Mario: Yoshi, No! No! Don't Even Think About Licking My Face!

{Yoshi Licks Mario's Face}

Mario: Ewww! Yoshi, You Licked My Face.

{Yoshi Stands There Like A Dog}

Mario: Bad Yoshi! I Can't Let You Lick My Face Like That! Who Taught You How To Lick People's Faces? Was It Garfield Or Odie? If It Was Them, They Are In A Heap Of Trouble, And So Are You.

{Yoshi Keeps Licking Mario's Face}

Mario: T. Yoshisaur Munchakoopas, That Is So Disrespectful. We Don't Lick People's Faces At All!

{Yoshi Still Keeps Licking Mario's Face Multiple Times}

Mario: That's It, Yoshi! You Are Grounded For 2 Days For Licking My Face! Go Back To Your Island Now!