I don't own Gargoyles, only Amy and her father belong to me. Brooklyn is my favorite character in the show ever since the episode "Temptation." And speaking of episodes, this one takes place during season three and definitely after "The Dying of the Light."
Chapter One- The Gift
Typical night in the life of a gargoyle, Brooklyn thought as he glided over the city on patrol for criminal activity. He glanced over at his partner, Angela, before looking at the streets below. He still loved Angela even though she was happy with Broadway. He was happy for his rookery brother, but he was also jealous. He didn't let this show though and he had his duties as second-in-command to keep his mind off his lack of love life- most of the time. But, there were moments like right now that made Brooklyn realize how lonely he was. He really could use a new friend- a new female friend.
The only other female around is Demona and there is no way I'll strike up a relationship with her, friend or otherwise. My other option would be to befriend a human, but that's risky. Goliath was lucky that Elisa was trustworthy and through her, we met other trustworthy people including her family and Matt. If I were to try to make friends, I would have to stake out P.I.T. meetings…of course! Why didn't I think of that sooner? It's so obvious!
"Seems pretty quiet tonight," Angela commented. "How about we head back?"
Brooklyn smiled at her. "Sounds good to me." And it'll give me some time to think of where P.I.T. meetings might be held.
Brooklyn sighed as he looked at a map of Manhattan and the very short list he had made. He had very few ideas for meeting places only because he couldn't necessarily walk into a store and listen in on conversations.
It would be easy if I was human- at least during the day. But, since I can't, I could ask Elisa for ideas and she can speak to Matt. Brooklyn got up and stretched. It was almost dawn; he'll talk to Elisa another time.
He was about to step outside when he almost collided with Puck who was holding Alex. He stepped back. "Sorry. Carry on with your lesson."
"The lesson involves you," Puck said. "I've been teaching Alex a spell that will benefit you."
"Benefit how?" Brooklyn folded his arms. He was understandably suspicious and wary. This was the fay that once turned all humans in Manhattan into gargoyles and then turned him and his clan into humans. He later tried to trick Goliath into handing him the Phoenix Gate. The most recent encounter with the trickster involved putting the souls of Coldstone, Coldfire, and Coldsteel into Angela, Broadway, and himself.
"Does being human during the day sound beneficial?"
Brooklyn dropped his arms. "Human? That would be a dream come true." He had just been thinking that finding a friend would be easier if he were human in daylight.
"I knew it would. I, as Owen, noticed how you looked…sad for a few nights and I spent those same nights teaching Alex to help you. I have already told Xanatos and Fox what to expect if you accept this gift."
"Of course I accept."
"Wonderful. Now, Alex, do the spell just like I taught you."
Brooklyn watched as magic swirled around him while Alex cast the spell. H wasn't listening to the spell, he was busy thinking about the coming dawn. The magic stopped swirling and Puck and Alex had disappeared. He shook his head and hurried outside. He got to his spot and leaped onto it. He did all this automatically, but he hoped the spell worked. He didn't fully trust Puck so he was prepared to sleep at dawn. He stood there, watching as the sun peeked over the horizon. He watched with interest as his clan started to turn to stone.
A stabbing pain in his stomach made him double over. He moaned as bones crunched and rearranged themselves or disappeared altogether. He gave a soft groan as all the pain ended. He opened his eyes and almost blinded himself with the sunrise. He threw up a hand to block it out. Wait…the sun was up but he was awake. Did that mean it worked? He stared at his hand. It was a healthy peach color and five-fingered. It seemed unnatural to have five fingers, but it was normal for a human.
And I'm human right now. He looked down at his body, grinning. I've got to get to a mirror and see how I look. Plus, I need to see Xanatos and Fox. He hopped off his spot and went into a guest room and looked at his reflection. He almost didn't recognize himself. His face was unchanged except for the absence of his horns and beak as well as his eyes and hair. His eyes were brown, like Elisa's and his long hair was also brown. The overall effect was attractive by human standards. No one would give him a second look- at least if he was dressed as a human.
He stepped out of the room, prepared to find the couple, but paused at the sunlight streaming onto the stones outside. He had been in the sun, but hadn't enjoyed it due to his excitement over being human. Now's the time to enjoy it since I'm alone right now. If I were to stand in public, savoring the sun I would probably be viewed as crazy. He headed for the light, pausing for a split second before stepping outside.
The sun washed over him and he closed his eyes, enjoying the feel of it on his skin and the soles of his feet. He always dreamed of seeing and feeling the sun and now his dream had come true. He opened his eyes and they landed on his clan. He walked up to Lexington and placed his hand on him: The stone was already warm despite the fact that the sun had only been up for a few minutes. He looked at the frozen expression of his brother and felt awe at the extraordinary detail on it. He looked forward to tonight when he could tell the clan what Puck and Alex had done for him. He stepped back outside and headed toward the dining room, but was stopped by Owen.
"Mr. Xanatos has given you a room and has placed clothing there. If you'll follow me."
Brooklyn followed him to a guest room where various shirts, pants, socks, shoes, and jackets had been hung in a closet or laid on the bed. Owen left the room, closing the door to give Brooklyn privacy. He approached the bed and picked up the socks. He knew how to dress and wasted no time in doing so. He emerged wearing blue jeans with white socks and black sneakers, a light blue shirt with a lightweight black jacket. He had run a hairbrush though his hair and felt ready to face the day.
He entered the dining room to see Xanatos and Fox already seated, both wearing friendly smiles. He sat across from Fox and on Xanatos' right. "I appreciate the room and the clothes, Xanatos."
"My pleasure and might I add that your human form is very nice."
"I especially like the hair," Fox said. "Brown is your color, Brooklyn."
"Speaking of which, you'll need a name to interact with people. I was thinking about Brooke Stone."
"Brooke Stone," he repeated and nodded. The first name was close to his real name. "Yeah. I like that."