Well, this is it. This is the end, for real this time.
I want everyone to know that I love you guys and you have no idea how appreciative I am of each and every one of you!
I will write more for this paring. I cant imagine my life without this story!
Thank you to everyone who took the time to read and review!
May your lives be filled with happiness!

I sat at our table and sipped on a beer, watching while Connor laughed on the dance floor, playing with Sumo as a few of our guests danced around them. By now we had both lost our coats. I also removed my vest and was left with just the white button up and grey dress pants. Connor still wore his light blue vest, and he looked so sinfully attractive in it. Maybe I was a little biased, considering he was my husband now, but I didn't think anyone could wear it better.

I glanced over my shoulder at Gavin and Nines. Gavin was leaned up against a nearby wall and Nines had a hand placed next to his head towering towards him. The drunker Gavin got, the more he would touch Nines. He started with his hands crossed across his chest, and now they hung at his sides, the fingertip of his left hand hooked into the hem of Nines bottoms. They too had lost their jackets and only wore their white button ups and black dress pants.

I smirked and turned away, letting them have their little moment in privet. Gavin will be next. Soon we will be dancing at his wedding. The thought seemed so outrageous a few months ago, but now it made me smile.

"So," Chris said as he plopped down in the seat beside me. "Married man again huh?"

I smirked and downed the rest of my beer.

"Looks like it."

He nodded thoughtfully.

"Are you scared, you know, about what the world might think away from here? Not everyone has taken androids in with open arms."

I rolled the thought around for a moment.

"No, I couldn't give two fucks about what the world thinks. Connor is a good person, android or otherwise and if anyone has a problem with that, it's their loss."


I raised an eyebrow at him.


"You're so in love with him."

I snorted and shoved his shoulder.

"Shut up."

He laughed.

"No, seriously. It's nice to see you like this. We've all missed this side of you. It's been… it's been years."

I swallowed thickly and nodded, tapping my fingers against the empty glass bottle in my hands.

"Feels good." I admitted.

Chris smiled and patted my shoulder.

"If I could have everyone's attention please." Markus said into the microphone next to the DJ booth. "Will Hank and Connor Anderson please come to the center of the floor for their first dance as a married couple?"

I felt my face already heating up as I pulled myself from the chair.

"Knock em dead, tiger." Chris laughed.

"Yeah, yeah."

Connor stood, sleeves rolled perfectly up his arms, waiting for me with his hands tucked halfway into his pockets. He smiled warmly as I stepped towards him.

We had spent a good amount of time just sitting on my living room floor, going through my older music until we came across this song. Something about the lyrics seemed to click for the both of us. We both knew it had to be the one we danced to together.

The intro started to fill the air as my right hand found his waist and my left one held out his hand. His palm pressed tight against mine and his other hand gripped at my shoulder as we began to sway.

'Find me here,
And speak to me.
I want to feel you.
I need to hear you.
You are the light,
That's leading me,
To the place,
Where I'll find peace,

Connors eyes were so warm as they held mine. I felt the familiar warmth that I had grown to crave spreading through my chest as we danced. His mouth pulled up into one of those perfectly crafted smiles of his and I felt myself melt into him. He was perfect. How did I get so lucky?

'You are the strength,
That keeps me walking.
You are the hope,
That keeps me trusting.
You are the light,
To my soul.
You are my purpose.
You're everything.'

I pulled him closer, his chest flush against mine, and pressed a kiss to his cheek. I heard a small laugh escape him as his breath brushed over the shell of my ear. I loved his laugh. It was breathtaking.

'And how can I stand here with you,
And not be moved by you?
Could you tell me how could it be,
Any better than this?'

"I gotta admit," I whispered quietly to him. "I was scared when I saw you walk down that aisle without your LED."

"Does it bother you that I removed it, Hank?" He whispered back.

"No. I just didn't want to be the reason you took it out. I love you the same, with or without it."

I felt him smile wider against my cheek.

'You calm to storms,
And you give me rest.
You hold me in your hands.
You won't let me fold.
You steal my heart,
And you take my breath away.
Would you take me in?
Take me deeper now.'

"I know you like to look at it. I catch you doing it all the time. Judging by the way it regulates your heart rate, I'd assume you use it to gauge how I'm feeling."

I chuckled.

"Nothing gets past you."

"I wanted you to have access to it always. I have a wireless connection to it so even when I'm not around, it will still work. You can always know how I'm feeling and that I'm okay. I know you've been so worried ever since…"

I glanced at my wedding ring out of the corner of my eye. It was a steady, calming blue, my favorite color to see. I smiled.

'And how can I stand here with you,
And not be moved by you?
Would you tell me how could it be,
Any better than this?

And how can I stand here with you,
And not be moved by you?
Would you tell me how could it be,
Any better than this?'

I placed another kiss to his cheek, then to his jaw, then one just under his ear as I slid by hand around to his lower back and pressed him closer to me. My lips brushed against his ear as I whispered the next few lyrics to him.

'Cause you're all I want.
You're all I need.
You're everything.
You're all I want.
You're all I need.
You're everything.

I felt him pull his hand from mine and I leaned back to look at him. He slipped both of his hands up my chest and cupped my face. I closed my eyes as I felt his warm mouth press against mine. I sighed into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his waist. The guests began to holler and clap around us. I had almost forgot where we were as I nipped playfully at his bottom lip, slipping my tongue into his mouth for only a second, just needing one small, sweet taste of him before I he pulled back with a smile.

'And how can I stand here with you,
And not be moved by you?
Would you tell me how could it be,
Any better than this?

And how can I stand here with you,
And not be moved by you?
Would you tell me how could it be,
Any better…
Any better than this?'

I pulled him into me once more and just held him as he melted happily against me. I hugged him as tight as I could and just fucking basked in him. He gave me so much love and so much life. I couldn't wait to share the rest of it with him.

'Would you tell me how could it be,
Any better than this?'

"Connor, we could have gone somewhere you know." I said as he pulled the car into our driveway.

"Why would we?" He blinked at me, the LED on my finger turning yellow.

"Cause, most people go on vacation for their honeymoon. You know, to get away by their selves for a while."

He furrowed his eyebrows.

"But who would take care of Sumo? Wouldn't he get lonely?"

"I don't know." I shrugged. "Somebody could have watched him for us."

He frowned and blinked a few more times.

"Sumo doesn't like strangers."

I gave a breathy laugh as he shoved the shifter into park.

"You're right."

"Did you want to go somewhere, Hank?"

"Well eventually I would like to take you out of Detroit and show you more the world. I think you would love the beach."

Connors mouth pulled up into a smile.

"Are you disappointed that we didn't go anywhere?"

"No, not at all. We have the rest of our lives to do things like that. I just want to be with you tonight."

He leaned towards me and put his on my knee.

"Then we should go inside."

The look he gave me was familiar. It was the same look he gave me at the chicken feed when he got that report about the fucking pigeon deviant. It was sexy and mischievous. A deadly combination when coming from Connor, the android sent by CyberLife.

"We should."

I smirked at him and turned get out of the car. Connor shut his door and followed me up the steps. I unlocked the door before I turned towards him and gave him a cheeky smile, bending and slipping one arm underneath his legs, supporting his back with the other as I lifted him up. He gasped and clutched to my shoulders.

"What are you doing?"

"It's a tradition." I grunted.

He was goddamn heavy.

"You carry your partner over the threshold of your house after you get married to ensure a long and happy marriage, or something like that."

I stepped into the house and kicked the door shut.

"There is absolutely no logic behind that what so ever."

I laughed, making my way down the hall.

"So? Doesn't have to make sense, people just do it."

"Humans do some of the strangest things."

I turned into our bedroom.

"Sometimes we do things without questioning the logic of it. Not everything has to have a purpose, Connor."

I dumped him onto the bed and crawled my way over top of him, resting my forearm over his head as I leaned towards him. My ring spinning yellow caught the corner of my eye.

"You know the real reason people used to carry their partners over threshold is much darker that what you think."

I deadpanned.

"Are you googling?"

He scoffed at me, looking highly offended.

"I do not 'google'"

I barked out a laugh, leaning down and pressing a kiss to his temple.

"It was a roman wedding practice dating back thousands of years."

"Mhm" I hummed, kissing down his jaw as I reached for his tie, pulling it open and sliding it off his neck.

"Usually the bride would be forced into a marriage against her will."

"Oh?" I mumbled as I knotted a hand in his white button up shirt and yanked it up, untucking it from his grey pants.

He grunted quietly. His voice dropped a couple octaves.

"The bride would usually try to run back to her family and beg for their protection, but the groom and the best man would intercept her."


I slipped the buttons on his shirt open slowly one by one, brushing the skin purposely with my fingertips as I descended while my mouth slid down to suck at the soft skin on his neck.

"Together they would drag the bride into the groom's house and force her into sexual intercourse."

I stilled, pulling my mouth from his body and looking up at him.


He nodded.

"That's where your 'tradition' originated."

"Huh… doesn't seem so romantic now…"

"Nope." He said, popping the 'P'.

"You're such a know it all."

He shrugged.

"Wonders of technology."

"Smart ass."

He smirked and I pulled on his collar, dragging him towards me and pressing my mouth to his. He molded his lips to mine as his hands found their way to the buttons on my shirt. He popped them open as I slipped my tongue into his deliciously wet mouth, moaning as I tasted him.

"Ugh, Connor."

"I love the way you say my name, lieutenant."

I shivered at the amount of seduction that dripped from his words. Fuck he was so goddamn sexy. I slid my mouth back down his body, pressing my tongue firmly against the hollow of his neck as I descended. He let out a breathy groan as his hands ran their way down my exposed chest, brushing tenderly along the greying tuffs of hair.

My mouth trailed further down the masterpiece that was his body, so pale and decorated perfectly with little beauty marks. I kissed and sucked and lapped my way down to his belly button, only existent for cosmetic reasons obviously. I ran my tongue over it, allowing it to dip into the small indention as my hands worked away at the latch on his belt. Connor let out a throaty moan as I pulled it off of him forcefully, his hips jerking as I yanked.

"Hank." He groaned.

"Yeah, baby?" I growled as I licked along the waistline of his pants, catching the fabric in my teeth.

"I have to tell you something."

"You always pick the best times to do that." I teased.

I brushed my nose against his lower stomach as I pressed my lips right against his…

I stilled, my eyes widening.

My mouth brushed against something behind the crotch of his pants…

Something hard.

I knitted my eyebrows together as I stared up at him dumbly. He stared back, biting his lower lip.

"I got another upgrade."

I opened my mouth to speak, but then closed it again. It's like my brain couldn't process what he was telling me so I just gapped, looking like a fucking fish.

"Say something…" he whispered nervously when I didn't respond.

I blinked a few hard times and tried again.


"Today, this morning, before the wedding."

"Connor, that's…"

I couldn't form words. I couldn't believe what he was telling me.

"Are you mad?"

"No! No, Connor, of course not. I just want you to be sure this is what you want. You don't have to change anything about yourself for me. I love you no matter what… parts… you have or don't have."

I saw the relief flood onto his face.

"I wanted this, Hank. I want to be closer to you."

He ran a hand slowly through my grey hair.

"I want to feel you inside me, Hank, and I want to be inside you."

"Fuck, Connor." I cursed as I buried my face in his stomach. "You talk like a goddamn porn star."

"You seem to like it, lieutenant."

I peeked up at him.

"You don't have to call me that outside of work, Connor."

He smirked down at me.

"You like that too…"

"Fucking tease."

I slowly undid the clasp on his pants and pealed the flaps apart.

"Let me see you, Connor." I growled.

He lifted his hips as I slowly pulled the bottoms down his legs. Underneath he was wearing black boxers. Fuck, I thought it was sexy before when he didn't wear them, but I was absolutely stunned now. In the center of his boxers there was a hard bulge, protruding deliciously from his crotch.

"Oh baby…" I breathed in amazement.

I lifted my hand and pressed a single finger along the bulge. Connor gasped and stiffened. Holy fuck, he was sensitive. I leaned my mouth towards him and stuck out my tongue, dragging it over his clothed shaft. His back arched as another groan escaped him. My own cock pressed painfully hard against my pants. I was so fucking turned on.

I grabbed the hem of his boxers and slowly pealed them down inch by inch, until his hard cock sprang free.

It was beautiful.

The shaft was hard and pale and decorated with blue veins all the way up to his red, swollen, weeping tip. He was average sized and proportionate to the rest of his thin body. His balls were tight and virtually hairless.

"You're fucking beautiful Connor." I praised.

"Hank." He whimpered as he squirmed, a thick bead of what looked to be the android equivalent of pre cum dripped from his head onto his stomach.

I leaned down and licked it up. It tasted like nothing I could pinpoint, just like his mouth. He just tasted like Connor.

He drew up his knees and let them fall apart, showing me the tight, puckered, other upgrade he had received.

I swallowed thickly.

He was going to be the death of me.

I pressed a finger to the underside of his balls and dragged it slowly upward towards his hole. It quivered as I pushed slowly inside of it. Christ, it was wet.

Connors head lolled back as he let out a lewd moan.

"Hank, that feels so good."

"Yeah, you're soaking wet, gorgeous."

I slid another finger inside and began to pump into him slowly.

"I s-self lubricate." He managed to choke out.

"Convenient." I mumbled as I lowered my lips to his dripping cock, licking at the bead on the tip before taking him into my mouth.

He arched again, his hands knotting in my hair as I sucked him, pressing my tongue against the thick vain that pulsed underneath his shaft. I pumped him hard with my hand, scissoring my fingers wide as I swallowed around him.


I released his dick with a pop.

"What do you want, baby?"

His face was scrunched in pleasure, his warm brown eyes wide with want.

"I want you inside me, Hank!"

"You want me to fuck you, Connor?"

"Yes! Please!"

I smirked as I slid my fingers out of him and straightened to undo my pants, kicking them off as quickly as I could.

"Turn around." I instructed.

He obeyed and shifted to his knees, leaning on his elbows as he looked over his shoulder at me.

"Fuck me, lieutenant." He mewed, giving his ass a cute little wag.

"Don't have to ask me twice." I purred as I placed one hand on his hip and ran the other up his curve of his spine. "And, Connor?"


"Watch your fucking mouth." I growled as I spread his cheeks apart, wasting no time in burying my dick deep inside his waiting hole.

He literally screamed in pleasure, gripping the sheets for dear life as he clamped his eyes shut. I rocked into him at a steady pace, groaning at how fucking tight he was. His muscles clenched and relaxed around me over and over, slowly helping to build the pressure in the pit of my stomach. I pressed my palm against his chest and pulled him up, pressing his back to my chest as he balanced on his knees.

His mouth was open in a silent 'O' and his eyebrows were furrowed with pleasure. I slid my hand down from his chest to wrap around his cock. His eyes popped open and he gasped as I stroked him, fucking him hard from behind, my hips crashing into his bottom with a clapping noise.

"Hank!" He cried. "I'm close!"

"Good, cum for me Connor. Cum all over my hand."

I jerked him fast as I rammed his quivering hole.

"I'm cuming!" He yelled.

He stiffened and dug his nails into my thighs as he came, his hips jerking in tight, twitching motions. His desperate whimpers filled the bedroom air as his climax, hot and thick, spilled over my knuckles. It was fucking beautiful.

His chest heaved and I slowed my fist as he came down from his high.

"Damn, Connor, that was something else."

He smiled through his heavy breaths.

"That felt so good, Hank. I've never felt so… hot."

I smiled and pressed a kiss to his shoulder.

"You did good. You're so good for me."

"Now it's your turn." He purred.

I lifted a playful eyebrow at him.

I slipped out of him as he moved away from me, only to push me down on the bed and climb in-between my legs.


"I have no refractory period, lieutenant don't worry."

He parted and gripped one of my legs and lifted it slightly, not enough to make me uncomfortable, because let's be honest, I'm a little past my prime here, but enough to expose my opening and give him a good angle.

"Did you know the neurotransmitters that fire up during an orgasm are located in the same brain region that is stimulated when people take substances to get high?"

I was preparing my snarky 'You're seriously going to feed me facts right now?' speech but all my words caught in my throat when Connor slid his wet, saliva soaked finger deep inside my ass.

"It's hard to wrap your head around that much… pleasure isn't it?" He purred.

Fuck, his android bedroom talk was turning me on so much right now.

"And this," he continued, gripping my rock hard shaft and pressing his thumb strategically to the spot just on the underside of my head. "This is the frenulum. It's commonly compared to the female 'G-spot' because of the intense sensations it can produce when stimulated."

He massaged his thumb back and forth over the hypersensitive area as he pushed another finger deep inside me, spreading my opening wide.

"Oh fuck, Connor." I growled as my back arched against the bed.

"Is that what you want, Hank? Do you want me to fuck you?"

Goddamn him and his porn star mouth. Everything he said was so fucking raunchy. I loved it.

"Yeah, Connor. Yeah, I want you to fuck me."

He bit his lip and pulled his fingers out before spitting down on his cock. He took his hand and evenly distributed the substance before rubbing his head against my hole. Fuck I wanted him inside me so bad I felt like my insides were on fire with desire.

Finally he slowly eased his way inside me, inch by inch, filling me with his hard dick.

"I won't hurt you…" He whispered, breaking his porn star act.

And I knew he wouldn't. In so many ways I knew Connor would never hurt me.

He sunk himself inside me completely, his eyes holding mine, burning with such emotion that I couldn't look away even if I wanted to. I trembled as he immediately hit that bundle of nerves deep inside me.

A smile curled up his perfect lips.

"That's it." He purred as he slipped out and pushed his way back in, a bit harder this time.

"Hank, you feel so good."

I moaned out as he stroked at my shaft again.

"Fuck, Connor, you're driving me crazy."

He thrust his hips a bit harder, speeding up his delicious strokes as he buried himself within me. Each move of his hand sent me spiraling deeper and deeper into the pool of pleasure that was quickly swallowing me whole.

"You look so good shaking like this, lieutenant. But I want to see what you look like when you cum with my dick inside of you."

"I'm about to if you keep that up, stud."

His grip tightened on my cock, teetering on the edge of painful as he pumped me at inhuman speed, his dick felt like it was pulsing inside me as he thrust hard and fast against my prostate.

"Fuck, I'm cuming!"

My hips started to buck as my orgasm hit. He gripped them tight and pinned me down, fucking me to the brink of insanity as I came against his stomach. He whimpered and shuttered as I felt his hot release flood me full as well and spill out of my twitching entrance.

The air was silent, the sound of our heavy breathing being the only exception. Connor ran his hands lovingly over my stomach and chest before exiting me and letting himself fall beside me. I turned, slipping my arm under his head and placing my hand on his hip, pulling him closer to me.

"That was un-fucking-believable."

He smiled.

"It was unlike anything I could have imagined."

I laughed and kissed his forehead, looking down at my ring to see the yellow LED turn to a steady, calming blue. We were silent for a long time, just quietly enjoying being held by each other until Connor spoke.

"Hank, we really should shower."

"Only if you shower with me."

I felt him chuckle in my arms.


He leaned up to press his sweet mouth to mine before he climbed out of bed and began gathering his clothes. I propped myself up on an elbow and just watched him.

Never would I have guessed a year ago that this is where I would be. Married to the android of my dreams, having amazing sex and watching him get ready for a co-shower with me.

Connor had changed my whole life for the better. I have never felt so full of hope and love before. I owed it all to him. Everything. There wasn't a dark place left in my mind that Connor hadn't healed. I wouldn't even dream of playing Russian roulette again and leaving him here alone. The thought alone made my stomach turn. Sure I still missed my son, but instead of grieving his death like I have been for the past four years, I was ready to celebrate his life. I was ready to look back on the good memories I had of him and smile again. That's what he would have wanted. That's what I want.

"Hank, you're staring at me."

I couldn't help but smile.

"It's because I love you, Connor."

The corners of his mouth curled too as his big brown eyes danced with emotion.

"I love you too, Hank."

And this is how we would go on, living and loving one another, happy and healthy and blissfully, utterly alive. We traveled the world whenever we could, and I was right, he did love the beach. We made the most of every second we had together. Up until the day I died, with him at my bedside, holding my hand, guiding me out as the world faded away. My life turned out to be a good one and I had no regrets when my time came.

Connor had changed me and I didn't even see it coming.

And as I left to meet my son, I thanked god the life he had given me.

A life filled to the brim with love.