Disclaimer: I don't own Saving Hope or the Originals, because if I did Elijah, Klaus, and Joel would never have died.

And here's Chapter 12. I did mean to post this yesterday, but it's a bit late, sorry about that, but at least it's not three weeks. Hope you enjoy

Chapter 12

Joel watched Luke sit at a table with Hope. The 5 year old had insisted that they stay for a few hours so that he and Hope could talk more. He had half a mind to call Josh and get him to babysit them after giving bother children more sugar than either had ever seen in their lives as payback for 1) giving Luke too much sugar all those times, and 2) giving Luke to someone else in order to go to a party held by people he hated without even telling him. Then he remembered the reason he wanted payback was because Josh had given his son to a woman he didn't know whilst babysitting. He watched the two talk whilst painting.

"Dad! Paint with us!" Luke exclaimed, with an excited look in his eyes.

"Luke," he started before being interrupted.

"Pleeeeaaaaassse?" Joel sighed as his 5 year old gave him puppy dog eyes before going over and sitting on the third chair at the table.

"What are we painting today then, oh masters?" he asked as Hope placed a new sheet of paper in front of him.

"You don't have to paint," Hope told him. "You can just draw of you like. It can be whatever you like."

10 minutes later, Hayley and Freya walked into the room to see the two children giggling at the adult who was pouting comically at the two. Hayley and Freya shared a confused look. Joel looked up and saw them in the doorway.

"Ladies! Children are cruel, cruel people! They don't like my drawing! They're telling me it's awful! What do you think?" He held up a piece of paper and Freya bit her lip, holding in a laugh and Hayley snorted in amusement. He raised an eyebrow. "Well?"

"You drew stick figures," Hayley said with a smirk. "It's not exactly impressive."

"Well that's a shame," Joel said sincerely. "Because that one in the middle is you." With that last part, he grinned. Hayley gaped and Freya finally burst out laughing, clutching her sides. Hayley narrowed her eyes.

"Is that one lying on the floor you?" she asked sweetly. Joel turned it around and took a look before looking back at her.

"There isn't one on the floor."

"There will be." Joel smirked at her before turning back to the kids.

"I told you Mom would agree," Hope said simply. Joel pouted slightly before looking at Luke who just giggled and continued painting his own picture.

"Oh alright," Joel said, sighing dramatically. "I give up. I'm no good at drawing." Hope studied him for a minute before nodding once decisively.

"Good. You can admit your own faults." Joel blinked, looking at her, opened his mouth, before closing it again. Hayley snickered and Freya started laughing again after having just recovered from her last bout of laughter. Hayley thought she might have heard him mutter about little girls being mean.

"Well I think it's time for us to go home now, Luke." Immediately Luke started protesting. "Luke, you've got school in the morning, we've got to go home so that you can sleep. And I've got work as well."

"I didn't think you had a job?" Hayley said, brow furrowing.

"That's because over the last 7-8 years you've been around people who's only job seems to be pissing each other off," he said casually before continuing the conversation between him and Luke. "I promise you that if you do as you're told, you can come back on Friday, and maybe you can bring Amelia with you." Luke immediately started packing his toys which had been abandoned in the corner into his backpack and then looked attentively at his father. "OK, let's go. Friday's alright with you guys, right?" he asked just as Klaus came in with Elijah.

"Alright for what?" he asked.

"Play date," Freya answered. "Luke didn't want to leave so Joel promised him he could come back on Friday." Klaus shrugged slightly.

"It shouldn't be a problem. We'll have our little Hollow problem sorted by then," he said confidently.

"Don't get cocky," Joel warned. "This thing is older than even you, gramps." Klaus narrowed his eyes at him as he smirked and Elijah's eyebrows climbed up his forehead, hiding a smirk of his own.


Joel walked out of the OR after a successful surgery with a grin on his face. Now he got to tell the 15 year old girl's parents that their daughter wouldn't be paralyzed for the rest of her life. She'd been raining for a gymnastics tournament went she fell, but he'd fixed the damage so she'd be back on her feet soon. The parents, Mr and Mrs James, had thanked him profusely before going to their daughter's room where she was being taken to rest after the surgery. Then he saw Josh standing at the nurses station and sighed, walking over.

"Joel, hey," Josh greeted him with a smile. Joel shot him a look before gesturing for him to follow. They went into the break room and Joel turned to face him, arms crossed, waiting.

"I need help with Marcel."

"I'm sorry, Joel, for leaving your son with a woman you don't know and probably hates me for siding with the man who almost killed her daughter's family 5 years ago. Oh, that's OK, just run it by me next time. Yeah. No. Not cool dude." Josh winced slightly, before nodding.

"I know, that wasn't cool, man, but I needed to be at that party!"

"Really? Because when we spoke on the phone, you had absolutely no intentions on going to that party! Then, I leave Luke with you, and what do I find? You've left him with some woman I don't know in order to go to some party!"

"Well I was kind of being blackmailed by a homicidal supermodel at the time! Look, I'm sorry I left Luke with Hayley, but I kind of didn't have a choice!"

"Just like you," came a new voice from the doorway. Both guys turned to see a certain blonde homicidal supermodel standing there. "You're going to help me get Marcel back, or I'm going to tear you and everyone you love into pieces so small, they'll still be finding parts of you in 1000 years."

"Seriously?!" Josh exclaimed. "Now you're following me?! And threatening my friend?!"

"Sofya," he said slowly, studying her. "I honestly don't think you can do a thing against me, or those I love." The vampire narrowed her eyes at him.

"Don't test me," she hissed at him as she suddenly had him up against the wall, hand tightening around his throat. Josh rushed forwards, protesting. Sofya pushed him away into the back wall, causing him to land with a crash. "Now, you're going to help me get Marcel from the Mikaelsons."

"Darling, at the end of the day, you won't even remember the Mikaelsons." She sneered at him and tightened her grip on his throat before suddenly releasing him.

"You, come with me." She walked off out of the room. The guys looked at each other.

"Is she serious?!"

"Probably best to assume she is and go after her."

"What?! No!" Joel protested. "You may have nothing better to do at the moment, but I have work! You know, mending bones, life saving surgeries, I can't just leave! And, more importantly, I don't want to! This guy she wants me to save doesn't even like me, and he tried making a 2 year old girl an orphan, why would I try to help a 'homicidal supermodel' free an even more homicidal 'king'?!"

"Uh, because if you don't she'll kill you and Luke?" Joel scowled.

"She won't be able to get to Luke."

"Well, Marcel is my friend, so yes, I would like him back from your homicidal 1000 year old vampire/witch/werewolf family, so do you have any better ideas?"

"Yes," he said. "Let him serve his time, it's like if someone gets caught attempting murder. They get caught, they do time. Marcel's not going to be where he is forever. And as for Sofya? She thinks a long trip to Hawaii is due. Now, I need to get back to work. I'll talk to you later, OK?" Without another word, Joel turned and got back to work, leaving Josh in the break room which he was promptly kicked out of as it was for staff only. Josh sighed and went back to his bar. He turned after a few minutes to see Freya there.

"I need a vampire for a spell. You just volunteered."

'What is it with me and the creepy, sometimes homicidal, blondes?' he asked himself incredulously.


Hope snuck downstairs into the set of tunnels her parents didn't even know she knew about and walked for 5 minutes until she saw a man trapped in a boundary spell pacing. He stopped before turning towards her.

"I think this belongs to you," Hope said, holding out a little toy soldier.

"Hope." She threw the old toy soldier across the barrier and he caught it easily. "I haven't seen this in a century," he said looking at the toy soldier, turning it in his hand. Why had Klaus kept this?

"So, you're the little boy who used to live in my house?" she asked curiously as she watched him.

"Once, a long time ago, I lived he with your dad," he admitted, still looking at the toy.

"He keeps you locked down here because he thinks you want to kill him," she said, getting to the point. "Do you?" He looked at her.

"Listen, I will tell you everything you want to know, if you get me some blood from your dad's stash."

"I'm 7, not stupid."

"Right. You're also pretty courageous. Coming down here and talking to a stranger."

"I'm not scared," Hope said, cheerfully, shrugging her shoulders. "I'm a Mikaelson witch."

"I'll tell you what," he started, kneeling down so that he was at her height. "Let's start fresh. It is very nice to see you again, Hope Mikaelson. I'm Marcel. I'm surprised your parents haven't stormed down here looking for you."

"My Mom trusts me," Hope said with another shrug of her shoulders.

"Yeah, but your dad never trusted anyone in his life," he retorted. Hope frowned a little bit.

"If he took care of you when you were little, why do you hate him so much? What did he do to you?"

"Your dad raised me," Marcel started. "He made me who I am. Now, you ask me if I hate him? You can't hate the one who made you who you are. You just end up hating yourself. The truth is, I wish I could hate your dad, but... You can't hate someone you've loved for so long." They talked for about 10 minutes for she stopped suddenly.

"There's something wrong. I have to go." She got to her feet.

"Hope, wait!" Marcel said. "Hope, it's not safe. I need you to get me out of this circle."

"I can't, my Dad will be mad!"

"No, he won't. I'll keep you safe." He could hear people upstairs, and he was sure Hope could sense them with her magic.

"I can protect myself, and my Mom and Dad. I'm strong enough to stop the bad guys, I'm stronger than anybody thinks!" She turned to leave.

"Wait Hope! I know you're strong. That's how I know you can get me out of here. I need you to trust me right now. Your dad rescued me. He raised me, and I knew your mom when she was a baby. We're family, what does your mommy say about family?"

"We stick together, always and forever."

"That's right." They both heard as a man's voice shouted out to others. "I need you to trust me, OK?" She took off her bracelet and used her magic to undo the spell keeping him where he was and he took her hand, pulling her into a hug as people came in. "Now, I want you to close your eyes, and sing."

And there's the end of the chapter. Don't forget to leave a review, guys, I'd love to know what you all think.

- Kyrian Mikaelson