Maz and Rey high fived each other as they watched Hux leave with his tail between his legs.

'It's almost too easy.' Rey said. 'That Guy literally has no backbone. I swear he is made of jelly.'

Maz laughed, then the old woman adjusted her glasses,

'He's just a pawn. They'll send others. Mark my words.'

Rey snorted, 'They can send whoever they want, I'll keep them off your back Maz.'

'You're a good girl, Rey.' Maz said patting Rey's cheek.

Rey had only been volunteering to teach swimming lessons and man the pool at the centre for a few months but she already loved Maz like a mother. A few weeks ago, the Thirst Orders Corp has started sending that little ginger mole to try and intimate Maz into selling but so far Maz and Rey had managed to successfully scare him away at every attempt. Just the mention of the company's name was enough to make Rey's blood boil in her veins. You hate them because they are an evil conglomerate, not because of Ben. That's all water under the bridge now. She reminded herself for the thousandth time. Still, thank goodness Ben was based in the New York branch and there was little chance on him being involved in these small fry negotiations.

'Maz, we should consider getting a lawyer.'

Maz shook her head, 'no lawyers! Blood suckers! Don't trust em!' Maz shouted as she disappeared into her office. Rey sighed.

They wouldn't be able to keep a massive corporation like Thirst Orders at bay forever, but Maz refused to accept any outside help.

'I'll see you tomorrow Maz!' Rey called as she slung her gym bag over her shoulder and headed for the exit. Putting in her earplugs she tried to focus on the music but ever since Thirst Orders has come into her life she couldn't stop thinking about Ben.

When he had left, it has devastated her. Rey had cried for days and almost left the programme, but Poe and Finn had been amazing and had helped her make her way through the pain. She thought about calling him so many times, but keep wondering if they could ever fit into each other's worlds again. As soon as her training was over, Rey headed out into the world. Sad to leave the quaint little seaside village but unable to stay when everything there reminded her of Ben.

When Rey reached home she headed straight for the shower and then wrapped in her favourite sweats, she made herself a warm bowl of tomato soup and curled up in her favourite armchair. Her apartment was small but homey, her furniture was a hodgepodge of items listed for free on the internet and Ikea flat packed sale items but it was hers and she loved it. I wonder what kind of place Ben has? She wondered idly as she sipped her soup. Then huffed out an exaggerated breath as she realised she was thinking about him again.

'You need to stop this!' She said out loud. 'It really is about time you got out there and tried dating!' But she didn't really want to. What she has had with Ben has been so perfect, so idyllic, she knew that nothing else would ever compare.

'You're just going to have to get over this little fantasy that he is going to have a change of heart and come looking for you.' She said into her soup. 'It's just not going to happen.

The next day Ben straightened his tie for the tenth time as he sat in the back of a hired black sedan in his way to the leisure centre.

It could be a different Rey. He thought to himself unconvincingly. From the description Hux has giving him, he was pretty sure he was about to come face to face with his Rey.

'A girl by the name of Rey, didn't catch her surname. Small, brunette, pretty, very pretty, big smile, clever, seems to have really taking a shine to the old lady. Blocks all my attempts to speak to the owner alone.'

Ben's head has started to beat out of his chest. It couldn't be? But then….there was a pool and didn't Rey always say she wanted to volunteer to teach children to swim?

'How long has the girl been a problem?' Ben asked.

Hux shrugged, 'About a month?'

'A month?!' Ben had came towards Hux then, loomed over him with his hands drawn into fists at his side.

'You mean to tell me, she has been right here, under my nose, for weeks and you are only just mentioning this to me now?'

Hux looked rattled, 'I didn't think it was relevant! She's just a girl!'

'Just a girl!' Ben had roared and then checked himself. Hux knew nothing of his relationship with Rey. There was no reason for him to see why this information was so vital to Ben, and it wouldn't do him any good to reveal it now.

'Every slither of information is important in a take over, Hux. You should have notified me the moment the girl started to interfere. I can't trust you to deal with this any longer. I will go down there and sort out this mess myself.'

Hux looked a mixture of disappointed and relieved. 'Okay Sir.' He said before leaving the room.

So now here he was, sweaty and flustered, and desperate to see if it was his Rey.

The car pulled up outside the centre and Ben jumped out. The automatic doors squeaked open and he entered into the reception area.

'Hi how can I help you?' Said a cheerful young lady behind the desk.

'Hi, I understand you have an employee called Rey? I really need to see her.'

The girl furrowed her brow, 'Rey isn't in yet, but I'm expecting her any minute...oh here she is! Hi Rey!'

Ben heard the doors behind him open.

'Hi Wander!' A cheerful voice called. His heart stopped. He would never mistake that voice. Ben turned around and his eyes met Rey's.

She was even more beautiful than he remembered. He forgot how to speak and for a moment they just stared at each other.

'Erh, this man is here to see you Rey. Sorry, what did you say your name was?'

'Ben.' Rey said not taking her eyes from his.

Wander looked at them both and busied herself with some paperwork.

Ben gave himself a mental kick, 'Hi Rey.' He said.

'Y-y-you shouldn't be here! Aren't you based in New York?'

Ben smiled at her, 'You checked up on me?'

Rey cleared her throat, 'I've heard bits and pieces here and there.'

Ben was still smiling, 'I've had some trouble pinning you down, you change location quite a lot.'

Rey's heart skipped a beat. Ben Solo has been looking for her. Alright, keep your cool, Rey. This is business. He's only here to secure a deal for the centre.

'Yeah well, I've never found anything that fits yet, other than my charity work. That always makes me happy.'

Ben shook his head, 'Still trying to save the world huh?'

'Yup, you still trying to run it?' Rey replied with a rise of her eyebrow and Ben grinned.

'Absolutely.' Ben moved forward and took her arm, steering her over to the small seating area to the side of the reception desk. Rey tried to ignore the sparks that ignited in her stomach at his touch.

'Rey, what the hell are you doing here? You could have your pick of any jobs. Poe still waxes lyrical about your talent, even now.'

Rey blushed, 'I know, I'm still in touch with Finn, He asks me to come back on a weekly basis, but….I'm needed here. These kids need me. Maz needs me….. wait, you talk to Poe?'

How come Finn had never mentioned that to her?

Ben shrugged, 'I stayed in touch with him after I left, he kept me updated with….goings on. We became sorta friends. We talk from time to time.'

There was no doubt in Rey's mind that by 'goings on' he meant her. Her heart took that confirmation as official permission to go nuts.

'You look good.' She said before she could stop herself. Stupid Rey. Don't lose focus.

'You look better.' Ben said as his eyes swept over her. She suppressed a shiver.

'Rey I….,'

'Are you here to talk about the centre?' She blurted down, interrupting him.

Ben took a step back and his expression hardened, 'Yes. I'm here to talk about the sale. I understand from Hux that Maz has been….. uncooperative of late.'

Rey snorted, 'Not even rats would want to cooperate with Hux.'

'Well perhaps you will find me more agreeable?' Ben said with a lift of his eyebrow.

Rey swallowed. Bastard. He knew he had her ruffled.

'It isn't me you need to speak to. It's Maz.' Rey said sharply. 'And she isn't here right now, but I can tell her you stopped by.' She turned to leave.

'Wait!' Ben called out, and Rey looked over her shoulder. 'Have dinner with me.'


'Have dinner with me. Tonight. Please.' He said and the soft way he said please almost had her agreeing.

'No.' She said though her heart thumped out a protect in her chest.

'Rey…' he took a step towards her.

'You want to have dinner with me? You stop this take over bid.'

Ben was silent.

'That's what I thought.' Rey said and stomped off towards the changing rooms. She heard the doors open and peaked back just in time to see Ben leave and get back into a waiting car.

She passed Rose fixing a wall light in the corridor.

'Who was that?' Rose asked with wide eyes. Rose was an engineering major, whose family were close to Maz. She came by from time to time to fix things around the centre and Rey had sparked up an easy friendship with the sweet girl.

'Just an old boyfriend, my first love actually.' Only love. Her brain helpfully reminded her.

'Wow, what happened between you two?'

'We met when I was still in training, then he went off to join Thirst Orders and I stayed where I was, I finished my lifeguard training and shortly after I moved away. This is the first time we've seen each other since then.'

'Wow. It sounded like he still holds a torch for you.' Rose said inspecting the bulb in her hand.

Rey snorted, 'I doubt it, he seems nothing like I remember him.' She said trying to mask her disappointment.

'Seems to me like he has a hard decision to make.' Rose said.

'What do you mean?' Rey asked.

'He has to decide which he wants more.' Rose said as she fitted the new bulb and turned on the light. 'This crumby old centre….or you.'

The following day, when Rey got to the pool to teach her class, she went to the changing room and opened her locker to stuff her bag and clothes inside. When she opened the locker door her mouth dropped open at the sight of a small bag of cola cubes with a note attached. She couldn't contain the smile that spread out over her face as she opened the note:

Have dinner with me. No business. I promise.

There was also a mobile number on the card. Rey pressed her lips together. She wanted to say yes so badly, but wouldn't it be a betrayal? Cavorting with the enemy so to speak?

She debated calling Ben all through her shift and was still in two minds about it when Rose caught her in the changing room and asked her if she wanted to see a film that evening.

'I can't. I have plans.' She said before she even realised the words had come out of her mouth. Guess she had made a decision after all. Stupid weak heart.

'Oh yeah? With who? Mr tall dark and handsome?' Rose asked with a grin.

'No, just a friend.' She lied.

'Okay well another time.' Rose shrugged and left.

Rey got out her phone and texted the number Ben has giving her.

Rosalita's 7pm. If you're even one minute late….I'm gone.

At 6.50pm that evening, Rey sat in her favourite Italian restaurant nibbling on a bread stick and trying to tear her eyes away from the door. She had worn her favourite light green shift dress and spent more time than usually curling her hair and applying her makeup. Her feet tapped nervously under the table.

She heard the door open and pulled in a breath as she saw Ben enter. He didn't see her right away and spend a few minutes talking to the maitre d which gave her a few minutes to drink him in. He was wearing a dark blue t-shirt and a blue suit jacket and matching pants. She noted how much he had filled out. He must have been hitting the gym. She liked that he still wore his jet-black hair to his shoulders. The maitre d pointed to her table and she smiled as Ben's eyes settled on her.

Oh god. She thought. I'm not ready for this.

'Hi!' She squeaked as he came toward her.

'Hi.' He said as he sat down. 'I'm not late am I?'

'No you're right on time.' She said.

Ben looked at her. 'You haven't changed Rey. You still take my breath away.'

Her traitorous heart skipped a beat.

'You have, you're enormous!' Rey said, then blushed.

Ben laughed, 'Yeah well, exercise helps me to relax. My line of work can be very stressful.'

'I can imagine.' Rey said, 'Do you still want to have your own business one day?'

'Yes. In fact I'm gearing up towards leaving soon.'

'Really?' Rey said a little too eagerly.

'I'm just hoping to secure this last deal.'

'Oh.' Rey said, and the mood instantly changed between them.

'But I said no business, so let's talk about you.'

They ordered and Rey told Ben everything that had happened since she had seen him last and soon it was like nothing had changed and they were once again giggling and flirting as they used to all those years ago at the little table in Luke's apartment.

'Thank you for the Cola cubes by the way.' Rey said with a smile.

'You're welcome.' Ben said.

Then unable to stop herself Rey blurted out, 'Ben, if you hadn't left… what do you think would have happened between us?'

Ben shrugged, 'You know what they say about young love….it burns hard but never lasts.'

'Yeah.' Rey said looking down at her plate.

'But I say fuck that.' Ben said and Rey's head snapped back up.

'I loved you Rey, I still love you. There's been... no one else. I've thought of you every day since I left and now that I've found you again, I don't want to let you go.'

'Ben.' Rey said with tears in her eyes.

Ben reached across the table and took her hands in his,

'Just persuade Maz to sell the centre, then I'll leave Thirst Orders and we can go away from here and start again, together.'

Rey pulled her hands away, 'No. You don't understand how much that centre means to Maz. It's her whole world. It would break her heart to give it up. I won't help you. It would destroy her.'

'Snoke wants that centre.'

'Then help us keep it from him. Do the right thing. Prove to me that you are still that boy I remember all those years ago. The boy who stood up for me, just because it was the right thing to do.'

'I just need this final deal and then….'

'Ben listen to yourself, you're addicted to winning. This isn't about this one last deal. How long have you been saying that to yourself? How long have you been promising yourself there would only be one last time?'

Ben blinked. A year. He had been saying one last deal to himself for a whole year and he still hadn't managed to break free of Snoke's hold, of his love of the chase and eventual kill. How had he only just realised how long he had been lying to himself? He looked at Rey.

'I was wrong. You do know me. You know me better than I know myself.'

'Ben...will you join with me? Please?' Rey asked.

'I can't.'

Rey looked disappointed. 'I understand.' She said as she stood up to leave. 'I hope you manage to find the courage to break free one day Ben and I hope that I'm still waiting for you when you do.' She said as she slipped on her coat and left the restaurant.

The next day Ben sat in a board meeting feeling the weight of the world pressing down on his shoulders. He should have left Thirst Orders a long time ago. Why hadn't he? Because the carrot had always gotten bigger after every deal. More money, bigger promotions, Snoke has blinded him with consumerism and he has forgotten what was important.

And although he had a life that most people dreamed about, he wasn't happy, and when he tried to think back to the last time he felt happiness, every memory was of Rey.

Ben stood up and walked out of the meeting ignoring the shouts of protect behind him. He loosened his tie and threw it onto the floor as he entered the lift.

As he pressed the button for the ground floor he smiled to himself. He felt lighter already.

Across town Maz was comforting a heartbroken Rey who had confessed the whole story to the kind old woman when she expressed concern about Rey's red eyes.

'And your certain he won't change his mind?' Maz asked.

'No. He doesn't want to change.' Rey said miserably.

'Maybe he just didn't have the right incentive?' Maz suggested.

Wander appeared in the office doorway,

'I hate to interrupt you but a Mr Ben Solo is here to see you Maz.'

Rey looked panicked.

'Send him in.' Maz said.

'I have to go.' Rey said wiping at her eyes.

'No, I think you should stay.' Maz said. 'Go stand behind the door, he won't see you there.'

'Maz! I don't want to see…'

'He won't see you! Now hide! Before he comes! Let us give your Mr Solo one last chance to prove himself, Mmm?' Maz said.

Rey looked torn but then heard footsteps fast approaching in the hallway, so she jumped behind the open office door.

Ben appeared in Maz's doorway.

'Hi I'm Ben Solo.' He said.

'Good day, Mr Solo. I've heard good things about you from Rey, I understand you knew each other a long time ago?' Maz said as she carefully gauged his reaction to her words. 'Won't you take a seat?'

'Yes. We knew each other when we were teenagers. Rey will always be….special to me.' He said.

Ben sat down in the seat in front of Maz, the one that Rey had occupied only seconds before.

'What can I do for you Mr Solo?' Maz enquired.

'I want to buy this centre.' Ben said.

Maz sighed, 'I've told you 'suits' time and time again…'

'No….not for the corporation. For me. I want to buy the centre and keep you on as the general manager.'

'Why?' Maz asked.

'Because…...I've recently had a change of heart and I need a career change.'

'Why?' Maz asked again.

'I want to give something back to the community, I want to do something to help for a change.'

'If you want me to agree to this Mr Solo, I need the truth, not a selection of vague sentiments. Now, tell me why you want to do this?' Maz asked again.

Ben stood up and ran a hand through his hair, 'Because of her okay? Because of Rey! I never stopped loving her and I can't bear to see the disappointment in her eyes when she looks at me now. I just want to shout that's not who I am inside! It's not who I want to be! So...I've quit my job and I'm trying. I'm trying to be a better man….I'm trying to change….for her.'

Maz smiled, 'Did you get that?' She asked peering behind Ben.

'Every word.' Said a voice he knew better than his own.

Ben turned and saw Rey standing behind him with tears in her eyes.

'I knew it.' She said running to him and wrapping her arms around his waist. 'I knew you were still in there somewhere.'

'I've been here the whole time, I just needed you to remind me I guess.'

Maz smiled, 'I'll be happy to discuss your proposition Mr Solo…'

'Ben. Call me Ben.' He said with a lopsided smile.

'Okay, Ben. I'll be happy to discuss it just as soon as you're finished here.' Maz said with a grin and a nod.

Rey reached up and kissed him, just as Maz silently excused herself and closed the office door.

Ben kissed her back wrapping his arms around her tiny waist. The years fell away and it was as if they had never been parted.

Rey pulled away first, 'So you're going to be my boss now?'

'I suppose so.'

'I hope you don't decided to let me go, I know what you big city execs are like for chopping heads.'

Ben laughed, 'Well seeing as your new boss is in love with you, I think you're safe.'

'That's good, because I'm in love with him too.' She said gently.

'I should never have left you.' Ben said pushing a lock of her hair behind her ear.

'It's all in the past now, let's focus on our future.' Rey said with a smile.

'Yes, our future. Together. Ben agreed as he swept her into his arms and kissed her again.