Disclaimer: These are not my characters or at least some of them aren't

Okay this is an Irina story but it adds character and goes more in to her life but differently, just differently. She has a younger sister who really isn't young just you know in her forties-whatever anyway her name is Aurora ( not me just the same name ) and they are/were very close. She is married to Rhett and has three daughters twins Alesk and Ari and another daughter Angel. She has another sister Emilka who is Emily from the Gilmore Girls but if you don't watch that she's married to Richard and has a daughter Lorelai and grand-daughter Rory. And not to the complex part that isn't really realistic but hey- anyway her mom is Anastasia –czarina of Russia- yeah I know what your thinking but hang in there with me. The whole over throwing of Nicholas is just being pushed up and Anastasia lived and took over after Stalin died. So that's it, I'm not sure how this is going to go but bear with me.

" Aurora," Irina said surprised. She stood up and walked over to the glass, smiling. Her baby sister looked exactly the same, long blonde hair and dark green eyes. A sexy outfit that was fit for a twenty year old not someone in there forties but because she looked like she was still twenty it didn't make much of a difference. The only thing different about her was the expression on her face. Aurora had always been cheerful and happy but at the moment her face was as dark as Sydney and Jack's had been when they visited her.

" Hello. Nice cell. It looks familiar. That's right! I saw it in Hanniball." Her face lightening with fake recognition.

" Don't be hateful. It's not you."

" Not me? You'd know what me is?"

" I know you. I always have. I know you better than anyone else for sure."

" Well then you should know how much I hate you."

" You don't hate me. You could never hate me." Irina said smiling.

" You're right I don't hate you I despise you, you selfish, evil, manipulative, bitch." Aurora spat the words out like toxin as she glared at Irina.

" You abandoned me and your family. You left Jack to be a hallow workaholic. Do you have any idea how devastated he was when you "died"? He wouldn't talk to anyone for days. After you left the old Jack Bristow left with you leaving only an empty outside. Sydney- you abandoned your own daughter leaving her with a distant father and desperate want for a mother and confusion about why hers was gone. A question I couldn't answer because I was to devastated about losing the only person in the entire world I could talk to and depend on and the fact that my marriage was falling apart, I wasn't exactly the best help. Do you have any idea what I was going through back then? You left me when I needed you most. Rhett left me, my girls wanted him, and I had to keep looking out for mom, as always, and then to add Jack and Sydney on top of that! Not only that but what about Mom? Did you think about her?"

" Our mother? Of all the people I thought about hurting when I left she wasn't one of them." Irina said chuckling lightly thinking about her mother.

" I know mom is self-absorbed and self serving and flaky and irresponsible and crazy but you know what she was devastated when you quote on quote died. She couldn't talk, think or look at a picture of you without getting upset... in her own way. And for what so you could go work with the people who killed our father!"

" Rory-"

" Don't Rory me! The KGB killed our father and you know it. Not only do you know it but you were the reason they killed him!"

" Aurora I was tricked in to joining the KGB and you know it. I believed that I was helping – my country" A vicious grin came across her face as she said the last words, she loved her sister and didn't like fighting her but Aurora was testing her nerves.

" I'm as much of a Russian as you are!"

" Really?" Irina shot back," When was the last time you went to Russia? Or spoke Russian?"

" My girls are Russian citizens, Sydney isn't. My girls know Russian. Do you even know if Sydney does?"

" Stop. I'm sorry you're just a good a Russian as I am. Better. Now what's really wrong?" Irina asked seriously, as arguing with Aurora lost amusement.

" You left me. Do you know how hurt I was when I was told you died? You were my sister, my idol. The person I wanted to be. I love you more than anyone needed you more than anyone and then you were gone. I didn't even get to say good-bye." Aurora said tears running down her face. " I'd wake up and pick up the phone to call you and then remember that I couldn't. And then I got a phone call saying that you were alive and I was swarmed with hundreds of emotions relief and happiness and then confusion, anger and disappointment. I looked up to you and admired you because you were amazing and everything I ever wanted to be. Like a mother to me when we were kids. I remember when I had bad dreams you'd come in and check the room for monsters and then you'd stay in my room and sleep in the bed with me because I'd still be scared. You know after a while I stopped having nightmare and would fake them just to be by you because even if I didn't see monsters I was still afraid and you'd make my fears go away."

Irina stood at the other side watching Aurora and remembered the nights she's slept in the room to protect her baby sister. She smiled at the memory as guilt tugged at her heart.

" I can't believe that the same person that protected me from monsters is you, a federal prisoner and crime lord."

" I'm sorry I hurt you. But I know that you know that I'm not the evil person everyone believes I am and Rory I left because of Dad. They killed him because I wanted out. They killed him to show me that I couldn't, they would have done the same to Jack, possibly even you and Mother. I didn't have a choice."

" I know." Aurora said sticking out her tongue and smiling reluctantly because as much as she wanted to she couldn't be mad at Irina no matter how much she wanted to." I hate you so much."

" That's the Rory I know. Now take a seat."