Normally, Toothless was an endless ball of energy during the day. He would paw around any house that wasn't Hiccup's, or lay comfortably somewhere on a cushion to sleep. But for several days, Toothless has yet to move.

The months old cat was smarter than people assumed. He knew that Hiccup was not with him, incapacitated at the hospital. The driver of the car that veered into Hiccup had immediately driven off. It didn't help when Tadashi said he recognized the car from when he went searching for Toothless through the town earlier that day.

Anna crouched on the kitchen floor, slowly nudging Toothless' bowl of cat goop to him. Toothless would occasionally look up at her, but otherwise ignored her presence. He stayed on the bed Rapunzel had made for him, just staring off into the distance like some kind of dramatic anime protagonist.

Footsteps sounded from behind her. "Is he eating?" Elsa asked, grabbing a coffee mug from a high cupboard. Her usually braided hair was loose over her shoulders.

Anna shook her head, standing back up. "No. Nothing. He's all... emo."

"Careful, Anna. You might insult someone." Elsa poured herself some orange juice, making a mental note to add a new carton to the grocery list. "Jack called earlier. The doctors said that Hiccup's bound to wake any day now."

"Oh, thank god. Maybe then Toothless'll have his breakfast."

Elsa nodded, then frowned. "Are you wearing your spring dress?"

Anna's green dress and black blouse with crocuses embroidered on it was her signature "night out" dress. She smiled and bounced lightly on her feet, her pigtails swaying. "Yep. I have a date today."

Her sister was surprised. Anna had expressed interest in boys before, even her fellow college freshman classmate Kristoff Bjorman, but it was only a matter of time before she went on a date. "With whom?"

"My boyfriend."

Mid-sip, Elsa sputtered and wiped her mouth with her sleeve. "Excuse me, what? How long have you been with him?"

"Not long. We're going on our first date today at the museum. There's this new medieval exhibit that's opened recently."

Still confused, she put her mug down on the counter and crossed her arms, leaning against the kitchen island. "Anna, you can't just automatically call someone your boyfriend when you arrange a date with them. You have to get to know him first, at least go on the date!"

Anna poured her lips, crossing her own arms. "What about you and Jack?"

"What about me and Jack?"

"You guys have been on a date before!"

"One date, Anna. One." She followed her point by holding up a single finger. "We haven't been on a date since– oh, my god, this isn't about me. Who is he, anyway? What makes this guy your boyfriend so easily?"

Anna grinned at this. "His name is Hans. And he's a senior!" She acted giddy despite the fact that just like Jack, she was also a senior.

"Hans. Hans, as in Hans Southernisle? The same Hans that's the son of the owner to the Southernisle Company?"

Anna shrugged. "I dunno. Maybe. Oh!" She clapped her hands together. "I got these new cute green flats that go perfect with the dress. Let me go get them!"

Elsa stammered after her, but her footsteps receding upstairs were already gone. She waved her arms in exasperation and turned to Toothless. "Can you believe this?"

Toothless was still uninterested. He only turned in his bed so that he was now looking towards the living room and front door.

Elsa didn't want to damper her sister's spirits, so she kept silent when she came back down, a ribbon added to her hair. The doorbell rang not long after, and Elsa got a glimpse from her spot on the couch as Anna opened he door.

Hans was handsomely dressed in a white dress shirt and black pants. His red hair was also styled fashionably, the sign of a fish man.

After reassurances that she'd be back before dusk, Anna left towards Hans' car and they drove off. Once they were gone, Elsa took out her phone and opened her browser, styling in the company name.

A scandal had broken out a few years ago in which when it seemed that the company would go out of business due to a lack of money, one day they were financially saved. It turned out that Hans' father had been sleeping with rich women and they had been repaying him in return. It was an embarrassment for the company and family and were saved when Hans' eldest brother took over, cutting out what was unnecessary to the company in order to save money.

"Screw it. If she's mad, she'll be mad." She stood up and grabbed her keys, intent on going to the museum and keeping a watchful eye on her sister. It might help to have a friend to stakeout with.

Once she was ready, she walked into the kitchen. "Toothless? You okay to be alone for a while?" She founded the corner to see the bed, but it was empty. Even more surprising, so was his food bowl.

The history museum in town was a really good one. It was the only museum that Rapunzel's family donated to, and in return, some old royal wear was on display. This was where the medieval hall opened to, with golden armor, a purple flag and yellow sun, and a beautiful crown that its princesses would wear.

Anna looked down at a sign about the knight and soldier's armor, seeing that the captain of the guard was also the father of the princess' handmaiden during a certain period of time.

"I've always loved history," Anna said, kicking her legs a little to make the dress jump. "You know I'm actually related to royalty as well?"

Hans looked at her in surprise. "What, really? You're just telling me that?"

"Why wouldn't I? I'm not a real princess, there's no harm. We even have family in Norway that still lives where the kingdom was." She looked at a display of a sword behind glass, seeing shocked at seeing its size. "Wow! I didn't realize they were so big!"

After going through the medieval hall, they explored a room with replica animals and the second floor offered stars and space views. It was wonderful and amazing at the same time.

They stopped at the cafe for a break, knowing that the museum would close early they day. It was why Anna insisted on this day, so Elsa wouldn't have to worry about being out so late.

As they sat, Anna with a chocolate truffle and Hans with a croissant, she decided to use this opportunity to know a little bit more about each other.

"Excuse me a minute," Hans said as Anna was about to speak. "I gotta use the restroom. Be right back." He smiled before standing and briskly moving back inside the building to use the restroom.

She sighed and began to rest back against her seat when a familiar head of hair caught her attention. There, in a not-so-subtle attempt to hide themselves behind the museum pamphlets, were Elsa and Kristoff.

"Oh, you have got to be kidding me." She huffed and stood from her seat, leaving her bag at the table. She crossed her arms and huffed, her nostrils flaring as she approached the table. "Hi."

Kristoff looked up and pretended to be surprised. "Oh, Anna! What a coincidence to meet you here!"

"You weren't even trying to stay out of sight," she said. "Why are you here? I can handle myself on a date."

"It's not that I don't trust you, Anna," Elsa said, closing the pamphlet. "It's your date."

"Hans? What's wrong with him?"

"Annie, his father was arrested for infidelity," Kristoff said, using his nickname for her. "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

Anna frowned. "What?"

Kristoff seated himself a more straight. "Annie, he's been on dates with other girls from school this past week alone. It's like he's looking for a candidate for something. Ow!"

"You weren't supposed to tell her that!" Elsa snapped.

"You're the one that said we shouldn't trust him!"

"Because of the company, you icicle!"

"Icicle? Really?"

"Okay, enough!" Anna rested her hands on the table, making it shake a little. "Seriously, Elsa. Every time I go out and want to do something fun, you always have to go acting like I'm dainty and naive. Just because I don't know how the real world works doesn't mean I'm not aware of its dangerous."

"I just want you to be careful, Anna," Elsa pleaded. "A lot of dangerous things seem to happen to every one lately. You heard what Tadashi said about being chased by dogs!"

"Hans is not a dog." She leered at Kristoff when he snorted. "I am old enough to make my own decisions, Els. Mom and Dad wouldn't have left us on our own this week if they knew we weren't incapable of being on our own." She would've said more, but decided she'd best head back before Hans did. When she sat back down, she saw Elsa and Kristoff leaving the cafe.

When Hans didn't return, she worried that her sister may have been right. She waited ten more minutes before sighing, deciding to just walk around before leaving him by herself. Maybe she can apologize to Elsa over the phone and ask for a ride home.

She reached into her bag for her phone, but knitted her eyes together in confusion. She dig a little more, but ultimately, it was no use. Her phone was gone.

Great. Not only had her date ditched her, but her phone was also missing. What a wonderful date.

She stopped a woman to ask to use her phone to find hers, which she complied to. Once she put her own number in, Anna raised it to her ear and heard it ring once before it was cut off.

"I'm sorry, I need to try again," she said to the woman, who responded kindly that she should take her time.

She heard the ring again before it was immediately picked up and a man's voice shouted, "DON'T CALL THUS NUMBER AGAIN!" before hanging up a second time.

Okay, something was up. She handed the phone back and thanked the woman without offering any explanation as to why she did not speak to anyone on it. Someone had taken her phone, and for whatever reason, weren't playing the "I found it on the floor" play.

She walked past the entryway for an exhibit and stopped. The medieval hall was blocked off by a velvet rope and a sign that read CLOSED FOR RENOVATIONS. This set off all sorts of alarm bells in her head. Anna knew for a fact that no renovations were taking part in the medieval hall, they would have set it in the morning instead of the middle of the day.

Moving past the rope and sign, she entered the familiar room. No one was present, no one visible, anyway. She knew that on the other side of the room marked a doorway reading EMERGENCY EXIT and EMPLOYEES ONLY. She carefully stepped forward until a crunch sounded beneath her feet.

Looking down, she saw glass shattered on the floor. On the wall, a case was broken. The sword on display was gone.

She moved forward, keeping an eye out for anything that should be reported. At the end of the room, the crown that was on display was gone. It's glass was also shattered.

Something poked her back.

"Turn around," a familiar voice said.

Anna held her breath, her body suddenly stiff and ready to escape. She turned around and was faced with Hans pointing the sword at him. In his other hand was the crown and her phone.

"You stole the crown."

Hans scoffed. "God, you're stupid. Of course I did. Did you really think I wanted to go on this date with you?"

"I was hoping, anyway," Anna admitted. "My sister's friend said you had dated other girls this week."

"Those weren't dates. Call it... a conspiratorial meeting."

"What.. what does that even mean?"

"Like I'd tell you." He kept the sword level to her throat. "I know took you out because I knew you'd fall for such a sappy thing like a date. I really needed a phone that wasn't mine so I could use to hack security." He dropped the phone to the floor, letting it clatter.

"And then what?" Anna questioned. "You take the crown and help your brother's company?"

At this, Hans actually laughed. "You think I care about the damn company?" he said incredulously. "No, I don't! My family is nothing but idiots. Except me. With the money I get for taking the crown, I'll be free of them for the rest of my life. Too bad you won't live yours."

He raised the sword as if to strike, making Anna flinch and duck her head. But suddenly, Hans let out a yell as an animalistic screech pierced the air. She looked up to see Hans fight against something black as it clawed at his face, making him bleed alongside his cheek. He threw Toothless down and the cat hissed upon landing.

Anna didn't hesitate. She ran forward to pick up her phone, sucking under Hans' grab. Once she steadied herself and ran to the exit of the room, she called out, "Help! Help, there's a man trying to kill me!"

She turned her head to see Toothless running after her, Hans not far behind with the sword and crown in hand. She looked back forward and entered the room with the animals, jumping over the ropes and entering the fake foliage to hide. Her hair might give her away, but at least she'd be blended with her black blouse and green dress.

She ducked down and listened as Hans entered the room, looking around wearily. He eventually left the room, his footsteps fading away.

She dialled 911 on her phone, waiting in silent breath as the person on the other end answered, asking for what sort of emergency she had.

"I'm in the Museum of History, hiding from a man I caught trying to steal one of the objects on display," she said quickly and quietly. "Please hurry, he already tried to kill me and– ahh!" She squealed when Hans suddenly whirled back into the room, throwing the sword in her direction. She barely had enough time to duck out of the way, moving to escape in the opposite direction.

Pushing past the plastic branches and leaves, leaving some snapped on the ground, she ran past the displayed stone jaguar at the same time the sword was swung, resulting in its head being chopped off and falling to be ground.

Toothless burst into a jump from one of the taller displayed animals, landing on Hans' back and throwing his attack off. He was thrown off as Anna ran past him in a scream. She picked up the fallen cat and hugged him close to her as she ran out of the room, moving past the hallways and down the flight of stairs. Her throat was on fire and her head was pounding, but she didn't stop until she reached the main hallway, where a small group of people were gathered to exit the museum.

"Excuse me, sir! Sir!" Anna called a security guards attention. "I saw someone stealing one of the displays from upstairs. He just tried to kill me!"

"What?" The man looked from her to the end of the hallway. "Hey, you!"

Anna turned to see Hans with the crown and sword in hand. His desperation to keep Anna silent seemed to make him forget there were still people inside. The security guard ran after him, speaking into his radio as Hans also ran off.

Anna sighed as she was guided outside, where the police had already arrived. She kept Toothless close to her as she answered a policeman's questions about what she experienced. The kicker was when Hans was dragged out of the museum in cuff, screaming obscenities to herself and those arresting him.

"Anna!" Elsa came through the barricade where the police were holding back onlookers. She ran to her sister's side and sat next to her on the bench. "Oh, my god, Anna! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Els," Anna promised. "And I'm sorry. For not listening to you, I mean."

"I'm sorry, too," Elsa said. She sniffed, tears falling from her eyes. "It's my job to protect you."

"Don't worry. Mom and Dad will be back in a few days and you won't have to worry anymore." She repositioned Toothless in her arms, who was purring slightly.

Elsa shook her head. "No... No they won't."

Anna frowned. "What do you mean?"

Elsa sniffed again, wiping her nose with her sleeve. "Anna... something happened. I got a call after what happened in the cafe. Their plane... they were coming back early and..." She hesitated to speak anymore. "Their plane crashed. Th-they didn't make it."

"Mr. Haddock? Hello, sir. We have some good news for you. Your son is awake. He's been asking for you and his friends for some time now. Come by whenever it's convenient for you, sir. However, I feel I should warn you. He's still delirious and is... unaware of his condition."

Author's Notes:

I'll be honest, I forgot I had a story going on, it wasn't until I a week had already gone by which is about as much time to wait between chapters that I realized I hadn't begun the next one. In a frenzy that reflects the story, I wrote this chapter up. And I have to say, I think it's good how it ended up. There was more detail that I had to add, but overall it went well and how I wanted it to be.

Word Count: 3094
