Dear Journal.

Theres alot of things I notice about Motherboard. I have decided to keep a journal on it, to look back on when we are old.

Dear Journal,

I have noticed that she does not like heat. she kicked me by accident last night trying to kick the blanket off of herself while we were watching Tron.


Dear Journal

She does not like Tron. I have watched it like 5 times with her (only thing on) and overhead her telling her brother it was a horrible movie. I asked her about it, and she said she only watched it because she thought it was my favorite movie.

I thought it was hers. We both had a good laugh afterwards though.


Dear Journal,

shes very kind and nuturing. A child fell down today in Poddlevile, a good 100 feet infront of us. She sprinted to help the child, as no mother was to be found.

She cleaned its cut with neosporin (from her purse first-aid kit. She has it for when her brother accidentily gets hurt)

I personally don't think I have ever seen someone be so gentle with a child before. Melissa wiped away the little ones tears, and it seemed as if she had given birth to this child and it was her own.

Apprently the child was a ophan who was just adopted. Motherboard took her with us to get icecream to celebrate (with the girl's mother's permission of course.)


Dear journal.

She has the prettiest laugh. it's just so cute and gentle. The laugh soft and rythmic. its the laugh of an angel


Dear journal-

Today I have noticed something rather odd. Mellissa and I were on a walk along the deep Castleblanca roads. Mellissa squezed herself under my arm, snugggling up to my body. she smelled like a Cyber-Lotus. It was pleasant. She kept getting closer to the forest, Maybe she liked it there? I let her go farther, but eventually grabed her, and started to head home. she said a litttle bit, butultimately fell asleep on the way home.


Dear Journal,

I found her rather fond of my cat moon. my skitish cat was all over her, and wouldn't leave her alone. She just smiled and pet her like it was nothing.


Dear Journal,

Today was my first day with Motherboard not feeling the best. She became much more cuddly and soft. I woke her up normally, but she turned away. I left and woke her twice more. She got fussy and irratated, which honestly just made her look like an adorable little kid. She pushed me away and then after a little stumble she locked me out, but she forgot I had a set of keys to her dorm. I gave her about 15 minutes, then came back in to find her alseep, breathing through her mouth. I turned to go and grab something for her to take, but then she softly grasped my big hand with her tiny delicate one, causing me to turn back.

"Stay with me...please.."

I climbed on her soft bed and she laid her head on my chest, and she wrapped herself up in my sweater I was curently wearing. she fell asleep.

I still cannot believe my beloved was going to lay alone but I refused once I found out.

But all in all, I enjoyed my time with her, even if she didn't feel good.


Dear Journal,

I love her so much. I already want to spent the whole rest of my life with her, and ive only been with her for a short period of time (1.5 years this may.) I have never found any one who has made me this happy before. She just...gets me. She has the same interests and likes and dislikes as me. we both want the same things and such also.

she just completes me.


-Dear journal.

I think I heard her crying... Im not sure if she was or not. I got home from my uncles early, and I heard someone crying. i went to knock on the door. It suddenly stopped and she opened the door, her face dry of tears and looking like that of an angel. maybe it wasnt her, but?


Dear Journal,

She is a night owl. She doesnt seem to sleep much at all, but she can still be super happy and sweet. What is she taking, because I want some. Jk:)


Dear. Journal

She eats ice alot. like without anything with it, just plain ice. She also eats cough drops like candy. she sucks on them during church. Maybe thats why she has such a good immune system? Who knows.


Dear journal

Melissa bites her fingers when shes anxious and sometimes bounces her leg. I think its cute honestly, her brother thinks its werid.


Dear Journal,

Mellisa loves snow. She watched it for like an hour out my window, entranced. I had to throw a cat toy at her to make sure she wasnt asleep.

That was not okay. She threw it back and we ended up in an all out war.


Dear Journal,


Let me explain from the top.

I picked her up for dinner, and this random. Scrawny air head shows up. He hugged her...and...

I socked him in the face.

I did not intent to do that, my heart just took control of my brain. Melissa left me then and there, paid for own dinner and the other boys face(who was apprently an old childhood friend.Go figure!!) and called me jealous. I dont know how to feel...Well, if I dont ever get back together with her...

Good bye, Journal.


Dear Journal.

Wow, its been a while sense I have written, and let me tell you, I have been miserable without her. She is my other half. I can't sleep, eat, or even watch or play anything. I just keep looking though the doorway, expecting her to be there, or for her to be beside me in bed.

I noticed, I can't get over that tiny bluenette can I?

Dear Journal

We are back together!!!!! I gave a her a heartfelt apology, and she practically jumped on me, wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing me. I love her.

thats all I can say.

I have noticed something.

I have found my soulmate.