This is a fanfiction that I wrote and as a disclaimer I do not own Harry potter that belongs to JK Rowling. I only own the changes and the plot twists that I do.
***New Summary:*** Harry Potter, in onee world is reckless golden boy of Gryffindor. In this world Harry, now Harriet is a soft spoken girl, that choses to fight for her own wants after she is willingly taken away from the Dursleys. Many thing will bend to her way, but at the same time the cursed Potter luck will follow, causeing unsavory problems as she makes her way though Hogwarts.
This is a fem-harry fanfiction where instead of being place in Gryffindor she is placed into Huffulpuff. Dumbledore bashing, no golden trio (just acquaintance with Ron and Hermione) and mutual friendship with Draco.
The change done to the summary was done because of a Guest Reviewer. Due to his comment it has made me think about somethings that I originally never really gave much thought to and I am sorry for offending the people that read my fanfiction and feel similar to that Reviewer. Although I am choosing to follow the theme that Fem-Harry lives a better life as a girl, have thing go her way and eventual getting her "Happily Ever After", they way I want her to obtain that Happily Ever After, like many other fanfictions, is by fighting for it just like this fanfiction's name sake, I Will Fight. I am glad for the successes that you have for your family and what you have done, but this fanfiction was never meant to be all that in touch with reality, and the Harry Potter universe is literally a world with magic and logical fails. Your words hurt, but I want to thank you for what you have commented on as it made think more about my story and had given me thoughts of how to separate mine form the hundreds of other similar fanfiction.
To all of my other readers and reviewers I want to thank you for liking my story and i hope that you will continue to like my story as keep on writing more chapter.
And so enjoy~
Chapter 1: The Zoo, Her Past and a OK Ending
It was an oddly quiet morning when Harriet woke up, turning her head she looked at Dudley's old wrist watch, 5:30 am. Thirty minutes before her aunt would come and unlocked her door, telling her to make breakfast. Reaching over her head she placed on her glasses and sighed. At the moment all Harriet wanted to do was to go back into the loving embrace of sleep, but with living with the Dursleys she knew better than to do that, otherwise that extra amount of sleep might become eternal. After all when living with them it's best if you quickly do whatever you are told and don't ask questions.
Getting dressed, Harriet started to comb through her unruly black hair, silently humming a song that she could barely remember. At exactly at 6 o'clock her aunt come down and unlocked the door with a hiss. Quickly she left her 'room' before her cousin Dudley could slam her back in there, and made her way into the kitchen. Once in the kitchen she took the pan from her aunt's hands and started to make Dudley's special birthday 'breakfast'. Looking at the meal she internally gagged, the meal itself was disgustingly fatty and greasy. Even a unhealthy holiday dinner had less fat and grease in it.
Working on the food Harriet tried to ignored the clenching feeling of her heart as listened to Vernon and Petunia wishing Dudley a happy birthday, and how they are just so proud of their little boy growing up so fast. Although she couldn't stop the pain in her heart, she was able to force her face to remain black, even as Petunia and Vernon kept stroking Dudley's ego and throwing more insults her way. Sighing she just kept on placing more food onto their plates.
The meal was peaceful. Everything was ok, no one was angry, everything was at peace. At least it had been before Dudley had attempted to count how many present he got. As he recounted the amount of present he got, he starts getting red and huffing in anger on about getting less presents then last year, not even listening to his father's explanation that some of his presents were more expensive or bigger than the year before. Petunia saw Dudley about to have a fit and, quickly, but narrowly defused it by promising him that at the zoo that they would buy him two more things.
Harriet followed behind the Dursleys to the car, and just as she had opened the door, Vernon quickly slammed the car door shut and gripped her arm painfully. Knowing what he was warning her about she nodded her head at him. However he didn't buy it and gave her arm a warning squeeze, the squeeze making her bones to groan under the pressure.
Entering the car Harriet winced as she looked at her arm. 'That's going to bruise latter.'***
'I know that this was bad to think about,' Harriet thought happily as she walked behind the Dursleys in the reptilian house. 'But I'm kinda glad that Mrs. Figg broke her leg; otherwise I wouldn't have been able to experience going to the zoo! The zoo is amazing and I even got an ice cream! It may have been the cheapest one, but considering that I never get anything like that back at the Dursleys, today really is amazing.'
Standing in front of a snake display Dudley started commanding the snake to "Move!" and slapped the glass. So focused on his task that he didn't see the looks of the other visitors.
Not giving up Dudley slapped at the glass one more time before he turned to whined at Vernon. "Daddy, make it move!"
With that Vernon tapped the glass with his knuckles and also commanded the snake, but seeing that it wasn't moving he ended up getting frustrated and processed to bang on the glass aggressively. People all around glared at the duo hitting the glass. Watching the two Harriet felt something inside of her churn uncomfortably. She knows that she wasn't allowed to stand up for herself, but she did know that she could at least stand up for the snake by quieting the two and if she was lucky not getting in trouble as well.
Gathering all of her courage, Harriet softly tapped Dudley, after she got his attention she shook her head and pointed to the other displays. Dudley paused dumbly but then sneered a "Fine." after he realized what she was saying. turning to Vernon he just plainly stated that the snake was boring and then proceed to stomp to the other habitats. Seeing that his son had lose interest in the snake, Vernon had stopped tormenting the snake and followed him with Petunia trailing along behind them.
A tired smile slip onto Harriet as she sighs. She didn't get hurt. That was good, really good. After taking a few breaths in and out she remembered that there was a snake behind her. Get a better view of the snake she apologized. "I'm sorry about their behavior, it must be really annoying having people constantly tapping on your glass telling you to move and entertain them." She whispered her voice cracking and gazing apologetically at the snake.
The snake's head lazily moved to face Harriet, startling her. "Can you understand me?" Harriet questioned, and the snake flicks its tongue at her.
"Wow, that's, that's amazing, h-how ca-" Harriet cuts herself off, looking over her shoulder. The Dursleys were currently focused on a lizard display on the other side of the reptilian house. "You should quickly go back to what you were doing, after all you probably don't want Dudley or uncle Vernon to coming back right now, but... um... don't worry I'll still keep on talking to you! Ah ha ha... that if you want to that is."
At mentioning the Dursleys coming back the snake immediately went back to its previous position, but moved so his head was facing Harriet's direction and gave her what seemed to be like a hiss of interest. Happy that someone would listen to her, Harriet started to talk, a bit quietly but, she talked and the next thing she knew she had spilled her whole entire life to the snake. The way how her life was back at the Dursleys, all the way to what she wishes for.
"Maybe with this I won't be such a burden anymore. After all the teachers say that parents like it when students get good marks." Harriet thought happily as she smiled at the 100% on her math test. Excited to show her aunt an uncle her mark, she quickly made her way home.
"Aunty Petunia! Uncle Vernon! Look, look at my mark!" Harriet said as she handed the paper to Petunia.
Harriet wasn't sure of what she was expected from her aunt but when she got slap in face with the angry remarks from Vernon on how she must of had cheated off of Dudley, she, her heart just broke. After the yelling had ended Harriet was then tossed into her 'room' without dinner.
That was the last time that Harriet ever tried in school.
Winter came with no remorse when Harriet was 6. The cold biting wind made everything freeze and wormed into her 'room' making her shiver and curl up even tighter under the worn blank. Shivering she looking up at her moon-lit ceiling and made a wish. "P-please... a-anyone, anyone at all, p-please take me away from here. Please. "
Years passed and no one came, no matter how hard she tried to reach out for others to help her. Teacher, parents and even police officers, they were all the same.
They just forgot.
Each and every time.
They said such pretty words of hope.
They lied, there was never any hope for her.
They promised that things would get better that someone would come and rescue her.
But nothing got better. No one came to take her away.
No one came to save her.
She had no hero.
And with that Harriet stopped believing.
Harriet was 7 when the school was doing a performance and her teacher wanted her to to so a solo. In school she was really quiet but the teacher had managed to heard her singing the one time she was left alone during recess.
At first when Harriet was told this she was really excited. After all she really did like to sing and talk when she could. She was happy, but then the teacher announced it to the class, and Dudley didn't like it one bit. He got so angry that she got a more important role than himself that he threw a tantrum and told it to Petunia and Vernon, making it sound worse than it actually was.
Harriet tried to tell the truth, but didn't really know why she even bothered. In the end it ended with her being brought to the hospital during the night as she had 'accidentally' slit her throat wrecking her voice box. Someone else in the class ended up getting the solo instead of her. The teacher stopped making her stand out after that too, barely able to make eye contact with her whenever they looked at her.
Luckily for her the cut was shallow enough for her voice box to heal and allow her to speak, and the nurse told her that her voice would be quieter than before. She didn't tell that to the Dursleys. They would make sure that she could never speak.
In fear, Harriet stopped speaking.
However, she wasn't that great at keeping secrets as eventually the Dursley figured out she could still talk. Fortunately for her and grudgingly for them, they did nothing as it would be suspicious if another neck injury were to happen her.
Harriet was out at the park, one of the rare times that the Dursleys would let her out. Sitting at the swing she looked around the park and spotted a family as they walked by the park, her heart clenched at the sight.
They looked so happy, hands held together with bright loving smiles sent to each other.
Looking back Harriet could only imagine that she was the child holding the parents hands, before she shook her head and made her way back to Privet Drive. Doubt crept into her mind as began to wonder about her own parents.
'Did they love her?
Would they be proud?
Why did they had to die that night?'
Harriet forze at that last question, and then steeled herself. She would become a medic. That way others wouldn't have to feel the loss of a family member or have to go through the things like she did. Determination blazed in her eyes and she began secretly reading all of the books related to medical stuff. Eventual she entered the medical classes with the help of some of the teachers, some of her neighbors and the local library, after they had figured out what she was doing. Her luck changed, no one ever mentioned what she was doing to the Dursleys, the teachers disguised it as detention and the neighbors and library making it seem like she had to do an job for them.
Hope trickle back in, and she began to truly believe that things were going to get better.
After Harriet finished talking she could feel, as if a huge weight, one that she didn't even know she had, was lifted from her shoulders. It may have left her with a sore throat but she couldn't seem to care since at that moment she felt so content and happy, that nothing at the moment could go wrong.
"Thank you Mr. Snake, for listening to my rant." Harriet croaked with the brightest smile that she could manage. Just as she was about to say something else, she in the corner of her eyes she caught sight of her aunt about to leave the reptilian house with Dudley and Vernon. Quickly thanking the snake once more, she ran to catch up with them.
At the end of the zoo trip Harriet thanked whichever deity that decided to take pity on her as for the rest of the trip nothing else had happened. Absolutely nothing... well other than normal zoo stuff. That's not the point as nothing extraordinary happening everyone came back to Privet Drive pretty much happy, not hurt and or traumatized! Even for her, Dudley's birthday had been a good day.