A/N: Again, I can't thank you enough for all the reviews. Knowing people out there wanna read your work really keeps a writer going. So thanks for your support and kind words!
So Klaus and Caroline's journey has finally begun - if there is anything you wanna see them explore, go through or do or if there is any specific interaction between these two that you would have wanted to see on the show then let me know and I'll gladly add it to the story.
Now enjoy!
Young again
„But there are like more than a dozen destinations, Klaus. How am I supposed to know where we're going?", asked Caroline impatiently while reading what the scoreboard at the airport said.
They had left Mystic Falls the very same night to go directly to the airport.
Only a few minutes ago, Klaus had asked Caroline to guess where they were heading, which was currently causing their long stop at the scoreboard.
„Keep reading, love. I'm sure you'll take the hint.", said Klaus. He was standing right behind Caroline, keeping an eye on both her and their suitcases.
„But I don't -" She inhaled sharply, rereading the scoreboard once more. Amsterdam, Palma de Mallorca, San Francisco ... „Paris?" It came out more like a question than a real statement, also rather doubtfully.
„We have a bucket list, remember?" He smiled, handing her her ticket.
„Paris it is." A broad grin formed on her lips as she took the ticket away from him.
Instead of coming up with another one of his flirtations, Klaus remained silent on their way to the gate.
Busy workers, families with children and many travelers were waiting for the gate to open. Kids were running around, laughing and giggling, and Caroline couldn't help but find a bit of sadness inside of her. Of course, Klaus noticed. He always did.
He'd left for the airport shop a short while ago and came back with some supplies.
„I bought you a bottle of water for the flight, the magazine you asked for - by the way, when you said you wanted a Cosmopoliton, I thought you were talking about a magazine that focuses a bit more on culture rather than on all these different types of vogue -, and I also got you those sweets called Reese's. I saw a good amount of empty wrappers of them in your office. Figured you'd like to have some.", he said while staring at the empty spot next to her.
„Sit down, stranger." She laughed a little at his lost expression and took the purchase away from him. „Thanks, Klaus."
She was more than grateful for Klaus's current behavior. After such a long time of not having been around a man, it felt easy to be with Klaus. It was easy to accept both what and who he was and the feeling that was settling inside of her, but it scared her just as much. Being with Klaus gave her some sort of comfort and thrill at the same time.
„Talk to me, love.", commanded Klaus, forcing her to look at him. „What's the matter?"
„It's - uhm - nothing.", she muttered.
„Deny all you want, but I know when something is ... off. I don't want you to feel obligated to share your thoughts with me, Caroline, but be aware that I will always be listening."
It was hard not to tell him when he was being so kind to her. She could see how hard he was trying to do right by her.
„It's just ..." Caroline sighed. „I've been parted with the twins before, but this time is different ... not knowing when I'll see them again. I miss them, that's all, and I'm worried. If you haven't noticed already, they keep causing trouble."
Klaus let out a heavy sigh. He'd seen this coming. „We can go back whenever you want. Just say the word and we'll leave this place the very same instant. I never meant to force you into this, Caroline, so if you happen to have any second thoughts, please let me in on them. If you -"
„Klaus!", Caroline interupted him laughing. „I'm alright. I miss them, yes, just as much as you probably miss Hope, but this one -", she said, meaning their journey. „This one is for us. We owe it to ourselves."
It was as though a heavy rock had left Klaus's chest. The weight on his shoulders was fading. He stared right into Caroline's eyes, wondering if they actually had a chance,
If things would work out for them,
If he could really make good on his promise from all these years ago.
He'd be her last love, no matter what it would take.
After an eight and a half hour flight, the plane finally landed and let its passengers leave for their individual adventures.
But both Klaus and Caroline knew that their adventure was about to be the best.
Outside of the airport Klaus ordered a cab that would bring them to their hotel.
Caroline had been to France a couple of times before, but it had always been for work reasons. She'd never actually been able to explore the great sides of any foreign country she had been at so far.
„Where are we gonna stay?", asked Caroline during their ride in the cab.
Klaus shot her a side glance. „You'll see."
After a long way, which had driven Caroline to the edge of impatience, they finally arrived at the Ritz, a five-star hotel in Paris.
As Klaus carried their luggage to the entrance, it took Caroline a moment to finally accept the fact that he was, in fact, going to treat her like a real queen. All his flirtations had never been mere flirtations but so much more than that.
„Care to join me, love?", he teased her and entered the building only shortly after her.
Astonished by the great lobby, Caroline followed Klaus to the reception.
„Bonjour." The woman said.
„Bonjour." Klaus replied. „Je voudrais réserver deux chambres."
Caroline understood enough French to know what Klaus was saying; he wanted to order her her own room. She smiled to herself, let her fingers intertwine with his and said in a low whisper: „Make it one."
His eyes bore into hers. His expression changed rapidly, completely taken aback by the view he was given and the trust he had finally earned.
„Are you sure?", he asked.
She turned to the receptionist and let go of his hand. „Il veux un chambre."
„La Suite Opéra, s'ils vous plaît.", he added and handed the woman his credit card. „The name's Mikaelson." He never removed his look from Caroline's face. „Niklaus."
Their suite was big, so big that Caroline had to clear her throat before talking.
„This is massive. Klaus, this must be way too expensive!"
„Money, Caroline, should be your last worry at the moment."
One of the walls was covered with big windows that promised a good view, given the fact they were in the sixth story. The room was decorated in an old-fashioned way with antic and rustic furniture. It provided with different areas; bedroom, living room, bathroom etc. The bedroom as its own would have been big enough for an entire lifetime.
Having taken a closer look at their room for a couple of minutes, Caroline let herself fall down on the king-sized bed. She was exhausted and tired. It was already night in France.
Soon after, Klaus entered the bedroom and saw Caroline lying on the bed. She raised the upper part of her body a little and rested on her elbows.
„I was wondering if you'd like to join me for dinner. Last time I've been here, the Ritz's kitchen has proven to be one of the most exquisite ones around here.", he mused, raising his pointing finger to give more meaning to his words.
„As in ... right now?"
He nodded, showing off his dimples with a wide grin - which, by the way, had always been hard to resist.
„But I look like - I can't go like this.", she exclaimed, looking down her body.
„What a fortunate thing it is indeed that you brought all your things. Your suitcase is in the living area. I'll see you at the dining hall in thirty minutes."
„Okay.", she said. „Wait - where are you going?"
„There is something I need to do." And then he was gone before Caroline could even open her mouth to say anything else.
As soon as she heard the door to their suite close, she jumped off the bed and opened her suitcase in order to find anything to wear that was appropriate enough for a hotel like this one.
„Oh come on, Caroline.", she whispered desperately while throwing all her clothes around. „I know you put it in there."
There it was. At the bottom of her suitcase, she found a red cocktail dress which she paired with a pair of black shoes.
After a quick shower, she got dressed and put on some makeup. She curled her hair and when she thought she was looking just lovely, she left for the dining hall where Klaus was already awaiting her.
He was wearing a suit that he had certainly not been wearing before he had left half an hour ago.
But if there was one thing that she was certain of - Klaus knew exactly how to look attractive and right now, he was looking not only fine but also handsome as hell.
„When did you get changed?", she asked to refocus her attention.
„Have I not already mentioned that you do look ravishing, love?", he said instead of answering her question and gently placed a kiss on her cheek.
„Well, you don't look so bad yourself."
He offered her his arm and led her into the huge dining hall that looked like it had been made for royalty.
They settled down at a table with a sign that read Mikaelson and ordered their food.
„It's incredible; everything in here is.", she confessed after the waiter had placed the champagne on the table. „Thank you, Klaus."
„I should be the one thanking you." He took a sip and smiled slightly. „It's a pleasure to watch you enjoy yourself."
„Maybe." Silence. „Why are you staring at me?"
He raised an eyebrow at that. „Why wouldn't I? You're beautiful, Caroline. And before you judge me, I would like to adress that this is nothing but a matter of fact.", he said as though he was just talking about weather. „It's an opinion I - unfortunately - have to share with all the other men inside this hall that keep glancing at you.", he added in an a low whisper. Clearly, he had no idea what kind of impact he had on her.
„And you certainly haven't lost the ability to make a woman feel special." She also took a sip, knowing she would've turned red if she was still a human.
Looking at him ... it was like their eyes were dancing with one another, daring their opposite to make a next move.
„If it makes you feel any better, love, I don't just want any woman to feel special. I want to make the one feel special that deserves it most." He shrugged.
After they had eaten up, Klaus asked Caroline to follow him and they left the building. He offered her his arm, which she kindly accepted.
„Where are we going now?", she asked, feeling a breeze rush over her body.
„You ask a lot of questions. Why don't we just enjoy each other's company until we get there?" Caroline smiled at those words, taking in his scent. It hadn't changed at all since Mystic Falls. „I'm very glad you chose to come with me, Caroline. I promise you won't regret it."
She decided to let his comment fade into the night and answered with nothing but a look into his eyes and a smile upon her lips.
After a forty-minute walk they finally arrived where they'd been heading.
„The Eiffeltower?" Caroline gasped when she stopped in front of the gigantic construction that gave light to the darkness around them.
„I had the audacity to compel us a tourist-free visit for half an hour. We have thirty minutes until other visitors can come in." He walked towards the entrance, waiting for Caroline to catch up with him. „Come on, love.", he shouted.
Caroline walked towards him, knowing that this was only the beginning of their journey. What was more to come?
They reached the top after a couple of minutes. Caroline was completely taken aback by the view in front of her.
The city was dark but still lit by many buildings and also partly by the Eiffeltower. It was impressive and stunning in every way possible.
„Paris is ..." She smiled brightly and elightened his mood by doing so.
It was a pleasure to watch Caroline jump in happiness. Nothing, not even the busy streets below them, could take his mind off of this exceptional person in front of him. She turned around to enjoy the view once more, knowing it wouldn't take that long until the tourists would come back.
„Extraordinary, amazing." Klaus dared to take a few steps towards her, grinning devilishly. „Genuinely beautiful."
„Yeah, it really is.", she said, gazing at the beauty Paris at night was causing.
„I wasn't talking about the city, Caroline."
„I ..." She turned around and realized how close they were to each other.
Her eyes were full of light and suddenly, Klaus could take a glimpse of the young teenager he had met ages ago.
Before she had any time to reconsider her decision, Caroline leaned in to kiss him, placing her lips on his, feeling a smile grow on her face.
Feeling the butterflies flutter inside of her.
Feeling young again.