on bewilderment dawning realization. For a few moments, much to 2048's growing amusement and 1146's mollification, he dropped and opened his mouth several times.

Was this the answer to the feeling that was engaging in war in his nuclei? Could it be that simple?

However, that brought another question to the forefront of his mind.

Just what was he jealous of?

2048 smirked at the look on his friend's face. Clearly, he was going through some existential crisis.

"Look, man. Miss Red Blood Cell is about to come back any second. Why don't you take a walk and really think about your feelings."

1146 nodded slowly before he headed back into the dark, shrouded hallway.

Just when the edges of his white uniform slipped back into the inky darkness of the transmigration route, the red blood cell managed to bump back into her newest friend.

"Hey, 2048! I got you a new flavor! It's mint!"

She held out the cone of glucose for the neutrophil to inspect before she took a long glance at his face before asking, "Are you all right? You have a weird look on his face."

"Oh? Don't worry about it! Let me taste some of that glucose!"

Behind them, in an alleyway, 1146 paced.

1146 continued pacing as he slowly came to terms with the fact that his emotions were telling him one thing that he didn't know about himself. With a growing realization, he finally understood that he likedher. He really liked her! It was unsettling, but at the same time, the thought kind of thrilled him.

Immediately, though, he sobered as another train of thought came to mind.

Did Red Blood Cell feel the same way? Or was he asking for too much? Before he could ponder his thoughts further, he felt a slight tap on his shoulder.

"Mr. White Blood Cell!" AE-3803 called out to her white blood cell friend. "Are you all right?"

Embarrassed to be caught in a vulnerable position, especially when he was caught in the middle of thinking about her, the immune cell awkwardly tipped his hat over his uncovered eye.

"Ah, Miss Red Blood Cell! I was just, er—"

Concerned, Red Blood Cell stood on her tiptoes and felt his forehead with the back of her gloved hand. Her diagnosis must have been something worrying since she immediately pulled her hand back. Although a part of him wanted to reassure her that he was quite fine (it was only thoughts of her that had him feeling a little off), but it was refreshing to see that she was worrying about him. Usually, he was the one who kept an eye out for her—most notably, during that time he had decided to make sure that she completed her first circulation around the body with no fuss.

Still, though, he was a gentleman. No need to make her fuss over him when there was nothing wrong.

He gently took her hand and smiled down at her.

"Don't worry about me, Red Blood Cell. I was just feeling a little stressed lately. Fighting bacteria gets tiring after a while."

She instantly brightened, but 1146 kept note of the slight doubt that lingered deep in the depths of her amber colored eyes.

"Well, if you're feeling stressed...I have something that could make you feel better!"

1146 looked at her in anticipation.

"And what that may be?"

"I wanted to have some, too!" AE-3803 pouted as she took the last cone of glucose from the vending machine. It came to no surprise that the vending machine had run out of stock. Really, she was surprised that she managed to get enough cones for the rest of her neutrophil friends. However, that meant she had gone without for the most part because she didn't want to seem selfish. "Well, at least I completed my mission for today," she sighed softly to herself, chiding herself slightly.

She had decided to gift her white blood cell friends glucose over the course of her delivery route because she wanted to know what would happen. (Could neutrophils digest glucose?) There was also the fact that she had never seen a neutrophil eat anything other than the disgusting bacteria. The redhead found that thought sad; how could anyone go through life without the goodness that was freshly made glucose?

She walked back to her best friend and handed him the cone. He looked at the treat with a look of confusion so unlike his usually professional self, that it had her freely laughing.

"Go on, have a bite! Er...I mean, lick it. It's cold."

1146 hesitated for a second before going for it.

For a moment, 1146 was assaulted first by the sudden temperature drop in his mouth and then by the flavor of something so sweet that he could have gagged. He looked down at the coloring of the glucose—it was pink, so strawberry?—and contemplated this new flavor that was assaulting his mouth. Honestly, this was far more palatable than any amount of bacteria that he ever had.

"It has...an interesting taste."

3803 almost deflated before he took another experimental lick before smiling in appreciation.

"I think I like it." He was one his way to take another bite before he noticed that his red blood cell friend wasn't eating her own cone of glucose. His lone eye furrowed even further when he saw that she was looking at his cone with a look of longing. Didn't she eat at her breaks? "Hey, aren't you going to eat glucose as well? I heard that you were making deliveries all day."

She bashfully chuckled.

"Ah… about that...the vending machine ran out of stock. But, don't worry about it, I can—"

AE-3803 suddenly found herself with a mouth full of glucose.

For some odd reason, it was far sweeter than any other glucose she had consumed.

And were her cheeks heating up?

"Oh, erm...hahaha! But this glucose was yours and—"

1146 took her by the hand and led her to a nearby bench, all the while ignoring her protests and exclamations.

"Nonsense. You haven't had glucose all day," he chided her. "It's best that you have some right now. Besides," he shyly brought the brim of his cap over his left eye to hide his reddening cheeks, "I would like sharing this glucose with you."

2001 sat alone in his marginating pool, feeling strangely rested and lazy. His rounds over the course of his day were nothing but filled with content wanderings around the heart and parts of the circulatory system. Along the way, he had met up with the strange little red blood cell who often got lost and was treated to a cone of glucose. Which, mind you, was quite tasty after some thought, but was initially off-putting due to the low temperature. Despite that, the neutrophil was grateful and enjoyed the rest of his rounds with a sense of contentment.

And now, he was completely rested and alone.

"Yoohoo! 2001, I got some news for you!"

Good grief, what did his loudmouthed friend want now? For a brief moment, 2001 pondered letting him think that was not available when he heard two pairs of accompanying footsteps follow 4989.

"2001, are you here?" 2626 called out. To the other neutrophils, he muttered, "I could have sworn that this was his favorite spot to hide."

2001 sighed before making himself known.

"Hello, 4989. 2626, I don't hide here," the older neutrophil grumbled, "I rest here. Away from the rest of you."

2048 mocked an expression of woe before slapping his friend on the back.

"Aww! I thought that you loved us."

"Emphasis on the last part of that statement. Regardless, what happened?" He directed his question at 4989, who appeared to be rocking back and forth on his heels like a myelocyte itching for a fight with makeshift bacteria.

"1146 and Miss Red Blood Cell were sharing a cone of glucose with each other!"

2001 sighed before he sat back down and leaned back onto the wall of the blood vessel.

"Is that it?"

"What do you mean, 'is that it?" 4989 asked, flabbergasted at his friend's apparent disinterest. Behind the young neutrophil, his two other friends tried to stifle their own bouts of chuckles, but failed. "I just gave the you the biggest news in the body ever and—WHY ARE YOU GUYS LAUGHING LIKE THAT?"

2001 rolled his eyes heavenward before asking for some god out there to ease him out of this misery.

"Honestly, you're just as oblivious as 1146 and that's saying a lot."

Hey, guys! Devin here. :)

Thank you all for your review and favorites for this story and for my other stories. Special thanks to chemicalflashes (on here and tumblr) and lunchtimerushin (tumblr) for their ideas, fan art, and general awesomeness.

Lunchtimerushin, if you're reading this, thanks for answering my anon-ask about the reverse harem fan art for Cells at Work/Hataraku Saibou! I honestly didn't think that you would do it, hahaha!

For the reverse harem art, {lunchtimerushin. /post/176423331152/b-they-all-like-her- but-know-who- she-really-loves}

Lunch also made fan art for chapter 1 (MY FIRST FANART FOR MY WORK EVER! GYAHHHHH, I WAS SO HAPPY WHEN I SAW IT!){lunchtimerushin. /post/176700071377/ u2001-with-ae3803 -she-stumbles-trips- and}

Just remove the spaces.

Anywhoozles, continue supporting the fandom and make it explode! Bye, bye! And have a nice day!