The sun was slowly setting over the Mud Kingdom and that made the thick mud cold and thick to the dragons who loved taking a dip in the goop, one such dragon growled softly at the shifting of the day and grumbled to herself as she got up.

Cattail eased out from the mud as she shook off her wings and stretched out the cricks in her joints. She waved her tail behind her as she made her way back to her sleephouse and Sibs. She smiled as she imagined that loving pile they shared as only Siblings could.

She froze as a hard grip seized her tail. She turned and bristled at the sight of the claw holding her tail. It couldn't be.

Slowly others emerged, and she found herself surrounded by them. This meant only one thing: Him.

"What do you piles of rock want?!"

She snapped icily, as she yanked her tail away from the one holding it as it fixed red eyes to her, and pulled the rest of what could only be described as a skeletal frame of a dragon made entirely of stone out of the spongy earth.


Cattail snapped her jaws tersely at the slow grinding voice of the Golem in front of her.

"I don't care what he wants! If he wanted to keep them then he should have taken them! What else was I supposed to do with them?! Just sit there and wait until he-"

She was cut off as a powerful grip seized her by the throat and lifted her completely off the ground. She thrashed about furiously until it let go and a familiar voice cut through the air.


She coughed as she looked up at the animated creation and noted the shift in eye color. They weren't just seemingly fixed to one point, no they were real. Real warm brown. He was there. In a manner of speaking.


He addressed her curtly, as he waved down the others and stepped back from her reach. She looked up puzzled, was it him? Or was this someone else? No it had to be him. She glanced around at the other Golems shifting around her. No other dragon known to Pyrrhia possessed this kind of gift; Animation.

She heaved herself up as she rubbed her throat before leveling her gaze at him. She had remembered how they had first met and how he was so different from all the others she'd met in the Mud Kingdom, and how she had guided him through her people's Kingdom. What was a close friendship between them grew to culminate in one night. He'd been fantastic.

But was this the same male? Back in those days he'd have helped her back up. Time changed all it seemed, even those of good heart.

"You know why I'm here."

She looked up from her reverie as the avatar of the first dragon outside her Sibs she had grown to love, bent right down to her face.

"Where. Are. They?"