There is nothing like waking up to a bright ass light shining in your face, even if it is just the sun coming through the curtains. The only thig that made it tolerable was the constant feeling of a hand running through my hair as another made soothing circles on my back. So I snuggled further into my ice cold pillow and sighed happily as the strong arms tightened around me. "Don't you think it's time for you to get up and eat my love?" The sexy voice purred out huskily. Letting out a groan I reply, "or we could just stay here in bed. Yes I like that plan better." I was rewarded with my pillow vibrating as they chucked lowly before it disappeared from under me causing me to face plant the mattress. Groaning I look up blurrily at the figure bent over their musical laughter filling the room. As soon as my eyes cleared I glared into the bright gold ones im in love with. "You are so lucky I love you." Her expression sobered quickly, "oh my love, I am well aware of just how lucky I am." She saunters back towards our bed and crawls over me, just as out lips were about to meet there was a knock at the door, "Izz your breakfast is on the table getting cold." My mate groaned as she let her weight drop onto me, "come on lets feed the half human," she pulle me up with her removing my covers and revealing my naked body. Her eyes darkened as soon as she realized this with a growl vibrating in her chest. Letting out a dramatic sigh "I guess your right" and walk quickly to the bathroom for a shower closing the door with my foot knowing her eyes were following me the whole time.

Showering quickly I pull on a hoodie and jeans before heading downstairs wondering where my mate went. "Good morning sweetie."

"Morning Carmen, thanks this smells great."

"Your welcome. There's another plate in the microwave for when that sister of yours gets up."

"Where's Tanya? And Eleazar?"

"Eleazar is out hunting. Tanya is in the living room on the phone." I looked up at here tense back hearing the tone of her voice and decide to finish my food quickly before heading to the living room. "It has been awhile since your family has came down for a visit Carlisle but were in the middle of renovations and just don't have the room." I froze as the name left her lips, her worried golden eyes met mine. Taking the hand she held out for me I let her pull me into her. She let out a sigh I doubt even the vampire on the phone heard she replied, "Of course, it will be good to see you guys again. Uhuh, ok, bye." As soon as she hung up both arms wrapped around me tightly. "So, the Cullens huh?"

"Yes baby, im sorry I tried to delay them."

"I understand, it was bound to happen sooner or later."

"I was hoping for later though."

"Yah, me to."

20 minutes later I was curled up on the couch in Tanya's arms as my sister came walking down the stairs, eyes still half closed in her sweat pants and tank-top that barely reached her belly button, she gave a clear view of her red and black diamonds and a paw print tattoo. Her blood red hair in disarray letting us know she hasn't touched it from rolling out of bed. Her mates, Tanya's sisters Irina and Kate followed close behind with satisfied smirks sporting slightly sex crazed hair. Knowing Catt she went straight for the coffee and food before plopping down in a chair at the table her mates on each side.

Catt POV

I woke up early afternoon next to two of the most beautiful sights I have ever laid eyes on, my two mates. My two blonde vampire mates. Kate and Irina, my two golden eyed sex on legs goddesses. Kate had straight platinum hair down to her lower back that was currently a mess that I loved, she was a warrior for sure with an amazing gift that can shock people, makes for great sex. And Irina, dirty blonde hair the same length as Kate but curly, more of a lover but can still land you on your ass. She was currently curled up into my side as usual. They are considered near ancient among their kind at nearly 2 thousand years old. And they both are completely mine. However I am no morning person, especially before coffee, so I kiss my mates foreheads and roll out of bed into some pants and a tank-top from the floor. As soon as I reach the bottom of the stairs I see my sister Isabella and her mate on the couch. I don't need to be connected to Izz to know how tense she is. Ignoring it for the time being I grab a cup of coffee and the delicious food Carmen made and sit down with my mates. When I can actually open my eyes all the way I head to the living room and fall into the couch not surprised at the weight of Irina falling into my lap and Kate into my side. We're pretty inseparable, being apart hurts, literally. "What's wrong Izz?"

"The Cullens." My eyes fly open and a growl works its way out of my throat. Kates hand is rubbing soothing circles on my stomach that have little effect. "what about the Cullens?" I ground out through clenched teeth. "They are coming to see their cousins." I flinch at her emotionless tone. "When?"

"There's not enough time to change me completely and learn to control myself if that's what you want to know." I look to Tanya's worried face instead "he said they would be here by next weekend, most likely Friday."

"I see." And I did, which is why I excused myself out into the forest to destroy any and all in my path as my worried mates watched on. I knew they understood, but they didn't get it. I hated, no I loathed these vampires who I have never had the pleasure of meeting. In all my years, and that's a lot of years, I have never ran from a challenge or fight, never backed down, never. And I was forced to run from one they left behind for a human to deal with alone. We were both forced to run, to up and leave her friends, her father.