Alright, look. This is only a One shot….I KNOW, I KNOW, THAT'S WHAT I SAID FOR A FOOL'S HEART WHICH ENDED UP BECOMING A FULL FLEDGED STORY, BUT LISTEN IF THE PEOPLE WANTED IT, I HAD TO GIVE IT TO EM. It's the same here. This is meant to be kind of like a One off thing, BUT I acknowledge the fact that this may possibly end up becoming a story due to popular demand. It all rides on the majority vote. So at least, with this "oneshot", I recognize the fact that it could become a story and I'm willing to accept that. Anyway, I just kind of had to write this one.

Inspiration has really been touching me inappropriately in my sleep and the only way to make it stop is to write this. An odd analogy but effective enough to illustrate the fact that this idea won't leave me alone. Let me give you the basic rundown.

I haven't seen many stories where Rias is the main character and Issei is the interesting side character who also happens to be properly integrated into the Devil world. I've read a few with Issei as the main character being a Full blooded Devil and whatnot, but they were all either poorly written or just so unbelievably different from the source material that they were unrecognizable. Which is fine I guess, but to me if you're making a fanfiction it should be based around the source material you're deriving from, no? Whatever. Most of them were just not for me is what I'm saying. Also, a majority of them didn't even have Issei and instead had OC/SI stuff.

Anyway, point is, I wanted to see a well written story about Issei being born a Devil and the story being portrayed through Rias perspective. Why Rias's perspective? Well, that's because she's the main character and Issei is a side character in this story. You might be asking, why? Well, that's because it's more interesting that way. First off, I want there to be an air of mystery around Issei. I want many things to be left unknown because it works well towards the premise of the story which is primarily focused on Issei's character. Yes, that's right. This story's main focus is Issei's character. I've always wanted to do a story in which Issei is the average Shonen protagonist on the surface, but deep under he is so much more. That's also a concept in Red Dragon Of Stupidity, but that's a comedy. This is a serious story. Are you guys familiar with the character of Gon Freecss? He is the protagonist of the greatest Shonen of all time, Hunter x Hunter. On the surface, he is just the happy go lucky, young, naive, strong willed, Shonen protagonist that people think of when they think Shonen. And that makes sense, Hunter x Hunter came out in '96 and Gon was basically the character that made that trope so popular in the first place (along with Naruto). However, Togashi is a fucking MONSTER when it comes to writing his stories. They always end up being deeper than the surface level. And the way he wrote Gon's character during the Chimera Ant Arc (no spoilers) was honestly what made me believe Gon to be one of the greatest written characters in Manga and the best Shonen protagonist there is.

My point is, if you've seen Hunter x Hunter 2011, then you know where I'm getting at. If you haven't, then that's exactly what matters. The mystery around Issei's character will be the main focus of it all. I will build intrigue as to the details regarding him and have him appear consistently as a side character with more and more details revealing themselves.

So yeah, the main point of the story is to get you to start thinking about what's under the surface. "Not everything is as it seems." That's all I'm telling you about that. This will be Rias POV. Takes place shortly before the cannon timeline. Mephisto pheles is the only Devil considered as an Extra Demon in DxD cannon that doesn't belong to an actual existing Clan or Household, so I'll also be writing a mystery around that. Issei is the only child of Mephistopheles (or is he?). Issei is Half-human, Half-devil. Human mother, Devil father. High-Class Devil, still the Sekiryuutei, and more than meets the eye. Ah, lastly, Issei is OP. It's actually part of the narrative, it ties in with the whole mystery thing.

[Proper summary: Rias Gremory was trapped in a marriage she could not get out of. The last person she would ever want to marry is Raiser Phenex. It wasn't until one day that a certain candidate came along to change everything did she see hope was not lost. A powerful, intelligent, heroic, handsome, and happy go lucky half Japanese, half devil man to save her from her marriage? He was practically perfect. He is perfect - isn't he? Or is there something hiding under the surface? Perhaps there is something under the skin. Perhaps the duality of man would soon become apparent to Rias.]

Let's just have you read it, shall we?


"Yaaaaaaaay~! Japaaaaan~!"

A little girl with Crimson hair cheered from atop of a crimson haired man's shoulders. That little 6 year old girl - was me.

"Ahahahaha. It seems you have taken a liking to it then, Rias?"

The crimson haired man asked the girl on his shoulders with a kind smile. My older brother.

"Yes! I love Japan!"

"That is good to hear. Because one day, this territory will be yours."

The man said that as he looked out into the distance. The man and his sister were on a pass overlooking a town. A town referred to as Kuoh. Just over the span of two days, the girl had received the chance to explore various parts of Japan. She had remembered times when her brother would mention that place occasionally. He always said that he would take her there one day. Now she was there.

They had begun their little trip in the capital, Tokyo. After that, was Nagoya, and finally, the Saitama prefecture. And to end it all off properly, the main reason why he had finally brought his sister to visit Japan, they visited the town of Kuoh. A town that her family had just acquired as their own, currently under her father's ownership, and to be gifted to her when she enters high school. That's when she will finally be old enough to maintain her peerage properly and given freedom to act as a [King].

Many of these details seem unordinary. That is because she isn't a human. She is a Devil. A Pure-blooded Devil from the Underworld.

"Now Rias, play here for a bit. I'm going to make a quick contact to Father."

"Yes, Onii-sama!"

The man removed the girl from his shoulders when they reached the playground of a park. He stepped away from the playground a bit to contact someone. Meanwhile, the girl was immediately approached by what seemed to be all of the 7 children who were playing there.

"Hey, you're pretty! Do you want to play with us?"

"What's your name?"

She responded to them with a smile.

"My name is Rias!"

Many of the group asked her excitedly.

"Hey, hey! Do you wanna play with us?

"Come play with us!"

"Yeah, play with us!"

She nodded and smiled.


With that, she played around with the group of children for a short while. It was only really maybe a few minutes. It couldn't have been but five. Soon enough, after those five minutes passed, she took notice of something.


There was a boy sitting in a sandbox, building something with his hands. Alone. She pointed towards him.

"Hey, why is he alone?"

A few of the children answered her in succession of each other.

"He's weird!"

"Yeah, he's really weird. But he's funny! But he's also weird."

"Yeah, but our moms told us we can't play with him. They said he was bad to play with."

"He used to play with somebody. But they don't come here anymore. They moved."

"We can't play with him. Kaa-san said no."

She looked back to the boy. She was always a kind girl. She never liked the idea of people being alone. Besides, her mother didn't say it wasn't okay.

She jumped off of the jungle gym and approached the sandbox the boy was in. When she reached it, she leaned down and called out to him.

"Hey, do you wanna play with us?"

He turned to her.


She couldn't help be captivated by his eye even if just for a second. He had heterochromic eyes. His left eye was a light brown, while his right eye was an even more odd looking combination of red and blue. The inner part of his iris being blue while the rest of it was red. She had never seen such an oddly looking set of eyes. It didn't really seem like a real concept, unless for someone who isn't human.

The boy stared at her blankly for a few seconds.


He turned his head away and continued patting at the sand with his hands.

Pat, pat, pat!


Rias was confused as to why he turned his head away. This would imply she was ignored. She tilted her head curiously.

"Hey, don't you wanna play?"

The boy didn't respond at all. He didn't even turn to her. He simply continued patting the sand with his palms.


That was when her eye caught onto what the boy was doing with the sand. He was patting down onto two large mounds of sand placed side by side each other. Castles? No. They weren't structures. They were just simple round mounds of nothing. She tilted her head with absolute curiosity and pointed at his creation.

"What are you making?"

This time, the boy turned his gaze to her. He looked at her with a straight face and spoke in a tone that implied he was deadly serious.



….Pat, pat, pat!

He continued patting the mounds. Rias remained in silence for a few seconds before speaking again.



The boy nodded without turning. He was making breasts. Rias asked in confusion.

"...W-Why are you making that?"

He turned to her with the same straight face and stared silently at her for a few seconds.


He pointed at the face confused girl.



The girl felt an imaginary boulder drop and crack on her head. Written on the boulder in huge writing was the word: FLAT.


Rias groaned sadly as she slumped her head. She looked down at her chest with a sad frown and little tear drops at the sides of her eyes. She poked her chest with her fingers.


She couldn't help but remember her mother's bountiful bust as she sulked about not having them yet.



She heard the boy speak. She looked back up only to realize they were face to face.


Rias was startled by his sudden appearance. He was staring blankly at her. Or more specifically, her hair.


"Eh? Red?"

She looked down to her hair.

"My hair?"

He nodded.

"Do you want to touch it?"

He nodded again.

"Okay. Then, here."

She slid near him and leaned her head forward a bit. Instead of grabbing her hair however, he lifted his hand up, and stroked her head gently.


Rias hummed in amazement. The world around had completely faded away. It was quiet. The only thing she could place her attention on - was the gentle petting from the boy's hand. She was so engrossed in the atmosphere that she didn't realize how long it was going for. She was brought back to reality when she felt the petting stop.


She lifted her head back up.


—The boy was showing all of his teeth in the widest and most innocent grin she had ever seen.

"Red is my favorite!"

Slowly but surely, a smile grew onto Rias's face as well.

"Do you want to make something too!?"

The boy asked her excitedly. She smiled and nodded her head.


Rias stepped into the sandbox and sat down beside the boy. He quickly destroyed his previous creation to allow for them to make a new one. Rias asked the boy her most prominent question.

"What's your name?"


He answered her enthusiastically while patting out the sand to make it flat again.

"Ise? I'm Rias."

"Hi, Rias!"

He answered while continuing his patting. Rias decided to ask about her question from before.

"Ise. Why are you alone?"

At that moment, he stopped patting the sand and lost his smile. He stared blankly at the sand for a while in silence.


After a few seconds of silence, he randomly smiled and asked her excitedly.

"What do you want to make?"

Rias was taken aback by his reaction. She answered nonetheless.

"A-Ah. Um, a castle, right?"


He had already begun gathering sand before her. She joined with some hesitation. She noticed him making his own creation on the side while helping her with hers. It was another single mound.

"You're making another Oppai?"

He shook his head.

"This isn't oppai."

"Hm? Then what is it?"

He answered as he gave the finishing touches. The large mound— it resembled an eye.

"A Dragon!"


Before she could question him on it, a voice called out from behind her.


She turned around to see her brother standing there with another man beside him. The man was very tall with short, dark purple hair, a goatee, and heterochromic eyes. One red eye and one blue eye. His eyes were a bit droopy and looked lazy, while his mouth had a resting mischievous smirk that implied he was always smiling smugly. He was also wearing a grey yukata despite being in public and it being a normal day with no sort of events happening.

However, even with her young age, Rias could easily tell— this man was not human. More than that, he was very powerful.



Ise said that while looking at the man.


Rias turned to man curiously. He merely snickered in amusement and motioned two of his fingers for Ise to approach.

"Come, come, Johann. Your mother is waiting."

Ise stood up and took his father's hand without hesitation.

"Until next time, Sirzechs."

"Yes. Until then, Pheles."

The man turned to walk away with his son in tow. Ise turned back and waved lightly.


With that, they began to walk off.


Rias waved despite them already building distance.

"Come now, Rias."

The brother referred to as "Sirzechs" picked Rias up into his arms.

"Onii-sama. Who was that?"

"Him? Ah, well he is...Well, do you remember that story you once studied, the one about the man named Faust?"

"The magician?"

"Yes, him."

"Uh huh."

"Well, that man is the Devil who made that deal with the Great magician. He is 'Mephisto Pheles'. Otherwise known as Mephistopheles."


She gazed at to the two figures gradually disappearing into the distance. Or more accurately, Ise.

"..But, doesn't that mean that Ise is a Devil?"

"Yes, he is."

"But I thought he felt like all the other kids."

"Ah, well, you see….He is…"

Sirzechs trailed off.


He sighed lightly and shook his head.

"Well. I suppose that isn't my story to tell. Let's return home, Rias."


Rias looked back to the two figures previous position. They were already gone.

That was the story of the first time I met him. The man, the Devil, referred to as "Hyoudou Ise".


My name - is Rias Gremory.

And I—

"I will not marry him!"


That was the declaration I made while slamming my palm onto the desk of my personal vanity mirror.

I am Rias Gremory. I am entering my third year of high school as a student of Kuoh Academy, an educational institute in Japan. I am a Pure-blooded, High-Class Devil and the heir to the Gremory clan. My Household is one of the last remaining clans from the original 72 pillars.

And as of today, from the day of my birth, I have been caught in a crisis.

"Enough, Rias. Do you not yet realize your selfishness?"

The woman whom I resemble spoke sternly from a few meters away from me. My mother, Venelana Gremory.

"This marriage isn't something that affects just you. If you are to act as a proper heir to the Gremory family, then consider the importance of this union as a Pure-blooded Devil."

"I won't marry him! No matter what may happen, I refuse to marry him! If you would have any consideration for your daughter then you would understand that I wish to marry the person that I love! I wish to find my own love and love freely! Why don't you understand that?!"

I shouted at my mother in retaliation. I would never do such a disrespectful thing to my own mother, but this is a subject that I cannot stop myself from detesting and refuting so passionately. My own life and love is being threatened. I cannot retreat on this.

"Of course I understand that, Rias. It's you who refuses to understand that this is something that is vital for the survival of our race. Soon enough, there won't be any Pure-blooded Devils left in our society. Can't you be considerate for your own people?"

"I don't care for the expectations of the old Devils or their standards! The only reason they care so deeply about this issue is because they are too caught up in the past, worrying about the 'purity of bloodlines', they only care because they want to preserve heritage. A worthless, arbitrary concept only significant because of their stubborness! What difference does it make if the society has no Pure-blooded ones?! Is the offspring between two reincarnated Devils not considered a 'Pure-blood' in its own right? Everything fades, especially something so fickle. Perhaps they should accept that as to be less pathetic!"

"Enough, Rias!"

I was silenced by my mother's order. She sighed deeply.

"I've heard enough of your complaints. Raiser will be visiting here tomorrow and I expect you treat him respectfully, at least if for the day. I expect maturity from you for once. Understood?"


I grinded my teeth harshly.

"Then—! At the very least, allow me the time until I've from graduated university and become an adult to make my decision! Perhaps then I will have shifted my opinions on the matter! Perhaps then I am more willing to listen!"

She shook her head.

"I know you well, Rias. I know that is nothing more than your method of stalling. I won't fall for it."

I felt my confidence diminish with her firm statement. This can't be…


I could briefly interpret a certain sympathy in her expression. She sighed.

"Oh Rias….Well, my love, in actuality I had originally come to this room to present you with some good news."

I perked my head up slightly.

"...Good news?"

She nodded.

"You see Rias, the truth is that another candidate has presented himself in favor of taking your hand."

—?! My eyes widened in shock. Another candidate?! As in, another potential suitor!?

"Mother! Do you mean to say that..!"

She nodded her head.

"Indeed. It seems that you may have the opportunity to choose for yourself after all."

—?! I could only become even more shocked at this declaration. For my parents to have given me the choice— but, who is it? Someone amongst the young Devil's generation who is a pure-blood…..there aren't many options amongst that demographic. She continued.

"Truthfully, this wasn't even something we were going to consider. We would have previously considered this candidate was not an option. However, out of consideration for you, your father and I decided to try our best and grace you with leniency. There isn't much we can do concerning your situation as the heir, but at the very least, we can try being this considerate. Even if it is the wrong decision in the eyes of the higher ups. That is because we love you."


It certainly wasn't the greatest news, but at the very least, it was much brighter than a future bound to Raiser. Maybe this would be enough?...At the very least, anything is better than him, I believe. I quickly approached and embraced my mother.

"I'm sorry, mother. I'm sorry I retaliated in such a way."

"No, it's alright. I understand it, Rias. Trust me, I do. It's just that there was nothing we could do. At the very least, we could try this."

"Yes….At the very least…."

We separated from each other.

"It goes without saying, but he will also be present tomorrow. It is precisely because of this that we are holding an evaluation between him and Raiser in the first place. That is why Raiser is set to visit. Perhaps I should have started by telling you this."

"Yes, that certainly would have helped."

We giggled.

"Well, nevertheless, please behave yourself when the time comes tomorrow? If not for the fact that you are a lady of the Gremory family, but because that man will also be there."

I asked the important question as the topic was brought to my attention.

"Speaking of which mother, who is this person?"

She put a hand up to her chin in contemplation.

"Hm….Perhaps it is best I do not tell you for now. I believe it would be best if you discovered it yourself in person and make your judgements once meeting him. I would rather not have your opinions affected by any preconceived notions or prejudices prominent through their reputation. You'd want to know them for who they are, not what they represent, isn't that right? So perhaps this is the best choice."

Prejudices? Preconceived notions? Reputation? Could this person possibly be someone who has a negative reputation amongst our society? I don't believe mother and father would ever allow such a thing, right?

My mother began walking out from my room.

"That being said Rias, please get some rest. They will be visiting early tomorrow. It is already late as it is. Try not to dwell too much on your thoughts, lest you accumulate too much stress to maintain your composure during the evaluation."

She opened the door and stepped out.

"Good night, Rias."

"Good night, mother."

"Good night to you as well, Akeno."

"Yes, good night, Venelana-sama."

After giving her farewell to my best friend Akeno and I, mother shut the door. I sighed as I felt some tension release from my body. We were alone now.

"Are you alright, Rias?"

Akeno asked me as she finally approached from her sideline position she stood in all this time. I rubbed my forehead tiredly.

"Yes….I am alright."

"You should get some rest. If what your mother said is true then you will certainly need it."

"Yes….I suppose you're right."

I began removing and handing my clothes to Akeno as I thought of the possibilities.

Who could it be? Could it perhaps be that delinquent Zephydor? Or would it be the odd gentleman Astaroth? From what I have heard, neither of them have interest in such things. Not to mention, they don't seem to be in as dire a situation as us Gremory. It couldn't possibly be anyone from the Extra Demons households could it? I'm certain they wouldn't have allowed that. Plus, I wouldn't be able to think of any who are able to fulfill that role. In that case, there is no one else I can think of. Who could it possibly be?


Akeno called out to me who was lost in thought. I was already standing naked.

"Ah, forgive me. I was clouded for a moment."

"You need rest."

"Yes. I certainly do."

Akeno placed my clothes down and gave me a courteous bow.

"Good night, Rias."

She turned to leave, but I interrupted her exit.

"Ah, wait, Akeno."

She halted and turned to me curiously. As I thought, I feel a bit…

"Would you be willing to stay with me for tonight? I'm afraid that I...I may need your support."

She smiled softly.

"Of course, Rias."

Akeno used her magical ability to shift herself from her uniform to her pajamas in a brief moment.

"Shall we rest then?"

"Yes. Let's."

Akeno shut the lights of my room off as I placed myself on my bed. She joined me shortly after.

"Good night, Rias."

"Good night, Akeno."

Despite saying our good nights, I remained staring up at the canopy over my bed in silent contemplation.

…...Another candidate….Who are you?...



Akeno had called out to me. Ah, it seems she took notice of my state. I turned over onto my side to face her.

"I am alright…"

I felt a soft sensation on my fingers. Akeno held onto my hand gently.

"No matter what happens, I will stand by your side."

I couldn't resist smiling fondly. I grasped onto her hand.

"..Yes...I know…"

I took a breath and shut my eyes to rest.



"...I find it amusing….being Devils, we of course cannot pray…...yet despite that…...I feel so compelled to beg something greater than myself to give me my chance…...I want to wish for my freedom…"

"...Yes….so do I…."

I intertwined my fingers with Akeno's and held a firm grasp of her hand.

"...Akeno, you are my family as well. I love you."

"Yes. I love you too, Rias."

With those last words, we slowly drifted off to slumber. Our hands interlocked the entire night. It was reminiscent of those nights in the past, when she was too afraid to sleep alone after first coming here.

That night, I had a dream. A memory from the past. Vague and undetailed. I could remember nothing from it. Not but one small thing. A single word.



"Are you ready, Rias?"

It was the next morning. Those two candidates should have arrived by now. I gave the finishing touches to my makeup in front of my vanity mirror. However, I was dressed in my academy's uniform. Mother had suggested for me to dress elegantly for my presentation during this evaluation, but I refuse. I refuse to present myself as a trophy to be won by one of two contenders. I will present myself with dignity as a proud student of my beloved Kuoh Academy.

I stood from my seat.

"Yes, Akeno. I am ready."

With that, Akeno and I made our way through the castle. For some reason, I could feel the tension in my nerves rise in anticipation. This would be my only chance to escape Raiser's grasp. If I fail, I may have to resort to drastic measures. Whatever that may be, I still do not know myself.


As I approached the main hall in which I was set to meet with my family and the candidates, I could vaguely hear some hearty laughing as we closed in. We entered the hall.

"Hahaha! Well, I must say I am surprised to find out that it was you who turned out to be the alternative candidate—"

I took in my surroundings as we stepped in. Sitting in what was a large living area with multiple couches were the attendees of the evaluation. My mother and father were sitting together on one sofa that was in beside two other sofas.

On the two main sofas directly across from each other, with what is reminiscent of a coffee table between them, were the sitting candidates. One of them - was Raiser Phenex. The man that I loathed. There were also a couple women sitting with him in suggestive positions. How uncouth. He was one of the men laughing.

Beside my parents sofa was my elder brother sitting in a chair separate from them with Grayfia by his side. Onii-sama? Why is he here? Could he have something to do with why this second candidate was considered?

Finally, on the sofa across from Raiser, was the second candidate. A person I only vaguely seemed to recognize, yet who was so familiar. An almost nostalgic feeling came from seeing him.

A young man with features that do not align with being inhuman. Chocolate brown hair. Light brown eyes with a golden tint. Tall, around the same height as Raiser. Oriental type facial features. Wearing a suit similar to Raiser's, but being a blood red color rather than burgundy, with a black dress shirt under his coat and black dress shoes. He was also wearing a single red ring with a green jewel on his left hand.

This person is…


It was just as Raiser said. This man - was the son of the great Devil magician, Mephisto Pheles. At that moment, the attendees took notice of me.

"Ah, it seems that our daughter, Rias, has arrived."

My father announced our presence as we stopped before the two sofas. Raiser stood with his (infuriating) signature smug smirk. The other man stood as well. Raiser lifted his arms and greeted me in an irritating manner.

"Rias. There you are. It is nice to see you again, my dear."

Do not speak to me so carelessly, wretch. That is what I wished to respond with, but I held my tongue. Rather than greeting him, I merely glanced at him before directing my attention to his "competitor". It disgusts me to refer to them in such context.

"Oh, how cold. As usual, my dear Rias."

I ignored Raiser's offhand comment as I placed my gaze on the man opposite of him. Without saying anything, the man bowed, then finally - he spoke.

"It is a pleasure to finally meet you properly, Rias Gremory. My name is [Johann Mephisto Wittenberg Pheles]. Though, as many already know, I prefer to be referred to as Mephisto. Ah, perhaps I should have greeted you differently."

He lifted his body up and gave me a toothy grin.

"It's been a while, Rias Gremory!"

—My world had frozen as a memory flashed suddenly into my mind. I whispered under my breath.


I remained silent for a short while.



—The voice of my mother had snapped me from my state.

"Eh? A-Ah, yes, forgive me. I had...gotten distracted for a moment…..Then, as I thought, we meet again….Is-...Mephisto."

He nodded at my greeting….That's right…..I have met this man once before. Long ago. I have always known of his existence due to his status as the only son of the legendary Devil, Mephisto Pheles. However, I had never truly met him or spoke with him face to face. There were a few times when I would hear talk of him during gatherings or possibly see his figure off in the distance, but never did I interact with him directly. Or so I thought…..to believe I had forgotten that memory. I had always believed that my first trip to Japan was one of the most important memories I had, yet for some reason I did not remember those moments involving him. Perhaps it was lost to time. Regardless, I now realize who this man is.

This man is "Johann Mephisto Wittenberg Pheles". The only son and family member of the Devil Mephisto Pheles, "Mephistopheles". The one I once knew as "Ise". "Ise"…..where exactly did that name come from?

"Sit down, Rias. We'll start the evaluation now that you're here."

I sat down in the chair between/separate from the two sofas at my mother's suggestion. I spoke to Mephisto respectfully.

"I-It is nice to finally meet you again, Mephisto. I had always wanted to meet with the only child of Mephistopheles who is considered a prodigy."

Mephisto kindly smiled at my comment.

"Ee, Kochira koso (Yes, Likewise.)"


I covered my mouth as I realized I let out a slight sound of surprise. My mother questioned me curiously.

"What's wrong, Rias?"

"N-Nothing! It is nothing, mother."

I let out a silent breath in embarrassment. I had let out a sound unconsciously. T-That's because he said it in Japanese. As I thought, since his introduction he's been speaking Japanese. Not to mention, when he first bowed to me it was in the manner a Japanese person would do.

That's right, this man is half-japanese. That is because he is a Half-human. For many years, it was considered a shocking revelation that the Devil Mephisto Pheles had birthed a child with a human woman. Many considered it disgraceful and he was even ridiculed for it, especially by those higher ups who uphold tradition to the utmost. This must have been the "reputation" and "prejudice" issue my mother mentioned. So that is why she did not tell me. She did not want for me to possibly have any contrivances based off of what he is known for.

Amongst the young Devil's generation, he is certainly one of the most frowned upon. It is similar to the situation with Sairaorg who is considered a defect for his lack of magical ability. This man is surely considered a "filthy halfling" or perhaps even an "abomination" amongst many of the High-Class society. I have heard those whispers as well, and though it disgusted me to think many would judge someone they didn't know, I never believed it involved me personally so I wouldn't interfere.

Regardless, I shouldn't let this detail affect my proper judgement. I can't deny that I have a certain i-interest with Japan and its culture, b-but I shouldn't let that affect my attitude! I must remain composed. As a lady should.


I cleared my throat, only to realize once my gaze was drawn to Mephisto, that he was sitting with both legs crossed on the sofa.

—! T-That sitting posture! That is surely how many young Japanese people sit! I have seen it countless times at the Academy! Although it may be a universal sitting posture, it is certainly most common amongst Japanese young folk!

Aaaah, why am I so focused on these details! Everyday I am surrounded by Japanese students, not to mention Akeno who is Japanese! So then why does it seem more significant now?! Could it possibly be because he is a High-Class Devil raised in the Underworld like myself that it shocks me so much? B-But he is Japanese after all so maybe it shouldn't surprise me? But he has lived in the Underworld for seemingly his entire life, or at the very least after that day that I met him. More than that, he is the son of Mephisto Pheles, so of course I would be surprised when someone from my society can act in such a way naturally. That contrast is simply too much to process. Not to mention, he is actually Japanese unlike me who is simply enamoured with the culture. A High-Class Japanese Devil…..It's obvious that I would not know how to react to something so a-amazing.

Nevertheless, I must maintain my composure. I shouldn't let this affect the evaluation!...Though I say that, when I think about his competitor….

"Alright then. I'll start asking the questions. Let's begin, shall we?"

I was snapped out of my thoughts again by the voice of my mother. R-Right, the evaluation. Now it is time to see whether this man is someone better than Raiser or not. Though I don't have any doubts about it...

"I'll begin asking about some pleasant topics first. How about some recent events. We'll start with Raiser."

With that the evaluation began. Unfortunately, it began in a manner that I did not find pleasant. Mother started out with topics meant as small talk or pleasant conversation. I did not mind this, as it is quite commonplace to start out these interactions in such a way. What did irk me was the fact that Mephisto and Raiser were both casually exchanging pleasantries as if they were companions. They were laughing together.

"Hahahahaha! As I thought, that isn't too dissimilar to my own experiences as well, Mephisto."

"Hahaha! Is that so? Yeah, well, that's just how it is sometimes huh? Though, that is something we can probably hold the media accountable for."

"Yes, yes. Indeed. It's all a result of the population being a majority reincarnated humans. The media has taken a reform in the image of the human world's version after all."

Raiser finished while taking a sip of his wine. Why? Why is this happening? Why would they be speaking as if they were friends? Is it because of Raiser's superficial charm? Could they have perhaps been friends from the start? Could it be that this all simply a ploy between them to force me into giving up my hope for a free future?...

Disgusting. How truly devilish….But I will not submit. Even if it comes to this I will not submit. I will not marry Raiser.

"Alright, alright. Settle down boys. I am glad you are getting along. However, I think it's time for us to present the more vital topics, isn't it? Venelana?"

My father turned to my mother. She nodded.

"Yes, of course."

This it it. The true evaluation. Now the discussion will be important topics. But….if my assumption is correct, then there's truly no point to it…

"Well then, I shall start with Raiser. Raiser?"

"Of course."

"In that case, I'll ask the most obvious question then. Why exactly do you want to marry Rias?"


Raiser placed his glass down on the table and spoke.

"Well, of course I am doing this with great consideration for the future of Devil society. This union is one that is considered vital for the survival of the Pure-blood heritage. Not to mention, this is a decision that my family had themselves decided. I of course wish to respect it and follow through. Besides, I see no great demerit to taking the hand of the beautiful Rias Gremory of the Gremory clan."

I held back my urge to gag vocally. Do not smirk at me you pig. I could care less how respectfully you word yourself, that does not change the fact that you are a mongrel.

"Hm. I see. A good answer. I will move onto Mephisto then. Mephisto."

Mephisto bowed his head respectfully.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Though my question is the same. Why exactly do you want to marry Rias? It is quite curious that you had presented yourself as a suitor. In the past, your father was quite vocal about expressing his distaste for such arrangements wasn't he? Why make such a decision that contradicts that past now?"

Mephisto scratched the back of his head awkwardly. J-Just like a real Japanese— No. Not now. Pay attention.

"Ehehehe. Well, I suppose I'll start by answering about the 'contradiction' then."

He cleared his throat and spoke in a dignified manner with a smile.

"Well, first, yes. My father has quite a strong—Er, dislike, for arrangements like these. In fact, he has a strong distaste for any sort of arrangements that strip any persons of their free will. He considers himself a libertarian and does not enjoy the prospect of being forced into certain positions or duties. It most likely has something to do with his past with the original Satan. Ahem. Regardless, I am the same as my father in that right, so I believe that arrangements like these are outdated or simply unnecessary."

What? Have I misheard? If I'm correct, he just expressed his mutual distaste for these arrangements, isn't that right? So then why exactly is he doing this? He continues.

"That being said, I believe that anyone should have the right to their freedom. Especially if it concerns love or marriage. Even more especially if it concerns a woman. Ah, I am getting off track. Excuse me. My answer to the question: 'why do I want to marry Rias' or 'why have I presented myself as a suitor' is a bit complicated. But if I were to sum it up, I would say that it is because I wanted the idea of choice to be presented in the arrangement."

Idea of choice? What does he mean by that? Mother asked him.

"Could you elaborate on that?"

"Yes, of course. Ahem."

He cleared his throat once more and spoke casually.

"When I first heard news that Raiser and Rias were to be married, I was quite young. At that time I thought nothing of it and quickly forgot. However, I recently heard of this subject again with Raiser's statements concerning his 'fiancee' over the media. That's when I found out that there was an arrangement between the two families to have the heirs married off. Again, I thought not much of it until seeing more on the media. It was during one of Rias Gremory's statements regarding her feelings on the arrangement, where she expressed her complete contempt and disgust for the idea. I had a bit of a laugh when seeing her reject it so adamantly, I have to say."

I could feel my parents stern gazes over me. Yes, I remember that little incident. It had already been public information, but it had become a hot topic again thanks to Raiser's big mouth. That was when I became exasperated at the mentioning of the topic and expressed my opinions over the media. That remained a story for a short while. Mephisto continued.

"Now, with that being said, I simply made my choice based on that realization."

"What realization?"

He answered my mother with a smile.

"That Rias Gremory was being forced into a marriage she didn't wish for of course."

She raised a brow.

"I see, but what exactly does that have to do with your answer?"

"Well, that is my answer."


"I presented myself as a suitor to give Rias Gremory a proper choice. Rather than having her being forced into a marriage she despised, I thought it better to give her the option out of marrying Raiser Phenex. After all, she did express quite openly about her….um, dislike for Raiser and the idea of marrying him."

I could feel the confusion around me and the others. A choice? He presented himself...as to give me a 'choice'? That is his reasoning? As in, "at the very least you won't have to marry Raiser"? That sort of thing? In my confusion, Raiser asked him with a bit of sterness.

"Hm? Wouldn't that imply that you are only asking for her hand so that she wouldn't have to marry me? As in, only presenting yourself as to directly interfere with our union? Isn't that it?"

Mephisto waved his hands frantically.

"Eh? No, no, no, wait. That's not necessarily what I was implying. Ah, well, actually what I was trying to prevent is that…..Ah, well, what I mean is…..Aaaah, as I thought, it's still a bit complicated, ehehe…"

He laughed awkwardly while scratching his head. He didn't give any straight answer. In terms of the evaluation, that may have lost him some points. I would say he was already at a great disadvantage since he isn't Pure-blooded, my parents only considered him out of kindness after all. So, from the start, this was in Raiser's favor. But what is it that he was saying about preventing something?...

"I see. Well, in that case, I'll move onto the next question. What exactly is your dream or goal for the future, Raiser?"


Raiser nodded and sipped from his wine before answering.

"I plan to take on my role as heir to the Phenex clan first and foremost, though I am not the current heir like Rias. I wish to bring the Phenex clan to new levels of success and admiration with my efforts in the rating games as well, and hopefully one day I will be classified as the Phenex who has never lost a match."

A standard answer apart from his ambition regarding the rating games. I truly do not care for Raiser's dreams. I wouldn't care if he desired to save the world, it does not make him any less repulsive.

"I see. A good answer. In that case, I'll move on to Mephisto. Mephisto?"

"Yes, ma'am."

Mephisto took a light breath and cracked his neck. He answered with a bright smile. Yet for some reason, I felt an eerie mood as the world went silent with his answer.

"I plan to become the strongest being in existence!"



"Excuse me, Mephisto. Would you care to elaborate on that?"

My mother asked him after regaining her composure. Almost as if she believes she misheard him.

He smiled and nodded.

"Yeah! Well, it's just like it sounds! I want to become the strongest being in existence!"

….Again, my mind hesitated on processing his ambition. My mother questioned him in confusion.

"Becoming the strongest being?...You mean to say that you plan to surpass the Maou in strength?"

He crossed his arms.

"Mm. Well, yes, but if I'm being more specific I mean to surpass more than just them. I mean to surpass everyone!"

"...Everyone….so that means…"

"Yep! Devils, Angels, Maou, Super-Devil, Buddha, Gods, practically everything there is! Ah, but if I'm being very specific then I would have to say that I want to surpass the Apocalypse Dragon as my main goal. To my knowledge, he is the current strongest being in existence. I believe at least."

Mother asked him with hesitation.

"...How exactly do you plan to do that?"

"Hm? Step by step of course!"

He answered with a smile. Step by Step? He lifted his left arm near his cheek.

"As you know, I am this generation's current Sekiryuutei."

—?! That's right! How could I have forgotten such an important detail? This man is the Sekiryuutei. The Welsh Dragon Emperor. It is the result of him being born as a Half-human. I do vaguely remember hearing the news of it when I was younger. Perhaps when I was around 10 years of age. That's when the story of the Sekiryuutei was all over the news. As it turned out, the son of Mephisto Pheles ended possessing the Mid-tier Longinus, Boosted Gear. Otherwise known as the Red Dragon Emperor's gauntlet. One of the thirteen Longinus, the strongest sacred gears in existence. After that story, I do remember many of those who ridiculed Mephisto quickly silenced themselves.

Mephisto continued.

"As the Sekiryuutei, it is my ultimate dream to achieve Domination. That is why, I will surpass all living beings. Maybe even the dead ones, haha! But I started that journey out step by step. First, my goal was to surpass High-Class Devils, but I achieved that goal quickly when I was young. Then, my next goal was to surpass all past hosts of the Sekiryuutei. I achieved that as well. Next, my goal was to surpass every Devil in the young Devil's generation. I also achieved that goal. My current goal is to surpass the level of Ultimate-Class Devil, with my base strength of course."

—?!...What? He made such astonishing claims. You mean to say that he has surpassed all of the Devil's in our generation? Including Raiser? Or maybe even Sairaorg, who is now being considered the strongest of us?

My mother raised a brow in suspicion.

"Pardon me, Mephisto, but you say that you have surpassed those in your generation? You mean to say that you have already surpassed others like Raiser in terms of power? As well as someone like my nephew, Sairaorg?"

He nodded.

"Mhm! That's right! I'm already beyond the level of the young Devils! Isn't that right, Sirzechs-sama?"

Wha-? He asked Onii-sama, who was sitting quietly in his chair. What? Why is he asking him? Onii-sama smiles.

"Ahahaha. Well, this isn't really my discussion to interfere with."

"Eeeeeh. No backup?..."

Mephisto makes a sad pout at his response. I don't understand. Why did he ask Onii-sama of all people? Mother eyed them both suspiciously.

"Tell me something, Mephisto. I'd like to know about your reputation with the higher ups. The Maou, to be specific."

"Hm? My reputation?"

Mephisto tilted his head. That's right. There is more to his reputation than just what is on the surface, isn't there?

"Yes. Your reputation is a bit odd. There are many who think lowly of you simply because of your nature as a half-human, but that isn't what I'm referring to. Nor am I referring to your reputation as a prodigious magician. I am referring to your reputation with the high level officials like the Maou. Many times have we heard and seen instances in which officials and other respected figures will advocate for you during times of ridicule. You seem to have some sort of oddly secretive reputation that only the high level influencers seem to know. People like Diehauser Belial, Zekram Bael, and even Sirzechs and the other three satans. This surely can't be because of only your magical prowess because you have yet to have done anything extraordinary with that skill. Unless, there would be certain achievements we don't know about?"

Yes, I do remember times when I would hear of someone influential speaking highly of Mephisto. This despite him not seeming out of the ordinary aside from his skill in magic thanks to his heritage. So then, why exactly would people like Onii-sama give him the benefit of the doubt in different times? Now that I think about it, since Onii-sama is here…..could it be that he and Mephisto are in on this together?...

"Ah, well…..You see, that is….um, well…"

Again, he didn't have a clear answer. He could only smile awkwardly while moving his hands in the air to point at things that weren't there. My mother sighed. As I thought, things are not looking good for him as a candidate. Raiser snickered.

"Hehehe. Well, I'm not sure about what your relationships with the heads are either, but I couldn't care much of that. What does interest me is your earlier statement. Your statement about being stronger than me."

Raiser said that with an amused brow raise. True, it was shocking to hear him claim that. For him to say that he is stronger than Sairaorg is something I find hard to believe. Though, he does have quite a unique aura about him. Perhaps it is the influence of the Sekiryuutei, but his aura is very….oppressing. It does not match with his light hearted personality at all. The contrast is somewhat unnerving if I must say.

Mephisto laughed heartily.

"Ahahahaha! Sorry about that. I didn't mean it in a bad way or anything. I know how much your pride means to you, so of course I'm not belittling your strength. I'm just saying the truth."

Raiser scoffed and asked with the same amused brow.

"Pardon? You mean you weren't joking? You mean to imply that you are truthfully stronger than me?"

"No, no, no. That's not what I'm implying at all."

Mephisto smiled while waving his hands to show lack of animosity. Raiser scoffed in non surprise. But then—

"It's what I'm saying."



Raiser raised a brow with a confused expression, but more than that there looked to be a subtle irritation. What? He just…

"Would you care to repeat yourself, Mephisto? I seem to have misheard you.."

"No, well, what I'm saying is that I'm stronger than you. Or actually—"

Mephisto closed his eyes in a smile and shrugged his shoulders apologetically with his hands up.

"—I'm just better than you in every way."


The wine glass in Raiser's hand cracked slightly. It began slowly leaking wine onto his hand. As a narcissist, Raiser is someone who cares about his appearance and presentation above all. Yet he is not moving to clean himself.


One of the female servants sitting with him wiped his hand clean with a napkin. Raiser slowly placed the now empty glass onto the table. His expression being masked by a few shadows on his face. He leaned back to his original position and spoke in a low tone.

"...Forgive me, but….I believe that my hearing is not the best today….Would you be willing to repeat that once more?.."

Mephisto spoke with the same smile.

"Stop trying to defend your ego, scum."


Raiser's foot landed harshly against the table. The wood cracked under the pressure.

"...Hey, brat….What did you just call me?"

Mephisto continued speaking the same unmoving, happy smile.

"I called you what you are, scum. Ah, maybe scum wasn't good enough. With that ego you want to be the top of everything. In that case, you are worse than scum. You are beyond garbage. You are less than a maggot that eats the remains of carcasses. You are pathetic and your ego is fragile. Your victories only come from the fact that your opponents are too naïve to realize any method defeating you. You harem is a nothing but a representation of the concept of 'Stockholm syndrome'. You—"


Raiser's foot landed upon the ground while taking a chunk of the table with it.

"...I will give you this one and only chance….This will be your only chance to apologize…...after that, I will not accept any apology even if you beg for your life…."

Mephisto put his hands up.

"Ah, okay, okay! I'm sorry! I apologize then."

The aura around Raiser decreased a bit, but—

"I'm sorry that you can only satisfy women who can't leave you."


I could practically hear the moment Raiser snapped as he stood up abruptly. He lifted his hand in the air and suddenly spawned powerful flames out of his palm.


But in that split second of his time preparing a strike—


He hesitated.

—That's because Mephisto's smile was gone. He was staring up at him with a hollow gaze. His eyes were as black as an abyss.


My mother stood from her place and interrupted the exchange with a yell. Raiser's flames dispersed and the air was filled silence.

Mephisto was sitting there with a completely casual expression….What?...Didn't I….Didn't I just see him do something in that quarter of a second?...What did….

"Mephisto, thank you for coming, but I believe it is time for you to go."

My mother spoke to Mephisto in a stern tone. He smiled awkwardly.

"Aaaah...shit. Looks like I blew it, huh? Ehehehe….my bad then."

He stood from his couch and placed his hands in his pockets while shrugging.

"Oh well. Too bad. Looks like it's the Yakitori's win again!"


Raiser immediately spawned his flames once again, but before my mother could intervene, a hand landed on his shoulder.

"How about a spar?"

It was Onii-sama.

"Sirzechs? What are you doing?"

He did not answer mother's question, instead he just directed his attention to Raiser.

"Now, now, Raiser. Wouldn't it be more interesting if you were able to have a spar with the Sekiryuutei?"

Despite Raiser's flames disappearing, his deadly sharp gaze did not settle, even when looking at Onii-sama. Mephisto asked curiously.

"A spar?"

Onii-sama nodded.

"Yes, a spar. Or in other words, a quick match between the two candidates. Something like a rating game, but with only two kings. A match between Dragon and Phoenix. How about it?"

Mephisto hit his palm as if he realized something.

"Oooh! I get it now! A match! Yeah! I'm in!"

"And you, Raiser?"

Raiser could only growl at Mephisto's carefree attitude, or his existence in general.

"Ah, it doesn't look like he's thinking about that right now, Sirzechs-sama."

"Hm. How about a wager to make things more interesting then?"

"A wager? What're we betting?"

"A request. To the winner goes a wish. Any request that is within my power, you shall have granted. With certain limitations of course, but if it is within my ability then I shall do my best to fulfil it. Including subjects relating to punishments or prizes, as well having possible orders for the loser to follow. How is that?"

At that moment, Raiser growled in an enraged tone.

"Any request?"

"Yes, Raiser. For the most part, anything that is within my power, even if it might be just a bit immoral."

Raiser's eyes bore through Mephisto's skull.

"Then when I defeat this creaton, grant me the right to kill him."


"Very well."

Onii-sama agreed to his request!? Mephisto scoffed in amusement.

"Hoh! Scary~"

The veins on Raiser's forehead pumped blood through his skin as his eye twitched. Never in my life had I seen him so infuriated. Onii-sama turned to Mephisto.

"Then what is your request, should you win, Mephisto?"

"Mine? Hmmmm!…."

Mephisto rubbed his chin while holding his eyes shut tight. He resembles a child who is attempting to think deeply about something. After a few seconds he hit his palm in realization.

"Ah! I got it!"

He lifted up his index finger and announced it proudly.

"In that case, I wish to make one single decision on behalf of the Gremory household! One that cannot be overturned except by the current heir herself!"


My father stood up beside my mother in shock. Onii-sama nodded.

"Very well. However, you can make no decisions that affect their finances, status, or well being as a clan. In other words, no decisions that would be a detriment to their existence."


"Very well."


My mother called out to him in shock, but he merely raised a hand to silence them. He asks them.

"Will this be one on one?"

Mephisto shrugs, but Raiser snarls.

"Eh, all up to Raiser-tan. I can take on his whole peerage if he wants—"

"I will kill you myself."

"Oho! Scary!"

Onii-sama nodded.

"Very well. In that case, there is truly no point in delaying such a thing, right? We may as well have it right now. Grayfia."

"Yes, Sirzechs-sama?"

"Create us a small dimension for the two. Anything sturdy should suffice."

"Yes, Sirzechs-sama."

"Rias, gather your servants. It will be a nice match to watch. Call Millicias as well. He should enjoy this."

Any of us who were around could only be left in shock at the sequence of events. Raiser and Mephisto were left standing there looking at each other with an intense atmosphere surrounding them. Mephisto looked at him with a confident smirk while Raiser burned a glare through his soul.

That was the day that Dragon fought against Phoenix.

-Dragon VS. Phoenix-


The one who was humming delightedly while removing his coat was Mephisto.

We were now in the separate dimension created by Grayfia. It was a stadium made of stone with structures resembling giant chess pieces on the edges and red skies above. I was gathered with my group of servants, my family, Raiser's peerage, and even a few from my brother's peerage who wished to spectate. I haven't seen my brother's servants together since I was a child. They rarely ever gather. Albeit, it is only his Knight and Bishop, but it is still a rare sight. Grayfia is also in attendance obviously, and she is my brother's queen.

Raiser's parents were also invited during the time Grayfia was preparing the dimension. They are sitting beside my own parents and Onii-sama.

At the center of the stadium, standing a few meters across from each other, were the two candidates. Mephisto hummed as he threw off his coat. After that he removed his black dress shirt and left himself standing in a white muscle shirt. He had an extremely well built physique despite not being a bulky figure like Sairaorg.

He stretched his limbs loosely while Raiser remained completely still, growling and glaring at him in rage. He spoke in a jolly tone while stretching, much to Raiser's agitation.

"Maaaaan~ I have to say, Raiser. I am truly glad I met you that day. Do you remember it? Our first meeting at that gathering, the one set by your elder brother Ruval? I'm sure you remember it. You said you did didn't you? That's why we got along today, right?"

Raiser did not answer. He only snarled through his tightly grit teeth.

"Yeah, I'm glad we met that day. Really, I am! I mean, if I hadn't met you that day, I wouldn't even be here! The only reason I'm here is precisely because I had the chance to meet you. After I saw that stuff on the media about your engagement to Rias, I kinda became interested. That's when I ended up seeing that clip of Rias openly expressing her disgust with the idea. After that, I realized the situation and went to your gathering, that I originally had no prior interest in, and attended it for the sake of meeting you. The moment I met you, it all became clear to me. I knew exactly who you were from simply one interaction."

He lifted himself and smiled.

"You are pure scum!"


The ground below Raiser's foot cracked as he grinded it. He is using every single bit of his will power to hold back until he hears the signal. Mephisto continued with a smile and his arms in the air.

"It was just that simple from one meeting! Just one conversation with you and it all became apparent! You were just a worm! Nothing but a worthless lout with money and prestige, both of which you did not earn through any merit of your own! Not to mention that you were a disgusting pig! It was honestly worth a bout of laughter once I returned home! Ah, but of course, that was also when I had made my decision."

Mephisto lowered his arms back down to his sides slowly.

—A disturbingly emotionless expression sat on his face.

"I will not allow you to marry Rias Gremory."


Small flames creeped through Raiser's knuckles. That's because his fists were clenched so tightly that blood ran down from his wounds as they were quickly healed…..He...won't allow him?...It couldn't be that he is doing this...for me..?

Mephisto scoffed at his anger.

"Tell you what, Raiser. Out of respect for taking this challenge, I will make you a promise. I will not use a single magical spell of any kind throughout this entire match! No, even better! I will not use a single ounce of my demonic power at all throughout this duel! How's that?"

—?! Mephisto-! He-! He promised not to use magical spells or demonic power!? But, is that not his method of offense and defense? How is he meant to fight back? I could hear my brother's Bishop, MacGregor Mathers, speak from the side next to my peerage.

"Hoho. How interesting. So he plans to fight that way? How odd. I've never seen a fight between Mephisto or anyone else. That father of his was always very adamant about remaining secretive with his son's abilities or practically any information regarding him. The only thing we know is that he is a master magician like his father before him. However, if he is the Sekiryuutei, then perhaps…"

"Hmph! What foolishness. Raiser will make a quick example of this crude halfling."

MacGregor rubbed his chin in intrigue while Lord Phenex scoffed condescendingly. MacGregor always loves to explain things to others. However, what he says is true. Mephisto Pheles has always been known to be a mysterious character, along with his life being a mystery in general. No one that I know of has seen him fight, except for maybe higher ups like my brother, somehow. Mephisto was said to have won a few unofficial matches against some, but details were never released about them, and never was there footage. So his methods of fighting outside of his magical prowess are completely unknown. The Red Dragon Emperor's Gauntlet…..would he use that?

Mephisto raised his left hand near his face and held up two fingers.

"I'll give you two."

The moment he said that, the green jewel on his red ring began glowing, then—


An announcement was heard. When I looked closely at Mephisto's hand, it held some odd jewelry on it. What is….

"That is….the Boosted Gear?"

—?! My father analyzed the chains on Mephisto's hand with confusion. The Boosted Gear? But how? That is not a gauntlet.

Instead of a gauntlet, what was on Mephisto's hand was an odd red, chain glove? There was a red, metal wristband on his wrist, and out from it came multiple chains. The chains connected to metal finger bands resting on each of his fingers, one of those bands being his ring. No wait, all of the finger bands were now rings just like the original. They released an odd green light and every part of the metal, chained glove was red. What is that?


Once again, a light flashed from the rings on the chain like glove. Mephisto lowered his hand back down.

"That should be more than enough. Making it too unfair is a worthless idea. Right, Ddraig?"

I could physically see Raiser's body begin to visibly slouch and shake from pure rage. I could no longer see what sort of bloodthirsty expression he was making.

"Ddraig….The Welsh Dragon huh…"

I could hear my brother's Knight, Souji Okita, make a comment. He is the personal instructor of my own Knight beside us, Kiba Yuuto. My Knight asked his instructor.

"Master, who do you believe will win?"

Okita nodded his head.

"Mm. Surely, Raiser-boy will not stand even a chance."

—?! He declared Mephisto the winner without hesitation!? My Knight asked dubiously.

"You don't believe Raiser-sama can win?"

Okita scoffed and leaned back in a relaxed position.

"Not even against his finger."

It was then that the image of Grayfia appeared over head in the sky.

[I will be moderator to this duel. The only conditions to this match are this: 1. The audience is not to interfere with the duel. 2. As a result of Raiser's request and his nature as a Phenex, fighting with the intent to kill will be allowed on both sides. 3. The match ends should one of you no longer be able to fight or forfeit, dies, or simply when I say it is so. Are these conditions understood between the two candidates?]

Mephisto raised his fist into the air.


Raiser did not respond with anything but a low growl. Grayfia turned back to Onii-sama, but he gave her a nod.

[Very well. In that case, the match between Phenex and Mephistopheles—]

She raised her arm up into the air and brought it back down.


—But before she could even finish properly, Raiser had already appeared before Mephisto with powerful flames spurting from his hand! He plans to kill him immediately!


—Raiser sent his strike and dust covered them.


…..It was silent for a short while as the dust began to clear….what happened?...

"Nn-! Gg-!"

I could hear the sounds of Raiser struggling. The dust cleared and I looked closely….


—?! Mephisto had caught Raiser's fist of flames in his palm until it was snuffed out.

More than that, he was looking up at Raiser with a hollow gaze.


In less than a second, Mephisto sent a fist into Raiser's abdomen. The strike was so strong that I could visibly see the outline of his fist through the back of Raiser's coat.


Raiser vomited blood and held his stomach. He stumbled backwards and fell to his knees for a quick moment before attempting to pick himself back up.

"Raiser! What are you doing?! Stand!"

Lord Phenex shouted to Raiser from his place. Raiser stood properly, but then took notice of something.


His left hand, which he sent to strike Mephisto, was enveloped in flames. No, wait. It was nothing but flames. It was only then that I realized— in that split second, Mephisto not only sent a powerful strike to Raiser, but he also destroyed his hand in his palm by crushing it entirely.

"What's wrong, Raiser?"

Mephisto asked with an eerily innocent smile.

"Kill me."

….Raiser was left standing there silently for a moment.

"Raiser! What are you doing?! Kill that scum! There are no consequences to it! Win!"

Raiser was snapped out of his shock by his father's voice. He quickly shook his head and took on an enraged expression. He spawned his fiery wings and took to the sky. He created multiple fireball attacks and launched them relentlessly at Mephisto like a gatling gun.

Mephisto did not move.

Poom Poom Poom Poom Poom Poom Poom Poom Poom Poom Poom Poom Poom Poom Poom Poom Poom Poom Poom Poom Poom Poom Poom Poom Poom Poom Poom!

Mephisto was eaten by a large cloud of dust and smoke as the attacks continued and subsequently ceased. Slowly, the dust began to clear….

"Mm. Bonfire."

Mephisto stood there with only some burnt clothes. His main body was completely unscathed. He lifted up his left arm, which had a small flame still lit on it, and blew it out with a simple breath.

"That's your current level. Foo!"


Raiser roared and spawned flames even stronger than the previous ones to resume his flurry of attacks.

Poom Poom Poom Poom Poom Poom Poom Poom Poom Poom Poom Poom Poom Poom Poom Poom Poom Poom Poom Poom Poom Poom Poom Poom Poom Poom Poom Poom Poom Poom Poom Poom!

—?! I realized it then that through the smoke and flames, Mephisto was calmly walking forward.

"Raaaaaaaaah! Just diiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"

Raiser spawned one of his strongest finishing moves, a giant fireball between both of his hands, and raised it above his head. He launched it down at Mephisto with no hesitation.

"Onii-sama! He will—!"

But before I could even object, Mephisto swiftly spun around 360 degrees and launched his fist straight at the attack.

—It dispersed the moment he struck it.



The wind from the shockwave blew some dust around after the attack disappeared.

….W-What?...Raiser's strongest attack. The attack that would kill someone like me, it just….

"Not bad, not bad! Ah, but lackluster for someone who 'doesn't lose rating games'. You would be quickly eliminated from the pro leagues without a chance. As I thought, it must be because of your immortal nature that you don't lose. I suppose that's the most different thing about us. I don't need to rely on my heritage for success. But even more than that, there's something you should know, Raiser. That is—"

Before I could register it properly, Mephisto was staring Raiser in the face while floating in the sky.

"—Nothing is immortal."

In the next second, Raiser was sent crashing into one of the large structures shaped like a Rook castle.


—?! What?! What happened?! I didn't even have the chance to realize it. Raiser was suddenly shot down from the air? Mephisto was left alone in the air with his wings extended. Those wings….those are not the wings of a Devil.

"Those wings….Dragon!"

My father whispered in shock. Large, Red, wings with single horns at their tips…..Dragon...

[What are you making?] [A Dragon!]


Raiser emerged unsteadily from the dust of the crater left in the Rook structure. He wiped blood from his lip. Mephisto shouted at him from above with a smile.

"I told you, right! I won't be using an ounce of my demonic power! So of course that goes for my wings too since it requires miniscule amounts of demonic power to control them!"


Raiser grinded his teeth in frustration and growled. He abruptly spawned his wings and shot straight towards Mephisto floating in the sky. He spawned powerful flames around his hands and proceeded to attack Mephisto with them like boxing gloves.

Mephisto swiftly dodged every attack without effort.

"Oooh! Katekyo Hitman! Hahahahaha!"

Mephisto laughed heartily before sending a quick strike into Raiser's abdomen that sent him crashing back down to the base of the structure.


Katekyo….If I recall, i-isn't that a Shonen manga?...Perhaps I misheard…

"Okay. That's enough. Just one more should be enough."

Mephisto slowly descended to the ground about 8 meters ahead of Raiser, who was stuck in the cloud of dust covering the base of the structure.


With the whip of his flaming wings, Raiser blew the dust away and roared into the sky in pure rage.


He released a powerful aura and spawned giant powerful flames to cover his right hand. Then he shot straight at Mephisto. This time, Mephisto did not move an inch.


Raiser sent his strike straight at Mephisto's head - and the strike connected.


…..We waited patiently for the dust cloud to settle and disperse. I could feel the nerves in my body tense to an immeasurable degree during the silence. Not a single person was making a sound. We merely sat and watched closely for any movement.

Soon enough, we began to make the outline of their silhouettes. They were in the same position as when Raiser had first connected the strike to Mephisto's head. I could hear a slight sizzling sound from within the cloud. The sound of Raiser's regeneration ability?...



I could hear Raiser's quiet voice as the dust finally cleared and the two became visible.

—What I saw was Raiser standing with his fist touching Mephisto's forehead, indicating that he had landed the strike, and Mephisto standing perfectly still. Mephisto was looking up at Raiser with a calm smile. Blood slowly ran down from his forehead, down past his nose.

No, that blood is not from his forehead, it's from Raiser's knuckles.

"..If I remember correctly it was: I will not accept your apology, even if you beg for your life."

That was the only thing Mephisto said, before Raiser's body suddenly shot back to the base of the Rook structure once more, this time with more force.


Mephisto stepped closer to the structure's base, placing him only 5 meters ahead of Raiser. He stood there silently waiting for Raiser to emerge.


Raiser shot out from the base without any warning. But The moment he reached Mephisto—


He was sent straight back to his original position.


Before I knew it, Raiser had been caught in a spider's web. He was sent crashing back to the structure whenever he tried to attack.


He was sent back every time. Not a single one of his attacks would connect and he would be subsequently launched back after each one.




And Again. Over and over.


The same process repeated itself without fail. Raiser was never given the chance to attack. With every attempt he would merely be sent back to his position. Even if he tried to fly up, he would just be sent back down. No matter which direction he tried to take he would be sent back again and again. At some point, it felt less like Raiser was even trying to attack, and more like he was attempting to escape from his position. No matter what he did, he would just be sent back. Nowhere to go, and no way to attack. It was no longer even a match.

….Mephisto did not even break a sweat.


Raiser fell onto his stomach and struggled to bring himself up as the rubble from the structure slid off of his back. He lifted himself unsteadily by using his knees as support. His body was shaking at this point.

"...Do you feel it, Raiser?..."

Mephisto spoke in a low tone. His expression was masked by the shade of his hair.

"...That feeling….To be stuck in a place you cannot move from. Unable to make any decisions that aren't superseded by someone with more power than your own...for someone with pride in themselves to only be brought down in submission by something they cannot control…..That feeling….it's mortifying isn't it?"

Raiser remained on his knee with no words. Every single person listened intently as he continued his speech.

"You feel it don't you? That feeling of injustice towards yourself. The feeling that this isn't what should be happening to you. 'It's not fair'. You feel it don't you?...If you do….Then maybe you understand…."

For the first time, he had a gaze of anger, that pierced through Raiser's soul.

"Maybe you understand a fragment of what you've put Rias Gremory through then."



—I could only make that sound as my world had stopped moving. I was frozen in time, with no idea of what was happening. The only thing I could hear - was that phrase echoing through my mind, and through my heart.

"Someone like you….I couldn't imagine being stuck with you for eternity….you are and your disgusting leering. Your superficial charm. Your inflated ego. Your irritating opulence. Your repulsive objectification of women…...that is what is worst of all. To act as if you 'own' people…..let me tell you something, Raiser…"


Mephisto suddenly appeared standing above Raiser. A dark shadow was cast upon his form that masked his expression. What did shine through the darkness - were two glowing blue-red eyes.

"They don't belong to you."

Deep in Mephisto's eyes was a gleam that implied he held a certain grudge from his past. A grudge unrelated to Raiser, but related to the type of person he was.

Raiser snarled and gathered his courage and power to attack once more.




Mephisto sent one strike with his left hand that stopped Raiser's attack.


Raiser looked to his right arm— No. To where his right arm was previously at. The right half of his torso had been destroyed.



For the first time, Raiser fell to his knees and grasped at the right side of his body in pain as it desperately tried to spew flames. However, the flames looked unstable and weak. His wound was not healing properly.

"What-?! This feeling—!"

Raiser growled in pain. That's when Mephisto opened his left hand and something fell dropped down to hang from one of the bands on his fingers.

"That is—!"

The thing that hung from the chain connected to Mephisto's metal finger band - was a Rosario cross.


"This is a small item I took in preparation for our little confrontation. I thought it would turn out useful. After all, the regeneration abilities would be quite hindered by such a thing, right?"

"W-What?! How—! Holding that with the body of a Devil—! It's impossible!"

Raiser struggled to speak through the pain in shock.

"I am not holding it. It is my power. Can't you tell that it is a part of my Sacred Gear?"

"How—?! It isn't possible—! The Boosted Gear has no such ability!"

"Of course not. It's one that implemented myself."


"That isn't possible—! With the body of a Devil—! It would have an adverse effect! It isn't possible to combine it—!"

Raiser is right. It has to be impossible. It already takes an outrageous amount of willpower to do anything different to one's Sacred Gear, let alone changing the exterior design of Longinus. But to implement something holy with the body and blood of a pure Devil, even if just half of it, it's absurd! Perhaps with a reincarnated Devil? No, but even then it would not be possible, lest their body or at least part of it was not Devil! It simply cannot be, can it?!

Mephisto scoffed.

"It isn't my concern if you are simply too feeble minded to realize the possibility of it. It's true that I have the body of a half Devil, but fortunately, there's a vital part of me that happens to be quite different. Would you like to guess what it is?"

—He ended his sentence with a devilish grin.

For the first time, I could faintly see fear in Raiser's eyes. He stood up abruptly, not yet fully regaining his arm, and stumbled backwards.

"For you to have gone this far—! Are you so adamant on destroying this union?! Do you not realize the importance of this marriage?! What it means to the Devil society as a whole?! What it means to our heritage as Pure-blooded Devils?!"


Raiser silenced himself at the sound of Mephisto's low voice. An almost look of disgust was painted on his expression.

"Someone prideful like you who views others as trophies…Heritage—Something that can be considered sacred to many— Don't speak as if you truly care about heritage, you worm."

Raiser snarled, but I could tell his anxiety was rising.

"Even so—! This is not something which only affects Rias! This is for the future of all Pure-blooded Devils! To interfere with something so vital to our species—! It's absurd!"

Mephisto shrugged.

"In the same way you ignore the hardships of one person, I will ignore the worries of the many worthless Pure-bloods. It is none of my concern whether Pure-blooded Devils fade out. I am not a pure-blood after all. So consider this my gift for the years of special treatment I received."

"Nn-! So it's revenge that you want!"

Mephisto shook his head.

"Don't be ridiculous. As if I care about getting revenge on those who are lesser than me. Ah, I don't mean weaker. I mean lesser. For example, you who is not only weaker, but also scum. You are certainly lesser than me in every way. That's why I don't care for getting revenge on someone like you or anyone else like you for that matter."

"Tch! Then what is it that you want?! Why do you interfere?!"

"Hm? I told you that already. I am a libertarian. I believe in freedom. My goal is to save Rias Gremory from her fate. Ah, but above all else, my ultimate goal—"

He pointed straight at Raiser.

"—I will not allow you to marry Rias."


I felt a pulse in my heart. Raiser flew up into the sky and raised his arms above his head. Mephisto took a stance with his left arm held back as if he were charging it up.

"How did that humiliation feel, Raiser? As an adult with the pride of an egomaniac, how did it feel to be completely brought down into submission?...Now imagine what sort of feeling that would be, for an innocent-young girl with a passion for true love, and pride as a woman. That—"

A dark red aura began to slowly envelope Mephisto's fist.

"—is all the reason I need."


Flames spawned from Raiser's palms and began to form a fireball. A large and powerful one. One more powerful and large than any he had ever made before. One that could possibly shake the dimension we inhabited once thrown.


The odd red aura around Mephisto's hand began to grow and increase in power. The power from it created winds around him that blew away dust. The pressure from it began to crack the ground below his feet. Even red sparks of lightning would appear and run across the ground before disappearing. What is that power? It isn't demonic power. Is it….Dragon's power?

"Raiser Phenex. The person you are now— You do not deserve power. You do not deserve fame. You do not deserve riches. You do not deserve respect. You do not deserve even a single woman you claim to own. But even more than that…..Above all else…."

Raiser's fireball continued to grow more and more until it surpassed three times the size of his body. The flames were unstable and ready to burst. Mephisto readied his attack - and spoke slowly.

"—You do not deserve Rias Gremory's smile."


Raiser launched his attack.


—And with one strike - Mephisto's powered fist collided with it and the entire dimension shook as the stadium was covered in dust.


The world was silent. The dust slowly cleared enough for us to see.


A calm wind cleared the final specs of dust in the center of the field, left standing in the same position, was Mephisto. A crater that was massive enough to be considered part of the entire stadium sat under his feet. His top of half of clothing was nothing but strings. He looked up at the sky silently.


The sky of the dimension was cracked and had tears in it. We wouldn't be able to stay here much longer. However, even more than that, the place in where Raiser was at was empty. Instead, what fell from his spot, slowly descending from the sky, was a golden feather with flames emerging from it.

A feather? It was only then that I realized it - once the feather landed ahead of Mephisto's shoes, I realized it.

In legend, when a Phoenix dies and is reborn, it is rebirthed from the flames poured onto its final remaining feather. Considering that it was something that did not happen since the great war, it was not something I had known until thinking of it. That flaming feather which was slowly but surely taking on the form of a person….

—Right there, before our very eyes, Raiser had "died".


Mephisto sighed and turned to our direction. He waved casually.

"Ooooooooyy! It's over!"


The silence remained for a few seconds. All until I noticed Onii-sama tap Grayfia from the corner of my eye.

[Raiser Phenex-sama, has been defeated. It is the loss of the Phenex clan.]


Clap, clap, clap!

"Hahahahaha. Magnificent. A splendid display."

Onii-sama clapped from his seat with amusement. The majority of us could only sit there in disbelief. Someone from the stands next to Raiser's parents jumped out into the field.

"How could you do this?! This is-! To go so far-!"

It was the younger sister of Raiser, Ravel Phenex. She shouted at Mephisto in disbelief while looking down at her brother's now reformed, naked body.


Mephisto gave a cool smirk with no animosity or negativity whatsoever and pointed his fist at Ravel.

"Let Raiser know that I am willing to accept a challenge from him any time. If you have any complaints I will be willing to listen to them at any time."

Ravel could only stay silent. After that, Mephisto turned and began walking in our direction. When his gaze landed on us - on me - he lifted his arm high into the air and waved at me like a child with a giddy smile.

"Come then. Let's go congratulate the winner, shall we?"

Onii-sama stood from his seat. His servants stood with him. With some hesitation my parents followed suit. I also stood with my servants. Raiser's parents remained in their seats in shock.

Our group descended from the stands and walked onto the field. Mephisto stood there waiting for us with a smile.

"I won, Sirzechs-sama! Rias Gremory!"

"Yes, well done, Mephisto. Would you like to tell us what your 'order on behalf of Gremory' is?"


That's right. His request was to make a decision on behalf of the Gremory household. What will he order?

He hit his palm with his fist in realization.

"Oh yeah!"

He suddenly stepped towards me and held his hand out in a gesture that looked like he was commanding me. And—

"On behalf of the Gremory household - I hereby disbar you from any forced engagements now and forever in the future, Rias Gremory!"



My father yelled in shock. My mother questioned Onii-sama.

"Sirzechs! You can't possibly let him do this! This is certainly a detriment to the Gremory household!"

Onii-sama smiled.

"I'm afraid I cannot do anything of it. What you may consider a detriment does not truly inhibit the well being of the Gremory in any way. It is only the opinions of you and the higher ups who believe that. In truth, this will have no serious effect on it. Unfortunately, as a Maou I must keep my promise. Though there are no binding contracts for it - or perhaps you would rather I have it sealed through a proper contract and made into Gremory policy? I would prefer if you simply agreed rather than taking your power from you and having you agree through official means after trying to 'obstruct a Maou's vow'. It would be cruel irony for that to happen, wouldn't it?"

My mother and father went silent at his response. There was nothing either of them could say.

"In that case, the request is granted. Congratulations, Mephisto. Or should I say, congratulations, Rias."


Onii-sama congratulated me with a smile. I could feel tears building up in my eyes.

This cannot be real...This is a dream...This is surely a dream. I will soon wake up only to realize that this was nothing but a sweet dream, won't I?...

"Yoshaaaaaaaa! Victoryyyyyyy!"

Mephisto jumped into the air while shouting victory. He gave me a v-sign with his fingers and—

"Red team wins!"

—A wide toothy grin of pure joy.


The final powerful pulse of my heart shook my body.




"Ano…..Rias? Moshi, moshi~ Are you there? Ehehehe….ehe...eh…...eto…."


"Rias, are you alrig—"

Before he could even ask me, I had already jumped into his arms and pressed my lips against his own.








—After a short while, our lips separated.

"Eh? Nani? Eh?"

Mephisto's awkward smile twitched in confusion. Only then did I realize I was still in his arms.

"I-I'm sorry!"

I pushed myself off of him immediately.

"Eh? Nani? Nanda? Nani ga atta? Eh?"

He was left there with his hands pointing in different directions and a confused smile. He could only speak in unclear Japanese. My face flushed and my entire head burned with embarrassment. My head was spinning.

I k-kissed him unconsciously. I jumped into his arms and k-kissed him without thinking. I have never d-done such a thing. It was my first kiss…...Yet, I don't seem to regret it…

"Hahahahaha. It looks like this took quite a turn, Mephisto. It seems that your true prize ended up being Rias's first kiss instead."

Onii-sama laughed in amusement. Mephisto suddenly became shocked and howled into the sky.

"Eh?! Eh?! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh?!"

He continued howling into the sky as I felt my body burn hotter than Raiser's flames. I could see the redness of my entire body matching my hair.

"Toutou-sama! Are you there?! Can you see me now?! What is happening to me?! Grandfather in Heaven—! Wait! Why are you in Heaven you traitor, come down to hell with your Grandson goddammit!"

He randomly began yelling at up people who weren't there. "Toutou-sama"? Does he mean "Outo-sama" (Father)? Why does her refer to him like that? I've never even heard of fathers being referred to in such a way. It sounds like a made up word. Could it be a familial thing? Whatever the case, that's necessary information for me— No, wait, why would I have to—?

"Excuse me. We will need to evacuate from this place. The dimension will be falling apart soon."

Grayfia informed us calmly. Onii-sama nodded.

"Yes. Let us go then."


After we exited the dimension, Raiser and his family quickly returned home with his peerage. Onii-sama's servants bid their goodbyes as well. My mother and father remained silent along with us as Mephisto spoke with Onii-sama casually.

"Would you like to join us for a meal, Mephisto? It is surely the time for lunch isn't it?"

Mephisto pumped his fist happily.

"Osu! I'm suuuuuuper hungry—"


Before he could finish, a small magic circle appeared on the back of his hand. It had a unique equation with many Roman digits on it. It almost resembled a clock. Could it be a timed spell? It is quite complex. Honestly too complex for me to decipher. This must be the magical prowess of the "prodigious protege" we've heard of.

Mephisto suddenly became pale and frantically began running.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Late! I'm late! I'm seriously fucking late! Late, late, late, late, late! Laaaaaaaaate!"

He waved back as he started running.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go! I'm really late for something so I need to go now! Bye-byeeeeee!"

We were left standing there silently. Onii-sama chuckled.

"Mhmhmhm. Rias, would you mind letting Mephisto know that he is running the wrong way before he gets lost?"


He nodded his head. I held my hand over my chest and gathered my courage. I quickly followed after Mephisto by myself before he could reach the next hall.


I called out to him. He stopped abruptly and turned.

"Oh, yo Rias."

Despite the fact that he had shot off in a hurry he greeted me casually. I took a few seconds to catch my breath before speaking. It wasn't the run that stole me breath, it was something else. I took a calm breath before saying something that deviated from the purpose I was originally sent for.

"Mephisto, I….You went so far for me.…..I don't how to thank you…...you….."

I was truly at a loss for words. Mephisto simply smiled at waved his hand.

"Ah, ah, it's fine, it's fine! As long as you're happy that's all that matters!"

My face flushed at his response.…My chest tightened as I spoke...I called the lump in my throat



He interrupted me.….What did…?


"My name. It's the name that my mother gave me. Though it isn't technically my official name, it's the one I prefer for those who are close to me to refer to me as. My mother's name. My name. So, let me reintroduce myself."

He placed a thumb against his chest.

"I'm Hyoudou Ise! Nice to meet you! Or should I say - it has been a while, Rias Gremory!"

He grinned widely at me...I could not fight the smile that reached my lips.

"Yes….Yes! Hello again, Ise!"

He nodded happily. Then he turned pale again after looking down at the magic circle behind his hand.

"Ah, shit, shit! Still late, still late!—Aha! I've got it!"

He extended his arm and spawned a magic circle beneath himself. He let out a sigh of relief as he wiped his brow. The circle slowly began to envelope his body with light. I decided to ask him one last question before he disappeared.

"W-Wait! I-Ise! I still don't understand-! What is your reason for doing all of this?! Why did you save me?!"

I asked the question that I simply wanted to hear the answer to once more. Just once more. If it is true….then…

"Hm? Reason?"

He tilted his head with a smile.

"Is it really necessary to have a reason behind saving someone in need?"




—With that, the light enveloped him and he was gone in a momentary flash.




I placed my hand over my chest softly.

"...Hyoudou Ise…."


In the dim red light of a bizarrely designed room, was a man playing mini golf on a course that had oddly designed obstacles like one eyed beasts and other miniature structures. An odd, almost distorted melody played on a 1950s record player and filled the room with sound. A golf ball fell into the hole post.

"Oya. Bogey."

The man took the ball out of the hole and walked back to another starting point of the course. Another man approached him from behind.



The man in a suit called out to the man playing golf. The man playing golf wore a white magician's outfit. He had dark purple hair and lazy, heterochromic blue-red eyes. He is also very tall, having a height of 195cm. The elegant white outfit consists of a white top hat with pink and purple around the base, purple gloves, a tie that is pink with white dots, a white suit-shirt and undershirt, jester-style pants, and pointed shoes. He resembled a magician or jester in almost every sense of the word.

This man - is no man. He is a Devil.

"It seems that your son has done something quite bizarre."

"Oya, Johann? Good boy. He makes his father proud."

The Devil spoke in a lighthearted tone with a resting, mischievous smirk that implied he was always smiling. The Devil set his ball on the ground below him.

"Yes, he seems to have disrupted the union between two family's. An engagement, between Phenex and Gremory."

"Oho~ An arranged marriage between Pure-blooded Devils, very nice~ Good choice."

The Devil positioned himself and readied his golf club.

"You don't find this troublesome for the reputation of the House, Pheles-sama?"

"Huhuhuhu~ [Trouble and chaos], that is the motto of Mephistopheles. I am a libertarian after all. So is my son. Though, I am more of a libertine than anything."

"I see. In that case, I suppose the other news should interest you a bit more then."

"Oya. What is that?"

"It seems that there is a certain unknown organization moving in the shadows lately. The Maou have become worried about what sort of organization they are."

"Hoho~ Has anything happened with them?"

"No, nothing yet it seems. They have yet to do anything. The only thing that makes them seem shady is the problem of many Devils suddenly deciding to cut their ties and join the organization, only to not show themselves to the public anymore—"

"Boooring~ Not interested~"

"I see. What about the topic of the death of the current Sin of Sloth?"

The Devil's pointy ears flicked once.

"Oya. The Sin of Sloth?"

"Indeed. It seems that the current, or should I say last, Sin of Sloth has been killed. He was killed 6 days ago."

"Hohoho~ is that so? Interesting. Who killed him?"

"Your son."

The Devil froze in place. After a few seconds of silence, the Devil's body began moving slightly in place, almost as if he was shivering. He let out a low humming sound. Or more accurately—


He was laughing.


He lifted his golf club and spun it in his hand. It suddenly "poofed" pink smoke and transformed into a black cane with a red spherical jewel sitting at the top. He made an elegant stance with his cane and pulled his top hat over his eyes. Only his glowing, left red eye was visible, along with a devilish smile. The dim red light cast a large form shadow onto the wall.

"[Yare, yare], as they say. That childish son of mine surely knows well to keep things—"

The large, thin, and black, mischievous form of a Devil with a crooked smile cast itself onto the wall behind him.



There you go! Okay! So, where do we start? Let's start with: I don't expect this to stay a OneShot at all, lol. I am very much expecting there to be people who want this story to continue. And I'm not gonna lie to you, if I didn't have the very subtle desire to write this as a full-fledged story, then I would not have posted it. So I'm willing to bite the bullet on that. That being said, unlike my other stories, this one would most likely not be updated as much as my other stories because I won't be including it in the update schedule. It's a story I only want to write whenever I get inspiration for it, not as a part of the update schedule. So it won't have set times for when it gets updated. It'll be updated when the ideas start flooding into my mind. Luckily, I have plenty of ideas resting in my mind for this story already because this was a story I had in the works of my mind for a long time.

All that aside, the story. So, you guys basically get the gist of it right? This was obviously just like a prologue to the story itself. Ah, but you might be wondering what the premise of the story means then. Yeah, it's what I said before. I mean think about it, Issei kind of seems perfect in this story doesn't he? Strong, heroic, polite, somewhat intelligent, and very Shonen protagonist like. He really was the perfect outcome for Rias. But here's where the question of the premise comes in. Is that really how it is? Issei seems perfect on the surface, but could there be more to that? What was the last section about? What were those times in which Issei displayed a "certain expression" for only less than a moment about? How is he so powerful? Why does he have a reputation amongst high level beings? Mystery, mystery, mystery. There's more under the skin then you can see, isn't there? Well, if you know anything about Hunter x Hunter like I mentioned, then you know one thing or two about "innocent smiles"...

Also, yes. Out of all my stories, this one has the most obvious influence by other series. First off, Mephisto Pheles is literally just Mephisto Pheles from Ao no Exorcist (Blue Exorcist), except with heterochromic blue-red eyes and a cane. Why? Because the one from DxD is fucking lame and there's no information about him, lol. I decided it would be infinitely better if a character like him was instead the Mephisto Pheles for this story. He fits quite well in the DxD story after all. Of course, only his personality and appearance are the same. It wouldn't make sense for him to be one of the 5 Devil kings or whatever like in [BE] because that is a whole different universe. Also, the other obvious influence is Hunter x Hunter. Issei's modified Boosted Gear is literally just another unique version of Kurapika's Conjured Chains. In case you're wondering about the design change, I just think the gauntlet is annoyingly bulky and this Issei certainly wouldn't want to look uncool. Plus, there's also a mystery surrounding his Gear as well, I'm sure you noticed that. Also again, Issei's last attack towards Raiser was like a different version of the Jajanken that Gon uses lol.

So for some trivia: Issei's full legal name is [Johann Mephisto Wittenberg Pheles]. His mother (Lady Hyoudou) was the one who wanted to give him the name of Ise (and calls him that), but her decision ended up being overridden by the father. "Johann" prefers the name "Ise", obviously. If you are wondering why his official name is not Issei, it's because, no shit it's not. He's a Devil from a Pure-blooded father. I've seen so many Fanfic where Issei is a Pure-blooded Devil and his name is just "Hyoudou Issei", and I'm just like "fuckin how lol". It makes no sense for two Pure-blooded Devils to name their kid that. And it's odd for a Devil born from a prestigious Pure-blooded Devil father to be named "Hyoudou Issei". It just doesn't seem like a thing that would believably happen in the universe. It really kills your suspension of disbelief and breaks the immersion. So anyway, Issei's name is an obvious reference to the actual story of Mephistopheles from Faust. [Johann] is obviously the first name of [Johann Georg Faust]. [Wittenberg] is a reference to the actual location in Germany in which the story of Faust takes place. Meanwhile, [Mephisto] and [Pheles] are both in there as well. Though in order to avoid confusion, Issei is most commonly referred to as [Mephisto] by the public, because after his birth Mephisto Pheles finally had an heir to his house and they were officially considered a proper Extra Demons household. Plus, the name of the household is "Mephisto" not "Pheles" or anything else. [The Mephisto Household] or [Mephisto clan], I guess is what you could call it. Ah, also, little thing but Issei's birthday in this story is May 1st. May 1st is Saint Walpurgis night, a night for celebrating the Saint Walpurgis in Germany. This is the day that the story of Faust was said to have taken place. Lastly, Issei is an Otaku haha. Just like in Cannon, Issei loves Shonen anime. That's why there was a little [Katekyo Hitman reborn!] reference in there.

So Yeah. Hahaha. Tell me what you guys thought I guess. First and foremost let me know if you'd want this story to continue. I really hope this inspires some authors to try out a similar idea, but technically this has always been a thing so maybe not?

Does it feel like I nailed the Rias perspective? What did you think about Issei's character? Why do you think he is so powerful? What is the mystery behind his personality? What is the mystery behind his reputation? What is the mystery behind his physical and magical abilities? What is the mystery behind the Mephisto Household? What sort of effects will what Issei has done have on the universe of DxD? What sort of effects will having such a different Issei have on the universe in general?

Don't know why I'm asking these questions when this isn't a full-fledged story yet. Probably because I don't expect it to stay a OneShot this time.

Read, Rate, Review go crazy.

Stay frosty.