Apologies for the wait. I may go back and rewrite a portion of this. This is what happens when you write on your phone... x_x

This would happen now.

"Uh…? Lieutenant?"

Every display of every computer was fizzing out black and shutting itself off. It's a short state of silence and it's more than enough time for any rookie to stare and lean in too close. A real bad move. Soon, the sounds and visuals would pop back in a blast of absolute static.

When it does, the conference room spills out like loose marbles, Fowler leading the crowd. He tours the area, slanted lids looking for someone in mind. The search delays at Hank Anderson.

"What? You think I-"


Around them, higher ups bark for order while rookies hold onto their own ears. Those who knew, found a seat or stood while looking toward the main screen plastered on the wall. Those who didn't, strayed at their desks in panic, lifting wires and searching for clues. Gavin Reed is quick to act on them.

"Fucks sake-leave your comps alone and look at the screen!"

In the chaos, Hank manages to find his chair empty. Graciously he collapses in it. Of course something like this would happen right after the FBI took off. After Connor said his goodbyes.

Fowler moves to stand beside him. He speaks his thoughts first.

"So what you think? President?"

"If it is, shoot me. I wanna go to bed."

Fowler's chuckle is coated in a deep grunt. "We all do."

Secret calls from the President. Central Intelligence. Jericho. Yeah they came. All of them totally unplanned and annoying as hell. Bunch of traveling nameless uncles. Poppin up at the door at any hour and always, always, asking for help.

Connor now among them.

And here it comes-no stopping it. His sorry puppy face is in his head. God damn poodle eyes striking out all those "military" features. Connor. Cyberlife tried to make him perfect, and they gloriously fucked up. Connor was alive now, and quite possibly the biggest threat to the multi billion dollar industry. Cyberlife. Cyberlife that supposedly had ties with the government and the federal bureau of investigation. Sure, it only made sense for the highest level of law enforcement to reach out and pull the prototype into their high society. He just had to stay careful.

But it was Connor's choice and he agreed to it. Being alive meant all kinds of shit. The prototype knew that now. Whatever it was, going on in his head, he'd get over it. Different badge on his chest, different circle of people, Connor was Connor. He still visited the house when he could, called when he could, bent the rules a bit. He'd be fine. Whatever was bothering him, he'd be fine. At some point Hank would get the full story anyway.

The main screen continued to flicker.

He got half of it tonight.

And it went something like this.


In a few days, the first annual summit between human and android representatives would commence in Washington DC. The event itself was no big secret and success or failure, it would be a big deal in the making. Before the AX400 and the little girl hit the news, it was all the media yapped on about.

To Hank, and most cynics, it sounded like a hollywood thing. High profiles names staying in fancy ass hotels. Corporate brands hammering out android progressive values. Countdown specials with rushed documentaries and comentator debate programs filling up every channel. The prime time lineup was shot. Everything from sports to season premiers got pushed back.

Yet none of this was part of Connor's story. Connor just liked to give context lessons before getting to the main point. Well, here it was. The big surprises he couldn't tell a soul.

One. Canada's Prime Minister, a longtime dissenter of android liberation, was attending.

Why was this important? Having some slice of relatives up north, Hank didn't necessarily need it but the androids voice was evening so he let him talk. Yet again, Connor began another history lesson.

Canada, despite economic failings and an unknown android population—was still against android reform. The country stood without change and so androids lived in secret. It could sound okay but it wasn't. No status meant anything for an androids life. Their simple fate lay in the hands of anyone who found them. Regardless of where they came from, an android that fled to Canada was never heard from again.

Hank shared his two cents as Connor sat silent for a moment, most likely mulling on the unspoken numbers of dead or missing. Well maybe, after seeing some androids who are happy and not living in fear, the asshole leader would change his stupid mind. Maybe after he saw the news he-

Oh shit.

Well…onto the next surprise then. Number two. Cyberlife was also invited to the summit.

They were intended as a special guest with a speaker for an untitled topic. This one was less hopeful and even lesser a surprise. The company had swung back into the spotlight since the Reinstallment Act, a staple law requiring androids to carry identification. It could be a card or led as long as it was always in their possession.

Other laws passed around it and . Soon enough, an android's ID was no different than a smart phone for a human. It could manage payment, contact info and more. It was also, the first device made for androids to use for themselves and where else did these materials and finances come from.

Jericho kept their commentary to themselves. All that could be done on their part was to wait until the day Cyberlife would make their speech.

(Wait, days…? Shit how long was this freakin summit?)

Oh right… The next surprise. Number three. Jericho was at war with itself.

Perhaps the biggest surprise of all. Jericho always seemed to be without failure or rest. The ability to work in any field including law enforcement and medical was a grand feat in itself. It opened up permissions for androids to earn money and ownership-and Connor the right to pursue a career he wanted.

Progress was good, Hank had thought. Connor did too. but, progress apparently was too slow from the inside.

Connor was again back in his head. It had always been the androids hope that Jericho would grow stronger without fail. He told Hank that if tensions persisted, the bureau predicted the group would split into two factions. Jerichos Peace, governed by a man named Simon and Jerichos War, oversaw by a woman named North.

Marcus, it seemed, was out of the picture. And when asked about that….Connor gave no answer.

And so. Surprise number four. The last one. The one Hank had to hear at least three times.

The little human child. Alice and the android maid AX400: Kara.

Their story appeared so simple at face value. A free android saving a human child on camera. The moment goes viral. Hero of the week. And then gone, replaced by another samaritan who gets quicker fame.

Then Connor told him what really mattered. Not that they ignored the case. Not that there was footage of him chasing these girls toward uncertain death. It was laws, and rules. Some of them long established before androids were created. They brought criminals like Zlatko and Todd to justice but they also labeled the girls in the process. The human child Alice: "undocumented" and a "kidnapped victim". Then the female android, Kara, "wanted criminal" and "fugitive". Then the two of them. "Illegal defectors", hiding in Canada. Wanted.

If Hank knew this, then the Prime Minister of Canada...

But then, a small miracle. Somehow some way, before a rescue mission was in action for just the child- the footage was leaked to the public. A raw news piece with no politics attached? After months of reporting on government discourse between humans and androids? The clip spread like wildfire.

Connors voice had picked up completely. For the first time that night, he sounded himself. His first words were odd. She had made it, he said. Had she? Hank didn't comment. It sure as hell seemed there was a lot ahead for the girls. Good on them for surviving. For being strong fighters. However, right now, the son in front of him, smiling. That mattered more.


"What is it Connor?"

His boss gives him a glance.

"The picture is clearing... Pay attention."


It's not the president or the government. Not Connor of course, but it is an android man. He's not as imposing as other faces that stood before them and he wears his led on his forehead. He isn't Marcus or the one called North. He is frail and he offers a very light, very quick smile.

A silence fills the room

"Hello?" His voice shudders. A natural effect from his own tempo. "Can you hear me?"

Every screen of every device in the room had duplicated with his image. His question echoed from every speaker. Select rookies squeak in response.

Gavin rolls his eyes. "Talk. We hear you."

Hank crosses his arms. Fowler does the same. This fellow. Blonde haired. Fragile. Nervous. He has no idea who the guy is… New?

"Good evening Officers of Detroit. My name is Simon and I want to apologize for the interruption. I am the temporary council leader of Jericho for the moment and I wanted to give a quick request. I am asking that you please immediately redact all media approval to share information about that video. We've identified the subjects. They live with no protection and if they are publicly identified... Please. We do not want more bloodshed."

Again, Gavin reacts the only way he can. The asshole sat on Connor's old desk.

"Bloodshed..." He chuckles before raising his voice. "You really think they're gonna kill em? Did you even see the reactions? Have you even been to Canada, tin can?"

Simon continues as if reading from a prompter.

"By unfortunate circumstances we understand the android is labeled a felon. I fear that, no matter the country, they will face a court of law that will be unequivocally against them. They need protection and privacy that will keep them safe."

Hank stands from his seat. If only Connor stayed a few minutes longer…

"Uh. Simon. Guild member of Jericho?" Jesus Christ he should be in bed. None of this felt real. "Look sorry, but that's out of our control... and…well The FBI is already on their way to pick up the girls."

Simon blinks. He seemed totally surprised to even receive an answer.

"...Oh. Well..." It was strange. He must have joined Jericho during its change of course. He couldn't picture this boy siding with the violence that the android group once stood for."…is there any way to stop their names from being spread? We just saw the news report and we're very backed up because of the summit. The news said they have their names and-."

"Listen here and take it from me."


"It won't matter if we stop the media. Names are easy to find; android or human. What I can do to help, is connect you to the lines of our cooperating agents. They're on the road now to the summit but maybe they're willing to listen."

"Please. Anything would help."


Hank jumps in his chair.


"In my office."

Gavin crosses his arms at the display.

"So this is really is an official message?" He calls out to no one in particular. "Sounds more like a panic call... Hey. Simon. You listening?"

"Yes erm, I don't know your name."

"Ignore him Simon. Lieutentant Anderson and I can tell you some detail from the privacy of my office. Turn off the screens and focus on the one in the room back there. Everyone else, back to your stations."

Simons voice is nothing but a weak fading whisper.

"Oh uh yes, yes. Yes I can do that."