Disclaimer: I don't own Saving Hope or The Originals. If I did certain stuff would or would my have happened. (Hello Elejah, Klaroline and Jalex.)

Chapter 1

Joel Goran looked up from 9 month old Luke as their flight was called.

"Come on then," he whispered to his son as he stood. Like let out some gurgling cooing noises in response, waving his arms at nothing in particular.

He boarded the plain and put his carry on bag in the overhead storage, sitting down and strapping Luke into his own seat securely. Part of him still couldn't believe he was actually here, that this was actually happening. Starting Hope Zion 3 years ago, he didn't think that he'd be flying away with a son, a precious baby boy who had become his life in only a few short seconds.

3 hours later…

Joel carefully lay his son on the bed in the master bedroom sleeping peacefully and piled up pillows around him to make sure he wouldn't roll off the bed. With Luke safe, he started unpacking their clothes into the wardrobe and put a photo album into the draw of his new bedside table, which only took about an hour. The rest could wait until the morning.

Joel stood outside the Tulane Medical Centre where he was due to start work in half an hour. He just had to drop Luke off at the daycare centre and go to the chief if surgery's office to get a list of his patients.

"What the hell are you doing here?" came a man's voice from behind him. Curiosity had him turn to see what was happening, only to find a dark skinned man staring at him with a scowl on his face.

"Excuse me?" Joel asked, confused. The man's scowl only grew angrier as he got closer.

"I said, what the hell are you doing here? You shouldn't even be alive, Elijah, let alone here." The man spat the name out in disgust and Joel pitied the poor guy it was aimed at.

"I don't know who you are or who Elijah is, but I seriously doubt you're supposed to basically admit to killing a guy," he said frowning. Luke shifter slightly in his arms, trying to get a look of his daddy's new friend. Joel held him tighter. The man scoffed, glaring at him.

"You're taking kids now too? You killed Davina, now you're taking some innocent kid? New low Elijah, and whatever you're trying to do, I'm going to stop you." Before Joel could argue, another dark skinned man came up to them, expression darker than the guy who was already confronting him for something he had no clue about.

"How the hell are you still alive?" he snarled at him. Joel was about to reply when he caught notice of the veins underneath his eyes which had started turning red.

'Vampire. Why did I pick New Orleans again? Oh yes, peace and quiet while I raise my son without my fiancé. There goes that.'

"I never died mate. I don't know who either of you are but I'd very much like to take my son," this bit being said with a very pointed look at the first man, "off at daycare and start work, so leave us alone." He used his barely ever actively used mental abilities to persuade them to leave at the same time he said it. The two looked like they might be fighting it for a few seconds, but eventually turned to leave.

Joel sighed and turned back to the hospital, finally going in before those two could come back and decide to kill him for whatever this Elijah did. Something told him it wouldn't take long for them to do just that.