I know people, you must be all wondering why I updated this chapter when my story has already been adopted. The reason is quite simple, it's because the one who adopt my story, Azure King and Azure Queen, did not adopt my story as how it is, and continue it from the point I left it, making his story an entirely different version from this one. I really don't know if that is really how an adopted story works, but while it's a very good story on its own, it also gave me the opportunity to continue this fic without causing any confusions.

I have decided to continue this fic (I will work on both Naruto/DxD stories that I have for the time being. I believe I can do it, since they are different to each other). I has already made plans for the next 20 chapters, so you don't have to worry if I have any writing-block. Please forgive me for my previous desicion, but it was really hard for me to continue writing this fic back then because I had no idea how I should do it.

Remember to check out Azure King and Azure Queen story too. It's a damn good one.

Summary: In the year 2024, a man known as The Creator founded Maelstrom Automata Corporation and became famous for their production of the worldly phenomenal YoRHa Androids. Said to be a man with many secrets, no one had ever seen him or met him in person… that is, until one of his androids accidentally summon a certain crimson haired devil. [Naruto/Nier: Automata/High School DXD]

"Naruto" Normal Speech.

'Naruto' Normal Thought.

"Rasengan" Magic/Jutsu/Technique.

"YoRHa" Demon/Monster/Bijuu Normal Speech.

'YoRHa' Demon/Monster/Bijuu Thought.

The Creator

Chapter 2

"You said you found this in the mailbox?"

Sitting on the couch in the living room, Rias quietly sipped the tea from the cup in her hand as she listened to the conversation between Naruto Uzumaki, the creator of YoRHa androids and the chairman of Maelstrom Automata Corporation, and one of his personal creations. If it weren't for the presences of Devola and Popola, who had stripped from their outfits and were sunbathing by the pool in their sexy green bikinis, Rias wouldn't believe that he was the mysterious Creator. Nothing about him said so. He had changed into a more formal outfit, consisting of a black shirt with a massive F word written on the front in orange and black jeans that had several cuts on the knees, making him look a bit like one of those rebellious teenagers who played for their school's football team. His shirt was loose, so it didn't show much, but she could see the firm muscles of his arms and could tell he was in great physical shape for a man. The only genius she had seen with those traits was Ajuka Beelzebub, but he was a devil so his could always keep a youthful appearance, and because of his nature, he was normally more attractive than human males. However, the former Ajuka was nowhere near as tall as Naruto, and, Rias had to admit, nowhere near as handsome, as his whisker marks also gave him an exotic cuteness. The young heiress to the Gremory Household knew better than to judge a book by its cover, but there had been so many anticipations, so many rumors around the creator of androids, so it hard for her to believe that Naruto was indeed him.

"Yes." 6O nodded her head and then reached her hand into her skirt pocket to pull out an envelope "I found it in the mailbox along with this letter this morning. They had our address, but didn't specific to whom so I got curious..."

"I understand. I will keep this for the time being, you can leave now." Naruto said with a smile as he removed the letter from the envelope and read, making 6O smile and lowering her head to her creator before turning around to walk away "You can use this to summon a devil. Simply wish for what you want the most and one of them will appear to grant it to you… rather straight forward don't you think?" Naruto asked, chuckling humorously and then turned the letter around, but he couldn't find anything else. "You sure this letter isn't from one of the devils from your family?"

"Yes, I am sure." Rias put the cup of tea down the table and answered. "We usually don't use mail to advertise our services, and this state isn't one of our territories, so that can't be ours." Rias had been shocked when she found out that she had been summoned halfway around the world to Naruto's private residence located on a sea-side cliff along the coast of Malibu, California. The Gremory had many devils working in many States of United States of American, but California wasn't one of them.

"But that is the symbol of your family." White, the android who sat next to her creator, questioned Rias, making her nod her head in response "Can a devil from another family make a copy of it?"

"They can't… at least, the symbol won't work the way they want it to. Also, while we Gremory all use the same symbol, it summoned me specifically so it has to be one of the leaflets that belong to me, and my servants. You can't summon my parents or anyone else from my family with that." Rias shook her head and then turned her attention to Naruto's android assistant, who also looked at her almost instantly "White, you know what it is from the start, don't you?" She asked politely, not wanting to make the female android dislike her even more than how she already appeared to be.

"You devils usually don't use mail to advertise your service, but you do." White answered emotionlessly, repeating the words Rias had said previously. "It's all over the Internet. You only need to know where to look."

"Ah well, I guess that explains it."

"So, what is your leaflet doing halfway around the world? My address is here, so it can't be sent to the wrong address." Naruto spoke up and gave the letter to Rias "Can you recognize the handwriting? Is it from anyone that you know?" The crimson haired young woman looked at it for a moment before shaking her head. The handwriting was unfamiliar so she could not tell who wrote it.

"I can't, sorry."

"Ah well, don't worry about it." Naruto smiled as Rias returned the letter to him and put it back into the envelope "I will have to take a look in this matter a bit more carefully. I really don't care what they are planning, but there is a possibility that whoever sends me this letter knows exactly who I am, which is a problem because only my androids here do." Rias nodded her head in understanding as he handed the envelope to White "Why don't you keep this for me, White?"

"Yes, master." The android took it from her creator and then put the letter away as Naruto turned back to Rias.

"You're from Japan, correct?" Naruto asked and Rias smiled radiantly in response. "It's been a while since I was there but as far as I can remember, it's a wonderful country."

"It really is, Naruto-san." Rias said before she decided to ask what she had been wondering since the moment he learnt his name "Say, are you Japanese too, Naruto-san?"

Naruto grinned "It's the fishcake meaning of my name, isn't it?" Rias nodded her head "Yes, indeed I am. I really miss that part about my name. It's been awhile since I had someone taken notice of that. While there are many Japanese in this country, I mostly stay here so I don't meet them that often, but it's always great to meet someone from home."

"It's an amazing country, Naruto-san." Rias smiled before saying "To tell you the truth, I was very surprised when I saw you. I thought…"

"What?" The blond asked in amusement "Were you expecting someone a bit shorter, older and a bit less handsome looking?"

"W-well, yes, I'll be honest… you do not look like a genius inventor or a billionaire to me at all, Naruto-san." The crimson haired princess said, making Naruto chuckle a bit. She paused for a second, and then made up her mind, deciding to ask him the question everyone had wanted to ask him ever since the moment the twin androids introduced themselves to the world "Can I ask you something, Naruto-san?" He smiled, nodding his head in approval "It's actually something everyone has wanted to ask you. Why did you create the YoRHa androids, and why did you choose to not reveal yourself to the world?" Reporters and scientists from all over the world had asked Devola and Popola those two questions, but every time they only received the same answer from them, that they did not know the answers themselves. The Creator had never revealed such information to them, and not that they had ever found a need to learn about his reasons to create them. "You don't have to answer…"

"Ah it's fine." Naruto shook his head and said, chuckling mischievously in a manner not unlike a fox with the faint whiskers on his cheeks "Would you believe me if I tell you that I created the androids because I was bored?" Rias widened her eyes in shock, not expecting such answer from him "I was bored to death at the time. I woke up one morning, went to the bathroom to do my morning chores and I looked at myself in the mirror while brushing my teeth, thinking damn the dude looking right back at me is goddamn good looking." The crimson haired young woman sweat dropped and smiled forcefully, but Naruto continued without a pause "Then I went to the nearest grocery store, flirted with the young ladies there before I ate my breakfast with one of them, maybe two of three at the same time, can't really tell." Naruto recalled, rubbing his chin while chuckling humorously "Then I went home, turned on the TV to watch the news, listening to how people dealing with natural disaster these days. Then I went to that same grocery store…"

"Master…" White decided to speak up. Her voice was firm and also a bit cold.

"Oh yeah, forgive me for ranting those unnecessary details." Naruto laughed while scratching the back of his head, making Rias shake her head with a small smile "Anyway, that's the idea. Because I lived that same routine over and over and over, I started to get bored of it. Soon, I lost interest in my own life, and started to do… things to make it somewhat interest again, like kicking puppies on the streets, throwing a fucking sock over my head and robbing the same grocery store I went to every day with a water gun… Later on that day, I went home after escaping from the police station, and smashed everything I had because I just felt like it."

"Naruto-san…" Rias interrupted. She couldn't hold it anymore. She had to say it. "I know people who believe you are a mad scientist but… you are really one mad man, aren't you?" She asked.

"Ara, you are correct." Naruto smirked, returning the smile she was giving him.

"So what's next?"

"Well, when I finally realized what I was doing and stopped, literally everything I had was destroyed… so I decided to fix them myself. Things like doors and windows were easy, but electronic devices were very difficult. I actually did not know a thing about mechanical engineering at the time." He recalled with a small chuckle "I was really furious that I could not fix them, and decided to go to a library the next morning. There, I read every book about mechanical engineering I could find, and sort of became an expert about it."

"You read every book?" Rias asked in surprise. "How many of them did you read there?"

"Can't remember, but I was sure that the librarians threw me out that night because I was sleeping on them. I was pretty sure that I also accidentally read a few…"

"Hold on a second, that night? You are telling me that you read that many books in a single day?" There had to be a lot of them, because no one could learn how to become an expert mechanic by reading a couple of books. While she trusted him and Naruto did not look like someone who could lie with a straight face, Rias had secretly casted a lie detecting spell under the table, and so far he had only been telling her the truth.

"I like books, so that's not a big deal to me." Naruto said casually while rubbing his chin, making Rias drop her jaws in disbelief "So I went home, with new parts I grabbed from the local stores and started fixing things up. When I was done, I didn't know what to do with the leftover parts and the ones that I broke, so I humored myself by making things from them, no reason. Overtime, I started to like it and finally I decided to become a full-fledged inventor, because it's fun to create something no one has ever seen before then mess around with them. Later, I sold some of my early inventions on EBay and caught the attention of some real deal people, who later gave me the idea of founding my own company, giving me an opportunity to send out my inventions to people and really put them into good use. Sometime later, I created the first sentient robotic life form, the prototype of every YoRHa androids that you know today. It's over there." He finished with a smile, and pointed his hand to an odd looking robot sitting on top of a bookshelf on the other side of the room. Because the robot had a round head and a widely grinning face, Rias couldn't help but think it was a bit creepy "And for your second question, the reason I do not want to reveal myself to the world because I am a man of peace, and don't want to be the central of attention." With that said Naruto raised his hands up and made a gesture like he was mediating with his eyes closed, his breathing slow and steady.

"Uhm… forgive me for saying this but… I think that's the reason why you became so bored in the first place." Rias said while sweat dropping, but Naruto merely waved his hand dismissively before continuing "Still, you are really amazing Naruto-san, becoming the man that you are now in such a short amount of time like that. You really are a genius."

"Thank you for saying that. You know, it's nice to talk with someone about that part of my life." He then looked at his android assistant and said with a smile, his head leaning a bit toward her "Someone who doesn't know me too well, of course."

"You're welcome, Naruto-san. It's an honor to finally meet you." Rias said "You are nothing like I have imagined."

"You will keep getting surprised by me if you decide to stick around." Naruto smiled before continuing "Hey, you wanna see something cool? I have something to show you. Follow me." He asked, gesturing his head toward an elevator door near the staircase near them before standing up with his hands putting on the table.

Rias was about to stand up, but White seemed to know what he wanted to do so she spoke to him while glancing at Rias, rather cautiously "Master, I don't think…"

"It's okay. Rias is already here, isn't she? I have already told her the reason I started making androids, so it's not hurt to show her a bit more. You know what…" He told his assistant before looking at Rias "Hey Rias, can I hire you to talk to come talk to me or something? It's really cool to meet someone from the… outside world."

"Oh, yes of course you can." Rias nodded her head as she then pulled out a piece of paper that she had prepared in case she had a new customer. "My service comes with a fee, but I am sure a billionaire like you can easily cover it. Also you can ask me to do anything that you want, but I don't do sexual acts. There are other devils that do those works."

"Really, it's such a shame? You are really beautiful." He said, making Rias blush a bit "Kidding aside, I expect as much. Watch over the house for me, neh?" He smiled, looking at the blonde android, who lowered her head and then walked away. "Follow me Rias, my workshop is this way." He told her, and pointed his hand at the elevator door on the other side of the room. With an excited smile, she followed Naruto and went into it with him. He then pressed a few buttons, and then Rias could feel a very small, almost unnoticeable movement of the elevator going down.

"Your workshop… does that mean we are going to…"

"Where I work and create new androids, yes, it is. You do not expect me to have a workshop somewhere in my house, do you? Too much noise, and there are also problems with the mailmen so I has it in my basement." He said.

"I-I can believe that I am about to…" Rias squealed, almost sounding like a fan girl.

"Chill Rias." Naruto couldn't help but chuckle while eyeing her expression "It's nothing special. You look like a smart young woman, Rias, so maybe you can help me out around the place too. Of course, I won't be expecting you to start creating androids from scratches like I do anytime soon… ah here we go." He announced as the doors opened before them, revealing a large, open area with mostly concrete walls, which held a number of glass cases that stored several inactive android models. In addition, he also had a collection of both vintage and up-to-date cars around his workshop, parked near an access ramp back to street-level. It appeared that the workshop also possessed a highly advanced hologram projector system that was displaying a variety of digital projections, from the more normal invention like the Arc Reactor, one of the most known creation of Uzumaki Automata after the YoRHa android, to the inside and basic information of a combat YoRHa unit.

"W-woah…" Rias muttered in amazement while looking around. There were so many things to see. Not only was she able to recognize his inventions, but also some of the early models YoRHa androids around the place as well. The workshop was absolutely amazing to look at.

"Not something you can see everyday, isn't it?" Naruto asked with a small smile before he took out a phone from his pocket "Why don't you take a look around, Rias? I need to make a phone call."

"Yes of course." Rias nodded her head and walked a head.

"Don't touch anything you don't know." Naruto shouted after her before calling the only number that he had in his phonebook. After that, it only took him a few seconds to hear a soft and feminine greeting on the other side. "Hey Gabriel, it's me."

"Naruto... it's been awhile." Gabriel said, and he could almost see her smiling "How are you doing?"

"Great, you don't watch the news?" He asked humorously "So how's things up there?"

"It's nice... things has gotten much better since father passed away." She answered him and continued after pausing for a second "It's been years since the last time you were here. You should come visit us. Everyone misses you... I miss you, you know."

"Well, I will... but not now. I have some work to do here first." Naruto said, rubbing his eyes like he was having a headache "Uhm... look, before we are both caught up in the past, I need to tell you something first. There's a devil here at my house."

"Excuse me?"

"Before you get the wrong idea. I did not summon her, and she was no here to hurt me." He told her before she could say anything more about it "Someone sent her summing contract to my mailbox, and one of my androids got her hand on it. Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't Rias Gremory the sister of the current Lucifer?"

"Yes, you are not wrong." Gabriel answered "But who sent you the contract to summon devils? Does that mean... they know who you are? Does she know you help my father create the Sacred Gears?"

"Nah, I don't think so." Naruto shook his head as he said "Look, I think I will keep her around for now. Maybe later I will find out who did it, and for what reason. I am going to need you to help me too. See if you can find anything from your side of the world, okay?"

"Okay, but please be careful Naruto. I hate to hear that there is a devil near you know."

"You of all people should know that I can take care of myself." Naruto smiled before ending the call and turning his head to look at Rias, who was talking with a battle unit android who wore her hair in a bob on the other side of the room.

End of Chapter 2

Yagami's note: Yes people, Naruto is the co-creator of the Sacred Gears in this fic along with God from the Bible. He is after all, THE CREATOR! MUWAHAHAHAHAAH. I did not say that he's the creator of the androids only, did I? I will also spend time exploring this more later on in the story, but I think I will leave it here like that for now.

That's it for now. As usual remember to review once you have finished reading, which I hope you have had a great time doing so. It will help me a lot. Leave me a guest review to tell me what you think if you have already reviewed for the notes that I updated to this chapter.

See you in the next chapter

Ja ne!