A/N: Thanks to the person that corrected me on the episode referenced, I knew it was "Retaliation" not the "Replicator." It has since been corrected, I think.

After the pair had finished making out like teenagers in front of the two doctors. Dr. Carson had completed the rest of Emily's exam, finding everything checked out. She cleared Emily to be released on the condition that if she had any cramping or even mild spotting over the next 24 hours that was to return immediately. She instructed her to eat more iron and to make an appointment with her OBGYN as soon as she returned home.

Once Emily had agreed, she made Derek promise to back up her recommendations, which he solemnly swore he would. Emily had rolled her eyes knowing he was going to take this seriously to the point of annoying her.

Dr. Carson had left, wishing them well, and was off to make her final notes for Emily's chart and to officially clear her for discharge to Dr. Sussman.

As she closed the door behind her, Dr. Carson smiled to herself, it wasn't often that she got to give good news to a mom-to-be after a trauma such as the one her patient had had tonight. She hadn't reiterated to them how lucky they were. She could tell they knew. It was cases like this that kept her doing this job. As she passed the station where Dr. Sussman was standing, she handed her the patient file. The younger blonde doctor gave her a warm, knowing smile, confirming that she felt the same.

Back in the exam room, Morgan helped Emily get back into her clothes, with only mild protesting after she'd tried to use her right arm. Which was heavily bandaged, and if she was being honest, pretty sore.

While they waited for Dr. Sussman to return with the discharge papers, Morgan finally got her to lie back down and try and get some rest. After a few minutes, Morgan decided to join her, knowing that once they got back they'd have to use their energy and focus on the case.

They laid on the bed, face-to-face, she on her left side, he on his right. He could see the sleep in her eyes she was fighting, but her smile still played at her lips while she studied his face.

"Derek, what are you thinking?" she asked earnestly.

He pushed a strand of hair behind her ear, "That I'm so glad I didn't loose you tonight." He traced his left hand down until he gently caressed her still flat stomach with the back of his hand. "Either of you."

Needing to feel closer to him, Emily placed her right hand on his left bicep. She rested her injured right forearm on top of his forearm. "Derek, I'm so sorry you had to find out like this."

"No," he shook his head, "I'm glad I was here. I'm sorry you had to find out like this."

"We've never really talked about having kids."

"No. We haven't." he confirmed.

She averted her gaze.

"Emily, look at me." He waited until she did so to continue. "I want this. Maybe I didn't know that I did, but now… well, now I can't imagine not having this."

"Yeah, I know what you mean." And she did. "But Derek?"

"Yes Emily?"

"Can we, uh, can we just maybe keep this between us for a little bit longer?"

He was confused, but realized what she was asking. "You mean not tell the team about the baby?"

"It's not that I don't want to tell them, I do. It's just that I'd really like to have a little more time for us to wrap our heads around this whole concept before we have to start answering questions. And you know they are going to ask questions."

He shook his head, "Emily, we have to tell them. We can't hide this."

"Why not? We've been hiding our relationship from them for two years."

"Because, for one, they are eventually going to notice that you're pregnant. And two, you know you can't go back into the field. We can't a repeat of today."

"Derek, I know that. I do not want a repeat of today. Trust me. And I won't be going back into the field. But I am not asking to keep this from them forever; I know eventually that a team of profilers will figure it out. I am just asking for a little more time."

It's like she knew he could never say no to her. "Okay." He sighed, "But how are you going to ensure you won't be sent back into the field when we get back to the precinct?"

"Derek. I have a concussion, a black eye, and twelve stitches in my right arm. I think I can convince them pretty easily I'm not up to chasing after an unsub right now. Without even telling them that I also happen to be 10 weeks pregnant."

He continued caressing her stomach, "I can't believe that there is really a baby in there."

"It is strange." She mumbled sleepily.

"You know what else is hard to believe?"

"What?" She asked eying him wearily.

He traced his fingers up to the waist of her hip hugger jeans, looping his finger through the belt loop. He gave them a little tug. "How damn fine you look in these jeans, Mama."

A/N: Thanks again for reading. I hope to find the inspiration to complete this but FIN for now. Until then, I'll be focusing on some other stories :)

I love you all. -C