Hey guys, uh I don't own the characters, a lot of this dialogue, ehm, Yeah….


The baseball bat changed into a huge, two handed sword. The hilt was a large silver skull with a ruby in its mouth. "Percy," Blondie said. "Don't do this. He's a god." "He's a coward," Percy replied.

"Death wish." Frank repeated.

. She swallowed. "Wear this, at least. For luck." She took off her necklace and tied it around his neck.

"Reconciliation," she said. "Athena and Poseidon together."

Percy was bright red.

"Ooooh" Hazel said smiling. "He's got a crush."

"Why do you sound like a daughter of Venus?" Frank asked.

Hazel blushed and turned away.

""Thanks." Percy said, smiling. "And take this," Grover said. He handed Percy a flattened tin can that he'd probably been saving in his pocket for a thousand miles.

"What's with the tin cans?" Hazel asked.

"The satyrs stand behind you." "Grover ... I don't know what to say." said Percy. Grover patted Percy on the shoulder.

"You all done saying good-bye?" Ares came toward Percy, his black leather duster trailing behind him, his sword glinting like fire in the sunrise.

"Uh- oh." Hazel said. "Bad, bad, bad"

"I've been fighting for eternity, kid. My strength is unlimited and I cannot die. What have you got?"

"A smaller ego," Percy shouted

Ares growled. "I'll kill you slowly."

Percy backed into the water keeping his feet submerged. He closed his eyes and a wave came, catapulting him over Ares and slashing down. Ares turned just as quickly and blocked.

Ares slashed back "Not bad, not bad." He slashed again and Percy was forced to jump onto dry land.

Ares thrust at Percy and forced him back from. Percy tried to step inside Ares' reach. Ares was prepared. He disarmed Percy and kicked him back, straight into a sand dune.

"Percy!" Blondie yelled. "Cops!" Percy managed to get to my feet shaking his head. On the road, cop cars were everywhere, car doors were slamming.

"There, officer!" somebody yelled. "See?" A gruff cop voice: "Looks like that kid on TV ... what the heck ..."

"That guy's armed," another cop said. "Call for backup." Percy ran and scooped up his sword. He thrust at Ares' face but found his sword blocked again.

"Admit it, kid," Ares said. "You got no hope. I'm just toying with you." Above them, the flapping of wings sounded. The Furys which Hades had sent to watch the battle. Percy stepped further into the water, but Ares was fast. The tip of his blade ripped Percy's sleeve and grazed his forearm. A police voice on a megaphone said,

"Drop the guns.' Set them on the ground. Now!"

"Guns?" Hazel asked.

"The mist," Frank replied, "Bending their vision."

Hazel looked at Ares's weapon, and it seemed to be flickering; sometimes it looked like a shotgun, sometimes a two-handed sword. Hazel didn't know what the humans were seeing in Percy's hands, but she was pretty sure it wouldn't make them like Percy.

Ares turned to glare at the cops, which gave Percy a moment to breathe. There were five police cars now, and a line of officers crouching behind them, pistols trained on the two fighters.

"This is a private matter!" Ares bellowed. "Be gone.'"

He swept his hand, and a wall of red flame rolled across the patrol cars. The police barely had time to dive for cover before their vehicles exploded. The crowd behind them scattered, screaming. Ares roared with laughter.

"Now, little hero. Let's add you to the barbecue." He slashed. Percy barely deflected his blade. Percy's eyes closed, too tired to continue. The water receded behind him, making it easier for Ares to walk. Ares came toward Percy, grinning confidently.

"Uh-oh." Hazel said, "He's tottally dead."

Frank shook his head, "I wonder how he got out of this situation, I mean maybe Ares tripped and fell on his sword."

Ares raised his sword for the killing blow. Percy rocketed straight over Ares on a wave. A six-foot wall of water smashed him full in the face, leaving him cursing and sputtering with a mouth full of seaweed.

Percy landed behind him with a splash and feinted toward his head. Ares turned in time to raise his sword, but this time he was disoriented, he didn't anticipate the trick. Percy changed direction, lunged to the side, and stabbed his Xiphos straight down into the water, sending the point through the god's heel.

Hazel's jaw dropped.

"How…" Frank said, staring at Percy. "That was…"

"Cool!" Hazel said, laughing.

Ares roared. The very sea was blasted back from Ares, leaving a wet circle of sand fifty feet wide. Icho flowed from a gash in the war god's boot. The expression on his face was beyond hatred. It was pain, shock, complete disbelief that he'd been wounded. He limped forward but something stopped him. Light faded. Sound and color drained away. A cold, heavy presence passed over the beach, slowing time, dropping the temperature to freezing, and making Hazel feel very depressed. The darkness lifted. Ares looked stunned. Police cars were burning. The crowd of spectators had fled. Ares lowered his sword.

"You have made an enemy, godling," he told Percy. "You have sealed your fate. Every time you raise your blade in battle, every time you hope for success, you will feel my curse. Beware, Perseus Jackson. Beware." His body began to glow.

'''Percy!" Blondie shouted. "Don't watch!" Hazel turned away as the god Ares revealed his true irnmortal form. She wasn't sure if she looked she would disintegrate into ashes, But better safe than sorry. The light died Ares was gone. The tide rolled out to reveal Hades's bronze helm of darkness.

Percy picked it up and started to walk toward the others. Three evil-looking grandmothers with lace hats and fiery whips drifted down from the sky and landed in front of him. The middle Fury stepped forward. Her fangs were bared, but for once she didn't look threatening.

. "We saw the whole thing," she hissed. "So ... it truly was not you?" He tossed her the helmet, which she caught in surprise.

"Return that to Lord Hades," Percy said. "Tell him the truth. Tell him to call off the war." She hesitated, then ran a forked tongue over her green, leathery lips.

"Live well, Percy Jackson. Become a true hero. Because if you do not, if you ever come into my clutches again ..." She cackled, savoring the idea. Then she and her sisters rose on their bafts' wings, fluttered into the smoke-filled sky, and disappeared.

"Oh my gods." Hazel spluttered, "That Fury… I mean… .Ares… Stab.. Heel."

Frank nodded in aggrement. "Our friend defeated the god of war and retrieved the like most powerful weapon in the world." Percy joined Grover and Blondie, Hazel still hadn't gotten her name, who were staring at him in amazement.

"Percy ..." Grover said. "That was so incredibly ..." "Terrifying," supplied Blondie "Cool!" Grover corrected.

"Did you guys feel that... whatever it was?" Percy asked. They both nodded uneasily. "Must've been the Furies overhead," Grover said. Percy shook his head and looked into his backpack. The master bolt was still there.

"We have to get back to New York," Percy said. "By tonight."

"That's impossible," Blondie said, "unless we—"

"Fly," Percy agreed. She stared at him like, "Oh-my-gods-what-are-you-thinking-that-is-the-worst-idea-since-Despacito

"Fly, like, in an airplane, which you were warned never to do lest Zeus strike you out of the sky, and carrying a weapon that has more destructive power than a nuclear bomb?"

"He's got a death wish, but I guess we already knew that." Frank said, "I mean the whole, dissing Ares."

"Yeah," Percy smiled. "Pretty much exactly like that. Come on."

AN: I'm gonna be skipping around a lot. I'm not gonna write Hazel and Frank watching everything, I might go back and add more chapters once (if) I'm done with the thing.

Review or something thanks!