Chapter 4: Questioning moments


SH!T! Rebecca ended off season five with an ending that was satisfactory to everyone involved and there was a happy ending with all thee Diamonds! Now I'll never get to write my fanfic idea without seeming like a horrible person! AAAAHHHHH!

One problem I realized with my story is that I've been labeling my chapters with the word "Doctor" in them when this is supposed to be a crossover. Whoops. Fixing that.

Also, someone in the comments kindly pointed out something.

"Question: I can understand Rose not questioning Pearl, even Garnet somewhat. But why hasn't she made of note of how Amethyst not looking like a typical person? Because someone being purple usually raises some questions."

Thank you to Delta prime2 for mentioning that. Unfortunately, I feel like it's a bit too late to go back and fix anything, so instead I'll do my best to incorporate my mistake further into the story in a good way…. whatever that means.

P.S.! Read A/N below! DIRE IMPORTANCE!

Sorry for any grammatical mistakes or any over the top OOCness. Not my intention.


Before they went inside, Pearl stopped everyone at the front door, "Wait. Before you two," She pointed to Rose and 'doctor', "come inside, I'm going to do something."

She could tell Rose want ted to complain, but held her tongue despite looking like she was freezing. 'Doctor' didn't interject either but seemed fine with the cold. Pearl wondered about that, but all of her questions could be answered later. Right now, Steven was still in the house. She was about to bring these two inside and she wanted to keep him safe first.

"Pearl- "Garnet began, but before she could finish, Pearl interrupted her by saying to her and Amethyst,

"You two watch them. If they talk or try to move…. do something." Then she went inside.


When inside, she looked to see Steven, still asleep on the couch. Wasting no time, she walked over to him and softly nudged him awake.

"Steven," She said quietly, "wake up."

"Mmm?" Steven slowly opened his eyes and turned to from where he heard the voice. He looked to see that it was Pearl who had woken him up, "Oh. Morning, Pearl." He said, groggily and still sleepy, "Did I fall asleep on the couch? Sorry, I know that's a," He yawned, "bad habit to get into."

"Listen, Steven." Pearl was upset that she was doing this, but at the moment, she didn't see any other alternative, "those people that were on the beach are back again."

"What?!" That woke him up. He looked right at the front door in order to get a good look, but Pearl blocked hit field of vision.

"Yes. And" Pearl said before Steven started to talk in machine gun mode the way he did when he grew excited, "I want you to stay in the bathroom and not make a sound until I tell to come out."

"What? But- "

"Steven," Pearl said insistently, "listen to me. We have no idea who or what entirely these people are. Until I can determine whether or not they are a threat to you, I don't want to risk you getting hurt." Pearl looked at him right in the eyes, "Do you understand?"

Steven gulped, "I understand."

"Alright. Now in." Pearl ushered him into the bathroom, "And stay here." and closed the door. He opened it a tiny bit, but she just closed it again. Then she turned to the front door, "Okay. Let's begin."


Well. This was just fantastic. Here they were, standing outside a house in a cliff-side underneath a giant stone woman. It was snowing terribly and they were being watched by a woman who looked like she stepped out of the seventies and a small purple girl who couldn't have been taller than three feet, neither of which seemed to be bothered by the huge amount of snowing that was going on. Rose wasn't too bothered by the purple woman (she had seen weirder), but she was bothered by the other woman. For one thing, she seemed to have taken a nap on a tanning bed for a week, for another, her extremely intimidating reflective visor matched her stone cold silence, and for a third, what were those hips?! She was made of hips! Those were the most hips she had ever seen on any living person! And did anyone mention how it was snowing?!

"So, G." The small one started, "Does Pearl seem a bit high-strung to you? I mean, more than usual."

"She is. I know."


"You know why. We both do."

Both of them looked at the Doctor and Rose. The Doctor was catching snowflakes on his fingertip and looking at them closely as they melted (whatever that was about). When he noticed the two people looking at him, he slightly waved. They both looked at each other again.

"Is it, like, okay to talk to them ooorrrr…."


'Really wish she said no.' Rose thought.

She turned to Rose, "Are you aliens or something?"

Thankfully, before she had a chance to answer that, the Pearl one opened the door, walked outside, and said, "Okay. Come in, but listen." She looked at the Doctor and Rose, "You only go where I say you can go, do what I say you can do and you must answer each of my questions completely honestly. If you don't- "

"Then you'll do something." The Doctor guessed.

"…. Come in." She said, and held the door open as all of them walked with the Doctor and Rose following the two peculiar aliens and the Pearl one watching them, entering after them and closing the door.


They all walked inside to see Steven standing in the middle of the room, eyes wide, "Is that them?! It's them isn't it?!"

"Steven!" Pearl shouted walking inside and closing the door, "What are you doing here? I specifically told you to stay in the bathroom!"

"Oooohhhh, this'll be good." Amethyst said, smiling and stepping to the side and sitting on a stool.

"I know, Pearl. But I was really curious,"

"No!" Pearl said.

"and I really wanted to see them."


"And I knew that they didn't seem too dangerous!"

"NO! I don't want to hear any more!

"Pearl." Garnet put her hand on Pearl's shoulder, "You're losing you're temper."

"But Garnet!"

"Pearl. Remember, if anything happens, we're right here." Garnet tried to calm her down.

Pearl was obviously upset, but she took a deep breath, "Okay. Fine. Let's just get to business." She looked at the two people, "Okay, you sit down there." She pointed at the couch.

"Right then." 'Doctor' said, smiling, "Love your house, too. Bigger on the inside than it is on the outside."

"That's only because most of the house is built in the mountain." Garnet said.

"Also, if the house was as big on the inside as it was on the outside, it be harder to perform." Amethyst said.

"Perform?!" Rose exclaimed.

"Enough." Pearl interjected, "Sit."

Rose and 'doctor' sat on the couch.

"Steven, sit here." Pearl pointed at a stool.

Steven, not wanting to agitate Pearl any further, did as he was told.

"Now, here's what's going to happen." Pearl sat down on a stool in between Steven and Amethyst, opposite to the two strangers, while Garnet remained standing, "I'm going to ask my questions now. And I expect complete honesty from both of you."

'Doctor' cringed slightly at that, to which Pearl narrowed her glance, "Is there a problem in that?"

Rose, noticing that 'doctor was making a strange face, quickly chimed in, "No. No no no. No problem." She elbowed 'doctor', earning a small grunt "Right Doctor?"

"Right." Big smile, "Right. Of course. Total honesty." He held up his hand in an "okay" gesture.

"Good." Said Pearl, "Now, you." She pointed at 'doctor', "Who are you?"

"Oh, that's easy. I'm the Doctor." He said with a smile.

"What? No. I didn't ask for your profession. I asked you who you were." Pearl seemed confused.

"And I told you, I'm the Doctor." He replied again, with seemingly more sincerity.

"That's not really clear, dude." Amethyst replied, "You can't just be 'the doctor'. Doctor what?"

"Amethyst." Pearl said.


"I'll ask the questions." Pearl turned to the man, "Doctor who?"

"Just the Doctor." He said, as if that was his real name.

"Your name can't possibly be "the Doctor." Pearl said in disbelief, "The name 'John Smith' was more believable."

"John Smith!" He exclaimed as he stood up quickly, "That woman called me John Smith earlier. Why did she call me John Smith?"

"That woman?" Pearl was taken back a tiny bit, "I'm right here, you know? And I just said that."

"He-he's talking about the nurse. The nurse at the hospital." Rose looked at him, "Doctor, that was what I called you."

"John Smith." He said it again, as if pondering the name, "It's nice. It's a nice name. Call me John Smith when you can't call me Doctor. No one understands the name "Doctor". Everyone understands "John Smith"."

"May we please focus?" Pearl looked stern.

"Right. Sorry" The Doctor sat down.

"Now- "Pearl tried to continue, but was interrupted by Amethyst,

"Wait. Now I'm confused. Do we call you "John Smith" or "Doctor" now?"

"Now I guess you can call me either. I like both that much." The Doctor smiled.

"Hmm. I'll call you "Doctor"." Amethyst decided, ""John Smith" is too many words to remember."

Steven looked at her, "It's two words."

She looked back, "What's your point?"

"May we please get back on track?!" Pearl said. Everyone went quiet then, "Thank you. Now, Doctor, continuing with the questioning, what are you two?"

"Come again?" He wondered.

"You were talking about "regeneration" earlier." Pearl said, "That gave me the immediate impression that you were gems, but it couldn't be. Neither of you show traits of that."

"Gems?" Rose asked.

"Gems. Of course." The Doctor said, now seeming more interested in their interrogation, "Is that what you all are? Well, I should've guessed that from the way you all look."

"Well," Steven spoke up, raising his hand slightly, "I'm only half gem, technically. It's complicated."

"Steven," Pearl looked behind her at him, "you don't answer their questions. That's not how this works."

"Yes ma'am." He put his hand down.

She turned back around, "So, you aren't gems, but you know about gems."

"Umm, correction." Rose said and pointed to the Doctor, "He probably knows about gems. I don't have the slightest."

"So, I ask again. What are you?" Pearl said.

"Well, she's human." The Doctor pointed at Rose, "Count on that."

"Yep." Rose nodded, "Hundred percent human here."

"Hmm. And you?" Pearl looked at the Doctor.

"Ooooh." The Doctor made a slightly pained expression, as if that was a complicated question, "That's a complicated question. How much time you got?"

Pearl crossed her arms, "All day."

"Alright then." He folded his fingers, "Basically, I'm an alien."

"…. Well, that was obvious." Pearl said.

"Was it?" Amethyst chimed in.

"I know you're an alien. You seem to know too many alien things to be human." Pearl said.

"That's nice logic." The Doctor thought out loud, "I never thought of it that way."

"I want to know what kind of alien you are." Pearl explained.

"Ahhh. Alright. Well, that's actually an interesting story. See, have you ever heard of the planet Gallifrey in the constellation of Kasterborous?" (A/N: I did NOT spell that right)

"Never in my life." Pearl answered.

"Ahh. Well, this just got more complicated." The Doctor cringed, "So, try to think of the most advanced species in the universe."

"That's easy." Pearl said as she thought of the Gems' species.

"Gallifreyans are at least ten times as advanced as they are." The Doctor said, fully sincere.

"What?" Pearl was a bit surprised at his sudden remark.

"See, Gallifreyans are basically human-ish. But a lot more… everything." The Doctor explained.

"Pshh. Thanks a lot." Rose said.

"Well, I'm just being serious." The Doctor defended.

"So, you mean to tell me that your species is the most advanced in the universe." Pearl said, "If that's the case, then why haven't I heard of them. They must be important, and I know about every race in existence, so why haven't I heard of these…. Gallifreyans?

"Ahh, yes. That's the complicated bit." The Doctor said, "See, on one hand, Gallifreyans were never one for…. publicity. They kept to themselves mostly. And by mostly I really just mean completely."

"And on the other hand?" Pearl said.

"Yeah. Heh heh. See, thing is. I, uuhhh-AAAAUUUUUUUGGGGHHHH!"


SH!T! Rebecca ended off season five with an ending that was satisfactory to everyone involved and there was a happy ending with all thee Diamonds! Now I'll never get to write my fanfic idea without seeming like a horrible person! AAAAHHHHH!

I'll find a way. Anyways, sorry it's taken a dog's age for me to upload anything. I have life and other things to deal with. So, here's chapter four of my DW and SU Xover. If you happen to like it, be sure to click on that sexy name above to see many more "great" fanfic stories and hit that beautiful review button down below to let me know what you think. Anyway, this is TheMasterWizard. Peaces.