A.N.- A little one-shot that came into my head after a picture was posted on the LFFL Facebook group. There will be a part 2, already have an idea in my head for it, but it might be a few days or more before I get around to it. Also I should have the time in these next few weeks to update my current fics. Enjoy! xD

The Prank Wars, Part 1

The goblins were worried. Their King had been gone for far too long, even longer than he had been during the fairy and sprite conflict. And their Queen had been acting stranger than usual. So when Flitter and Scrump got caught pulling pranks on the other goblins, instead of scolding them, Queen Sarah had asked if she could join them. After realizing that she wasn't tricking them into getting even more in trouble, they got excited.

First, they set up a water bucket over a doorway, which Wart was the unfortunate victim of. Then, they placed spiders in the kitchen, which Munchie the cook was none too thrilled about. And finally, they put a whoopie cushion on Hoggle's chair. He grumbled that they needed to grow up, and stomped off. Flitter and Scrump were proud of themselves, thinking that they were done for the day, but Sarah had a different idea. "The King is returning tonight, so how should we prank him?"

There was silence for a full minute, something Sarah didn't realize the goblins were capable of. Finally, Flitter said, in an awed, hushed tone, "We don't prank Kingy. He'll Bog us!"

Sarah waved her hand dismissively, "Well the King needs to learn to lighten up. I tell you what, if he gets mad, I'll take responsibility." That seemed to appease them and they all tried to think of ideas.

"We could tie his boots together," Scrump supplied.

"HIs boots don't have any laces," Sarah replied.

"We could give him pants that are too small," Flitter said.

"Sadly, I think he would enjoy those a bit too much," Sarah laughed.

"Ooh, I knows!" Scrump cried. "You could put a chicken in your shirt and pretend you're fat! I did that to Breeta the other day and she thought I'd eaten too much!'

A lightbulb went off in Sarah's head, as a smirk crossed her face. "Guys, find me the calmest chicken you can."

Later that evening, Jareth appeared straight to his bedroom. That had been the longest, most tedious meeting he'd ever been to. He was looking forward to relaxing with his Queen, perhaps exchange massages. Where was she at? She usually greeted him with kisses and hugs, which led to more...intimate activities.

"Jareth?" Her voice called out from the bathroom.

"Sarah, Precious, why are you in the bathroom, hiding from me?"

"I have something to show you, but I'm not sure how you'll react."

"Love, you can tell me or show me anything. You know I won't get mad, whatever it is."

"Alright, here goes."

At first, Jareth didn't understand why she was fussing. Then he spotted her belly, which was protruding far past her breasts. "Sarah?" He was calm but his voice was still high to his own ears.

She looked sheepishly at him. "Since Karen just recently had my sister, Rebecca, I recognized the symptoms right away, of course."

He stood there, looking stunned. It was possible for Fae to have children, but it typically required magic and a lot of coupling. Sarah wasn't a Fae, though, even if she was immortal now.

Seeing that he wasn't moving, or speaking, she prompted, "Jareth, I'm pregnant." The moment was ruined by a loud squawk as a chicken poked its head out of her shirt. Sarah disolved into a fit of laughter as the chicken scrambled free, clucking as it rushed out the bedroom door. Sarah went stone cold sober when she caught sight of the dark expression on Jareth's face. "Oh, come on, it was a prank."

"I'll teach you not to prank me like that ever again. I think I'll start by making sure you're good and sore in the morning."

Sarah didn't know whether to be frightened or excited by the prospect. Perhaps both.

The goblins didn't get in trouble for their role in the prank played on the King, but they also didn't see their Queen for a whole week.