Hello, guys. Sorry for the delay, I was out of out of town for a few days.

To Call Me writefag, no. Just no.

To PennyIsAHero, no problem, man (woman? I don't know...).

To Spineshocker62645, thank you.

So, here is the long desired alternate ending, in the version where Penny survives giving birth. Starting from the end of chapter 4, and then onwards. Enjoy!

Nine months later...

It was Friday. Nicole had just been finished with work at the Rainbow Factory, and was about to pick her children up from school. For her, Penny was now a child of hers, too.

Meanwhile, Darwin and Penny were in Mr. Small's class, while Anais wasn't in the same class due to being one grade above them.

Despite her pregnancy, Penny had not dropped out of school. She managed to keep her life in order, and besides, she wanted to have a proper education. She had found a way to handle it all.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the case for Gumball. He tried to maintain the balance between his schooling and his job. He really did. But he couldn't; it was just too much for him. And since he found his job more important, because it provided him with money that he was going to use to support his upcoming child, he made a decision that eventually wasn't the least bit easy - he had to drop out of school.

While Mr. Small was in the middle of explaining the benefits of alternative medicine to his students - it happened.

Penny's water broke.

Everybody in the class panicked, and Penny started breathing fast. Only Mr. Small remained calm.

"Ah, the miracle of birth," he said, amazed by the scene. "The greatest moment in one's life-"

"WE GOTTA GO TO THE HOSPITAL!" Darwin screamed. He immediately called Nicole to inform her, and she immediately called Gumball, who was just finishing his shift in the bowling arena. So they all rushed to the hospital together.

Once in the hospital, everybody calmed down. Well, tried to, at least. Gumball was anxiously walking from one end of the hall to the other, and his heart was pounding fast, while Nicole, Darwin, and Anais were sitting in front of one of dozens of doors in that floor of the hospital. And Penny was in labor.

Everybody obviously noticed Gumball's justified nervousness, but Nicole was starting to get annoyed by him constantly walking from here to there, so:


"Yeah?" Gumball snapped out.

"Why don't you take a seat?" Nicole said, offering her son a free seat next to her.

"Yeah..." said Gumball, all panting, "That's a good idea..." he came to the seat slowly, and he slowly sat on it. He took deep breaths in and out. He tried to get some sleep, but to no avail.

He was basically sleeping with his eyes open.

Seven hours. That's how long they were there, impatiently sitting in their seats, sweating, just wanting all this to be over as soon as possible.

Suddenly, one of the doctors emerged from the room.

"Mr. Watterson?"

Gumball instantly got up from his seat and went straight into the room, not even paying attention to the doctor.

Once inside the room, the first thing Gumball saw was Penny in the hospital bed, with tiredness in her eyes and a smile on her face, holding a newborn baby, in a big blanket, in her hands.

It was a girl. A blue fairy. She looked just like her mother, only blue.

And without a shell.

Gumball was endlessly happy to finally see his little girl.

"She looks just like you, Penny," he said, turning to his girlfriend.

"I know," Penny said, almost about to cry.

"Can I... hold it?" Gumball said carefully. Penny nodded. She carefully handed the cute little girl to her boyfriend.

When Gumball took the little girl in his hands, it's not enough to say he felt happy. He felt a lot more than that. He felt utterly thrilled and joyous, but also beautifully sad.

He was a father. He felt it in his heart.

He cried tears of joy.

"I know, Gumball," Penny said, knowing what Gumball felt without saying a word. "Me too-"

"This is the best moment of my life!" Gumball almost screamed through tears.

The little girl then smiled in such a cute smile, and tried to touch all over Gumball's face. Gumball let her. And he was glad he did, because her hands were so soft and fluffy. It made him feel like he was in he tickled her in the cheek and she smiled even cuter.

"Have you thought about a name?" Penny asked Gumball. He had not thought about that until that moment, so he took the liberty of doing it then. He looked at his beautiful little girl once more. She smiled, even happier than moments ago.

"How about Loraine?" Gumball suggested.

"That's a wonderful name," Penny said, smiling. Gumball then kissed Loraine in the forehead and handed her back to Penny, who did the same. She now also let out a tear of joy.

"Gumball..." she spoke to her boyfriend.

"Yes...?" Gumball responded.

"I'm a mother..." she barely said through tears. "It feels so beautiful to say it..."

"I know..." Gumball said and hugged his girlfriend happily. Now, he also knew that both Penny and Loraine needed rest before they could do anything else, so he added: "I hope you two come home soon."

"We will deliver the baby in a week," one of the doctors added to the subject.

"Actually," Gumball interrupted, "we would like her to keep her liver."

"They're not gonna take away her liver, Gumball," Penny said, but she turned to the doctors, "Right?" just to be sure.

"No," the doctor said, "we don't do that anymore."

Gumball and Penny both sighed in relief. Then, they looked each other in the eyes.

"I'll let you rest," Gumball told her, kissing her in the lips. "Love you."

"Love you too," Penny said back. They waved each other until Gumball finally went out of the room. Then, Penny went to sleep and snoring.

After a week, Nicole was driving the newborn girl and her mother back home from the hospital. Penny was in the backseat, holding her daughter in her arms, with an honest smile on her face.

"You know, this feels so wonderful," Penny said to Nicole.

"I know," Nicole said at the rear view mirror, remembering how she once also went through all the same. She felt a little kinda sad that her time to do this had passed. But maybe it was for the best. Because life goes on.

"Goo-goo, gah-gah," Loraine muttered. Penny turned to her.

"Yes, sweetie, that's your grandma."

And Nicole instantly stopped the car, in the middle of the street, and looked at Penny in disbelief.

"What do you mean, I'm a grandma at age 42?!" Nicole said nervously.

"Well..." Penny began, not knowing how to answer, "...you are... That's just how it is..."

Nicole looked back in the front of herself, still in disbelief, and sighed. She stared through her side window for a couple of seconds, but several cars behind her were rapidly honking, so she had to drive on.

Gumball's POV

Loraine and Penny are finally home!

I don't understand how this all happened so fast... No, wait, yes, I do, but you get the point.

I guess I just have to turn to the next page in my life.

We already took our first picture together. Loraine, Penny and I. It's so beautiful! And finally a picture that I look decent on!

Loraine is so cute. She's almost always smiling. She seems so happy. And it makes me happy that someone so happy is a part of my life. And it's my daughter. I still can't believe I have a daughter...

And Penny... she's even more beautiful than she used to be. Both physically and metaphorically. I don't know how she accomplished that, but... I don't care. As long as somebody so lovely is beside me, I really don't care.

I took the first chance I got. The first night they came home, Loraine and I were watching Daisy the donkey, and truth be told, I fell asleep first, but then I woke up, Loraine was totally sleeping in my arms. So I brought her upstairs to put her in her crib. Penny was watching all this and she was like, that's so cute. And I was still in endless joy from the fact that I actually have a child, so when I closed the door, I hugged Penny. And I mean, I hugged her really tight. I was, like, drowning in my tears of joy, and I just wanted Penny to know it. For real. She makes me happy, and Loraine makes me happy, and... this is just so beautiful.

And of course, we had sex afterwards.

There's something else that happened the other day, though. Something actually serious.

Patrick came to apologize. For what he told Penny and me.

The moment I saw him on the door, I immediately closed it, but he was like, no, please, let me in; and I was like, absolutely no way after what you did. But Penny saw him, and she was like, let him in. And she totally introduced him to Loraine. And he tried to tickle her too. But then Penny was like, dad, we need to talk. And they went outside so we couldn't hear them. Of course, mom, Darwin, Anais, and I peeked through the window. And Loraine too.

Patrick asked her if she would like to come back home to him and their family. And Penny actually put some actual thought to all that. And you could really see that Patrick was hoping. But in the end, Penny chose to stay here. And now, I know I should be happy that she stayed with me, and I know that Patrick was acting like kind of an ass lately, but something just didn't feel right. Like, come on, it's her dad after all.

But Patrick said it's okay. And they hugged, and they cried. But those weren't tears of joy. Those were tears of actual sadness. Even I felt bad about this. But Patrick said he wants his daughter to be happy, and if living with me does the thing, then so be it.

Last night, she was sleeping so peacefully. She looks like an angel when she's asleep. I didn't want to wake her up. But I did want to tell her how much I love her. So I waited till morning, until she woke up, to tell her that. She replied the same. I could see it in her eyes that she really meant it. That filled my heart.

I'm glad she's happy. And Loraine too.

Loraine's POV

I think my mommy and daddy are weirdos. Because every time they pick me up from kindergarten, they have really big smiles on their faces, and they keep those smiles all the way to home, and I think that's kinda creepy.

Granny Nicole is much nicer. She always cooks food for me.

Uncle Darwin is panicking all the time. He is still trying to feed me with the food granny Nicole made, like I can't do it on my own. I'm not a baby anymore, I'm four years old, I know how to eat!

I think aunt Anais is jealous. Daisy the donkey is a great show, but she also loves it, and I watch it all the time, so she never gets a chance to, and I think that's why she's jealous. He, he...

Sometimes we visit grandpa Richard. He's funny. But he always eats all the food around him. But he's still funny.

I know my mommy and daddy are not trying to be creepy, they just really love me, and I love them, and I think that's wonderful.

It was a little over four years after Loraine was brought to this world. It was just an average day in Elmore - depending on what you consider as average.

Gumball Watterson, the now 20-year-old blue cat, was coming home from his job at the bowling arena. He was doing quite well at it. Once he came home, he instantly fell asleep on the couch, only to be woken moments later, by a weird, but pleasant, sound of buzzing. He heard that it was coming from the backyard. So he came there. Once he did, he was glad he did.

Penny was teaching Loraine how to fly.

And she was very successful in it.

The moment Gumball saw this, his eye pupils increased four times in size, and drool came out of his mouth. It was the most ecstatic thing he had ever seen in his entire life.

"Oh, hi, Gumball," Penny said the moment she noticed him, landing herself on the ground.

"Daddy!" Loraine yelled excitedly and flew towards her father, hugging him. "I missed you."

"I missed you too, sweetie," Gumball said back. Right afterwards, Penny kissed him in the lips, and the three got together in one big hug.

Later that evening, as everyone in the house was going to sleep, Gumball thought about doing something he thought he should have done a while ago. Something he had done a few times prior to this, but this time, he was serious about it.

Right before Penny turned her night lamp off, Gumball spoke to her.


"Yeah?" she responded calmly.

"Can I ask you something?" he asked, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Of course," she said, still calm.

That's when Gumball felt a little afraid, even though he had no real reason to. He took a deep breath in and out, took her right hand, kissed it, and asked her:

"Will you marry me?"

This took Penny by a big surprise, but then she made an honest smile on her face.

"Yes. Of course!" she said, excitedly. Gumball was inexplicably thrilled to hear this. To celebrate this, they made love, passionately.

Around a year later, the big day came.

Gumball was in the kitchen, already wearing his suit, feeling nervous like never before in his life. He and Penny had decided to get married in the backyard of the Watterson household, to not complicate things unnecessarily.

Penny, on the other hand, was in the master bedroom, getting the last details done for her wedding dress. She tried her best to hold back her tears of joy. Loraine was wearing a dress made for her; she would be the one carrying the rings.

All of the Wattersons and the Fitzgeralds were invited.

Even Patrick. No surprise, he's the bride's father after all.

The wedding ceremony went awesome.

It was during the couple's first marriage dance that they both felt happier than ever. But in the middle of the whole party and the whole thing, the two sneaked back inside the house while no one was watching. At the moment, they just wanted to sit on the couch and watch the TV. So they did just that.

At one moment, Gumball spoke to Penny.


"Yes, Gumball?" Penny said sweetly.

"Thank you," Gumball said peacefully.

"For what?" Penny asked, confused.

"For being there for me," Gumball said. Penny smiled. That's how they both knew they were happy. "I love you," he added.

"I love you too," Penny said back. Then, they kissed each other passionately, and went back to watching the TV.

THE END (of alternate version)

So, there it is. This fanfic has come to an end. I hope you enjoyed reading it. Thank you for all the previous reviews, and leave some more of them. Bye!