Bedtime With Daddy

"Daddy please" little AJ said with a pout and soul full eyes as she looked at her father Johnny. "AJ please go to bed sleep please" Johnny started to say. But one look at his daughters pouty face he instantly melted into a puddle of goo. "Alright AJ one more story and then you go to sleep ok" Johnny said yawning. "Yeah" AJ said letting out a high pitched squeak. To which Johnny told her to quiet down; to which AJ and then Johnny began the story Once upon a timeā€¦.

"Ugh what a night!" Ash said to herself as she walked home. She had asked her husband to watch their kids AJ and Josh. While she continued to practice for an up and coming concert. The moment Ash entered hers and Johnny's place of residents. The first thing that Ash noticed was how bright it was. As Ash closed the door she then looked to her left and saw a sink full of dishes.

That disgusted her the most entering the kitchen Ash thought to herself the following "the least Johnny could've done was wash the dishes oh well more work for me." Ash then proceed to wash the dishes and once that was done. Ash then proceed to climb the stairs to bed. Upon entering hers and Johnny's bedroom Ash was surprised not to see him there and began to wonder where he could be. Suddenly heard what sounded like someone snoring following the sound of the snores to her daughter AJ's room. What Ash saw melted her heart Johnny asleep in AJ's bed with his arm wrapped protectively around her. AJ asleep on her father's shoulder her bedside lamp table on and one of her favorite books laying flat on Johnny's chest.

Ash then as carefully as she could navigate the minefield of books that littered the floor. Watching Johnny sleep for a few more moments before arousing him from sleep without waking their daughter of course. After a few attempts Johnny awoke and said "Ash your home let me get the dishes done and then I'll get to bed." Ash however smiled and said softly as to not wake their daughter; "I already did the dishes now come to bed already." "Ok ok I am coming" yawned Johnny as Ash helped him off his daughter's bed. Ash and Johnny then watched their daughter sleep for a few minutes more. Before each of them taking turns in kissing AJ goodnight; and turning off the light before closing the door and with that Ash and Johnny turned in for the night.