Disclaimer: I don't own the Originals. If I did, Elena and Caroline would leave the Mystic Falls drama behind and finds their true loves with the Mikaelson's in New Orleans.

Chapter 1

Dalia watched invisible to all others in the room as her little sister gave birth to twin baby boys, Elijah and Elian. She had left Freya sleeping in her room at the little hut she had been living in for the past 10 years to come here, something telling her it was important. Dalia stepped closer to the bed as Mikael left the room when Esther fell asleep, the boys in a simple carved cot, undoing the invisibility spell as she did so. She looked over her two newborn nephews. Elian was sleeping peacefully, his head on Elijah's shoulder as Elijah's arm was covering him almost protectively, he too sleeping, though somewhat less peacefully. She could feel the magic in the air. It seemed it was more than just arm Elijah was protecting his brother with. Even at birth, his magic was strong. She untangled the two brothers and picked Elijah up. He stirred and Dalia carefully rocked him back to sleep. She quietly cast a spell to look into his future and what she saw gave her only one choice.

She couldn't let the suffering she saw him go through happen, couldn't let so much good and potential go to waste. Dalia left the boat with Elijah in tow, not bothering to erase or change their memories. Let them know. They couldn't do anything to stop her or change her mind. It was far too late for that.

Dalia smiled as she watched Freya keep a wide eyed stare on Elijah who was staring back. Freya put her face right up against her little brother's, who waved his arm in her face as soon add she got close enough. Freya giggled, catching his tiny hand in hers.

"I will protect you brother," she said, sounding as serious as a 5 year old could. "Always and forever."


As the years passed, the siblings grew up together with their aunt who was more like a mother than anything else. Freya grew up to be beautiful inside and out, and more powerful than Dalia had thought, using her magic to heal those nearby. Elijah had grown up to be adventurous and strong, noble and powerful, travelling everywhere he could, including, once of twice, the new world where their siblings now lived with Mikael and Esther. He never let himself be seen of course, but he had seen them. He was also extremely protective of his older sister and aunt.

When he was 24 and Freya 29, Elijah rushed into their home with a rolled up piece of parchment.

"Elijah!" Freya said with a grin add she jumped up from the dinner table to hug him in getting.

"You're home," Dalia said with a smile. "We weren't expecting you to be back for another week!" She frowned slightly at the look on his face and Freya pulled away. It was clear to her that her nephew – who felt more like a son to her – was more than a bit upset. "What's wrong?"

"I visited the new world, where our siblings live," he said quietly. Freya and Dalia frowned slightly, giving him a concerned look. He had visited there often, coming back with tales both of his own and of their younger siblings, Niklaus, Kol, Rebekah and Henrik. He had never come back like this. It worried the two women.

"What happened, brother?" Freya asked, taking hold of his hand as Dalia led him to a chair.

"It's Henrik… the wolf men got to him," he got out. He heard the women gasp in shock.


"Are you sure?" Elijah nodded. Freya let out a sob and Dalia took them both in her arms, holding them tight as all three of them mourned the loss of the youngest family member they never truly got to know. Dalia would approach the subject of the scroll he had brought home with him in the morning.

"It's a spell," he said. "I found it the night I left. She," Elijah had never referred to Esther by her name or even as Mother, "created 2 spells after Henrik. One, she used one our siblings. She turned them into Nightwalkers. They are immortal, but cannot walk in the sun or practice magic. This is the other. It allows us to become immortal with most of the strengths of our siblings but still practice magic whilst keeping our eyes on the others. I think… she might have been intending on using it on herself."

Dalia scowled.

"Typically. Even when supposedly trying to keep her children safe, she thinks only of herself. Those poor children. To feel such losses as they have over the week. First losing Henrik, now the loss of their magic..."

Over the course of the next few days, they made the decision to use the spell stolen from Esther, making themselves immortal witches, even if it was only to reunite with and keep the company of their family.

They made the journey to the new world together this time to make a formal introduction, only to find a blood covered abandoned battlefield.

"It's already started," Dalia said sadly as her niece and nephew started around then in horror. "Esther should have checked the repercussions of her spell. The bloodlust has overtaken them. Nature must always have a balance. This – the bloodlust – is the balance which has been decided."

"And what of us?" Elijah asked. "I refuse to become this. What is our price?"

'Clever boy," she thought to herself as she felt her energy wane. Elijah turned towards her as she stumbled. Freya joined their side quickly as he caught her, resting her head in his lap.

"The spell didn't turn me," Dalia said quietly. "Once I am gone… the price for the spell is paid."

They sat with her for 2 hours after her fading, crying for yet another loss in their family in the past 2 weeks. Freya and Elijah buried her on a hill facing the sunset, the village their siblings had lived in for their human lives being buried in the centre where am old white oak tree has once stood before being burned down presumably by their siblings.

"We need to find them," Freya said. "We need to find our family. Help them gain control."

"How?" Elijah asked. "You saw what they did, and we don't have a bloodlust to help by example."

"We'll find a way brother. For family. Always and forever."