Long time no post! Originally posted on my Tumblr as plumdwarf.

This was a prompt fill for luciferprompts on Tumblr.

Prompt: Trixie makes Lucifer a friendship bracelet. Chloe catches him wearing it the next day at work.


Caught up in the latest batch of paperwork that Lucifer refused to help her with, Chloe almost didn't notice it.

Lucifer sat in his usual spot. With his elbow resting on her desk, he took up entirely too much room, but she was used to it at this point. She'd perfected the art of tuning him out so she could work in relative peace, and thus wasn't really paying him much attention at all. Not that he noticed. Or maybe he did, because he got up and left in a kind of huff, heading for the coffeemaker before returning with two mugs.

He set the mug down, right at the edge of her peripheral vision, and that was when she saw it. A bit of sunlight caught against the plastic diamond beads as they peeked out from under his cuff.

"What's that?" She finally looked away from her paperwork, eyes going between his hand as it left her coffee and his face.

"Caffeine, detective."

"Not that - your bracelet." She leaned back in her chair, picking up the mug with both hands and bringing it up to her lips. "You never struck me as the bracelet-wearing type."

Chloe might have let the whole thing go, if not for the look that came over Lucifer's face. As much as he tried to hide it, Lucifer could be an open book sometimes, and in that moment he had embarrassment written in his eyes as he struggled to look anywhere but at her. As Lucifer's cheeks turned pink, she couldn't help but muse on how adorable he looked when he was flustered.

He took a gulp of his coffee. "It's nothing."

"Well now you have to tell me." It wasn't often she made him uncomfortable, so she relished every second of it. And she knew his compulsive need to tell the truth would get her what she wanted eventually.

It only took a few more seconds of her staring him down.

"Fine. Your spawn made it for me." He pulled up his sleeve, bringing the bracelet into full view. Again, he looked away. "She gave it to me yesterday before leaving with Daniel."

Chloe couldn't help but smile. Trixie had been especially caught up in arts and crafts lately - she and Dan had their own colorful bracelets to show for it, with beads that spelled out mom and dad, respectively. She was pretty sure Maze got one, too, matching one of several Trixie sported. Unlike Maze's, which was black to match her wardrobe, most of Lucifer's beads were bright red, the color broken up by a few of the clear plastic diamonds. He turned his arm over, so she could see beads that spelled out BFF and Lucifer separated by a star-shaped bead.

Not for the first time, she wondered how Trixie had managed to crack the veneer of two of the most intimidating people she knew.

"Nice bracelet Lucifer!" Ella passed by, glancing over with her usual bright smile. She raised a hand to show Trixie had gifted her one, as well. Her voice prompted people to look over, flustering Lucifer once again as he pushed his sleeve back down.

Chloe couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm glad you're amused." He turned defensive, and Chloe was reminded of how fragile his ego could be, so she turned the laughter down a bit.

"Just never thought I'd see you wearing a friendship bracelet, that's all. Trixie will be really happy when I tell her you wore it to work today." Chloe smiled at him, reaching to take his hand. "Though I'll still never understand why she likes you so much."

After she retreated back to her paperwork, Lucifer responded, "She's a child of refined taste, clearly."

Chloe could only smile, not missing the way Lucifer's hand lingered on the bracelet, fingers fiddling with one of the beads.

Hope you liked it!